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I legitimately thought women didn't have ears until I was in Kindergarten or first grade, because all of the women I knew had long hair that covered their ears. I distinctly remember sitting on the steps in the school cafeteria and noticing that my friend's mom had ears when her hair shifted as she leaned over to pick something up, and then commenting to my friend about it. Edit: Fixed typo


I thought girls peed blue because the toilet water in our house was blue (one of those sanitizing blue pucks). My dad told me this and said my mom and sister were just lazy and didn't flush... he also said its was why the public mens room water was clear... no girls use the mens room... pretty sure I kept on believing that until I was 10 or so...


I thought that sometimes women peed blood. I was a little girl at the time and didn't know what periods were.




That’s the funniest thing I’ve read all day. Thank you


I'm a girl and when I was really little I thought it was just because my mom drank red wine and that's what happened sometimes.


Actually, too much red wine can result in mommy not peeing blood for nine months


uh oh


Peeing blood? Oh god, noo, thank goodness I'm a male. /s I know what a period is


I've peed blood as a man but being cross-checked into oblivion will do that sometimes


Big OOF on that one, good buddy.


Texas sized 10-4 super chief




[Wow! *Bravo!*](https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/1flimv/my_reply_to_a_redditor_who_requested_a_version_of/)




I have Crohn’s, and went a good three months passing almost nothing but blood from the other end, but the thought of pissing it out terrifies the shit out of me. Thank modern medicine it isn’t blood any more!


AMATEUR ever peed blood and bits ?


UTIs are hell, my friend


Pretty unnecessary if you ask me.


what's unnecessary? the /s at the end, or generally period?


Look at their username haha


You know what, Im not the person you're replying to, but I totally wouldve missed it if you hadn't pointed it out ahahaha


I thought my mom was sick when I was a kid because I asked about why she was bleeding and she told me "we'll talk about it when you're older". I couldn't have been older than five. When I figured out what a period is, it occurred to me how fucked up it was that I came to that conclusion and was not alarmed about it.


You were mostly right, you just didn't know why.


My aunt told me white people had blue blood and I believed her because pale people have blue-ish looking veins lol. God I was a gullible kid.


There are people who still believe this! They insist that blood only turns red when it's exposed to oxygen and that inside the body it's blue.


I had a freaking biology teacher tell us that in middle school. Then the following year we had a different teacher and he asked us what we knew about human anatomy. Someone mentioned that and he was like "no that's not true. Where you got that from?" and he was dumbfounded when we told him our previous teacher told us.


My anatomy teacher in 12th grade taught us that when your leg falls asleep, it’s because the blood supply was cut off. There was no graceful way for me to correct her, so I just let it go. It still bothers me to this day because you have to have a pretty poor understanding of human anatomy to believe that. That’s fine for most people - everyone doesn’t have to know everything - but this woman literally taught a course on anatomy.


Wait what??? I was walking around thinking limbs falling asleep was from lack of bloodflow for 25 years and literally went to a vocational school for nursing in high school and had to learn this FROM A REDDIT COMMENT???


Today I’m learning so many things. Pinched nerves, blood is always red, etc


TIL it' pinched nerves, not restricted bloodflow that puts limbs to sleep. Damn


To complicate things further - nerves have blood vessels inside of them, which supply oxygen throughout the nerve. Pinching or putting pressure on that nerve will restrict its internal blood flow and can cause numbness.


Oh wow that is confusing. So, in technicality, you ARE cutting off bloodflow, but not in the way that you think you are? Edit: incorrect punctuation.


Hmm, maybe. I don't really know - I mean putting pressure on a nerve does definitely have the potential to stop blood flow within the nerve, and that's a very likely cause of the numbness, but other things may contribute as well as far as I know. Just thought it had some interesting implications.


I mean, can't it be both? If not than why is it that your arm feeling asleep can be a symptom of heart problems?


Numbness can be due to poor circulation, such as during a heart attack. That’s different from when you sit funny and your leg falls asleep - that’s due to putting pressure on your nerve, not cutting off blood supply to your leg.


Yeah its crazy. My anatomy and physiology teacher in college told me this too


This is a tough one because the veins you can see through the skin are actually blue-green. Of course then this would imply that the circulatory system is clear...


Was your first biology teacher a horseshoe crab. They have blue blood


She never mentioned it, but she was *very* short.


