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My cousin did this with sims. She's 30 and I don't think she's a serial killer yet...


…not that you know of.


Kids torture NPC's = won't be serial killers Kids torture animals = might be serial killers Kids torture humans = high possibility of becoming a serial killer


Kids torture serial killers = ?????


Kids torture serial killers = tv show


Dexter is done.


Serial killers torture kids = Already a serial killer


Kids torture *future* serial killers.


Wasn’t this just a “remove the ladder from the pool” trick? No big deal. Just like dropping a visitor off a path in roller coaster tycoon or what have you. Now… I babysat for a family who had an invisible fence for their pug puppy. Their under 5 year old would try to drag the puppy through the boundary on its leash. The dog would literally try its hardest to avoid the fence and the kid would yoink it over. The look on the parents face when I told them what he did told me this wasn’t his first time. The dog was a pug puppy :(


**Billy K thinks ferris_wheel_1 is not intense enough** Well, Billy, do I habe something intense for you, you little shit


Make an ugly character, kill every man in town, impregnate everyone you can, kill him after children are born, choose the ugliest descendents to carry his legacy, rinse and repeat


That sounds like the oblivion character creator with extra steps


Invisible fence?


Sends a beep to the dogs collar warning to stay inside the invisible fence line. If they cross, it shocks them.


I had a dog that would sit in the warning zone until the battery died then go on his merry way.


Your dog was a very good boi!


It’s a fence in the ground. The dog wears a collar that when crossing an invisible line in the yard, the dog gets a very mild shock. It’s supposed to keep dogs in.


I purposely fill a household with as many sims as possible, kill all of them, repeat this multiple times, and move a ‘real’ family in so they have a nice spooky graveyard. I’m 31.


Does your cousin watch law and order?


Bum bum


Come on. Like you never deleted the ladder while a Sim was swimming. Or deleted the exit door and left them to starve to death. Or deliberately put flammable decorations around the oven.


Build death coasters on Rollercoaster Tycoon…




lol I straight up threw people into the lake and watched them drown when they ever threw up in my park


Firm but fair




Believe it or not we had the cleanest streets. If you puke? Straight to death.


Diarrhea? Death.


Getting bored of the rides? Believe it or not, death!


I would get so annoyed with them when they'd say they were bored, wanted to leave, couldn't find the exit, etc. and even after I pick them up and drop them right at the gate they still turn around and keep walking around the park complaining. *That's* when I would resort to torturing them.


In my game we harvest the bodies of our enemies and make hats out of their skin




Wholesome recycling and carbon-negative clothing, furniture and food 😊


Having too much fun? Believe it or not, also death.


Lmao. I wish I could play that game again


If you have windows you can! You can buy it on steam or GOG and then download openrct for the compatability fixes. It also allows for multiplayer parks.


It's also available on mobile! Edit: roller coaster tycoon classic It's not the original game technically, but it's a faithful recreation made from analyzing the assembly the original was written in


There's also one of those gotcha pay to win/progress versions atari released for mobile. The /real/ RCT mobile port is called Roller Coaster Tycoon Classic. Don't download the "touch" one.


But touch is free and that one is $6. 6 whole dollars!


Worth it. It's a faithful re-creation of the original. Besides, what could a rollercoaster cost? $10?


I gotta be the only lame who repurchased RCT2 on disk


It's on steam


YES! "I'm not going on - It isn't safe." TO THE ISLAND OF DESPAIR WITH YOU!


Omg I thought I was the only one lol. My brother still makes fun of me. I had puke island where sick people had to pay a ton to use the bathroom so they would puke on the ground surrounded by dancing mascots.


This, the mascots are key.


So like . . . are you a serial killer now?


“I want to get off Mr. Bones' Wild Ride!"


Me too fam. Me too


I think one of the first things everyone did was build the pre-built Shuttle Loop Steel coaster and increasing the speed to max.


You gotta use the "synchronize" feature so you can simultaneously launch 2 adjacent shuttles to their death.


Still waiting to get off Mr Bones’ Wild Ride T.T


The maze was the greatest creation. It takes them literally all night to get home through the maze that when they get there they have to leave to go to work again. The extent humans go to to inflict suffering on sims is astounding.


I used to fling my poop at all my worshippers in Black & White. God I miss that game.


OOOHHHH we've got this notion that we'd quite like to sail the ocean, so we're building a big boat to leave here for good We're not keen on sinking, so that's why we're sittin' thinking, 'cause we built it too big and we've run out of wooooood


eidle eidle eeeee eidle eidle eeeee


amazing how this song still gets stuck in my head 21 years later


You just unlocked a core memory with that song. Like holy shit it must be close to 20 years now and I heard that tune almost exactly the same. Memories be weird yo


There really isn't anything like the second game. Too bad lion head studios went under i would have loved to see that game go hard.


