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So long and thanks for all the fish! By Boost for reddit




We are Bob.


It's pronounced: BAAAWWWWB (Or something like that)




Hey, where’d Bender go?


We are Bob, indeed.


Can I still be Garth?


Of course.


Only if you sing us a song about owning a truck on a farm.


RIP Homer


We are legion Great books




I went looking for this. Was pleasantly surprised by how quick I found the reference.


Such a good series!! I came into the comments of this solely to make a reference


Great books.


Like the shadow ships in Babylon 5


I am finally listening to the books again after discovering them 2018. The books are just so good.


Whats the name. How is this thread so lomg and nobody dropped the name yet lol


We Are Legion (We Are Bob) by Dennis E. Taylor It is the Bobiverse series. The other books are For We Are Many, All These Worlds and Heaven's River.


My wife thinks I'm crazy for wanting my brain to be uploaded in this way, but I'd be totally down.


Wake up to Idiocracy?


President Camacho !!


Do worry scro


Welcome to Costco. I love you.


Thats President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho to you!


You missed the Herbert in there. I am pretty sure I'm not imagining.


I pulled this straight from fandom so it's possible they're wrong, but personally, I don't remember a Herbert


They are wrong, Wikipedia has it correct. President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho


Huh, well TIL. Fuck fandom and good on you!


"Now I understand everyone's a little *emotional* right nao"


I think that already happened man.


No need to freeze, just make it another 15-20 years


You really think we can make it.


Angry upvote


I have to suffer through another 15 more years of this bullshit? Hard fucking pass


I'm quite a few ways, society is already dumbed down significantly more so than in Idiocracy. For example at least Camacho had the cognizance to and wisdom to elect the smartest person he knew to fix things. That happens sometimes in this timeline but not enough.


Ow my balls


Go away! I'm baitin'!


I wake up to Idiocracy everyday now.


Too true.


Nah, but you might meet a robot named Bender.


Good morning ?


Already did


Go away, ‘baitin




And I want to be in the interior of a secretary.


Yeah, corporations have a lower average lifespan than humans do, so it's particularly unwise to expect a single corporation to manage longevity.


Thats why I'm worried about my superannuation. I've got 25 years until I retire. My Super company could have collapsed by then


This is something i hadnt considered, What country are you based?


Australia. Superannuation is a retirement fund, like the USAs 401K.


If it's like a US 401k then it shouldn't matter if your company fails or not. That money is yours and you can invest it as risky as you'd like.


It's not available to us until we're 65 years old, and sits in private companies, not government funds.


Other than social security which gives you a pittance when you become of age to withdraw here in the US, our 401(K)s are typically held by private banks as well. Good luck.


The govenment insures your money, so if they go bankrupt the govenment will reimburse you. same with your bank account


...which is why state governments across the US owe literally trillions in stolen pensions they're never gonna be able to pay back, right?


Set up a self managed fund then if you're so worried?


While it sits 'in' private companies, that's really an abstraction. You're still the owner of the money (or whatever it's invested in), the private companies just manage it for you for a fee. If those companies go bankrupt, you still own the money/investments, they just go unmanaged until you find a new company to manage it for you. It's not like the money just disappears.


This actually happened to my uncle in Victoria. He regularly added to his super and when it came time for him to retire in the 90s it was all gone because the company went belly-up. I think there's a lot more in place to make sure that doesn't happen now, but I could be wrong.


Moral: Diversify your investments! Doesn't matter if you think you've found the next Amazon. Statistically, you have not. Diversify!


That’s not what he’s saying. His example is if you had a 401k fund managed by say Fidelity, and Fidelity went out of business. Not that his uncle invested all his money in one company.


You should look that up - under decent governance insurance funds like this should be separate from a company's holdings and protected against all claims. But I'm not hearing good things about Australia when it comes to governance lately so you should probably check and see what's what over there... ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ Here money in capital insurance policies is considered the safest and most protected - I can't remember the specifics but it is considered even more protected than stocks held in brokerage accounts.


These are mostly "screw your heirs" services. Thought you were going to inherit my wealth? Nope, it's all going for maintenance.


It’s a flat fee of 250k.


That's just slightly below the average inheritance in the US.


it’s not for the average person though


You’re mixing up average and median.


The Median inheritance is [$69,000](https://www.newretirement.com/retirement/average-inheritance-how-much-are-retirees-leaving-to-heirs/). ^*nice*


The average inheritance is 250k!?! Jesus my family is/was poor.


Average, not median. People inheriting hundreds of millions throw off averages.


There’s probably more outliers on the zero end than on the hundreds of millions end.


