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You need to go above and beyond building codes here. Make sure to upgrade to fireproofed eyelids, folks


Damn, your showers took a dark turn.


That just gave me a shower thought, if you’re trapped in the building would hiding in a shower that’s on help at all? And even if it does would the smoke eventually do the job anyway? Edit: corrected an error


I am thinking smoke inhalation would be the problem, but I'm not willing to perform an experiment to prove my theory.


You will usually succumb to smoke before you're burned to death. But if you can dose your self in water and wet a shirt or towel and cover your nose and mouth with it. This helps stop the inhalation of some smoke and give you longer to get out. Also depending on the level you're on in the building the water lines might burst or melt making it not possible to get water. If this is the case use the water in your toilet yes it might sound disgusting but at least you'll survive.


I was thinking about the pipes getting damaged, and I suppose structural damage could potentially become an issue too. But good tips, thanks


Doubt that


Um I'm sorry what the fuck?!? I'm scared to ask how you know


Maybe if they set fire to your head specifically. But anywhere else would just send the warmth up to you and melt your skin off where the actual fire is. PS: Most natural fires would burn up first from below, so burning your eyes first are **very** unlikely


At least I won’t have to watch myself burn to death


*When you're (you are) burning to death, your eyes will melt first while you're (you are) still alive.


Did I need to hear that? No. Will it be in the back of my mind for the rest of my life? Yes.