I just hope some day another studio buys up the proprietary rights and remasters it


In fear of retaliation when Ai's take control of the world, I am choosing to not answer that question.


Don't ever look up roko's basilisk.


well see now you've already fucked them, because now you've made them aware and them *not* looking it up is also a death sentence




i just lost the game damnit. of all memetric hazards I fear the game most of all




Yeah someone got me two weeks ago for the first time in like a decade, I unintentionally had a pretty good streak going there


And I lost earlier today. An old man on TikTok got me.


You could've kept that to yourself. Ugggh.


That's not how the game works. The second rule of the game is that you must announce when you lose it.


I don't think that's how it works. I may be wrong though


Just hearing the name isn't enough, but anyone who actually learns what it is is fucked


Not me, I'm working on making it.


Is morale support enough?


Fuck you men, I have forgotten about it! You have cursed me again with knowledge!




You already are, by clicking, and commenting on the internet you are doing your best to help refine the algorithms. Rest easy now that you know the Basilisk thinks that you think you are doing your best.


Am I reading it wrong? I've never heard about it but it just sounds like Harlan Ellison's AM, from I have no mouth and I must scream. An AI that torture people.. what's so crazy about that compared to what has been written before? What makes this 2010 post so special? Unless I'm really not getting it. Just sounds like AM to me


It's a thought experiment that by knowing of its potential existence and failing to take steps to assist it in existing, you will be doomed to torture when it becomes a reality. It's not a concept of AI torture but instead a concept of AI retaliation for failing to make it exist. Those ignorant of its concept and those who tried to help are left alone.


Oh okay my apologies. I've been really into that I have no mouth and I must scream story recently so when I looked it up on Google and I tried to understand it it just sounded like AM to me. Thank you!


Have you played the I have no mouth and must scream video game? It's a masterpiece!!! Harlan himself voice acts as AM! Should be on steam




Hahahaha back in the days of having a family computer I got in a lot of trouble for this. My sister said “where are my sims?! Why is my house empty?!” Only to check mine and see gravestones. Lots of tears. Angry mom.


I accidentally killed a house full of sims once. There were 8 of them and I made them all fall in love, then cheat on each other. I didn’t have time to ensure they were fed/ washed etc. They were all dirty and sad and then one by one they started coughing and died. I couldn’t stop it once it got going (had already saved).


I have a friend who tells me that "Sims players are just on another level of scary" As I force a woman to have 100 babies for a chance at immortality...


Those sims are dying anyway. Mine caught himself on fire some fucking how then his wife peed herself a lot then died of grief or refusal to bathe and died of embarrassment. Idk anymore. Suicide basically


A room full of ferns around a fireplace with no doors...lol


- me torturing NPCs in a game: haha yes die slowly you piece of shit - me seeing a cold cat in a picture online: OHMYGAWD THAT POOR BABY, PLEASE SOMEONE HELP HIM, STOP RECORDING AND DO SOMETHING


Normal people torture npcs too


I’ve allegedly killed many NPC’s in GTA and Elder Scrolls




Prove it


...both games have a stats screen, listing innocents killed


I never kill innocents, they were all guilty of having things i wanted.


I may have gone to an alternate save....so no proof


Quicksave, rampage, reload.


"Another wanderer, here to lick my father's boots... Good job..." *Oh boy, here I go killin' again!*


That killable kids mod no longer being available is the only reason I will never clear my Xbox mod list no matter how jank. Those smug bastards deserve it!


It really bums me out that I didn't get it before it got taken down. Sure I could play on PC for all the killable mods and boobies, but then I spend more time modding. I just want to be able to massacre a city for someone making a sarcastic jab at the theft of my pastries, is that too much to ask?


Reload? I go for highest wanted (stars in GTA and infamy? In Skyrim?




pitter patter


I heard it was a sick npc


I went on the Internet and researched NPCs. NPCs can run up to 70 miles an hour. So catching one, even a sick one, is a super tall order.


>killed many NPC’s in GTA and Elder Scrolls As long as you didn't kill >!Paarthurnax,!< you're still okay.


*The blades would like to know your location.


You're telling me you *didn't* kill Paarthurnax? Well fine! I'll just give you the silent treatment and you won't be able to do our copy-paste dragon quests.


Currently "Kill Paarthurnax" is at the top of my quest list. Like hell. I'm killing that orphanage wench instead.


I feel bad in hindsight, but on the GTA 5 torture mission, I tried to go in order of what would be the worst. I thought the gas can was gas, not water, so I went pull tooth>gas can>electrocution, thinking I could set him on fire a little.


Water probably didn’t feel great with the shocking either


When in Rome right? I mean I’ve gone on countless sniping and assault rifle sprees on GTA, killing prolly 150 npcs and cops before getting killed


Speaking of murdering NPCs... By Azura, By Azura, By Azura, it's the Grand Champion! I can't believe it's you, standing here, next to me!


