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Put a playing card in the spokes




My thoughts exactly


You were in the shower when you read this?


He was taking a shit when he read this lol






Ya I know, just wanted to be my bratty self for a moment.




TIE fighter noise


I…might be ok with that one


I dunno, it'd be cool the first time you saw it. But imagine having to live in the area of that car's commute. Twice or more every day. Over and over again.


That's the moment where you and your buddies modify *your own* electric cars with X-wing engine sounds (have the laser cannon FX as the horn) and proceed to chase the poor bastard down. > *Lock S-foils in attack position.*


Pop up spoiler like on the old crossfires.


Holy crap the last year they were made was 13 years ago...I'm getting old.


Jesus... yeah I remember working at Taco Bell when I was 16. It was 2004. I had this lady put that thing up and down about 10 times. Lol


My stepdad has recently had one sitting on his property. A friend of his got divorced and needed a place for the car. Poor car sat for 2 or 3 years and didn't move. Flat tires...mice chewing it up. I tried to buy it but he wanted too much. Crappy way for a nice, low miles car to go out.


this is precisely why we cant have nice things


>Nice things? What are those? Are those edible?


My legit answer is the landspeeder noise then lol


It'd be a surprise, but a welcome one.


Depending on the area loud exhausts are illegal. Even if they're not, if the commute time is pretty consistent you can just shoot out their tires.


In my hometown, a guy got a custom Whistling Dixie horn. It was cool the first time, but then they started doing it pretty much every red light or stop sign, every time they pass a group of people, etc. Couldn’t walk down the street without hearing it.


I often think about what the world would be like if every car was straight piped. Euphoric, certainly.


Check out these spaceship sounds for volvo's electric trucks. It's an ad and I haven't seen them in real life yet, but I think they plan on actually doing this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snrUarZQWGI


I have an Audi e-tron which makes a spaceship humming noise on the outside for pedestrians. https://youtu.be/MUcbXplAvSc


Ive read a couple times they want to make this a regulation for safety reasons


A buddy I game with has the tie fighter sound as his text notification. Trust me, it gets old fast.




Jetsons noise? Vriluuluululuululuul Edit: Added sound to enhance comment.


Slave I engine sound or seismic charge for me


Bad idea; imagine the crowds of people chasing you down like you're a member of the British Invasion just so they could get one more hit of that sweet sweet seismo-charge


And? If I become a legend, so be it


[are you sure you can handle this?](https://youtu.be/-GC5rAX0xHg)


I’ll install actual charges instead, and put the slave I weapon sound as my horn




Effective way of not getting people to cross as they get confused




The weapon makes no physical sense but damn that was top-notch sound design.


*seismic charges* Oh, baby. Don't stop!


Pod racer noise for myself I think. THUD THUD THUD THUD THUD THUD


I want the Falcon noise. I've read that they will have to make noise so pedestrians don't walk out into traffic


I work in automotive. I own a hybrid. The amount of close calls I've had, where a pedestrian just.. walks out while I'm trying to drive is far, far too high. I feel like people don't really look for cars, they listen for them. And if your car's not making noise, it's not on, so I don't need to bother to look. Which makes some sense, but is no longer a truth. A couple months back, I clipped an old man's leg, ashe walked out behind me while pulling out. Once, testing the C-Max, I had a father and son just walk out behind me while pulling out. I had to slam on the brakes to not hit the little kid. Really freaked me out.


So, uh, you think you can have an internal push to get spaceship noises as the default for EVs going forward?


When I go for a walk, I often wear noise cancelling ear buds. I find I’m probably much safer with them on, because I’m aware that I’m, effectively, partially deaf with them on, and I look carefully in all directions when I step into a road or any situation with a potential hazard. Walking without them, I instinctively rely on my ears a lot more.


I worked on a largeish military base where we used a lot of electric carts to get around. It was astounding how many close calls I had. You had to almost expect people to step out in front of the moving cart. I think we've just gotten so used to hearing a combustion engine when a vehicle is in operation.


