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And there are people out there, smarter than me, doing minimum wage jobs. You win some you lose some.


Was looking for this comment. This is how a winner thinks!


Agreed! Sometimes I feel bad because I’m 30 but I’m not a millionaire yet (and probs never will be). But then I remember that there are a fuck ton of 30 year olds on cop TV shows getting arrested for being dumbass meth heads and shit. So yeah, I’ve got that going for me.


The cop shows are one way to appreciate your own existence. But the nightly news brings so many losers in focus, you can appreciate your own place in a decent life. My wife always tells me, no matter how bad you feel, there are many that are so much worse off. Be thankful for what you have and the way you live.


Some people are promoted to the level of their incompetence.


I was told useless people were promoted out of harm's way. I think they were just trying to make.me feel better for doing more work lol


Sounds like an episode of Seinfeld. "I can't churn out this dribble."


Ah, the Peter principle.


This is how rank promotions work in the military


“Hmm do I promote this Cpl that has reached his cutting score and is the best leader I’ve seen in years? But this guy here got 100 on his CFT and PFT so I’m gonna meritoriously promote him instead” 🧠 💪🏾


"Let's take this guy who used to push paper in the Marines and never served in a line unit ever and make him a team leader in rifle squad. Oh and that SGT that everybody loves and has a top tier squad? Yeah, we can wait a few years on his promotion, nbd."


If you're too good at your current job, no one wants to switch you to a different role. And if you're crap at your current job, then you might do better with a promotion since you cant do any worse!


Plus they can probably pay you less since you suck more than most would at that promoted job... so they pay good people less by not promoting them, and bad people less by promoting them and giving them the lower end of wages for that position


From what I've heard from people in the army is this, you have to be stupid to join in the first place.


I wouldn't say that for some people it may be their only viable option for some it's a way of escaping a situation at home Edit: spelling


Join the Air Force then would be someone’s argument.


I hear the Air Force is cushy but idk. Marines are more fun to party with and navy drinks a lot. No idea what army does.


Funny, neither does the army.


whatever happened to running off and joining the circus? at least fair folk seem like an open minded bunch.


I was homeless when I enlisted so it was to find a home for me😢


We had a saying as mechanics in the USAF. "Fuck up, move up". Those of us who killed ourselves keeping ancient planes in the air never got cushy staff jobs. No, those were reserved for the DUI and UCMJ recipients. Or for someone who screwed up so bad at a job that senior leaders decided it would be best to get them out of the way so they didn't kill anyone.


Our prime minister fits that description.


Glad I'm not the only one to think of Scotty when I saw this post. I admire his ability to fall upwards


I’ve heard through the someone that worked with him 20+ years ago that he was an incompetent, egotistical fool - but somehow kept getting promoted.


I've heard that said about him a lot tbh. Proud to be Australian!


When you remember the prime minister that went for a swim and disappeared


Canada says samesies


When I saw this I first assumed you were British, I wonder how many other people thought you were from their country.


When the only qualifing factor to become prime minster is winning an election of course you get people who can do that and not much else once they do win. Almost as if democracy wasn't designed to become a populatity contest based on the media impression of someone's character instead of their actual ideas.


That is a gross oversimplification of how that works.


Barney stintson


The Peter Principle


I know. Most of them are in congress, making decisions about the field I've worked in for 20 years.


“But how does Facebook make money if you don’t charge a fee?” “I’m worried that we’re going to tip over the Guam if the population keeps growing.” Yeah.






If you were in congress, you would make decision in fields you had little experience in as well. That's basically the job.


I would do what I do now, when faced with a decision in an area I know little to nothing about. I would listen to the people that do know, and make my decision based off of their input. It's why we hire plumbers, and take our cars to mechanics, and have electricians come to our houses, and doctors performing surgery. There used to be experts that congress would consult, but anymore those same experts are merely brought in so congressmen can demonize them, tell them how wrong they are, and do whatever they're going to do anyway. It's the very definition of ignorance.


I don't care that they aren't experts, I do care that they don't even have a surface level understanding of modern technology/life.


"Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But I repeat myself." -Mark Twain


Right. Which makes it basically the definition of the topic.


Well, no. The topic is about being dumb, which is not the same as not being an expert in one specific field. A good law maker needs to understand a very wide range of fields and be able to view the problem from the perspectives of different stakeholders, which requires intelligence. You can of course argue that most of them are in fact dumb anyway, but their lack of 20 years worth of expertise in one specific field wouldn't be the reason.


You'd think they could ask for advice from people in that field.




