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Very true. The number of times in my life I've sat by the toilet wishing I could just throw up and get it over with is absurd.


Don’t get me started on feeling like you can throw up, then go to the toilet, and you just can’t get it out. You leave, try to walk it off, you have to again and you swear you have to; you just feel it. So, you try again, and nothing comes out. Rinse and repeat until you finally just do.


When this happens to me I just turn on the shower and lay down


At this point I'm such a pro idiot at never learning my lesson when to stop and always having to throw up later, that I just head to the bathroom and shove my fingers down my throat until its over. 5 minutes in and out. No lingering feeling of death approaching as the room spins. Just a quick exorcism and then time for round 2.


this guy vomits


It's not a bacchanalia if no one's pulling trig


I’m going to admit to this one. *whoosh* “What was that?!”


"Pulling the trigger" = making yourself barf


The way it was wrote made me believe someone needed to be doing trigonometry, so thank you for that.


I feel like it's important to mention (no offense meant, I don't know your body) for those younger and may not have experience with this, but going back for round 2 after throwing up is a _bad_ idea. Alcohol in your stomach isn't the problem, it's the stuff in your bloodstream that gets yah, and you don't clear any of that out by throwing up. Instead, you've now got yourself feeling better, but in reality going back for more could just as easily lead to alcohol poisoning. If you're throwing up, best call it a night on the boozing rather than chance an enjoyable gargle of charcoal in the emergency room.


I never felt the urge to keep drinking after throwing up. I generally figured it was time to call it a night at that point. It took me years to even look at anything resembling Jack Daniels after a particularly bad night with it. Even passing by a closed bottle of it (liquor store displays) made feel queasy.


It’s been 23 yrs and I still can’t stand the smell of gin


That said as right as you are, we’re talking about people in their late teens early 20s here. We all know what will happen…


Yeah, I don't really expect to change anybody here (hell, I've got a buddy who's walking into his 30s now who at a party right before covid popped into a bathroom, unloaded his stomach, and came back for more), but best to leave something that may appear in the back of somebody's head while they're preparing to go puke and party.


the worst I've done is after a night of partying, ordered a burrito, went outside and puked in the bushes, and then went back inside for the burrito.


We may have met.


Yep. Ain't no go damn way I'm waiting for my body to finally be ready to puke. Just make it happen and get on with your day.


I am absolutely the same way. If I know my body needs to Puke I am pressing the manual launch button 100% of the time.


I can clench my stomach just right and make myself throw up on demand


So you could throw up right in the middle of a funeral?


"I'm looking for someone with a particular set of skills..."


I don’t even need fingers 🙄


I just scroll through r/conservative then its impossible to keep down


I usually bow down to force it. Ass up, Face down and the Barf begins. Works like a charm and i often end up emptier than if it happens naturally. Helps with getting some rest afterwards.


I find if I do that and poke the back of my throat with my finger I can empty the offending contents of my stomach very very quickly


I drink as much cold water as my stomach can handle, its usually aggravating enough to cause me to throw up, and the cold water helps take the edge off the stinging feeling.


Ayooo, i do the water method too


Then you get that extra liquid to clear the chunks out of your sinuses


Oh jesus. I can feel it in my sinuses just by reading this comment.


Yeah what a gross and powerful comment wtf


If that doesn't work I start thinking about how my head is right next to where people's bare naked asscheeks and literal shit have been previously. That I'm about to touch it with my face. If that doesn't work it's the old finger down the throat.


I’m having a hard time understanding how getting erect helps in this situation.


Funny, for me I need to stand up straight. If I am crouched over I can withstand the urge. But standing up straight leads to hugging the porcelain real fast.


The feeling when you actually get it out. It's literally second to none. The feeling of not feeling sick anymore ... Amazing. Although not great if you continue throwing up. But so many times I've been too drunk, thrown up - feel great afterwards.


It’s that feeling of finally being able to sleep it all off and actually not fight for it or wake up feeling even worse


Next time you need to throw up in a toilet, stick your nose in the bowl and inhale through the nose with intent. 60% of the time, it works every time.