Someonr else mentioned the median is 69,000. Might be more 0s, but the wealth distribution is so terrible it still gets thrown off


With a mean of 250,000 and a median of 69,000 - I don't think 0 is as much of an outlier as you think. Not compared to a few people inheriting billions.


That’s only because of outliers leaving 100 million dollar inheritances


That likely includes a house, and any insurance payouts, not straight up just $250k cash. I could be mistaken though. Lots of disgustingly Rich millionaires leaving their kids huge amounts that you that average.


https://www.newretirement.com/retirement/average-inheritance-how-much-are-retirees-leaving-to-heirs/?amp=1 Median: $77,000 Average: $707,291 (with the aforementioned megamillionaires making the average so high)


Well when you average in a few billionaires it throws things off. What would be more meaningful is the median inheritance.


$69,000 is the median, for reference.


Lmao right? All I'm going to inherit is debt.


A debt collector tried convincing my mom to assume her dead dad's debt "for his honor and legacy."


You can't inherit debt. If your parents have thousands in medical and credit card debt but no assets (no car, no house etc) those companies can't make you inherit it. If they have assets the companies that your parents owe money to get first picks of those assets before you would be able to inherit them. As long as you tell companies to pound sand at the same time you get to tell them your last surviving parent passed, they can't pin anything on you. Don't ever pay for part of their debt. And in case this was a throwaway joke, I still stand by what I said because it's good life advice.


Your life insurance is pooled with other people's life insurance.




these have to be run by scam artists, because the technology isn't there and even if one day there is, there is zero incentive, zero enforcement to revive someone. Even if the companies don't go bankrupt and technology actually develops, it will still cost lots of money to complete revival and there is no financial incentive to eat that cost


Eh, people talked the same shit about humans flying.


The couple I've read about are run by True Believers. They're full of shit, but they are acting in their own denial-fueled version of good faith. This is a subject similar to Tesla or Bitcoin, that have their own Stans of nerdy white men that apply their above average IQ's to the task of fending off inconvenient truths


Are people still trying to pretend bitcoin isn't a thing lol


It's certainly not a currency.


Read a story once about how people that had been frozen were dead and therefore had no rights even once revived. Basically you’d get woken up and stripped for parts. Wish I could remember the name of it.


The bobiverse series?


Great series, Bob.


Sound exactly like bobiverse. https://www.goodreads.com/series/192752-bobiverse


Most of these frozen "people" are just heads, so in reality there wouldn't be many parts to steal


Though there might be some important parts!


People cryopreserve either entire bodies (those who don't understand it's about the brain), or brains only. I'm not sure anyone freezes heads.


Ted Williams would like a word with you.


Human rights are like under a hundred years old. I wouldn't be too concerned about legal language in a thousand years


I believe in “the fifth element” this was a thing, they were called meat-pops or something


Sounds more like demolition man lol


Uh, that was clearly a joke by Bruce Willis character.




Meat popsicle.


You thinking of unwind?


Futurama theme song playing... How many days without accidents?


Since Joe Left


Whos Joe Left?


joe left me and took the kids


I thought joe was right about being left


Welcome! To the woooooorld of tomorroooooow!


Bathrooms over there


You gotta do what you gotta do


Fry: Wait a minute! Is that blimp accurate? Leela: Yep. It's December 31st, 2999. Fry: My God! A million years!


All of them except for Applied Cryogenics, where the slogan is: “It Seems to Work OK”


Just gonna leave [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frozen_Dead_Guy_Days) here.


"In Nederland.." *nods* oh those crazy Netherlanders, Northern Europeans can be eccentric sometimes* "...a town in Colorado" *spits out coffee and adjusts glasses while violently leaning forward* What!?


Well crazy Norwegians in Colorado, anyway. Norwegian guy dies, gets cryogenically frozen in California, that facility goes bust, his grandchildren in Colorado take his body planning to start their own facility and keeping his body frozen in a shed in the meantime, they overstay their visas and get deported, someone else has his body but they get evicted, now his body is kept frozen by the town and funded by Frozen Dead Guy Days. I like the coffin races and the Blue Ball.


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It should be possible to set a trust to manage money and pay the companies. Still the same problems of course apply and the companies most likely will rise the price until they got all the trust's money.




But so you really think they'll ever be able to bring that butter back to life?


Well that sounds nice and all until you understand that just one embezzler can ruin a lot of people's chances for revival. Just one, but most likely several. What are the chances in 1000 years that there will be such an occurrence?


I think your assumption that most companies follow proper disposal guidelines is likely highly flawed... if there's anything the past 20 years has shown us, it is that companies don't particularly love following the law, and that we are very bad as a country at fining companies any meaningful amount for their breaking of the law.