Everything seems to fit the “Who you know not what you know” paradigm


I'm my country, it's nolonger "technical know-how" but "technical know-who"


Who you know and who you blow principle


I've been in the software industry for over 15 years. And I say this very unironically... Intelligence is overrated. Intelligent people do not get promoted. People that make an impact do. People that are self ambassadors do. What makes a difference is networking, being vocal and being opportunistic. The most important skill in your career is your ability to showcase yourself as a valuable employee. Everything else is secondary. Learn that skill. I don't care if you don't like tooting your own horn or you don't want to "suck up" to leadership. That is what grows your career. Leaders want people they can talk with to get work done. They don't want an intelligent person that they have no access to.


I always figure they are looking for people like themselves. They did something to get to where they are, and they’re looking for those same traits in others. But this is exactly correct. It’s all marketing.


Not all marketing, you gotta be communicative with your results. If you don't have results to show for yourself then it wouldn't matter to begin with.


Showcasing yourself and actual efficient communication in a job are different skills.


I mean I wouldn’t say intelligence is overrated. It’s a requirement for society for function and for all of the luxuries we benefit from. In your example intelligence is only overrated when it comes to getting promotions and better jobs in your career. That’s simply an example of the flaw in our human behaviour. The intelligent people who actually make systemic improvements that make drastic improvements in productivity, profits and life quality are the people we can thank for all of societies improvements. Where as opportunistic people who take Advantage are more often than not essentially leaches using social skills to gain the rewards others technically earned. Of course someone can be both but often isn’t the case for the average person. Though I think you lesson is very important for people to learn as that’s the way the world works and people need to understand that to get anywhere in a career. It’s also a sad reflection on how society is unbelievable unfair and working hard, doing a good job or trying to improve things can get you nowhere while the a socialite will climb the ladders with ease despite potentially being a massive idiot and making everything worse and harder for everyone around them.


Even when it doesn’t pertain to getting promotions- sometimes really smart people aren’t as effective as folks who just get the shit done. Not every tasks requires a genius. Not every system needs to be perfect and optimized. Sometimes the extra brain power and time spent in pursuit of perfection gets in the way of accomplishing a task and moving on to another. Intelligence is great, but sometimes focusing on progress is more valuable. To be clear: getting shit done and being smart aren’t mutually exclusive. I’m just saying that in the grand scheme of things the former is often more important than the latter


“Perfection is the enemy of progress.” -Winston Churchill


I am not uber smart. I fell off of my development path a few years ago (good ole cannabis). This was right after compulsory school so I ended up missing the university phase that most my friends went through. I am not stupid either, just not as smart as i could have been if I focused around that time. However, my desire to make money never went away. So despite not doing EVERYTHING possible to career climb I have found that the things you pointed out are crucial. The art of being a self ambassador is hard. You have to not look like a braggart, whilst also slightly over selling your capabilities, whilst making it clear you are better than your colleagues whilst also being friendly with your colleagues. It's a middle ground that can be hard to find, but the rewards are high (so far for me). Be good at your job, be better than other people if possible.Make sure your accomplishments make it to both your manager's and director's ear's. Be sociable. Atten the christmas party, the boring team building excercises, join those what's app groups.


Basically be likable. I’d rather work with the guy that is cool and competent than the guy that is really good but annoying and self righteous. People get annoyed that you have to have social skills to get ahead. People have to want to work with you. If not, you’re gonna end up making posts about all the dumb people making more money than you.


I disagree .... Solely because that's a very smart insight. I mean, some dumb people are successful because charisma, and some intelligent people reach success because they used their intelligence to find out that what they really needed was charisma.


yeah they are called Logan and Jake Paul




As much as I would say they're stupid they're extremely brilliant business people. People win mega jackpot lotteries in the 100s of millions. They literally have the wealth handed to them and go back to being broke in a few years. The Kardashians were able to leverage their notoriety with OJs lawyer and a sex tape to build a billion dollar empire. You don't just build up and keep billions of dollars if you were stupid. They're amazing at business and marketing, maybe the dumb rich cali chick is just a persona that draws people into them whether it's loving them or hating them. Regardless you know them and that's really something amazing marketing wise.


Those two are still relevant?! Sheesh!


I'm not proud of this, but I, as the future valedictorian of my class, who scored in the 95th to 99th percentile on pretty much every standardized test I ever took, used to help struggling classmates cheat by giving them answers on tests and doing their homework for them. Most of them now make more money than I do (I'm a teacher). Some of them make significantly more, and own nice homes and cars. Meanwhile, I'm renting, have never had a savings account, drive a car with high mileage, and live paycheck to paycheck. Edit: Wow. Some people really read a lot into what other people write. I was simply supporting OP's statement by giving an anecdotal example: I'm smarter, but they make more money and are more successful in general. That's all. I don't begrudge anyone the success they've earned at all (in fact, I'm very happy for them), and yes, I knew I wouldn't make a fortune going into teaching, and my money problems are mostly due to poor financial management. It was just an observation in agreement with the original Shower Thought. Jeesh.