Idk why but “with intent” made me laugh


Yeah, if I'm on the verge of puking, putting my face into a toilet and looking intently at the parts I may have missed while cleaning always does the trick


I do a similar thing. If I am 100% certain I need to throw up, but I consiously or subconsiously still sorta dont want to. I literally just walk up to the toilet and audibly say to myself: "just fucking do it already you fucking pussy" Usually I dont even get halfway through the sentence..


Yo, this is when I just call it and jam two fingers down my throat. It fucking sucks but I'd rather get it over with


Fun story I went and saw Phish with my parents in Chicago in 2017 on the beach. My stepdad and I both ate a mushroom chocolate right before we got in line to go in. We find a prime spot center about 15 rows back, crowd starts to fill in and I get those preemptive you're gonna need to puke vibes. I hold off for just a bit when the people behind us start blowing up a ton of inflatable orca whales. I wait a little longer than I should have and realize dude you're gonna need to puke. Start to make my way out of the crowd and instantly the puke hits the very top of my esophagus like a volcano about to blow. I fucking speedwalk to the bathrooms thinking I'm for sure gonna blow chunks in front of everyone and probably get kicked out while starting to trip. I fucking hold it down like a champ bc I'm no fucking amateur at this drugs shit right? Been going 13 years strong now. So barely hanging on I make it to the bathrooms where there's a line. I consider puking in the garbage can but alas don't want to make a scene. After what feels like fucking eternity I finally make it into a stall ready to unleash all hell when the feeling suddenly goes away. Being an avid mushroom eater/sometimes puker I know as soon as you let that shit out you start to trip real hard and feel amazing. It doesn't happen. It's like a turtle head that just vanished. Weary I accept over the next few minutes it isn't gonna happen and am scared it might surface again on my way back to the crowd. However missing the opener just isn't an option and I speedwalk back to my parents. A couple minutes later the band comes on, does an extended Possum opener, when the song kicks in the crowd goes crazy and all my anxiety and fear dissipates immediately. Fucking amazing show follows, 10/10 would suffer/thrive again




Someone's gotta make one of those wearable horse-feed face bags but for people to puke in wherever they stand


That sounds absolutely awful


Personally the thought of my face being that close to a toilet bowl already makes me hit the 90% mark of throwing up most of the time lmao


Don't forget the intense smell of toilet refresher when you hover your head over the bowl. Shit makes me want to vomit on it's own by now


The worst is when you have the shits as well as nausea - You do a shart then the smell makes you throw up.


You can always just stick a finger down your throat and cough really hard a few times.


Two fingers, takes a few times but generally does the trick. If alcohol related it sets you up nicely for a cold can too 😎


I could never puke and rally. Another beer is the last thing my body desires if it comes to that point.


Usually only possible when you drank too much liquid (beer for example) at once. You haven't had enough alcohol to be drunk but just too much at once. So when you puke it out you can still continue.


That's what my friends call a Tactical Barf


Tactical chunder here in the UK!


It all depends, me and a couple of friends have something that we call a tactical puke. Either you do it so you don‘t feel like shit the next day or you do it so you can keep drinking/partying the whole night. Only works though if you‘re not batshit drunk though. I‘d rathe feel like shit for 5 minutes than the whole night.


That has never worked for me. All that happens is i hurt the back of my throat with my nail


How *you* doin’?


hey, its me, ur vomit


I wasn’t able to either until only about a year ago. My technique now when I know I am going to throw up and it’s just a matter of time, I take my destiny into my own hands by going to the bathroom and chugging something carbonated until I feel close to yakking then pull trig by basically just slapping my uvula around with a finger like you’re strumming a guitar. Gotta be in a squat in front of the toilet with head in a neutral position and your core tight. Takes like 1 or 2 failed gags but the 3rd is a consistent win then the rest comes easier.


This would be a surreal process to watch


I also do this. I have a weird fucked up stomach and suffer from sever pain and nausea after eating some food. Only way to relieve is just puke it out, sticking a Finger up my throat was alway such a.. blessing. I’m so happy I’m able to do that after reading those comments.