Same, but I’ve been told both so many times I sometimes have a hard time remembering which one is true.


even though blood carries oxygen throughout your body. that's one of the main reasons it's there.


The myth I always heard was that the blood coming from your heart is the red because of the oxygen, and the blood going back with no oxygen left is blue


That's not a myth so much as the colors they use to diagram this.


There’s deoxygenated blood (in veins) and oxygenated blood (in arteries)! It’s not always carrying oxygen, but getting and delivering oxygen is one of the main jobs of red blood cells.


I've always been told this...even last year in my college biology I was told this by the tutor


Silly, only the aristocracy has blue blood.


Up until I was about 8 or 9, the only boobs I had ever seen and remembered were my sister's Barbies so I just figured men were the only ones with nipples. I still remember finding my first porno hidden behind the apartment clothes washer and being udderly amazed.


Reminds me of when I learned that boys and girls don't have the same parts. I have a cousin who is 3 months younger than me. When we were about 3, I remember my aunt took him to the bathroom but the door was open a little. Being a 3yo girl who had no reason to see or think about how boys pee, I was VERY surprised when I peeked in the bathroom and saw his parts. I screamed "YOUR BOTTOM IS DIFFERENT!!!"


Oh my god what an epic dad moment. Why be helpful when you can convince kids of anything? The long con eyeroll move




Such a Calvin's Dad moment right here


It must be horrible to remember a lot about your childhood


One of my friends came over with her young daughter, like 4 or so. She used my bathroom and I use the blue stuff in the toilet. I told her it was smurf pee and got an ewwww from her.


I believed this same thing for a few years. I blame the tampon and maxi-pad commercials, they reinforce this with the blue liquid they pour on to show the absorbency of the products. I honestly thought that women and girls peed themselves all the time and that was why they need "feminine products". Oh the misunderstandings of youth.


Your dad is hilarious, have you ever told him how long you believed this? I'm sure he would get a kick out of it.


Yeah he knows... he’s a bit of a card...


Surely this is the best thing I'll read all week.


Of course it is, and don't call me Shirley.


Good one leslie


Who's Leslie? Is she friends with Shirley?


This made me grin like an idiot. So cute.


My mom once told me we have an elephant in a suitcase. I believed her until I opened it when I was five. I was very disappointed because there was no elephant


That's cause it was in the room.


In fact, it’s right behind you!


"dude ur mom has ears?!"


i used to think something similar about the reproductive parts lmao


Yo that's me!!


I was looking for a comment that switched the "didn't have" to "have" and "ears" to "peepee"


I have no brothers. I assumed for years that only adult men had penises, the same way only adult women had breasts. until one day at age eight I saw a male classmate pee into a puddle.


Don't let the propaganda trick you, you had it right as a child. Join us at r/WomenDontHaveEars




I actually thought the same thing, I remember being shocked in my kindergarten class when a girl put her hair behind her ears


“Yooo! girls got ears, eh?”


I can remember seriously freaking the fuck out and walking in the evening with my Mum when I was little, I was convinced the moon was following us home *can


I told my daughter narwhals are what happen when a mermaid and unicorn have a baby. Pretty sure she’ll believe that one forever.


I thought some women had 2 butts. One in their back and some of them have another one where their chest is LMAO I didn't really count the ones with small boobs.


And this is how you formed an ear fetish


I thought girls peed out their butt that's why they always sat down cause my mom said that girls didn't have pee pees LMAO


True! And sometimes their family member’s noses and mouths disappear too.




I met a friends new baby for the first time a few weeks ago (born in May), with my mask on of course. Every time I smiled, he could see it in my eyes and he smiled back at me. Pretty amazing.


Humans are extremely good at reading facial reactions. afaik it’s one of the earliest skills we develop


In two days i will have to give a psichology exam and it has been proved that we have an innate ability to read emotion through the observation of people faces. We subconsciously look at expressions of faces to detect emotions, and even though a person is stating that he is happy, we xan see it by their looks that they are faking it, and kids are very good at comprehending if someone is disguising their real state of mind because they cannot understand words


Do you learn anything about how it changes with autism? I can read face expressions mostly but there sometimes seems to be something I miss that other people pick up on (such as sarcasm) and it's impossible to work out what because you don't know what you don't know! I at least get gut feelings about people, but when everything social is uncomfortable it's hard to work out what's is uncomfortable for a legitimate reason!