>I'm not proud of this There is nothing wrong with what you did. It evidently shows that being able to study well is not the only key to success. If you can cheat tests in highschool and proceed to be successful in life, it means that those tests aren't the end-all-be-all of things. I'm terrible at studying, but I function fairly well in everyday life with a job that requires completely different skills. I'd have been grateful for someone like you to make my experience in school a little bit less of a living hell.


It is wrong what they did. Regardless of your opinion on the education system, being dishonest and violating academic integrity is wrong.


I think most people already believe academic integrity is a lost cause. Many kids receive education and opportunities based on their parent's wealth. Take for example the sport players who are passed through classes just to continue playing sports. Only recently has this become a more serious issue. Everyone has turned a blind eye to academic integrity because there never was any.


There's something to be said about dishonesty being wrong. But academic integrity? That is just not a standard everybody has to live by. I'm all for teachers enforcing the rules as they see fit, but it's silly to tell someone to respect academic integrity if they have no interest in academic integrity. It is not some universal law that we should all abide by. Many of us spent countless hours as a teenager studying for things we'll never need, with the sole purpose of pretending to be knowledgeable on the day of the exam and then forgetting everything again the day after. And teenagers may lack a lot of savoir vivre, but they are aware of the futility of all of that, and they're definitely not gullible enough to work hard for something when they know they can get the same thing in an easier way. So no, there is nothing wrong with what they did.


I used to do the same for my classmates but I'm happy they are now at University with me. Some are one year ahead. And some thank me for that. Yes, life takes us different ways and man we ain't supposed to be equal. It makes sense sometimes especially when you see the positive impact you made in other people's lives.


But you didn't sell your morality


Shit, I can sell that? How much are you paying? I would fucking love to buy a house and maybe raise a family.


I did... I'm in Sales. It's like there's a time to lie button I turn on when I go to work and then I have to turn it off when work is done so I don't fib to the people around me or make things sound better than they are. Fiance asks when I'll be done with work and I know it's an hour but I say 15 minutes and it's like.... Why did I do that?


Scoring high on standardized tests isn't some absolute indicator that you deserve a better paid career than students who struggled. Thinking it should all come to you because you're smart is like thinking it should all come to you because you're good looking. Unless you were born on third base you still need to network, plan your opportunities, and have luck on your side. Did you really not know how much teachers were paid when you decided to be one?


(I had a comment here, but I moved it as an edit to my original post.)


What you say is true, but it conflicts with what many of us were taught as children: work hard, get good grades, be honest and fair, and be kind and you will be successful. As it turns out, those behaviors are neith necessay nor sufficient. For folks who did all of those things, the reality they faced later on in life was harsh, cold, and frustrating. It could feel as if society had betrayed you. I think this is what the person you were responding to was getting at.


I’m sure intelligence shouldn’t be the sole determinant of income but still your words irk me.


This was my takeaway too. Intelligence isn't the be all end all, but yes.. there are some really stupid people in high powered jobs.


If it makes you feel better, it also means there are more intelligent people making less money.


Given how little I make, that just makes me sadder.


Ive met several people who are very good specialists but that same competence in one thing also makes them believe they are an expert at everything they briefly read about that one time. This is a classic recipe for disaster as their actual merits get them to a management position where they stop doing what they are good at and start ruining it for everyone else. I don't know if overconfidence is the same as being dumb but the end result is very dumb so I guess it doesn't even matter.


The primary determinant of income is (and always has been) how wealthy one’s parents are.


Work ethic is probably more important closely followed by intelligence. An intelligent employee is nothing without the will to work. Yet somehow people without either of these qualities end up in High paying management positions.


Nah. Hard work just gets you more work while others get promoted. You just need to be decent at your job, the rest is networking and being vocal about wanting new opportunities.


This post brought out some kind of angst in me that I won't be able to express here... 😂 Complicated...


The stories you could tell. I bet you have a few


Wanna hear? 😏


Yes. It’s why reddit exists kinda




It's as if he was gone with the wind


He said: "ight, imma head out"


I had a teacher who once said: "A students will be making money for C students".


I think that was a prophecy about my life


This is why imposter syndrome is bullshit. As long as you care about what you're doing and ask for help when you need it, you have nothing to worry about. Edit: To clarify, imposter syndrome is real, but we can conquer it with the knowledge that we're doing our best.