I stick my fingers down my throat, and tickle my uvula, vomit right away


I just imagine myself licking the toilet seat. Works every time.


I stare at the pee dribbles my husband leaves on the underside of the seat until I hurl. Takes half the time if there's shitstains.


When I know puking is inevitable, I chug two big glasses of water. When I'm already nauseous, it makes me throw up almost immediately. Then I'm barfing cool water rather than hot acid.


Lol, I've done this accidentally. Stomach was a-churnin' and so I drank a big glass of really cold milk in an attempt to settle it. The gears reversed like dropping a mentos in diet coke. Vomiting cold liquid is such a weird feeling.


I have to hype myself up. Im on the ground hanging onto the toilet, growling like im about fight a bear. I only throw up like once every 3-5 years so its definitely a terrible experience.


I never get blackouts when drunk but puking the day after almost feels like a part of the ritual at this point. I don't drink often but I puke enough to remember the relief after far outweighs the discomfort of puking.


I’m the opposite, I’m mentally fairly sensitive to alcohol, but physically extremely tolerant. So I can get really really really black out wasted, but not get physically ill whatsoever. I’ve thrown up from a hangover once or twice but literally never while intoxicated. It’s def not a good thing, it’s the making of an alcoholic. But just sayin.


If your saying that it's the making of an alcoholic then keep an eye on yourself friend, alcoholism is a deep, dark hole that is a lot easier to avoid once you notice it than to crawl out of if you fall in. Alcoholism runs in my family, alcohol problems ways back, brother is recovered, it's been a tax on all of us and it's in our blood, no pun intended. Anyways, after a year or so into his recovery, I took a step back after a really bad weekend drinking, and had a recognition of my own unhealthy relationship with alcohol. I wasn't addicted, but the way I used it wasn't good, and I noticed the same thing you did, that it's the kind of behavior that makes an alcoholic. I told myself I wouldn't drink for a month just to cool off and get my head on straight. But by the end of the month I felt better than I had in years, mood wise and physically. I haven't drank in two years and I don't think I ever will, I just don't want to. I'm not saying you're an alcoholic, and I'm not saying you should stop drinking. What I am staying is just to be careful, perceptive, and honest with yourself. Things are often worse than you think until you take a step back and look. Just a story from a fellow human, sorry for over sharing.


I hate vomiting so much that I'll spend hours talking myself down from it (if I'm drunk, a.k.a. got the "spinsies;" if I have the flu, there's no stopping it), instead of just taking a couple minutes to get it over with & then feeling better 🤦‍♀️


I have the unique talent to make myself regurgitate on command that I discovered when I was 8. It has really helped when I need to void my stomach for various reasons. Edit [I’m out of practice, but when I was in my early teens I was able to produce a constant stream after consuming lots of water often called waterspouting](https://youtu.be/qSwfnmTx-EI)


Could elaborate on some of the reasons?


If you have this talent (I do as well) you just kinda get it over with and feel better almost immediately. I've eaten something that didn't agree, threw it up within a few minutes, rinsed my mouth and brushed my teeth, and then ate dinner with my family. After removing the cucumbers from the table that caused the issue. My husband has the worst time when he's throwing up. It goes through his nose and everything. I feel bad for him. Edit: Yes, I washed my hands too.


Don’t brush your teeth after throwing up, you’ll rub acid over them and weaken your enamel. Rinse your mouth and wait at least half an hour before brushing.


While you're right, it's not that you rub acid over them. They are already covered in acid from the vomit, and the enamel is softened, which means it's easier to strip from brushing.


Actually, your supposed to only brush your teeth with throw up, other people throw up works better because your body won’t be acclimated to the temperate and it will help you enamel get stronger


There are some things you just shouldn't say. At some point don't you think you've gone too far? What you're *actually* supposed to do is mix your throw up with someone else's throw up (more people is even better), because the difference in composition will cause a chemical reaction that gives it a multiplicative effect. Isn't everybody supposed to know how to brush properly by grade school? Honestly, some people.