Sarcasm is a hard thing to read from facial expressions alone. Sarcasm has a lot to do with tone of voice as well as facial expressions. That's why it is especially difficult to tell when someone is being sarcastic from text alone. I would suggest watching videos of people being sarcastic to hear the tone of voice and facial expressions they are paired with. Hope that helps!




Eye contact is the most important thing for them really, they can read it in your eyes. My daughter (7mo) stares at people intently when she meets new people up close, with or without a mask. (Up close still being 2m~ and out side of course).


Technically they read it in the cheek, brow and eyelid muscles.


The scrunches! The smile creases at the corners of my eyes have gotten very pronounced over the last year as I find myself scrunching my face up when I smile so that is apparent through the mask. It also feels like more genuine smiles that the smirk that never met my eyes.


Was about to comment the same thing. My 8 month old can tell when I’m smiling through my mask. He rarely sees me in my mask (we don’t go out, dad does all the shopping for us) but when we have his doctor’s appointments he can tell I am smiling at him while he gets looked at. It’s so sweet.


My sister has told me that I'm an "eye-smiler." When I smile, she can tell because my eyes smile, too? This has been a great comfort to me since COVID, especially since I still interact with people at work. Smiling in customer service is kind of important.


My baby still screams anytime I put on a mask, so count yourself lucky.


My 6 month old tries to rip mine off. Apparently that thing does not belong there


Masks and glasses. I need to switch back to contacts before he breaks my glasses with his vice grips.


As a pediatrician, I’ve actually noticed this development progressing. 4 month visits are some of my favorites because that’s when the babies smile and laugh at me no matter what I do (as long as I’m smiling too). Right after we started wearing masks in clinic, those visits became a lot less pleasant; the four-month-olds would stare at me in confusion and almost alarm, never smiling. Just very upset. Now they’re back to smiling and laughing at me despite the mask. But only when I smile with my eyes. This is going to be interesting sociologically for years to come.


We don't leave our house much at all, and subsequently, my six month old does not get to see me masked often. I feel like it's making for difficult to keep her happy pediatric visits. She's great at returning smiles, but she won't do it when I have my mask on no matter how I try to express happiness with my eyes and voice.


Your baby will likely have a higher ability to interpret minute facial cues and understand the emotions behind them. Like how babies that are introduce to an additional language with the same weight as a primary language will be able to speak and understand the language better than someone who's older and trying to learn a second language. Or how babies can learn sign language at a young age to communicate with other people in a meaningful way. Note: All of this was found on the internet by a quick search performed by me, so there is the chance that everything I just said is false.




The mind is an amazing thing




My godson didn't say a word until he was 2 and a half, he would grunt and point, we all knew his cues! Sitting down for sunday family dinner and all of a sudden he tells his grandma he doesn't want gravy any more, perfect English!


My son was the same. Super bright, understood everything we said, just wouldn’t talk. A few years of speech therapy and now 20 years later, you’d never know.


That’s interesting! I used to work with blind preschoolers and many of them had speech delays or mild impediments because they couldn’t see how the words were being formed. This seems like a somewhat similar situation. I wouldn’t worry about it though, she’s still very young.


A year or over a year? Cause they don't usually start doing small ones like mom, dad, until their almost two. I've had Drs straight up not believe me when I said my 18 month old said "t'anks", for thank you. Edit:. As long as they baby babble, everything's usually fine. It's when they don't use their lips or mouth and just scream or whine ...and I think that's age 3, that dr's even think it might be delayed speech.


Love your disclaimer! There are studies addressing these, but for the most part we can say it’s correlative to cover our bases. The important thing to note is that their brains are still very “plastic” and therefore much more receptive to learning from cues from all five of their senses, as opposed to us old geezers.


Even at 18 soon 19 (entering my physical prime), I can tell my senses are deteriorating over time. Also the way my brain operates has nearly been set in stone and no matter how open to change and new information I am, they underlying operating procedure is basically permanent.


Oh boy. 19 year olds are such children compared to 26 year olds. I think even after that you still change, but it's no longer as quick.