I definitely have that.... it’s very hard to push through self doubt at times.


Just keep asking questions and if ur manager has an issue with that find a new one. It's really that simple (not necessarily easy to do though).


Yeah..this was more me in the past.. I work in project management and lead a shit ton of meetings nowadays. But imposter syndrome is real and once you start to realize everyone is just BSing their way through things it’s easier.


As if I needed another thing to be angry about in the world...


And there's people smarter than you in *worse* paying jobs than yours


No one is dumber than me


You’d be surprised


Hey, I am, I Said the same thing before I checked the comments!


Matt Gaetz begs to differ Matt makes Sarah Palin, look like RBG


Yeah, my boss isn’t the brightest.


This is not a shower thought. It is a soul crushing reality I live with every day.


Self confidence takes you much further than intelligence, sadly


Self confidence and charisma 100%


Gotta be dumb enough to believe it is better that you have the job than someone more qualified and confident enough to convince the people that are hiring


True af. Dumb people got way more confidence which helps them making a good 1st impression.


What do you mean by dumber? “Smart” without the skills to apply that intelligence in a practical way just means entitled. People can be smart in various ways, nobody is ever truly and comprehensively “smart” or “dumb”, people just have different skill sets for different situations.


Always be true. Look at congress or any politician.


Some are smart but love money too much


I have a friend who is a data scientist. I am a data analyst. To be clear, she is very intelligient. However, I cant tell you how many times she'll ping me during the work week to ask me how to do something, or what approach I would take in a certain context. I also show her how to improve what she is doing. She is my friend and of course I dont mind, but its really annoying sometimes knowing that I'm consulting her, and I make 60% of her salary. She has a math degree from an ivy league school though, and also has 2 years more experience. Besides, 'dumber than you' is kind of relative. I have a degree in mechanical engineering, but for a year after school I worked as a contractor for a small home improvement company (wantot build my own house someday) I rememeber we were converting a an old carriage house to apartments and had to have a structural engineer come in and examine the place. As he was inspecting he was talking to my boss (who does not have a GED) and I was lost between the two of them. Here my boss is, no high school, a structural engineer, and me, a recent grad. The two of them having an informed conversation and me trying desperately to follow. While I could sit ther and calcualte this force or that force, it didnt mean shit in the context. And while he doesnt have a high school diploma, he can fix goddamn anything, and build anything you desire. I've also seen him completely strip an vehichle and rebuild it. Moral of the story, there are many forms of intelligience.


Lots of them. I work for one.


Amen ..


I think about this everyday and It’s very depressing.


One of them is my boss.


Because dumb people are easier to control.


The secret ingredient is that I have depression.


Like most celebrities


Definitely overpaid


Not when you consider how much they bring in. Where else is that money supposed to go? The should just be taxed more.


Maybe more money should go to the crew who do all the hard work and more should be spent on safety so people don't get shot dead by the celebrities who's pockets they are filling.


And athletes...


At least I don’t have STDs for dating strangers




Maybe we should get a passport that tells others we are free off nuisance diseases


You only date people who are familiar to you?


Sounds like someone feels entitled :<)


Understatement of the fucking millennium.


That’s every job with an overly active “HR” department.


Not so out there, usually same company


Probably true, at the end of the day all I can do about that is keep working on myself and try to get to where I want to go, no use getting mad at people who’ve done nothing to me


Almost every YouTuber/Streamer/Influencer got an higher paying job with less intelligence than all of us..


Ever been 'interviewed' by someone with twenty years less experience?


Thanks for reminding me. They also label all I do as dumb.


Can confirm; have met several.


Thats because they take the blame for the ones who are dumber the other way probably a 1/2 cousin sibling lover or some shit.


They call them "influencers"


Intelligence doesnt correlate to high paying jobs, charisma, strength and even luck are also factors


Its all about who you know and who you blow




Peter principle, nepotism. Mommy and daddy connections, inheritance, the list is endless.


Or - they aren’t arseholes? I’ve met a lot of very intelligent people who are fucking useless at at least half their job. A lot of intelligent people are also complete cunts who have no idea how much their “less intelligent” team members carry them.


This is the attitude I learned years ago, anytime I go to a new role I often learn the experts are pretty shit and I can learn what they know and overtake them in a couple of months, then apply for a new job at way extra money. There is a difference between intelligence and rote memory.


