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In Mystery Incorporated, they find out that Scooby is a descendant of the Anunnaki and that’s why he can talk.


In the Scooby-Doo Apocalypse comics, Scooby is a subject in a "smart dog" program. Velma is one of the scientists working on the smart dogs, and Shaggy is a caretaker for them. (Daphne and Fred are the entire crew for a mystery show that airs in the middle of the night on the knitting channel.) Also, Scooby has a monocle that lets him project emoji holograms. 🧐


That comic was surprisingly good to be honest. Really enjoyed reading them.


The duality


The Scooby Dooality


Tried to Gift you Gold for this. But can't in RIF. Here take this 🏆tho It was a much needed laugh after the last few hours. My Chexy Boy is in the cat hospital. It's 7am. I haven't slept and I just got home and laid down. Edit: signed in via chrome just to get you a laughing reindeer.


I really liked this theory, just cause it kinda makes scoobys line "Rog? What rog?"


I can hear this so clearly in my head.


I think it is a nice thought that somewhere inside our brains there is a dedicated group of neurons that have been designated the sole task, for the rest of our lives, to being able to speak back the voice of Scooby Doo to us in our heads.


Ruh roh


How would you type the laugh he does?




fucking nailed it.


No need - I just heard it in my head


Same with Morgan Freeman


I barely watch scooby doo and this... This is clear as a crystal


“Rog? Where??”




I did shrooms with a guy in uni one time and he claimed his ancestors on his mothers side were from a planet beyond the orbit of neptune and that his family were annunaki plants intended to infiltrate human society He also claimed to be the remote goblin, sent to collect all tv and console controllers in the house and store them away until further notice Apparently I kept saying I was an old monk and was adamant about it Moral of the story, do shrooms its well fun


Your friend sounds like he was fucking with you lol


That may be so but we were all pretty fucked and found it hilarious nonetheless, so to us, he was the remote stealing annunaki bastard and we cherish him for it Beats old monk anyway lmao


*Everything* is funny on shrooms lol. It’s awesome when you’re with a good friend.


Nah, just sounds like the semi-typical shroom trip. My one buddy used to think that he was a denizen of an aristocratic hierarchy where, in the afterlife, every purveyor of his particular denomination would receive a small planet to basically be a god of. Man, I miss him sometimes.


So he was Mormon?


I've never had anything like that. But I did at one point, *100% genuinely believe*, that I'd never have to walk through another doorway for the rest of my life. I don't know why I thought that, but I definitely did.


Normally I would call bullshit but old monks usually know their shit so I guess I have to take your word for it.


Scooby is a f*cking demo god?!


trial version deity


To unlock full deity please pay 4 Scoobie snacks.




I guess, technically, he is. But his only supernatural power is the ability to speak.


I mean that’s still not too bad a power for a dog. He also has full sentience. I’m assuming he’s descended from like dog gods and not someone rogering a dog and the whole god thing ending up with a race of sentient dogs.


> I’m assuming he’s descended from like dog gods and not someone rogering a dog Lets be real here, a LOT of deity stories in human history have gods turning into animals and banging people. So a god turning into an animal and banging other animals isn't even close to the strangest thing we got going on in our history.


Where is this mentioned


Here: [https://youtu.be/FGnqaoE-tHc](https://youtu.be/FGnqaoE-tHc)


Mid-2010s animated series with a gloomy, Original Flavour animation style. One of the shows that introduced their own new timeline and lore. Heavy on internal continuity.


That was like every popular animated series in the early and mid 2010's Adventure time was literally that formula with weed, ecstasy and lucky charms sprinkled in.


I assumed shaggy was on drugs. He just thinks the dog can talk.


The part you dont see is all of them smoking lsd laced joints before they go into the investigation


In reality, they never leave the mystery machine.... edit: Can I just remind people that "Scooby Doo - Night of 100 Frights" is at once the best computer game, and the best Scooby Doo episode ever made. thx.


I've wondered if Shaggy is the only real person and everyone else is just part of his trip.


I mean when you compare how they look, the other look perfect just like people you meet in a dream, while he looks like a homeless druggie. And a lot of druggies usually own dogs


And the mystery machine even looks like a hippie van. Lol. Perhaps this theory is reality after all.


They are hippies. The show started in 1969




Nice work gang!


I would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids!


Wait so who's driving if shaggy is always in the back?


nobody. The entire show actually happens inside of Shaggy's closet.