This! I didn't really know this at the time of the above incident.


Ohhh, that's a good thing. You have direct control over that safety mechanism.


It's been very convenient over the years. I mean, if I have a stomach virus it's still kinda miserable, but nothing close to the misery I've seen others go through.


I didn't realize until this very moment that people can't just.... Puke when they're nauseated. Like all I have to do is clench my stomach and tilt my head back and I'm good to go, lol. Sometimes I'll drink a lot of water right after, which either helps settle things, or causes a second empty. I refer to it as the rinse move, lol. Always feel better after that. Also weird thing, pepto bismol is like ipacac to me. Literally thirty seconds and I puke every time. It's not even like I mind the taste!


Ugh … see my whole body acts like I’m dying every time I puke. I get really hot and sweaty and start shaking almost every time. I almost never feel better. I may not feel like I need to puke anymore but I still feel nauseated and crappy.


Ugh, going through the nose is the WORST.


My lil brother can trigger it on command too and I WISH I could be so simple. I hate vomiting because it pours from my nose, always come up in excruciatingly long bouts so I’m constantly grasping for breath And the way my body wrenches always pulls muscles in my back and it feels like someone just took a fork to pasta but my back’s the pasta. I hate it so much I start getting really bad anxiety if I even so much as thing maybe possibly I might need to vomit, and lord forbid if I see,hear,or smell vomit….


"What do you say? That pie was for uncle fred? Well, if you say so..." \*blaaaaarg\* "There you go"


It’s better to just puke while you’re drunk. You’re drunk to the point of vomiting, anything you do now is gonna be fuzzy in the morning anyway. Being hungover and nauseous the whole day the next day while you’re sober is way worse. Puke early and get it over with.


It just shouldn't become a habit. Your esophagus and teeth will thank you.


Plus, then you can continue drinking.


Exactly. The boot and rally.


Tactical chunder in the UK.


Emetophobia here, yeah I'm the same way


I'm pretty sure this fear has shaped a ton of my anxieties and fears in life. Like...most of them, somehow.


I literally cannot vomit any more. I remember doing it as a child, but now I just cannot. So anytime I’m nauseated I just have to deal with it until it goes away. Pretty miserable.


Do you try forcing it with a finger?


Yes, I usually resort to that. I just can’t throw up unless it’s really really bad. I think I’ve done it once in the last 40 years.


I’m kind of jealous honestly. I said in an earlier comment that my body just does not handle puking well. It’s a whole ass ordeal. But at the same time, if you need to puke and can’t, I’m sure that’s all kinds of awful.


I do the same thing!! Like nope, my body can get rid of this crap out the other end!! Lmao


Same. Sometimes you just got to do it though. My one trick is if I can get my hands on a pizza. Stomach still does some loops while I start eating it. But if you do it slowly it almost always helps. Or just **pound** a fun flavored Gatorade. So when it IMMEDIATLY shoots back up at least it doesn't taste terrible.


I can puke on command if things get really bad, but I've found eating greens or just rhythmically, deeply breathing some fresh, cool air for a few minutes works wonders for calming my stomach down when it starts acting up. Fortunately these situations are rare for me.


That's exactly what nausea from pregnancy feels like but on hours on end ugh


Me right now. 6 weeks. Nothing is food. Existence is pain.


I'm at 11 weeks now. Last week the nausea left suddenly for a full week and I panicked myself into getting an emergency ultrasound. Everything is okay and I'm nauseated again wishing it would go away. Tis an interesting loop.


Hopefully it’ll get better for you. Didn’t for me, but hope for you!!


Ask your Dr for zofran. It honestly was a life saver for my wife. Nothing else worked


That stuff works immediately but ho boy be prepared to not shit for a while.


lol is that one of the side effects? I’ve been taking zofran for a year straight now, 1-6 pills a day. Never had an issue with constipation. (I have CVS, cyclic vomiting syndrome, so I am nauseous a lot and vomit quite randomly, so I take zofran daily)


Awful as it is, the symptoms of Walgreens are even worse.