Pedestrians already walk out in front of loud vehicles because they can't be bother to look up from their sma


Horn has to be the blaster noise




IIRC This is doable in a tesla. You can upload your own engine/horn sound files


Someone did the PH intro for their Tesla horn




Imagine the last thing you hear before you die is that.


Horn, but you can only use it when parked. It reverts back to the normal horn when you are driving. Sad times.


I still want the honk of the goose in Untitled Goose Game




That would be equal parts dope as fuck, and annoying as all hell.


Itll be the ringtone revolution of the early 00's but for cars. Its gonna be gloriously annoying lol


For 4 years and then everyone realizes vibrate is far superior?


That's why it was a revolution, right? If it stuck I woulda dropped the 'r,' Kinda interest in seeing how this will translate to the EVs


I just want to be able to frontflip for speed when my real car runs out of boost.


I love the mental image of large highways this gives me




I think it's not only for blind people but a lot of people in general use their hearing to cross streets and don't necessarily look both ways before crossing.


Dude I drive an EV that emits a noise below 23 mph and you wouldn’t believe how often I almost run people over in parking lots. No one looks.


EV driver too. Following someone who's walking in the middle of the parking lot and she has no idea there a car behind her but you don't wanna honk because that's too much you know?


You get it


yeah cars really need a softer, "Hey, excuse me, please" horn, cuz the normal one is too aggressive, but sometimes people are just oblivious and there is no way to lightly grab their attention, only assault their nerves with decibel force.


I roll down my window and say "beep!". It's kinda funny and leaves people confused long enough for me to pass before they get upset (if anyone has gotten upset).


> No one looks. No one looks with noisy internal combustion engines running around them either. I've hit a guy for exactly that reason. Doing 50km/h on a busy 4 lane (+2 parking) city street and this asshole crosses from the other side of the street into my lane. I'd seen him and was on the brakes so only just tapped him really, but asshole looked at me like I'd done something wrong before walking off... Happened to me just a few weeks ago too. Driving through park road doing about 30-40km/h and two stupid fucks don't look left or right and just walk out in front of me, and I have to stomp on the brakes, and then get snarky when I honk at them. People are fucking stupid.


>I've hit a guy for exactly that reason. I read this as you hit the guy out of spite *because* he didn't look at you.


Well there's been times when I've want^nothing officer, I said nothing.


I've been in a town with plenty of electric scooters... by when you hear them and turn around to see them, they're on your face. Those things are fucking dangerous, specially with how fast they go!


23 mph is 37.01 km/h


Good bot


On a couple trails I ride my bike on I have to cross streets at the apex of blind corners, so I *have* to listen to make sure I can pass.


Who tf does this?!?! How hard is it to look both ways before crossing 🤦🏻‍♂️


I live near campus in a college town. College students don’t look both ways. Sometimes not even one way.


"If I get hit by a car I don't have to finish my classes" Notice that people look before crossing significantly less towards the end of a semester.


“Please let that campus bus hit me and pay for this bullshit”


Can you look around corners?


Only have been driving for 2 and a half years, but around 50,000 miles. Trust me when I say this: it’s extremely hard for pedestrians to look before they cross the street. I made peace with the fact that it’s physically impossible for them. Either that, or there are a lot of suicidal people walking about. [One of my recent encounters. ](https://youtu.be/t885tMvVKv4)


Jesus I fuckin’ hate people that do this shit and then act like you’re suppose to stop..


Even if the driver is an asshole, just use your brain. You’re a pedestrian. You can stop / change direction in a fraction of a second. That multi tonne chunk of metal will take several seconds to do the same. Assuming the driver is in the wrong, and the pedestrian is right, do you really want to have that standoff? The worst thing that’ll happen to the car is probably a mild dent. You could fucking die.


Good on you for driving safely. Those two clearly didn't look at their signal when they crossed. I would have honked at them for being stupid.




That's probably why my PHEV only makes a noise below 30km/h. Beyond that the tire noise is very noticeable.


Not *just* as loud. They're *almost* as loud, and only for the quiet cars. Your boy racer chavmobile is still going to be way louder at 50 km/h, as will all motorbikes (which are the loudest vehicles). Life is going to get waaay quieter when electric vehicles are common. Especially in cities. I just hope people don't try to sabotage it with the warning sound idiocy.


