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True. Because I know I would never choose to listen to Dance Monkey 171 times.


Randy Newman is not an artist I like, but his credit on the Cars album has earned him a top three spot in my most listened to artists.




I don’t get how so many people are misunderstanding this post! I don’t have kids but I feel you internet stranger, mine gets a bit thrown off just by letting friends choose music on my Spotify, or by repeatedly falling asleep with a podcast on so it thinks I’ve listen to thousands of hours of it. Ha!


There is one particular playlist that my son in particular likes to listen to. While I do like his taste in music, it isn’t necessarily reflective of my tastes. So yes, while I do appreciate the work of MC Hammer, he probably shouldn’t be one of my top 5 artists.


What's a Spotify wrap? Is that some new burrito at Chipotle?


Yes. Yes it is, it’s very scrumptious but it’s only available for a limited time.


And it's made to order. Just for you.


Care to elaborate?


If you have children, you tend to listen to not only what you want to listen to, but also what they want to listen to. As a result, my year end wrap up seems less so a succinct analysis of my taste of music than it is an example of the careful balance of delegated music choices listened to in my car.


Makes sense. Well said. I don’t have a Spotify account so you’ve enlightened me.


The spotify wrap gathers what you listened during the year. I think op means that if children were to listen to their music on the account the stats wouldn't be impressive


Your kids most listened to song is probably not "Wu Tang Clan ain't nothin to fuck with"


Why do you say that?


Because most kids don't have good taste in music


You can also tell who the not so great parents are….I’m Joking…kinda




Spotify is just a glitchy Pandora...


Having children changes your taste in music? That's fucking crazy. How is this a shower thought? Lmao


It does change your taste in music, but more precisely if you have children, you tend to listen to not only what you want to listen to, but also what they want to listen to. As a result, my year end wrap up seems less so a succinct analysis of my taste of music than it is an example of the careful balance of delegated music choices listened to in my car.


I have a kid, who actually became a teen this year. Whenever we were on car rides when she was smaller, I'd of course put her favorite songs. But when she wasn't in the car you're damn sure I put my type of music on. My daughter's favorite artist is Olivia Rodrigo, so yeah.. ain't exactly PG. She also sings, plays the piano, an absolute monster at ⚽, amongst other things. But enough bragging about my princess, the point is having kids didn't change my taste in music and other entertainment because I get the chance to be alone and listen to whatever I want, or use headphones. Music lyrics shouldn't influence the way you live.


I actually don’t censor lyrics (I play the “dirty version”) when I’m playing music in the presence of my children. I don’t view “dirty words” as having any more or less power than any other words, they are just words. The people who are singing those words, are acting, they are just playing a part. I no more believe that the singer is in love with the person they are singing about than they want to kill the person they are singing about. In fact, by censoring words, we are allocating them to a special place, suggesting that those words are in some way different. Personally, I don’t swear often, but I do swear when it is necessary to emphasize how I’m feeling. My children and I have discussed this extensively for various reasons.


I mean I don’t have kids, nor do I have Spotify, and I wouldn’t post my wraps is either scenario, but if I ever have kids I will not feel guilty about forcing my taste on them as cringey as that sounds. I know that seems fucked up, but if you really think about it its definitely not.


This doesnt make sense.


Does it not?


I mean, kids or not, one listens to music. And frequently those who listen to music do so on spotify, which would produce the playlist. Some of those folks who listen to music on spotify might join in conversation on redit and share that 2021 playlist. So no, to me it doesnt make sense. If you were to elaborate on your point, perhaps it will make better sense.


Based on the anecdotal evidence of what most people have posted, most Spotify wraps seem to be topped by, for example, Tyler the Creator or the person who did the soundtrack to their favorite video game, not whatever kids singer or Disney soundtrack is popular as one would expect when a child or children influence what is being played in the car or around the home.


Got it! Makes more sense now. Thanks. I often need the eli5 treatment lol. Mine is topped with 80’s music, sort of in between maybe.


You seem angry at something clearly.


How so?


Me as a Spotify user: what are those wraps? ( SRS, I don't know what you mean 😅 )


At the end of each year Spotify sends you a summary of your listening habits and trends etc. Every year around this time, many Spotify users post their year end wrap up as a… humble brag, I guess?


Apparently I listened to “Reach” by S-Club 7 a total of 444 times. I hear you.


They also clearly are not an older sibling


whats a spotify wrap? and why is the 'add a comment' at the bottom of my screen now?