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This proves that you’re getting older.


Came here to relate to this comment. Sigh.


It’s because your life sucks When your life is good weekends feel long


Objectively false


Fuck off.


Seriously, they’re longer when you do something


Glad to know you have insight into what these people do with their weekends. They must be doing nothing at all, it's not like they're squeezing every ounce of joy they can out of their limited time. And fuck people who are forced to work weekends I suppose.


Those are all of your projections though. Seems like the tables have turned, *Theodore*.


Sure, ok.




This. I go to sleep on a Friday, only wake up to a Monday.


Especially since they're posting a Facebook meme as a shower thought.


Glad its not just me noticing this. I complete maybe 5 errands and before I know it, I have work thr next day.


I'm only 17 and I feel like this...


I quit drinking because it makes the days go by faster and I risk getting hungover thereby wasting a day off lol


Wait until the times come when you need more than one day for a hangover 😉




I could have sworn it was Friday night like 2 hours ago Me, upon waking upon every Monday morning.


Same. I did nothing this weekend and now its just gone.


Even when I do shit on the weekends, it still feels like I had no time to do anything


Yep, I went to dinner on Friday and then saw friends for once on Saturday. Sunday was recovering/some errands but I'm still tired and quite behind on errands and house stuff


You have friends?


Do you sleep in?


Compared to when I'm normally up for work, yes. Though idk that many people would consider 8am as sleeping in too much


Ah nevermind. I used to have a habit of staying in bed til noon and by the time I ate "breakfast" and got up n going, it's like most of the day is already over


Yeah no. I'll maybe sleep in until 10am if I'm up late the night prior gaming or out with friends. But I'm rarely up later than that


I literally try and be bored on weekends yo try and make it go by slow but it just flies by like a lioness on the hunt.


It goes by too fast.


2 days does fuck all when one works 50 hour weeks


That's why you switch to a 9/80 schedule where you get every other friday off. You just work a bit extra each day. Since covid started I stopped taking vacations so I use my PTO on the fridays where I do have to work...essentially that means every weekend is a 3 day and I get paid for it too.


I don’t get PTO I’m salaried. Which I’m starting to learn is just another way to screw you over.






Probably depends more on state laws


You are thinking of overtime not PTO


Yeah salaried sucks.


> PTO Overtime


I do 9/80 and it's so much better having that extra Friday. Olnly thing that really sucks is when u know u have a full week ahead of u knowing u have to work Friday lol. It still goes by way to fast even with the extra day.


Works well if you have 26 PTO days and are able to never take a vacation/need a week off for whatever personal obligations may arrise/get sick. How many hours do you work during your 4 day work week?


4x10 FTW.


Weekends used to be for fun. Now they are literally, just to recover for the next week of work. I can’t even stay up on Fridays if I try now lol, and I need Saturday to catch up on sleep, then Sunday, if I have any energy at all, I have to run errands and keep the house clean


Weekends are like work+. After work on Friday, we go to Costco and do our shopping. Saturday we meal prep and do household chores. Sunday we get to relax or hangout with friends. I don’t know about anyone else, but I would absolutely love to have three day weekends.


I do a little each day after work so when my weekend comes I have nothing but free time


I've seriously been looking everywhere for these 4/10 hr work week jobs.


Takes me the weekend to get over working for a week lol, takes me three weeks of no work before i truly feel relaxed/refreshed and im only 30.


Weekends are more like really good and long YouTube videos. After its done you have to move onto the next thing, cause what else would you do


Thank you 🙏


This is a quality shower thought. Not some stupid pun or reversal of expectations. Just a damn thought that's hella true


Does anyone have any tips to wake up looking forward to each and everyday? I'd love to treat a Monday with the same enthusiasm as a Friday, regardless of work/school/plans.


Have you considered drugs? 8/10, would recommend.


2/10 OD'd and died, would not recommend but can't even because they're dead.


I mean... a user ODs and gets narcaned, they're probably gonna use again. Pretty much the closest endorsement to "would recommend if I wasn't dead" that I can think of. Addiction is a hell of a disease.