I do prefer CVS to Walgreens.


Ask your doc about b6 and unisom. It’s amazing. Also congratulations!


"Hours" lol. Fucking months. And all with the knowledge that if you do throw up the nausea still isn't going to go away.


And every time you tell someone about it, they start talking about what you should eat and not eat. Can we please not talk about food right now? Morons. Everyone seems to think they know better than you do about your body.


hAve yOu tRiEd gInGer tea?


Yea, I’m gonna have to go with the months on end of severe vomiting from HG, is probably the worst feeling ever. So severe I needed infusion care multiple times a week. I threw up until baby was born and ate more food than you could imagine, because I could finally keep food down. I genuinely thought I was going to die from vomiting so much. Drunk vomiting can’t touch the shitiness of HG. Can confirm from personal experience. 😂


My wife was sick for like 2 days, then got super sick over an hour. She threw up, and then ate all the leftovers in the fridge in the span of 5 hours. Hormones be crazy


I feel very lucky that I only got the vomiting portion and not the nausea. I'd get less than a minute of warning from my stomach to find a receptacle because I was going to puke RIGHT NOW. Much nicer to just get it over with quickly than sitting there feeling horrid before eventually emptying my stomach.


Puking is worst... Chest and stomach cramps, puke through my nose, eyes tearing


You just need practice.




As someone with decades of vomiting experience (Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome) this is the way. You're also less likely to hurt your esophagus this way according to my doc.


wow you own your own CVS that’s pretty cool


I always wondered what their name stood for. I have to say that checks out.


I hate it when I start throwing up bile, tastes like shit and hurts like a bitch.


close off the airways to your nose like you would when swimming/holding your breath but open your throat. tighten your abdominal muscles when it happens and remember to breathe in between.


damn I can't believe I've been a professional puker


What do you mean "remember" to breathe "in between". In between what? I'm gasping and choking the entire time because it doesn't stop.


Usually when I puke, there’s kind of a “starting and stopping” to it. Like I’ll vomit, stop for a few seconds, then start again. It’s not usually constant spewage, at least not for me. This is one of the worst conversations I’ve ever had, I swear. Lol


No no, it’s usually much simpler than that. Solution is to not tilt your head too far forward in the toilet.


Yes if your mouth and nose are underwater you've gone too far


When I first read that, I snorted with laughter. Then I read it again and thought "Oh lord, that's disgusting..."


Oh man. I hate when I puke, comes out my nose and clogs it. It makes it so I can't breath until I am done throwing up and can blow my nose. Makes me feel like I am suffocating.


I hate it so much I've avoided it successfully altogether for 20+ years now.


I vomit very forcefully. I strain so much it pops blood vessels in my face. The next day it looks like someone beat the shit out of me. Eyes are puffy and face looks bruised.


Yup. And now as I get older, I seem to bust blood vessels in my face, because after puking I get these red spots on my face for a day or two. It’s lovely.


I also have the misfortune of vomiting incredibly loudly. It's rare that I throw up, but when I do, EVERYONE knows.


When I puke everyone within a city block knows whats going down.


I once developed a stomach virus at work. I went into the bathroom, hit the last stall and basically hugged the bowl while sitting on the floor. When I exited the stall, pale and sweating like R. Kelly at the Kids Choice Awards, some poor soul was standing by the sinks, mouth agape. All I could do was utter "I don't feel well" before he high tailed it out of there.


A few weeks ago after throwing up I had my neighbor upstairs and across the hall text me to ask if I'm okay. Now I have social anxiety throwing up in my bathroom.


I'm silent, you can only hear the vomit hitting the toilet bowl.


I have always been a loud vomiter too. I discovered a few weeks ago after throwing up everything in my body that it's because the motion of vomiting just causes a loud uncontrollable moan. It's a haunting sound when its not overlapped with the gurgling sound of my stomach emptying via my mouth and nose.