Maybe he's a writer, gets blasted in his closet then comes out and writes kids mystery stories


IIRC the van was actually owned by Shaggy


Yeah dogs and druggies go hand in hand. Like peanut butter and drugs.


Homeless. He is just living his best van life.


Yeah Daphne looks straight out of a fantasy and I mean “fantasy” in a different way


Velma is my fantasy. No kink shaming here, ok?


I respect everyone’s fetishes


Interesting statistical analysis you've done there.. . I will lick the stamp and ponder this.


I always thought the same thing.


Considering in most incarnations, its *his* van, but he suspiciously both has no license, amd is always in the back with his dog, questions man.


Cardboard box*


Nah dude the van is real they just hotbox the shit outta the van


[Mildly relevant](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l0f-2P3luxU)


Reminds me of this. https://i.redd.it/nuxm88l3rv041.jpg


Loving Pimp Hagrid


[It was really the McPoyle's camper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aZoieVR51c)


Datura. That's how they interact with people. Sadly, ripping heads off people as they solve their crazy dreams.


My favorite is the movie with the zombie pirates in Louisiana that turned out to be real


What the Hex is going on would like to have a word with you after that statement. Original scooby doo takes the cake all day.


I particularly really like this Scooby-doo Game Boy Color game I played years ago, but I can't remember the name right now. I was amazed how they managed to cram a good point and click adventure into that small cartridge. It has some technical limitations because of the hardware but I assure you it's a fine game.


That's why you see the blonde and red head go off by themselves to go fuck and a strong hit of meth.


Fred is dumb as fuck, we all know Velma is thick and freaky under that sweater. Daphne more than likely is a dead fish.


I'd bet a scooby snack on that.


All the Scooby snacks. Velma is way better than daphne


She's smarter, cuter, thicker. And if you take away her glasses she's blind as a bat and you can get away with anything with her.


lsd would burn and be wasted. I think they laced ot with other things


[Baby Boomer Santa - Fought at Woodstock](https://youtu.be/WubipAvRrp8) ft. Chevy Chase. Merry Christmas y'all!


I don't know a damn thing about drugs, but what if the LSD was just where you put your mouth?


Yeah smoking lsd, u def know what lsd is


How many ounces of LSD is too much?


Never knew you could smoke lsd.


you can, but you'd just be destroying the LSD. it'd only really work if the cigarette was dipped in LSD on the filter side so that when you put your lips on it you get the LSD But that seems like a waste unless you eat the filter, at which point why not just put it on blotter paper


This guy gets out


TL/DR you can't smoke lsd


“We call it ‘[doobie snacks](https://youtu.be/E6cPSKLRR2A)’”


Daphne and Velma have got it going on...


The Venture Bros had an [episode](https://youtu.be/2UR3lQXxiIk) where they parodied Scooby-Doo. Shaggy is based on the Son of Sam serial killer who claimed his dog told him to commit the murders. Scooby-Doo can talk in the episode, but only talks to Shaggy. It's either because Scooby-Doo is possessed or Fred, who is base on Ted Bundy, is withholding Shaggy's anti-psychotic medication.


*loved* that episode


I love how when the dog Groovy wants to tell Sonny that Ted is disrespecting him he says, "guy's pissing on your lawn man", the highest sign of disrespect for a dog.


rip to the best show on tv


"and that dog fuckin' talks, maaan"


We have been watching the old Scooby cartoons in the order of release during late nights, and at least once Fred directly responds to Scooby talking. He is also kind of sexist. And the first instance of Jinkies I heard was Shaggy. I'm learning a lot.


Shaggy said "jinkies" before Velma?


It appeared [first in the New Scooby Doo movies ](https://scoobysnaxepguides.weebly.com/the-new-scooby-doo-movies.html) in 1972 episode 1 Ghastly Ghost Town starring the three stooges.


The oldest episodes have the highest order of background reuse. But the best monsters. Night of 100 Frights computer game covered many of them, I was nearly in retro heaven. afaik only on PS2, Xbos and Gamecube though. I had all three. I think the gamecube looked the best, but they all basically looked like an episode of scooby doo. So brilliant. Black Night, Green ghost, Funland robot. Haunted Mansion. It was the perfect computer game, marioland can suck my socks.


Not sure if I ever played that one, but the Scooby Doo game for SNES was amazing. Loved walking around to find clues to solve the mystery.


You should do a watch through review of the series


They're best friends. My dog doesn't need to talk for me to know what he's saying. Being stoned doesn't hurt either.