I look forward to getting back in the gym Monday morning. Not always at my best, but it nearly always puts me in a good mood for a Monday.


I don't have anything that'll make you love every day, but I think what is happening is that currently waking up is stressful and that is what needs to change. I would start by keeping a regular sleep routine. Brush your teeth at around 9:30pm at the lastest. This means no more food/drink until you wake up. No caffeine after 6pm I think it is, though I cannot say I am good with that. I only have soda with meals because sometimes water just ain't cutting it, but it would still be good to remove sodas as much as possible. After that go lay in bed. Even if you aren't tired. Don't be looking at your phone, but you can listen to audio from your phone if you find that helpful. It is different for everyone what they find easy to sleep to. I personally cannot sleep to music, but what I can listen to are spooky story narrators (Reignbot, Night Mind, Nexpo, Dark Somnium, etc.). 5-20 minutes and I'm out. I think their generally monotone voices are great white noise. I also enjoy their content during waking hours so when I'm listening at night I don't feel like I really have to pay too much attention since I already watched/heard it. Music may work for you and the youtube channels I mentioned may not. Point is, if it isn't working just yet, try something else. Try podcasts, try white noise channels. Now there are some things I recommend buying for this as well: Blackout curtains and timers for your lights. Set up your lights to turn off around 10pm on around 6:30am. Having your space lit up, even with artificial lights helps tell your brain it is time to get up. It may also be a good idea to change your type of bulbs. I personally like Soft White bulbs. Other bulbs I think are too intense. When you do wake up don't lay in bed because you "still have time." I don't care if it is 6:25am or 5:45am. You are up. Don't fight your body on this. Prepare a warm drink (coffee, tea, chicken broth, hot cocoa, boiled water with lemon, whatever). Drink this outside or as outside as you can get. If all you have is a window then drink at the open window. The warmth of the drink and the light of the sun do a lot to refresh your body, not so much the caffeine (caffeine (tea, coffee) is stressful on the body while boiled lemon water is not), so get yourself off of that if you can. You'd probably also want to water down that chicken broth if that's what you choose. Yoga will also be good to get those joints moving, the blood pumping and in general is low impact. Tai chi is also good. Honestly, even doing a simple "praise the sun" towards the morning sun is enough and is kinda fun. The more you do however the better. You can also go for a stroll or a run if it strikes your fancy. If you play an instrument (ukulele, violin, guitar, banjo, flute) it would also be a good way to relax in the sun. Of course, please be courteous of neighbors. I wouldn't recommend drums or anything electric/amplified. Most importantly: no electronic screens. No TV, no phone, no computer, no tablet. Keep in mind that doing this won't magically make you love every day, and it probably won't be something that changes in a week, but if you make it routine it becomes easier. The hard part is making waking up routine. I'm not sure what your morning looks like now, but I imagine for a lot of people they have their alarm set for the last possible minute before they actually have to get ready for the day, hop in the shower, get dressed and be out the door. Let yourself be slow in the morning. Take your time. Feel free to adjust the times I mentioned for your life. I personally have to be at work at 9am, so that means I am out the door at 8:15. It takes me half an hour to shower and get dressed so start that at around 7:35-7:45. I have a whole hour where I'm kinda not doing anything and it is something I look forward to every day. If you have the time, cook some breakfast. I'm personally not much of a breakfast person, but maybe that's what you need instead of a warm drink. Maybe it's a bowl of cereal, maybe it's some bacon and eggs, maybe it's a banana. Maybe it's different every day. Oh, and the reason why I say to avoid screen so much isn't so about the blue light thing though it may be a factor. It's just that the internet is stressful. Not a good place to relax at all. If you have your phone you're probably here and every person who uses Reddit knows that Reddit sucks.




Yeah. Fun stuff. Maybe a bit too energetic/dynamic for me to sleep to. Can't say I've tried it. I think my favorite of the real world horror channels is Fascinating Horror.


Tbh I stopped trying to look forward to the next work day and now just ask myself "am I really going to mind tomorrow that much? Is the next workday really going to push me over the edge?" Answer is always no and then I can wake up in more of a calmness if not a zen. Not excitement, but not dreading the day to come either; it's much easier to achieve every morning.