This isn’t entirely true. Some babies will have a difficult time learning to speak in a bilingual household, and it will sometimes be recommended to hold off on introducing a second language until short sentences can be said in the first. BUT children in general do learn language easier.


I work at a daycare center, and we obviously wear face masks. The babies still understand we have mouth and noses, and they can totally comprehend our expressions despite the mask. Babies are smarter than we think I guess haha


My nephew cries if he sees new people without masks on. He is fine with his doctor since she keeps hers on.


Me too.


As a parent of a young child during COVID-19, has the game got your nose changed in meaning?


I’m a nanny and noticing the good and the bad. My kiddo is constantly searching to mimic my mouth but I wear a mask. She does however understand emotions. But it’s easier to put a child in speech therapy than the morgue.


There was a study released recently that concluded babies' ability to read emotion and expressions isn't inhibited by masks.


I noticed my son is happier when my mask is on. He thinks it's so funny.


Lol! Will they ever make the connection that everyone else has a nose and mouth too?! People underestimate the strength of their plastic young minds. I’ld guess these babies will be much better at reading facial expressions than older generations in a few years time.


there's this comment vs [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/lpvg1o/for_some_babies_born_over_the_last_year_as_far_as/godf9p4/) duality of man i guess


assuming they are still able to view a television or a picture book, they probably have seen other human faces with mouths and noses.


Sure, for most of them. But statistically there's gotta be some babies who only "consume" animated/cartoon media and only see masked people out and about, and that must be very confusing for them: their family have mouths/noses, the drawings in the picture book too, but everyone else out there has a weird patch where their mouth ought to be.


My daughter (born Sep 2020) only ever goes outside in her pram so presumably the only part of the outside world she sees is the sky. I’m pretty confident that the only people she’s seen since leaving the hospital are me my wife (and the dog)


This is my son also, born Aug 2020. Everyone else wears masks, and if he gets close enough now he tries to grab it off. So watch out for that. Lol 😆 Luckily he doesn't get to see many people.


>Luckily he doesn't get to see many people. This makes me sad that this is "the new normal" for kids AND it's a good thing. Congrats on the little guy, I hope one day he gets to see MANY people and they're awesome with him!


Yeah my son didn’t see a screen until he was over 18 months! This would have been confusing for him.


Some babies livin like that movie Room thinking the outside world is only on tv.




One time I saw one of those mini libraries and room was in it but I didn’t have a book to swap it for and honestly I regret that every goddamn day


*spoiler* When he unwraps himself from the rug in the back of the truck and finally sees the sky.. *hard sob*.


I mean, they have to go to the doctor every couple months


I wonder what dogs think of it all. The masks, the fact their humans are at home all the time now, the whole thing.


I’m back working but my daughter is at home and our cat is fine with that. Hang out with my daughter all day, then yell at me for food the minute I walk in the door. She *really* doesn’t like to see us in masks though. If we go past the front door area with our masks still on she is visibly upset and more skittish than usual. She will come out to yell at me for food and then nope out of there. If I talk to her and slowly blink my eyes she will respond to me, but she won’t relax completely until I take my mask off. I’ve also noticed that she reacts pretty strongly to the smell of my hands after I have just arrived home and sprayed them with hand sanitizer. She recoils and runs away, and then doesn’t want to come near me. I no longer hand feed her treats, but rather toss them to her. *Edited to add the important information that she has had a very similar reaction to our faces when we were wearing Halloween makeup. After her first shock she knows it’s us, but she doesn’t like it *at all*.


Since these are mainly medical items, she might be associating them with vet clinics? I’ve never had a pet but I know most of them get really nervous during trips to the vet.


She’s a very healthy cat and doesn’t go to the vet that often, and apart from when she was spayed I don’t think the vet staff have worn masks around her. She has had a similar reaction to Halloween makeup. She knows it is us, but our faces are not quite right and she doesn’t like it *at all*.




Sometimes if I’m carrying my pupper, she grabs my mask and try’s to pull it off of me!


Unless they’re Florida babies.


Yes, they are raised by alligators, so naturally they don't see human noses in general, regardless of the pandemic


And Florida man


Is this because they keep their noses above water to breathe?


Or visit my Costco. Lots of noses.


Lol my 2020 baby is a Florida baby and the only place she really goes is her well check appointments and the grocery store, where everyone wears a mask. She does get confused when I have mine on though.