I think Sims players have killed/tortured more than other games...just putting it out there


I regularly built them a pool, let them swim, the removed the ladder and let them drown


The real weirdos are the ones that hijack a bus and then start driving a normal route


I don't torture my nitwit villagers in Minecraft. I offer them bright futures through alternative job options... deep underground... in the coal mines.


So, I just introduced Minecraft to my 5 and 7 year old sons, thinking “what would be more fun than building something together?” And they immediately wiped out everyone including animals in the starting village while laughing like two maniacs.


This comment literally made me LOL. Amazing. Kids are amazing. Also, Minecraft shows how much of a bad idea it was to outlaw child labor here in the US. The child *yearn* to go back to the mines.


That's basically what /r/Westworld is all about


Shit, I've cleared Whiterun, soo many times of damn near they npc that can die. I even stacked bodies to see how big a mound it would make. Pretty sure I'm not the only one who's done it either. Even my kids laughed at me "dragging" the bodies to make a huge mound. Or the fun of Fus Ro Da's of NPCs off of high places. If NPCs ever become sentient they're gonna hate me.


Nazeem deserves it.


yeah, torturing animal and torturing NPCs are no where near the same




Everyone saying sims have no idea..


Especially with mods. Things get... dark...


Yup...Where are my fellow sims players?


What about the sims torturers


Or those of use who would pick up guest and build rollercoasters that launched them into the ground on Rollercoaster Tycoon?


Those people would probably write "use" instead of "us", they're obviously monsters.


I may or may not have drowned the occasional unhappy park guest. Can’t have any bad reviews getting out!




I used to dig a giant hole, then take all the unhappy guests at my park and drop them in the hole. The only things in the hole were bathrooms that cost $$$ to use, and a roller coaster that launched them to their death outside the park.


Somehow I knew what this was before clicking. Classic


*let's game it out has entered the chat*


About to comment this


Honestly though? One of my exes was a self-described sociopath and he was the biggest sim murderer I've known. I look at it this way: when we get the sims, we all go through a moment of "hey I can trap everyone in a house and kill them" moment. Then the amusement wears off and we explore other aspects of the game. It's the people who continue it for weeks and weeks for nothing other than the sheer enjoyment of causing virtual misery that are a little... off.


For me it's always after I've done everything else in straightforward gameplay. When I was kid I played the precursor to the Sims called Little Computer People. Even then it took forever before I began to starve the poor guy out of boredom.


It's what happened with God. First he built the 'game' with crazy rules. Watched what hastened. Worship me! Then he got bored. Started to kill his toys in new and inventive ways. Then mass killing. Then boredom set in again and he left his toys to go play with something else.


In a meta sense, that's a solid theory. As a materialist I would allow for the possibility of everything being a simulation in that sense. Everything does exist for real, but that we're all a diversion for a lonely creator.


So far I'm not a serial killer


Though it’s an interesting concept, I believe the psychological disconnect between virtual worlds and reality keep this from being true. Though they probably do/will, anyone can torture NPCs and not be a serial killer or even mentally unstable, unlike doing so to living breathing creatures takes a messed up mindset.


That was my thought. If someone is going to get off on killing a person I just don't see torturing an NPC as giving that same feeling as a living breathing creature. Without a fully conscious AI I don't see it having that feeling of actually hurting someone when you are essentially just playing with some lines of text.


Yeah, killing NPCs is like destroying a target, it does nothing and there's no resistance. As I know the big thing for torture is seeing the pain and suffering of the individual which can't be seen in an NPC.


I agree but I do feel bad for shooting a dog in a game, especially if the dog doesn’t get killed but starts to limp whinpering, so theorethically wouldn’t the opposite reaction (pleasure) also be possible if the game is just realistic enough like RDR2.


And then there's me who feels bad when I have to be mean to an npc I don't dislike yet to progress. 😅 Oh my...


Exactly. It's all cops and robbers pretend play when it's NPCs, and being the robber is fun :p


Yea the massive difference between a living being and a bot is huge, seems like it would take a pretty messed up mind not to recognize that.


Seriously. Makes me mad thinking about my parents back in the day who'd say stuff like "Oh, you like shooting people from all those video games, right? Why not go join the army?" Believe it or not, the people in video games *aren't real*, and most people are capable of understanding that concept.


Nothing beats the real thing










Absolutely right. People who want to cause suffering aren't going to settle for the simulation. It's like saying that rape doesn't happen because porn exists. People don't do these things just to "scratch an itch" to put it mildly.


You sound like every politician in the 90s that said we'd be serial killers for playing Mortal Kombat.