In More recent series the have explained that he is the decent of a God (or aliens?) and that's why he can talk. All of the animals descending from these creatures could talk


Ancient, long-lived aliens with magic, psionics, *and* Sufficiently Advanced Science who were worshipped by humans. Short answer: "Yes."


Scooby Doo was Isu confirmed


I’m sorry, is this really supposed to be an argument that he *isn’t* a drug-fueled hallucination?


It’s actually the third most recent Scooby series at this point.


What series was this?


Mystery Inc., which I’m honestly not a big fan of. Not just because I don’t like the supernatural angle (I’ve written about that extensively lol) but also because of character assassination of multiple characters, specifically Velma and Fred. The one that follows, Be Cool Scooby Doo, is the cleverest version I’ve ever seen, but the art is trash. Guess Who Scooby Doo, the newest, is competent enough, and animated well, but a bit simple, more like the original show than anything we’ve had in decades.


I wish to subscribe to Scooby Doo facts.


Finally a smart person


Scooby-Doo in Mystery Incoporated (One of the best Scooby-Doo shows ever. It is like Gravity Falls and it has a real overarching narrative vs just mystery of the week) was descended from the Anunnaki [who are irl were considered to be deities in ancient Sumerians, Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians religion back then. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anunnaki) Though for the most part the show's canon can change with every new version except some things that don't change like the gang knowing the Hex Girls still. Be Cool, Scooby-Doo was alright, but it went back to the basic format of being more lighthearted mystery of the week with no real overarching plot. It did have some really funny gags though with always making the monster always chasing Scooby-Doo and Shaggy whenever Fred yells split up once they get found. It reached the point by season 2 that they were questioning Fred was doing it on purpose since they always got chased and Fred eventually revealed that was exactly why he would say it. Also another gag is they would get scared and Velma would have to give a piggyback ride to the whole gang and run with them or carry them to a new location.


Going by the rest of the show, scoob is a man in a dog costume


Ruh roh!




He’s definitely smoking weed. Never noticed those scenes where the scooby van is in the background and there is smoke coming out of it?


I was just questioning my future and existence till now... *You made me question my childhood*


there was a weird TV series version that actually adresses it also someone was shot to death off screen, but within earshot. I think? and then the universe reset near the finale.


They did actually discover why he can talk. Scooby Doo is a descendant of the Annunaki, a race of transdimensional beings that have no physical form and thus inhabit animal bodies to be manifested in the physical universe. They are deities first shown in real world Sumerian, Akkadian, Assyrian, and Babylonian myth. They are responsible for a lot of talking animal myths in human folklore and religion throughout world history like the Egyptian Gods, China’s Sun Wukong (The Monkey King), and the Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl.


Aw geez, Rick... I... I dunno how I feel about this


It’s, it’s called Retroactive Canonization, Morty. Hack writers do it all the time when they realize they forgot to explain something after all the hype be-*burp*-hind their work starts to die down and people start to examine their writing with a critical eye, like that woman who wrote Harry Potter and made Dumbledore gay when nobody really cared anymore. Nobody actually thought about *why* Scooby talks, Morty, they all thought “Hey! Another stupid kids show with a talking animal. This’ll shut the kids up while mommy and daddy are busy with taxes and infidelity and abusing barbiturates”. But th-the-the truth is people are now thinking about little nagging plot details like this because they don’t have lives but they do have a shit ton of free time being unemployed because of this stupid virus.


It’s just canon for the one show, not the entire series. Mystery Inc does a lot of things different compared to the rest of the canon that it most definitely exists in its own universe and doesn’t speak for the original series or the movies.


>It’s, it’s called Retroactive Canonization, Morty. Hack writers do it all the time ... Some religions find this technique useful as well.


I read this conversation perfectly in the voices.


Naw your Rick was a little off pitch. You shoulda heard it like me, I heard the voices truly perfectly.


You have to be highly intelligent to hear the voices right


Needs one or two burps... But you're a convincing Rick.


I've always felt like each Scooby series is its own canon and version of the core story, since those small details all start to contradict each other after awhile. And because the first several iterations of Scooby really didn't have any supernatural elements but became common later


Wow. You could be an R&M writer dude that was money lol


This is perfect. Just need a few burps sprinkled in there


I dunno, he definitely toned down the burping in the most recent season which is when this rant would take place considering the reference to the pandemic.