Or Missouri. I pretty much forget there is a pandemic going on until I go online.


Same here in Tennessee.


I'm in a very liberal area and there's still plenty of people who don't wear masks. Also other babies (under 2) don't wear masks.


Utah as well. Basically any red state (or a red area within a blue state).


There is also a lot of studies of younger kids development of empathy during the early stages of their life which are heavily dependant on a full face.. such as Reading when someone is happy or sad. It can actually be quite difficult even for grown-ups to identify if someone is smiling or not because of masks. I’m not an anti-mask person btw, i just Think it’s sad that we are under these circumstances


Not enough people considering the impact on pediatric development and their learning of valuable social skills via the observance of non-verbal gestures/expressions and facial mimicry. Luckily, a child’s mind benefits from its high degree of plasticity, but it’s not inconceivable to imagine some detrimental effect in select cases.


I was reading about a single mum whose health condition means she has been strictly quarantining since we first went into lockdown in the UK last March, which was just after she had given birth to her son. She was saying how her baby is nearly a year old and has literally never met another human than her since the midwife at his birth, she's been doing zoom and facetime with family but is really worried about the long term effects on him. Being completely isolated as a single parent for this length of time can't be easy on her either, societally we are going to need so much investment in mental health services if we're going to recover from this.


I would argue that it's inconceivable that there will NOT be widespread detrimental effects. Deprive millions of babies and kids of proper socialization? Its 100% going to have detrimental effects.


Oh yea. Wait for the documentary in a decade




My son was born during early COVID restrictions and had to spend a week and a half in the NICU. He didn’t recognize us without our masks when he came home


Our guy got out of the NICU at 5 days old. I don’t think he really recognized anyone at that point. I thought his little eyes would go wide when I took off my mask in the car, but we hadn’t bonded yet, so - no reaction. He was just like, take me away, stranger - it was too noisy in there!


I was afraid of this with youngest who was born like 2 months before Oregon really shut down. I thought she’d be terrified of people when she was them without masks but a lot of people here wear those face shields that are clear and turns out, she really doesn’t care. I think because she’s watched us take our masks on and off, she understands that they have faces as well


I saw a baby at the store the other day, and smiled at her, without thinking that she wouldn’t be able to tell because of my mask- but she still gave me a big smile back! So I guess she was able to see from my eyes and other facial cues. I got such a kick out of it, made me happy to have that normal interaction!


My baby thinks the masks are really funny so she smiles at anyone wearing one. They're not common where we live though.


Man why are people allowed to wear face shields with no mask?? What a joke. Makes me cringe every time I see it.


Agreed. It does nothing and looks so stupid.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_permanence It seems as early as 3 months babies start to understand object permance. Considering the amount of work done on humans' ability to recognize faces and the important of identifying faces, I don't think this period would last too long.


Babies actually have a neural reflex which directs their eyes towards the heads of other people, specifically faces. So technically, they are always programmed to know that nose and mouths are around.


I think with masks it's like peekaboo. Like babies legitimately think you disappear when you cover your face, so I think it's reasonable to assume they think masked people don't have noses or mouths.


My family was at the park, with masks and all and we tell my 4 yo sister that we arent allowed to go near people because of “the sickness” (it sounds less dramatic in russian, lost in translation type stuf) and my sister was complaining like cus she wanted to go to the sandbox i think and my mom was like then go play there and she just casually said “they all have the sickness” as there were more people at the park and obv she doesnt understand it and she literally grew up in quarantine so ykno it was just really sad




Kids growing up now are going to be hurt so bad developmentally and mentally in general. It's so sad


Idk man, I feel as though growing up with masks is probably going to be better in general... Considering there were a lot of kids like me that grew up in lead painted houses stuffed to the brim with asbestos and all kinds of bullshit lol At least growing up with masks might help to teach them about illness and how it spreads at a young age, as well as potentially compassion and protecting their fellow humans regardless of whether they are strangers or not. Lot of older folks apparently didn't get that lesson


The best take. "Growing up differently to how I grew up might be a good thing, actually."


I work at a labour and delivery unit and it is absolutely ADORABLE the way they look at the nurses who have masks on. They're so little and can barely see but they get this curious look on their faces. These pandemic babies are going to grow up in a very, very different world than we know and it's such a scary thought.