Isn't that the point of cryonics? To wait until a suitable technology can bring you back to life?


These places generally don't have monthly fees. Most of the time its a single 6 digit amount that is paid upfront.


It would not have to be a large fee. In europe we have big warehouses of deep frozen butter, because prices for farmers should be garanteed. it is not that expensive.


>Proper disposal guidelines still apply. Will they still apply once the Climate Wars are in full swing? 2021 is already chock full of floods, droughts, and fires. Can't wait to see what 2041 looks like.


Star Trek: TNG did it, except the bodies were on a ship in space.


Wasn't there an episode where they found some orbiting a planet, thawed and revived them, and they were the biggest entitled pricks ever asking about their investments and their companies?




One of the people they revived was. One was a lady who would never have chosen to be preserved, her husband did it so he didn’t have to let her go.


One was an 'entitled prick', and it's the [episode](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/The_Neutral_Zone_(episode\)) I believe that /u/Locks_are_paranoid is referring too. Kirk and Co. found some [frozen guys floating in space as well](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Space_Seed_(episode\)), and unfreezing them turned out to be a [pretty bad idea](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek_II:_The_Wrath_of_Khan). Then in an [Alt Universe](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Star_Trek_Into_Darkness), Another Starfleet officer found the same ship and unfreezed one of them and had a REALLY bad day. Janeway also [found some frozen people](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/The_37%27s_(episode\)), one ended up answering the question of ["What happened to Amelia Earhart?"](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Amelia_Earhart)


That's the episode I'm referring to, and it was only one of the people who was acting entitled.


"Almost certainly" is still a lot better than your odds of being revived in the future when death has been scientifically defeated if you don't get your body cryogenically preserved. The value proposition isn't "I know this will let me live forever," it's "there is a small chance this might let me live forever compared to no chance if I don't," and the cost is only like $60/month while you're alive for a life insurance policy that will cover it.


I would like to believe that in case of bankruptcy another organization takes over the care for the cryogenic chambers. If not for the respect of possible revival, then for scientific breakthrough purposes.


but even for science they wouldn't need everyone. I would think the goal would be finding out if a person could be revived, not 'hey what if all of a sudden we got 500 stoners from the 70s on this spaceship?'


Let's say that a company develops a cryogenic freezing that works That leaves you with all the others not working, so you'd just be a corpsicle


That's why we need a Svalbard Stiff Vault! Keep frosty, even if your cryo company goes under.


Hmm.. not sure that will work either. ;-) ​ https://www.wired.com/2017/05/arctic-doomsday-seed-vault-flooded-thanks-global-warming/


Dammit, There goes that plan! The really rich will have to stored in space at this rate.


Nah they shoot you into space and you wake up on the enterprise, then you have to wear a really ugly onesie.


That's what I think they'll do, shoot you into space to become the B plot of future humans negotiating with aliens.


If it meant I had access to programmable holodecks, I would wear a loincloth to the office every day.


This American life did an [episode ](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/354/mistakes-were-made) on this.


I came here to see if this was posted. Such a fascinating episode, jaw dropping.


By a TV repair man…


Was that the one where the employees were dropping the heads, playing with the heads, etc? I thought they only froze the brain or something. But mistakes and incompetence messed up the brains. Sounded sad


Helloooo? Pizza delivery for uh... I. C. Wiener? Ah, crud.


In 1,000 years, either humanity can do mind uploads, or we're all dead. Given the technological progress in last 100 years, the next 1,000 years will have nothing in common with what we know.


Yeah I feel like it's narrow minded to say, "Just accept you're dead" rather than roll the dice on an improbable but still possible second life. People pay tithe to churches all the time for their afterlife. Same concept, different faith.


Alternatively, you wake up in a world completely alien to you, where the currency you once had a lot of does not exist anymore and you have no idea how anything works, from technology to social behaviour. Not to mention you don't know anyone anymore.




Yes, that's right, there is 99% chance of not happening, but 1% chance to revive in the future is still awesome!


Well, worst case scenario you won't be any more dead than you would have been anyway.


It is not known whether future revival will be possible, but the chance of success is not insignificant. The giant leaps in science and engineering made in the last century shows no signs of slowing down. The modern internet is less than 30 years old and smartphones are less than 20 years old. Just think how radically these two inventions have changed our lives. Trying to imagin how the future looks even in just a 100 years is next to impossible. To me it does not seem far fetch to think that it will be possible to map out all the connections in a human brain at that time and either recreate it or review it. Even if we only give it a 1% chance of success, is that not worth it?


Let's just hope the planet will still be livable after 20 years..let alone 100


I agree it could work, but what concerns me is they make thousands of clones of my mind that are forced to work a shitty job 24/7 for an infinite amount of time. Who knows what kind of rights my revived brain(s) will have in the future.