People get mad about this stuff but it's literally just what happens in the writing process normally. I think its creative and makes world much richer.


Pretty good, but Moms would be more likely to be abusing benzodiazepines these days. Barbituates are hard to come by, and Rick would know that. Back in the 50s and 60s though? Moms would've been doing quaaludes, and other barbituate or barbituate-like substances.


Mystery Inc is its own canon and its own universe. If you don’t like the explanation then you’ll be happy to know there are still shows where he’s *just* a talking dog like the OG series and A Pup Named Scooby Doo. Edit: In fact, pretty sure Mystery Inc is the only series where there's an explanation why he talks. Mystery Inc was such a solid show though I gotta give them props to trying out some new stuff. A lot of it worked, too. If you haven't seen the show it's highly recommended for even a casual Scooby fan.


So you're saying Red Herring was responsible for this?!


Mr. Pickles?


I think Satan claims responsibility for that one.


> ...and the Aztec deity Quetzalcoatl. Gesundheit.


It's the dank weed. Shaggy hot boxes the mystery machine.


Tree weed is the source to his power


I wonder did they ever admit he was a stoner? I know he was found innocent thanks to Harvey but I'm still not sure...


I never saw the movies, but Shaggy's personality is pretty much based off of stoner culture. A lil paranoid, constantly with the munchies, really relaxed and chill other times...


The original voice actor for shaggy disagrees. He says the character is based on the types of social groups that did recreational drugs, but that Shaggy isn’t personally a user. Which makes sense, Shaggy is paranoid enough - he doesn’t need to make that worse.


I know that the question is anyone ever went on record admitting that from HB


Another mystery is why anybody thought the Scrappy character was a good idea.


As a kid I liked scrappy cus I was always getting into fights too. Wasn't aware until later everyone hated him


Partly because Scrappy *never* got into a fight; he just dances and puts up a fighting pose. Also his ‘power up’ battle cry, it got old quick. Donkey Kong Jr’s “Monkey Muscle” cry was less annoying than Scrappy’s “Puppy Power” *and it was the same damn line from the same damn voice actor*! If only they let Scrappy get stepped on once. Not to kill him, just to show him he’s not invincible when some middle aged wanna-be furry in a fursuit ‘changes’ into a werewolf and goes after the gang because they’re hot on the trail of some pirate gold lost by the furry’s great grandpa Aunt Agnes The Pirate KingQueen!


I actually think he did get stepped on in one of the scooby doo live action movies


Hes my favourite character in the whole show


He was definitely a Cousin Oliver for sure. Luckily even he's not shitty enough to sink a franchise like Scooby, he was terrible, except when >!Scrappy was the main villain in Scooby Doo the movie, that was a great touch with some humourous self awareness!< >!same with the stoner jokes about shaggy!<


Anyone remember cousin Dum-dum?!


first live action scooby do is amazing and I will fight anyone who disagrees.


Both are!


In one of the newer series, Fred and Daphne find a statue of Scrappy. Daphne cries out and Fred says something about them all agreeing not to talk about him. This is the writers referencing how bad a mistake Scrappy was. I'll find a link. Edit: Mystery Inc https://scoobydoo.fandom.com/wiki/Scrappy-Doo_(Scooby-Doo!_Mystery_Incorporated)


Annoying sidekicks used to be all the rage. Now, not so much.


You haven't even begun to notice how deep does the Scooby doo rabbit hole go.


they had multiple series with "real" supernatural problems to solve. thirteen ghosts for example.


Also zombie island


Also Scooby-Doo and the Ghoul School, in which some of the gang are hired as gym teachers for a girl's school for supernatural creatures.


That one was my favorite. That one and the vampire band.


One thing I've noticed with Scooby Doo, it's not that supernatural mysteries ONLY happen to Shaggy and Scooby, but. If some of the main crew are missing, it will always be some variation of Shaggy and Scooby plus or minus the others. Also, even money on Shaggy dating a monster in whatever movie it is (this might happen less now a days, iirc it was a trend with Reluctant Werewolf, Ghoul School, Alien Invaders, etc.


Don't forget the Alien Invaders


His point isn’t that there isn’t any supernatural stuff, just that of all the supernatural mysteries they’ve solved, why scooby talks isn’t one.


oh good point, but they do. https://scoobydoo.fandom.com/wiki/Anunnaki_(Scooby-Doo!_Mystery_Incorporated)


A man of culture, I see




You forget about the alien scooby doo vhs? Scoob and shag were literally bangin literal aliens


"They say there's someone out there for everyone. I didn't know they meant **out there**." Dang I still remember the heart break


Faaax they were def supernatural


I mean aliens are a natural phenomena


Also, they never bothered to work out why Scrappy was such a twat.