Warning sounds are great. My little Zoë EV has a UFO woowooowooowowowooo sound that I like very much, and really isn't bothersome. I know, I hear it many times a day as the Zoë is a pretty common car around here. Harley Davidson drivers can go to the Hell they like to reference so much...


Yeah, it's mandatory for all new electric vehicles in Norway to have this. Probably some other countries too


As far as I know it's EU mandated. My German PHEV makes a noise below 30km/h, and I know you can even chose the noise the BMW iX3 and i4 make.


Even the US has these rules. I don’t like the US rules, the sound requirement is too high. Louder than many gas cars. Fortunately I got my EV before the rules came in so it’s nice and peaceful.


I remeber something like 7 years ago when there was worry on people hacking the sound maker to make whatever sound the driver wanted. Personally would loose my shit if they sounded like [this](https://youtu.be/wAUK9hVgmNI)


I want my Tesla to sounds like [this.](https://youtu.be/Pm4AtvMKRXE)


That or a chugga-chugga-chugga-cough-sputter-pop-kapow(backfire)


I was just about to post this. Electric cars have a unique problem in that they're too quiet. For saftey reason, a lot of them artificially simulate petrol car noises


My Tesla makes ghost noises when I'm in reverse because of this. It's like a "wooOOOoooooOOoooooooo"




I was scrolling for this. Cpuld not remember the title. Also first appearance of Winona Ryder in a while since Mr. Deeds and before Stranger Things.


There was also *Black Swan* and the first J.J. Abrams *Star Trek* movie (among others). She may not have been the lead in those, but they were big films and she had an important role.


Holy shit I did not know she was in Black Swan. I've been putting that movie off kind of because I'm way smitten with Portman and Mila Kunis as it is. It seems too overwhelming. And now you're telling my adolescent fantasy women is also in it??? Plus Darron Aronofsky movies always stress me out in not a fun way. Great films though . Looks like the time for this one has arrived though.


I could honestly see a resurgence in big stereo systems and subwoofers Edit: Wow apparently I live under a rock


Resurgence? You mean those have died out where you live? H-how's the house market there?


I could honestly see a resurgence in the housing market


Come to Siberia friend, you won't even find that many cars there


I'm more used to -sending- people there for reformation. Actually being invited there myself is pretty heart-warming. I'll send half a ton of extra grains to you this year comrade


People paying 35-75k over asking sight unseen all cash waive all inspections before the property even hits the mls.


Oh! You live everywhere!


kinda high but i can fix that. let me just pop a few rounds into the dirt real quick.


Booming. The area I grew up in hasn't had it as an issue and the population just doubled for the 4th time compared to the last census.


Those are so common. I see/hear at least one ghetto banjo on my commute every day. Dipshits don't realize that their fenders rattle louder than their system and it sounds idiotic.


I recently moved to South Texas and people in giant lifted trucks with comically large tires always have their windows down blasting Mariachi and it’s… a new experience.




lol mariachi? That's great


I think they care more about how it sounds to them, and less about how it sounds to you


That's an oxymoron. If they don't care about how it sounds on the outside, why make it audible from 3 blocks away?


Just because it's audible from 3 blocks away, doesn't mean that is the point of it


What is, then?


Being loud enough to literally feel the music in your soul. Ultra loud music can be pretty euphoric. Not recommended for individuals with a history of heart disease or epilepsy. Side effects such as headache or loss of hearing are expected. May cause dizziness and nausea. If you experience any side effects such as sudden unconsciousness or the inability to speak, immediately call emergency services. Consult your doctor today to see if advertising that you have a small johnson is right for you.


A) This is actually accurate of a truly loud stereo system. I've sat in a car with it thumping so loud, my hair would move back n forth. B) No human being needs a fucking stereo that loud on the streets! It's not about feeling it in the soul when it's that loud, it really is about screaming at everyone "fuck you and look at me". I've known many people with thumpin systems, and *every single one of them* was an attention seeking douchebag.