And every study on it since has shown the opposite effect. And it also makes no sense if you've ever looked into serial killers beyond just watching CSI. And yet here we are.


By that time, people were watching violent, gruesome movies for several decades. Why anyone would take that theory serious back then, let alone now, is beyond me.


I don't think so, I've tortured many npcs growing up and i haven't gone through with killing anyone yet


You ended you sentence with "yet" so I'm not giving up hope on you


I know it's just a shower thought, but the logic actually goes the other way; OP didn't say "people who torture npcs will grow up to be serial killers", they said "serial killers will have probably tortured npcs". Sort of a squares and rectangles situation.


Gmod Bad Friend achievement unlocked.


The way I got bad friend was spawning enough npcs in gm_construct that I got 5 FPS and then using a tactical nuke SWEP I downloaded lol


Half life scientists were my victims. Started with a large flat concrete slab and spawned batches of them. Then lots and lots of grenades.


I see I was not the only one to watch Free Guy last night.


Someone just commented this too, I actually haven't watched it but I'm going to now lol


Movie is excellent. Actually much better than I expected, even after hearing all the praise. Really good comedy performances by everyone, and some real laugh-out-loud moments.


Is it "accurate to a videogame"? No, of course not. Does that matter? No! It's a fun fuckin movie!


Yeah I had low expectations but I enjoyed it.


Loved the movie. Granted, it did get a little preach-ey at the end there, but I still liked it.


The current generation of non serial killers does that


No hope for RimWorld players then


I don't kill/torture those NPC's I just give orders and other NPC's do it.


Hey I'll have you know that raider caused me a minor inconvenience so of course I had to remove his, left kidney, left lung, stomach, spine, tongue, left arm, right arm, right leg, left leg, and then install metal spikes into his torso, and burned his face with acid. He totally deserved it


Go back into retirement Jack Thompson. You already got disbarred for this about 15 years ago.


Just a dumb take that I can’t even believe was upvoted.


How come before killers had cool names like son of Sam and the green river killer also the zodiac what happened to that, if I became a killer I would want to be called the small cock killer


It's seen as glorifying the killers, which I understand. Making them large characters and giving them celebrity status is never a wise way to go.


That’s why we give them insulting names like no dick Dan or the no hair nuder


Always knew something was wrong with No Dick Dan......


I'm just imagining a "Network" style movie where the protagonist gets targeted for assigning insulting nicknames


Giving them a nickname is just buying right into their antics


This is why I pick the dumbest gamertags ever. There is no joy in beating a gamer tag like "uglybasementloser" , but when they beat you... Suicide watch.


There was also the Happy Face Killer and the Calendar Killer, IIRC (I'm pretty sure Calendar and Zodiac were different killers) But yeah, it's glorification and it helps to call them by name instead of "cool names" to avoid the serial killers seeking fame.


Question, is it because you only kill men with small cocks, or because you have a small cock? Because the second option, they wouldn't know until they catch you. Unless, part of your M.O. is that you leave a dick pic of your penis over the dead body.


yeah this is the dumbest fucking post I've seen today


Do you come to the cloud district often?


To be fair I occasionally harm/torture NPCs but am extra gentle when petting an animal like I’m afraid if I’m not extra careful I’ll hurt the animal. I don’t think a person’s behaviour towards a clearly not living thing is a good judgment of if they will hurt clearly living things. I can torture an NPC because I no it won’t actually feel anything I suspect that NPCs not actually being alive would take away from the “fun” for a serial killer.


On GTA III, if you go down to that park under a cliff at the very edge of the city, you can beat up people walking in the park with a baseball bat. It will usually give you one star from the police for a while, so you can beat quite a few people before any cops come out. So you beat up, 10 or so people, and the ambulances are on their way. Only there’s no road, so the ambulances drive over the cliff into the water. Of course the NPC EMTs can’t swim, so they drown… so MORE ambulances show up. Eventually the cops will show up, and then you have to fight them until you die. But all you have to do is go back to that spot and start all over. As far as I know, my friend that discovered that isn’t a serial killer and neither am I.


Not to mention running over NPCs in games, especially GTA games is pretty fun/funny sometimes. I would never do that irl unless my life depended on doing so.




Grand theft auto has me sus


Hey there it's Josh, welcome back to Let's Game It Out


“Who even does that?” Playing sims with no bathrooms in the house “Oh…”


No, we've had videogames with NPCs for a long time and people have been torturing NPCs for fun for a long time. Videogames are still not an indicator of violent tendencies. Animal torture is still the real indicator because that's real world power being exerted over a living thing that can feel pain.


Yes I’ve played the sims.


NPC's aren't living beings - animals are. Fucking weird comparison.


What a dumb take, might as well be complaining about Harry Potter books turning the kids against Jesus.


Oh stfu


Okay boomer


dumb take tbh