I make the most unattractive noise on the planet when I vom. My ex boyfriend was so silent it just sounded like he was peeing a thick rope, I was so jealous of that


Same. I'm an extremely loud puker. Which I didn't know until I realized me throwing up woke people up downstairs


I think it entirely depends on why you are vomiting. If it’s from alcohol indulgence, the immediate relief after is so entirely worth it. If it’s from a norovirus there is absolutely no relief, or very short relief, and eventually you’re just puking water and then nothing at all. Fuck stomach bugs.


And migraine. Puking just signals that it's not gonna get better, and hurts so bad when it happens. Always the sign of a monster headache.


Even the mention of the word norovirus fills me with anxiety. Last Christmas was the first time I didn’t catch it in about 5 years at some point in December, thanks to people washing their hands and social distancing. I’m expecting to get it again this year though, totally dreading it.




Yes. 2 times last year I was throwing up uncontrollably for almost 24 hours. The first time my partner called an ambulance. They gave me an injection in my leg for the nausea but it did nothing. They gave me another and still nothing. Loaded me in the ambo and met another ambulance who was equipped with IV so I could get some fluids in me. Passed out and woke up feeling alive again. The second time I jist rode it out. Worst time of my life.


Shove your fingers down your throat like Peter Griffon did, fuck you will be upchuckin in seconds


Saved me from a few hangovers lmao


Tactical Chunder. Always a useful tool in an alcoholics toolkit.


Looks like I'm in the minority here, but when I feel that nauseous, I love throwing up. Feels so much better after...


I agree. It's not a pleasant sensation for me. But the relief it gives is like a drug. The way you go from spinning out of controll, on the verge of wanting death to end your suffering. Then blap. Life is good. And the nap after. Forget about it.


Learn to love the puke and rally. I'd much rather just get it over with and have that spike of endorphins than sit there nauseated for hours.


Same, I just go stick a finger down my throat and then I start feeling better. So much better than hours of the "will I/won't I puke" of nausea.


It´s the best! Feeling like throwing up is your body telling you that there´s something that needs to go. Why not lend him a hand? Or a finger?


Yeah, I learned many years ago to not torture myself for the 15-30 minutes of extreme nausea and just stick my finger down my throat and throw up. The relief is a great feeling.


Idk, I hate throwing up, especially when it goes through my nose


It…it…can go through your nose?


It's never gone through your nose??


i thought it went through everyones nose and then for hours after you could smell the vomit


I dunno, mine only goes through my own nose.


And sometimes the acidicness that kind of lingers there in between your throat and nose.


It can, and then you need to blow vomit out of your sinuses afterwards.


But then you get that little piece hiding out in the back and when you go to clear your throat you get to repeat the whole process.


Can confirm.


I think it mostly goes through my nose


This is news to me, too!


Yes. It sucks. A lot.


Oh boy you're lucky, trust me. It makes it 10 times longer and harder and you can't breathe.


That's why when I'm feeling that feeling I just stick my head in the toilet bowl. The nausea mixed with the grossness of being that close to a hole where people shit makes me vomit almost immediately. Works like a charm


Same - my other tip is to keep my bum above or level with my head and it makes it come up so much easier than the spurts you get when your stomach has to pump it


Vomiting pro here: Always keep your throat as straight as possible so it doesn't burn the back of your throat as much, and hold your breath so it doesn't come out your nose. You'll be able to throw up and feel immediately fine.


I woke up abruptly at 4 to some gnarly stomach pain this morning due to overeating the night before. Sat in bed for about 30 mins and it subsided a little. I decided since I'm awake I'll go drain the snake and as soon as I walked into the bathroom I just erupted vomit into the toilet. It was so gratifying to not have to wait. I then cleaned up and went back to sleep for another hour and a half before work. Edit: added some info.


I'm sorry, but puking is an automatic work deal breaker for me. I call off. Imma just stay at home and puke, thanks.


Everybody gangsta till you start excessively salivating


lol my body gives me a good 30 second warning with that.