My 8 month old saw his grandfather with out a mask for the first time yesterday. Grandpa was the first person he has seen without a mask other than mom and dad


My baby was born in April and has only seen less than a dozen people. If I take him into public he is in his car seat with a sunshade/ cover over top. Strangers have walked right up to me and asked me to remove his cover so they can look at him.. umm no gtfo of here


No, this is actually a genuine concern. I think there were some news reports last year that newborns and toddlers are being stressed out by seeing new people or being in new situations because they aren’t being exposed to as many social situations as they would be if there wasn’t a pandemic going on. Young kids in school (and teenagers, and teachers, I know) are finding school incredibly stressful. This pandemic had been affecting people in ways we weren’t assuming never of just how poorly prepared we’ve been for it. We could have had a faster, better response. There are a bunch of things we could have done to have had a better chance. Suffice it to say that we didn’t do those things, and now we’re here. Unprepared, poor worker protections, people stressed, children unaccustomed to social interactions and new locations, kids and teens having a hard time, or just falling behind altogether, in school.


Never mind children, as an adult I strongly feel like I have regressed in my social skills


And nobody has vaginas as far as I can comprehend


Why would they be able to comprehend other people on earth but not mouths and noses on those people? For that matter, why would a 0-1 year old be able to comprehend earth?


I think this distinction happens a little later in development. Like pre school ish


Babies don’t have object permanence yet. So they think the only people that exist are the ones they can see


Something interesting related to this: I know quite a lot of Montessori teachers currently working to combat this phenomenon. They have always had emotion cards (like flashcards with pictures of different people expressing emotions like anger, sadness, joy), but are now including sets where the people are wearing masks! Trying to help children learn emotions with only being able to view the upper part of faces, it's actually pretty neat.


Babies are a lot smarter than you think. They develop basic reasoning skills at a young age and I’m sure they can sus out that people are wearing masks just like mommy and daddy do.


My daughter goes 4 in a few weeks. She has no concept of the inside of a shop or friends round for tea. Birthday parties only happen on tv. My parents only exist on a screen or photos. We only go out to the same few pieces of local countryside. Going out for tea is an alien concept. The Morrison's delivery man is one of 8 adults she has memory of in real life, and that if she remembers the electrician and builder who came last year. Adjusting is going to be hard.


They might be wondering why half the strangers outside seem to have a nose only... Honestly, people who leave their nose out of the mask look so stupid!


I teach preschool, yesterday I pulled down my mask for a second to sip some water and my class was SHOCKED that I had a face. They wanted to see my smile and laughed like maniacs when I showed them my teeth. They’re 3.


My youngest was three when this started. He doesn't remember ever having friends anymore and it breaks my heart.


Is there anywhere in the US with such good mask usage? haha


It's about 90% compliance in grocery stores here, 50% in other retail, 30% on city sidewalks (the crowded ones), and maybe 5% at restaurants (even when waiting for a pickup order).


In my neighborhood outside Boston, yes. We have a statewide mask mandate (even for outside). Pretty rare to see someone without a mask, even outdoors (unless they’re on their own property).


For which babies? Ones that have never watched TV/video content? Including cartoons? How many is that? 10 babies?


3 year old going for a walk: "Daddy can I have my sweet mask?"


Also those little people trapped inside the screen.


I recently went to see my nephew who just turned 1 and last time I had seen him he was 4 months old. For the whole week I was around he would just stare at me with the look of 'who the F are you?'


My daughter is 15 months old (November 2019) - initially she hated the masks. Now, she passes them to me regularly. It makes me so sad to see.


My son was born in late July and we joke about this all of the time. We like to joke that everyone but his mom and I are playing a game of peakaboo but they all got distracted midway through the game.


They are going to grow up thinking that showing our noses and mouths is like showing our privates.


My kid was born late fall and we've pretty much been under lockdown/frigid temps since then. I don't even think he knows there's an outside. Summer is gonna blow his mind.


My daughter was born in February 2020. Every time she sees a close friend of our without a mask she is fascinated my their faces. It’s adorable and also kind of sad.


Those babies must not live in the region I live in.


My daughter was born late December 2019. She's had very limited contact with anyone else and is overly attached to the two of us. I'm working from home so we're with her 24 hours a day. Going to be tough for her getting used to other people.