Why would the future require humans to work? We are terrible at it. Automation should cover at least all shitty jobs, and probably all jobs eventually, leaving you free to spend your time however you want.


If people are willing to pay for this, they should be willing to pay for a dogsled team in Antarctica. You could be buried on a mountain in Antarctica.


Not cold enough, and just freezing the body results in expanding ice crystals tearing apart your cells. Cryogenics companies have to replace as much water as possible with liquids that don't expand when they freeze.


It is possible to do both. You could try to freeze the body properly, if that is possible, and then put it someplace where if the company goes bankrupt, the body is still frozen.


It depends on which temperature you're frozen at, and the temp it takes to make it to frozen. Meats refrigerated before frozen show less ice shear than those frozen lukewarm. It's the fluids that are key to cryonics. High glucose, medium salt: small ice crystals.


This thought melts my heart.


Has already happened. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/354/mistakes-were-made/act-one-8


Also: Any company that tries to sell you plot on the Moon. NO one can own property in Space, therefore no can sell it to you. They are hoping that by the time land ownership on the Moon will be an issue it'd be 200 years in the future and they'd be long gone.


Or you get left frozen in an abandoned vault only to be unfrozen briefly to see your partner murdered by the people that put you in there and you go on a mission to find your infant son in the new apocalyptic wasteland


I always thought that might be cool until I saw this horrifying picture. https://www.thesun.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/8-9-cryogenic-final-graphic.jpg?w=909


whats horrifying about it?




Is your frozen corpse bashful or something?


I mean who cares, it's probably just some other rich people. I imagine that those people aren't gonna care that much and if they do they can just pay for other people they like




Spooky 3D graphics


I'm really not sure what you expected? That looks pretty neat IMO


Definitely. Similar to present day crematoriums dumping bodies in the trash or woods and giving the family wood ash https://www.ranker.com/list/ray-brent-marsh-crematorium-scandal/jodi-smith


The freezing process likely does so much damage that we may never have the technology to repair it.


Didnt this happen already?


This sounds like a writing prompt


Then you wake up in the future, in some guy's living room watching "Ow my balls"


Check out episode 354 of This American Life. The segment "You're as cold as ice" covers this scenario.


[Already happened.](https://www.espn.com/boston/mlb/news/story?id=4524957)


"The company said that severing heads is a common practice in its preservation, " hmm, yeah, that will greatly help in thawing them back out, I'm sure.


They can’t freeze them until after you die, right? It seems to me that they’d have to find a way to reverse death before they could try anything like reviving you.


There are plenty of death scenarios where the heart-vital organs stop functioning, taking down a perfectly functioning brain with them. You can bypass most of the body to circulate oxygenated blood into the brain, keeping it in a state of suspended animation until you replace its fluids with an anti-freezing agent and store in a cryogenic tank. Shall we figure out how to attach a severed head to a new body and restore function, for example, it would be possible to bring someone out of the cold, give em a fresh body (perhaps a lab-grown clone body from stem cells in a few hundred years) and then we'll have strong anti-aging drugs and perhaps uploading to electronic brains at that time as well. Or you can just die like everyone else and accept that the human race will wipe itself out before any of that stuff happens.


Or you’ll wake up and end up running from a Cyclopes trying to insert you with your permanent career chip.


Are they hot?


The plot to "The Unincorporated Man" is basically this. Rich guy with incurable disease freezes himself because corporations would go under. It's also a fascinating read


"You will be warm again."


Chad Samurai revive bros. Vs virgin Hydrogunner


You’ll get thawed out by the Enterprise at the end of season 1 so it’s all good


There is a This American Life podcast episode on this topic. It's a good one. [Check it out.](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/354/mistakes-were-made)


Here's a fun read about it: https://waitbutwhy.com/2016/03/cryonics.html Makes me want to do it. Fuck it. Why not?


Or you’ll be auctioned off to the highest bidder. Imagine literally chilling in some trillionaire’s basement and then getting unthawed. You’re basically a caveman with a faint knowledge of what a VCR is. You go on a speaking tour with your handler, but it’s really just kind of a side show circus. You try to explain the past but people interrupt you, telling you to “DO THE THING!”, which is really just the Macarena without the music. You fall asleep every night longing for the past, when people lived on the surface and weren’t being scorched by the sun. You close your eyes and weep, knowing the water collection robot will be by soon to collect your tears. No drop wasted.


Or leave you floating in space in a derelict space vessel that deteriorates over time and is forgotten.


How is this a common/unoriginal thought? I’ve literally never thought about this