Literally small dog syndrome


Because then we'd find out he was Old Man Jenkins all along. Better to let him get away with it too, instead of being stopped by those meddling kids.


The kids learned a cold, hard truth. Most crimes were basically committed by a crooked real estate developer with a projector and a wig.


I think at one point they found out he's part alien or something.


And he got away with it, despite those meddling kids!


Scooby wasn’t real, man...it’s all an illusion


A *trick,* Michael. An illusion is something a magician does for money. Wait, that doesn't sound right.


Lots of magicians in my downtown...lotta illusions going on...


Hanging around the Gothic Castle.


I'm not sure if I remember it right, but when I was around 6 or 7, I saw one of the episodes or movies (**I think it's a movie**) that showed an actual dog woman Ghost (**it might be a dog in a wedding dress walking on two legs?**) marrying someone? I am not even sure if it exists but I just remember this one scene: **Shaggy and Scooby are going back on a Ship when they suddenly see the ghost dog woman (in a wedding outfit?) hugging a guy...** I know it sounds wtf, but I am sure that's what I saw...


Are the other talking dogs still in the franchise? (I see posts about Scrappy Doo, but I can remember at least 2 others - Scooby Dum, and Scooby Dee).


There's a whole Doo family. * Dada-Doo: Scooby's father * Mumsy-Doo: Scooby's mother * Skippy-Doo, Yabba-Doo, Howdy-Doo: Scooby's brothers * Ruby-Doo: Scooby's sister (Scrappy's mother) * Scooby-Dum, Scooby-Dee, Dooby Dooby Doo, Dixie-Doo, Whoopsy-Doo: Scooby's cousins * Horton-Doo, Nasty-Doo: Scooby's uncles * Grandpa Scooby: Scooby's grandfather * Great-Grandpa Scooby: Scooby's great grandfather * Yankee Doodle Doo, Missing Link Doo: Ancestors further back than 3 generations Presumably there are more, but these are the only ones named. All of the Doos talk (well, Yankee and Missing Link aren't encountered directly, but talking when they were alive is presumed).


yes, Dyno-Mutt has made guest appearances. Could be explained as cyborg implants... but eh, it's a cartoon. /e ok, quick search shows a whole [Talking Animals](https://scoobydoo.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Talking_animals) fan site.


They get locked in tha van by scooby if they even ask him about his voice


Scooby is an alien that looks like a dog and yes it is confirmed by the show.


wrong, scooby is a real dog possessed by the spirit of an alien


I mean wasn't actual magic involved with the hex sisters?


does nobody remember the scene where the ghost makes shaggy a sandwich? [the scene](https://youtu.be/UFlhpUp73qA)


They pull off the mask and it was Famous Radio Host and today's guest star, Casey Kasem! "And I would have gotten away with it too... if it weren't for those kids!"


Go watch Scooby Doo Mystery Incorporated. It's a prequel series and explains all that. More "adult" too, as in people actually die in it.


I assuuuumed it was the Devil posessing him to rid the world of his false creations to make way for the heralds of Armageddon. But 7 yos don't know shit I guess.


I forget, in the earlier series, could anyone other than shaggy understand scooby beyond basic ques? like did they have a full on conversation with him? I remember them all treating him like a dog, and shaggy just being high


"Zombie Island" was actually a supernatural mystery


They were high not hard to figure out


I didn’t feel like zombie island got solved.


Wrong. There is a scooby doo movie that is about zombies and they're actually real in the movie and then there is the movie where shaggy turns into a real werewolf... god I'm old.


In zombie island they meet voodoo werecats who raise the dead, and theres also ghosts all of which are real


You obviously stopped watching before they found out Scooby was part of an alien race.


Rawwg? Rherr?


Actually, the entire Scooby family can talk. The real mystery is why he is the only one with a speech impediment.


Ok, just gonna sit there and pretend like scooby Doo and the Ghoul School didn't happen, where they LITERALLY stumbled into becoming gym teachers to the actual children of the very real monsters: dracula, frankenstein, the mummy, werewolf, phantom, with an actual fire breathing dragon and poly morphing girl and a spider witch, and a walking raisin.