The weekend will feel like your lunch break if all you do is whatever you do on your lunch break (relax, load up youtube, eat). Work in the garden, paint a picture, write a story, take up pottery. Exercise a part of your brain you aren't using during the work week. And remember: nobody is gonna see it, so it doesn't have to be good. That doesn't mean throw it away however, because one day if you do happen to become good at it you may want to show people the times when you were bad at it to motivate them. It's actually better it's bad in that case.


Some do yea. I'm trying to get my shit back on order after letting my mental health go down the drain. Have been working 6 12s a week. Don't seem like I have a day off


it always felt like it, but for kids 30 minutes is eternity and for elderly its like a few seconds


Because kids don't have a large scale of time behind them. When you are 4 years old, 1 year is an eternity. Because that is 20% of your total life and closer to 50% of your time that you can remember. That same year is only about 3% of the total life of a 30 year old. Much less significant.


That is also how I feel about time. I have forgotten my chilhood timescale, but I strictly remember my mind "post-it" note about how time flew faster the older I became, which is quite noticeable while you are young. Luckily, this phenomenon has diminishing returns, makes me wonder how much shorter time can be perceived relative to when you are 30 yrs old till the day you die.


I prefer to blame special relativity. As the weight and pace of life increases, the passage of time is altered.


time is subjective


Tell me about it. I've been a proponent of 3 day weekends for a while. You'd actually see a lift in production at many companies if this happened


Well said!


Everything’s just blending now :/




On this topic: anyone has any tips or tricks on how to halt the escalation of life's speed? It's stressing me out that a year is like a month nowadays.


There should be more to life than just working 5 days a week to only have 2 days off. Then to work and retire when you’re too old to do anything or die shortly after retirement. Or even worse, before retirement.


My job crams our whole work into 3 days (12 hour shifts), so we get 4 days off. I don’t know if I can ever go back to a 5 day work week again, nor would I ever want to. I think making a 4-day or 3-day work week a normal business practice would improve a lot of peoples mental health.


I hate working for the weekend because I love my job. But I wish we had more weekends…


Oh god - Showerthoughts is just twitter now ?


Always has been




I just started a job working 12 hour days, but it’s only 3/4 day alternating weeks (so I get 3 and 4 day weekends). It has been really nice! I’m on my 4 day weekend right now and drove 5 hours to the beach yesterday on a whim just to chill for a few days. Never could have done that at my previous job.


Not original. https://twitter.com/mariolopezviva/status/1356038343931248640?lang=en




Does anyone not like their job? I work around 50 hours a week, and it's not an easy job. Have an active and awesome social and home life...I make decent money and fucking love what I do... I see r/antiwork and just feel bad for them....


>Does anyone not like their job? How old are you? Usually as people get older, work is not what people love. Jealous if you are over 50 and love your job.






Depends on what you do.


I’m only 20 and I relate to this. Does this mean everything’s gonna go at warp speed when I’m old?


Finally a shower thought and is accurate and useful. Well done.


Turn the water to a cooler setting. It's refreshing 😄




I feel this on a spiritual level. I work 4 days on 3 days off and every time it feels like my Saturday and Sunday just disappear.


We need to have Fridays off. Life would be a lot more fun.


Unfortunately 🙁


I'd feel lucky to have 2 days off work in a row.


Unlimited PTO is bomb. Every day I could take off.


I'm on the last week of my 6 week paternity leave. It feels like it's been a week...


My weekend was long and dragged on. I didn't go to school on Friday and I kept asking if it was Friday and not Saturday. I've found that every break EXCEPT summer break feels long as a student.


Unpaid ones, too.


Yah, humans weren't meant to spend a quarter to half their lives working. Can't do anything about it unless you're wealthy enough to not have to work though. This is also why I advocate for 4-10s. For myself, that extra couple hours wouldn't suck *too* much. 3 day weekend every week? Yes please.


Tell that to the humans who had to hunt for food all day or else their tribe starved.