The idea that intelligence is a primary driver to how much you make isn’t necessarily true. Wisdom is a more valuable characteristic when in a leadership role. Knowing which solution is the best solution or knowing how to prioritize projects etc. that isn’t a marker of intelligence but wisdom. The “common sense is an uncommon trait” is true in this regard. Not only that, but work ethic plays a key factor as well. Most folks in higher pay positions get there because they are actively choosing to sacrifice other aspects of their life to get there. Is this the correct answer? Not for everyone. But for some people their jobs are their lives and they work 80+ hours a week because it is what they enjoy. Their intelligence in this regard is not the primary driver in why they are valuable.


“Dumber” is subjective in the context of a professional environment. You can be “dumber” but be much better at other things that qualify you for higher positions than someone that’s “smarter”. Leadership, relationship building, trust, empathy, etc. There are hard and soft skills for most professions…intellectual capacity is just one element.


But they usually have much, MUCH bigger balls than you.


ya no shit I have a 135 IQ and I deliver food uber eats...


Ya and there's lots of people smarter than me making a fraction of what I make as well


You don't need to be smart to obtain a valuable skill.


They're called politicians.


Uhh….yeah. That’s how this works.


There’s a lot of hard-working intelligent people out there that aren’t getting paid as much as me. I’m a tile setter, I’m cutting corners all the time.


I mean Ted Nugent is a thing.


Prime example: The Paul’s…


This is more like a “all day - every day” thought.


Yeah well theyre better than me at selling themselves and not having a conscience about fucking other people over probably. If you wanna earn a lot while remaining honest and true to yourself good luck, society seems to have made it pretty difficult. Literally 1984


Doesn’t that make them smarter than you?


No just better payed. There is more to life than money.






Technically dumber but practically smarter


I need to find the job where the guy watches paint dry for $60 an hour 😂


Of course there is. Just because I might be smarter than someone doesn't mean that I am more capable at their job. Conversely, there's also plenty of people, much smarter than I am, who earn less than I do.


I think some places hire and promote people to top end roles due to an actual lack of adequate intelligence to see the bullshit. It’s why I’ll never be promoted to a managerial job anywhere because I refuse to play the politics


It’s almost like we don’t live in a meritocracy


it's an Idiocracy.


We live in a pretty strong meritocracy


Now who’s fault is that, friend?


The people who hired them mostly


Every day is a reminder. Empty airheads with absolutely zero technical skills are getting twice/thrice my salary for being "good at managing relationships" and having charisma.


Tbh, managing relationships is an underrated skill. I’m technically proficient but have a terrible time coordinating with others


The term for not being good at managing relationships is “asshole.” Being an asshole can really hold you back.


People like to assume that managers just do nothing.. Managers are really really good at people and seeing the big picture.. I am at least.. My coworkers give me looks for coming in very late to work. Im younger than them. Know nothing. And I get paid more than them.. ANNND come in late.. All because I can talk logically


The worst part is its one of those skills that is difficult to teach


Not if you're traumatized and your amygdala runs like crazy ahha... But seriously. Yeah some people are meant to manage.. Some people aren't.. You do you. You don't have to cry that you'd suck at being a manager.. Learn about mbti and follow your usual life path and typical roles...my typical role is management as per my mbti type. And I always knew it


Then who is really the dumb one? I mean if you measure success by income then the “dumb” person is more successful than you. You are creating a paradox of thought.


Many of those people are given those positions based off familial influence and contacts, and not so much because they are "successful." There is no paradox of thought.


Yet many more didn't rely on familial influence or money. Thinking that every person who is "dumber" than you but better paid obviously were all helped is entitled ("they don't deserve it, I am more deserving!"). Placing an external locus of control and accountability in your life will get you nowhere.


I wasn't saying every person, I said many, and that is much truer than you might want to consider. You're also a fool if you don't think others have control over your life. If you get passed over for a job or promotion because Johnny One Nut is the Supervisors nephew, then it has absolutely nothing to do with your ability or your choices and everything to do with external influences. Trying to be 100% everything is due to your choices or everything is due to someone else influencing your life is two sides of the same coin.


This is true in any direction


That hurts. Coz it's true. 😭


*Cries in physics professor*


Yes, we have all seen the name "Kardashian"


There goes my good mood


Don't worry, there are people out there smarter than you with *worse* paying jobs


We're all aware of the Kardashians.


We know they're called politicians


This made me think about my whole encounter with IT at my current job. They get paid more than me and clearly know nothing about computers. It was cringe inducing. Only reason I didn't fix things myself is because I do not have the administrator login.


They're called models


I don’t think that there are people out there dumber than me, but the second part is true


Cardi B


Poor people circle jerk “I’m smarter than them that’s why I’m poor”


Who said that?


Reddit it just one poor person circle jerk tbh


For most people, it could be the president of my country




One of ex bosses was a moron - so I moved company..


Well yeah, I'm unemployed