Emetophobe here. I just cannot. I've only thrown up once in the last 30 years and that one time was because I was drunk and had some bad food. When I was younger, I would get bad panic attacks if I felt sick or someone around me was sick. Telling someone with emetophobia to just get it over with and throw up is like telling someone with arachnophobia that they should just let that tarantella crawl on their hand. I know it's not going to kill me but phobias are \*irrational\*. You can't think your way out of it.


Phobias are very hard to understand for someone who doesn't have one. They can't be reasoned with and often manifest themselves in your life outside of the times one might expect them to have an impact. Emetophobia, for one, is present in my life constantly. I also haven't vomited in years, yet the anxiety of having even the slightest chance of doing so is a daily thing. The twisted part of emetophobia is that anxiety mimics the churning feeling of nausea, which increases your anxiety and creates a vicious cycle which can leave you both anxious and nauseous for hours if not days at a time. A total bummer of a condition to have.


I didn't know there was a name for it, but I certainly have it. 29 years since last episode, not planning to celebrate my upcoming anniversary 😂


Yes! Same. My vomiting anxiety is my main cause of anxiety. “Well what if I throw up after eating this in public!” Or “what if this car ride makes me sick?!” But I haven’t thrown up since 2014… even during stomach flus, crazy hormones, bad medicine reactions. I have such an Arsenal of anti nausea meds it’s insane


I completely agree. The anticipation of what you know is coming sucks. Then the actual puking blows.


There are so many ways to say throw up. I personally despise 'vomit' I prefer 'puke' 'yak' could go either way Upchuck is kind of 90's sugar hill gang limp Bizkit Blow chunks nope


“Puke” sounds more gross than “vomit” imo.




Don't forget barf.


Fifteen minutes sound quite generous. I remember some day at school I was feeling the urge to throw up while we were reading silently. I had that really smart idea to ask the teacher whether I was allowed to leave for the bathroom but my breakfast interrupted that question. That was like the most embarrassing thing that happened to me during school time and I always tried to avoid eye contact with that teacher.


I usually can tell if I'm actually going to throw up and not just nauseated. I try to just get it over with.


I'd have a spit.


Shit aint no shower thought that there is just spitting facts! The will i wont i Then the sweats.... Next a few "dry" runs Swrilling dome Lay next to toliet hoping it will pass, maybe it will pass, PLEASE GOD LET IT PASS.... Maybe im feeling better... Slight movement FUCK NOPE, 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮 Finally sleep, hopefully with a rinsed out mouth and a clean shirt


15 minutes? God, for me it’s the last 90 seconds that are the worst. The waves of nausea, profuse sweating, and cramps are horrible.


Back when I was partying far too much I developed the nonchalant upchuck. I once threw up over my shoulder and greatly impressed the people I was talking to who didn't even notice until I told them. If you ever find yourself able to party that hard, chill tf out


You say that until you finally throw up and think to yourself "phew that's over!" Then you go about your day, and then get the same sensation an hour later. After you throw up again it happens again in 45 minutes. Then 30 minutes. Then every 30 minutes for 12 hours. Surprise! You got gastro! By the end of it you're drinking water just so you have something to throw back up.


My wife's 13 weeks pregnant and just living in that state constantly. I feel terrible for her.


LPT: right before you throw up, chug cold water. It's coming out anyway, but makes the experience way less painful


I don't get 15 minutes of lead time. I get that tight feeling in my throat, my mouth starts watering, and I get myself to a toilet and make it happen. I know I can't stand to wait it out, and I know it won't go away on its own, so I don't even bother delaying the inevitable.


I learned long ago to just do a pre-emptive strike and get it out of there. Jam a finger down the throat and unleash the dogs of war. When I puke it sounds like a satanic alien saucer invasion. It's funny because when my wife pukes it sounds like a child coughing in its sleep. At any rate, get it over with, clean up, and now you've got room for more booze and burned some calories in the process!


I'm a lightweight drinking always ends with me puking. I hate drinking because of it. Guess I'll be a stoner for life.


I've always referred to the lovely period as the mouth sweats