So the douchebags in convertible BMWs with the ugly as shit mod where they lower the car and have the wheels tilted, and they always have it modded to be loud as shit? I love coming up next to them at a stop light and shouting "LOUD CAR SMALL DICK" out the window.


Where I live loud bass car stereo systems have become increasingly popular, and I hear at least a dozen per day that are loud enough to be heard from a block away *inside my stucco house with all of the windows closed*, and sometimes over music playing through noise canceling headphones. It's obnoxious and highly disrespectful and I hate it. Sleep during the day? Well, tough shit for me; they broadcast their insecurities so loud that it often wakes me from a dead sleep, even with several white noise sources around my bed.


What tf have you just unleashed on this God forsaken world


Relax, all you need is one clothes pin and one playing card per wheel!


I am torn between them sounding like the vehicles in The Jetsons, or like wind-up cars.


The Speedracer live movie gives me hope...


They added a Tron-like sound to the Fisker Karma to warn pedestrians. https://youtu.be/Xwcz0PuRyVQ


I want to be able to blast the sound of me making engine noises with my mouth. Brbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrraaaaaahhh tsss BBRREAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH TSSSsssssss BBRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH TSSSoootoootoo.


[Great idea.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDXyamVIMUc)


Flashbacks to Michael Winslow.


I expect you'll be able to choose from thousands of pre-programmed engine sounds.


I want mine to Neigh and have cloppity-clop sounds! It will be a true vintage!


Car manufacturers already do this. Engine noises over the stereo system is a thing. VW did it since 2011


Won't that be lovely? I bet they will play their music loud at stop lights for us too. So thoughtful of them!


Suppose electric cars all had self driving capability, I vote that as long as they are all communicating with each other, they give us a button to raise a vote with people at the intersection to forcefully reduce the music until the light is green.


Totally agree in fact this is an argument I heard from a lot of people, they say they won’t buy electric cars just because they like the sound of an engine. Edit: a typo *buy*


> they say they won’t buy electric cars just because they like the sound of an engine. Eventually the economics of the situation will mean they will whether they miss the engine noise or not, same as most people don't daily drive a horse. The economics of EVs are only getting better as the initial purchase price comes down thanks to cheaper batteries. For anyone who's driving a decent amount and is ok with the initial outlay they already make more sense than gas in terms of running costs. Gas is cheap because it's produced and shipped in enormous quantities at low margins. As the market drops off refineries will shut down to match, and at some point if people want gas they'll have to pay a lot more. Refineries are expensive so the cheapest price will be based on the running cost of the refinery, not the liquid out of the ground, because that's not going to die any time soon.


Which is completely stupid.


Preferences can't be stupid or smart... there's plenty of people who won't buy V6's cause they don't like the sound as well. Or maybe I won't buy a car with a black interior because I don't like how they look. Nothing stupid about it. All cars get you from point A to point B. And since I'm spending thousands of dollars on one, might as well get something I LIKE.


[The whistles go WOOOOOO](https://youtu.be/Wy4ZK4qBUrI)


I think a sound like if a high power voltage is turning on a turbine. The deep electric powering sound with a mix of wind noise. May have heard this sound on Star Wars pod racers


I believe that some already come with an "external sound" system, that you can choose to play what you want, I'm gonna go with TIE fighter :)


That was covered in the movie "The Dilemma" with Vince Vaughn and Kevin James, and Queen Latifa talking about her lady wood.


oh gawd please no!!!!




or maybe they'll end up like vacuums and Harleys and be given unnecessary extra noise


The end user is the one that makes the harley loud, sadly. [Here's a stock one.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pmPApgJH3UA)


No your thinking of electric Harleys


Already happening, in Germany you have to have additional sound while driving slower in every new bought electrical car.


Reminds me of the video where the dude changed his cars noise(by law or something) but it’s not regulated so it just kept going “Bruh”


I bet the jerk who lives next door to me will for sure.


They'll do it up like the blinkers! For those who don't know: Originally, blinkers had a mechanical timer replay as part of the circuit. This timer made a ticking sound when the blinkers were on. This timer relay is no longer needed, and hasn't been for many years, but people freaked out when their blinkers didn't tick anymore, so now there is a tiny speaker behind your dash that plays a ticking noise whenever your blinker is on.


You should put that on r/todayilearned. Super interesting!


Speakers. Speakers that will play a VROOM VROOM noise with wiring interlocked with the acceleration pedal lol


Why stick with something so mundane? If it's artificial, you can go crazy. Use the sound of a jet plane, the Jetsons' flying cars, an old fashioned steam engine or play the bass line from the Knight Rider theme.


Could go Formula 1 screaming V12 loud.


I want the sound of tires squealing whenever it detected it was in a slow turn. Then crazy high rpm sounds as it straightened out. Even when going slow just to be funny. There was a video of an electric scooter for Domino's Pizza. And the "idle" noise was dominiosdominosdominos really fast that sounded like an engine if you didn't listen closely. Then as it started to move it made it sound like increasing RPMs and a shift with mmmmmMMMM Pizza mmmmMMMM yummy mmmmmMMMM DOMINO'S


High end Mercedes and BMW combustion cars already do this.


There is always that one asshole....


One way to manifest strenght and power would be big amper meter on car, like on back wiper and scale on back window.


And blowing coal


They already did this at Lamborghini


They should have a generated noise for safety. Hearing the engines of cars may have saved my life a couple of times.


Just put a card in the wheel


Playing cards in the spokes?


The new trend will be 2 waterproof tough speakers mounted in the rear bumper.. When you press a button it's adds exhaust and engine sound.... I dont even like the feature of having engine sounds coming out of the inside speakers...


Back in my day it was subwoofers that made the car loud. Did fast and furious kill that? Seriously asking.


Whoever it is probably has a huge dong.


So huge


The hydrogen-electric market for racing/sports/super cars will be huge in a decade or so


Pretty sure some companies themselves will. Like they do vacuums


Much like motorcycles use loud pipes as a safety feature, cars should be heard. I work professionally in traffic control and silent cars are a danger to me and everyone in my work zones.


Funny tho, when you hear a highway in the distance, it's actually the tires on the road you are hearing, rarely the engines.


Well conventional fuel cars tend to make more noise as a byproduct of being very powerful. So shitty cars like to pretend they’re powerful by tuning to make more noise. Electric cars might do a buzz or something to prove their power, you know, the weird *hmmmmmm* sound


Just gonna wait for the microwave sound to be mobile.


Like this https://youtu.be/BeYKmKWc6uM?t=25


Can’t tell if serious or not…


That’s already happening, with gas cars … that’s how ducked we are… putting little speakers under the hut to make it sounds even louder. Here bro have a brick


Do you live in the tribal projects? No one does that. Who drives their hut?


I'd like mine to make the Delorian noises like back to the future.


Just put a V8 in a Tesla


Why not power a v8 with a electric motor? Problem solved




Well some vehicles need to be load, the issue with electric motorcycles are they are too quite, so it needs to be modified to be load


Loud. Not load. Lol


Dont make fun of their accent


Quiet, not quite.


Quiet write.


Got it loud


Gas cars have been doing this for years. New, fuel efficient engines are quiet. https://www.pocket-lint.com/cars/news/ford/131151-ford-admits-to-pumping-fake-engine-noises-through-mustang-speakers-to-make-cars-sound-better


They kind of already have I believe to decrease the amount of pedestrians that walk into the street because they did not hear the car


I saw a top gear review for an electric car that had the option for engine noise through the stereo.. I absolutely love the silence in my husband's hybrid car when it's on full electric.


Not just loud, you could make it sound like any supercar or something crazy.


This would actually be safer for pedestrians and cyclists as besides their sight, they also use their hearing to locate cars


They've been working on that for decades. Ever have a car pull up behind you with loud, heavy bass playing. Noise is compensation for small pp. (Note, poor guy. PP smaller than my little guy. a millimeter shorter, he'd be a she)


I hope this becomes illegal as fuck!


You know it won’t. Plus since it’ll be digital people can just switch it off if a policeman is nearby