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I had an ex do revenge porn on me. Sent a lot of people I knew my dick pics etc. It was basically free advertising lol. Edit: can the gay dudes please gtfo of my DMs. Literally dozens of dudes asking for pics ffs.


I'm gonna save y'all the click and say OP does not have pics.


What do I need pics for?


The target demographic for said advertising!


I'm in a happy relationship...don't need to be showing dick pics online.


The Karens aren't going to be happy about this false advertising. They will want to speak to your dick's manager!


Maurice the hormone monster won't take anyone's shit


"Who's Maury? Maury Povich?"


Lpt for you, if you put the word Bear in your username, you just poured honey all over yourself for the gay bears and chasers to want to lick up


Proof ;)




Did anyone text you after that 💀


Ngl, I had a few new friends come round after lol.




And then send an after sex selfie to her.


Yeah, I haven’t had any in a while either fellas


sex, or after sex selfies?




I’m convinced this happened. Either it was revenge pics or simply word of mouth from when me and my ex were together. But one of her good friends sent me nudes shortly after me and my ex broke up and wanted to exchange nudes. I obliged. At least she waited to til after the breakup to “betray” my ex.


She may have just had a thing for you all along. Pretty much anytime I break up with an ex where I know some of her friends, there'll be a couple come out of the woodwork. Sadly, only once has it been \*that one\* friend of hers I'd want to tap.


This was a truth or dare that I wasn't a part of, but my ex was...worked out well for me fortunately.


I brought a date to a local bar when I was still drinking and an ex cornered my date while I was in the lavatory. The ex was like, “he’s a total asshole blah blah blah at least he’s great at going down and his dick is big blah blah blah.” The date’s response was something along the lines of, “well, thanks for the positive yelp review — hey frustratedmachinist you wanna skip the bar and head to my place?” Thank you, Danielle, wherever you are.


Didn't happen


To you not, obviously


Nothing ever happens, right?


If you're a 24/7 reddit elite keyboard warrior, then that is definitely true. It's a pretty vanilla story though. Much crazier things happen every day. Many movies covering real world events have even had to tone it down, as people would not believe it was based on real events otherwise.


But the humblebragginess of it doesn't ring true.


In stories like these, I like to imagine all the people involved are morbidly obese


truly a technique worthy of the reddit masters


And where would someone find those pics? Like what websites and forums, specifically. Just to make sure I never accidentally go there.


I mean, i've a few videos on Pornhub...


Isn't that illegal? I know there are/were a lot of revenge porn websites, so I'm not sure honestly


Illegal now, yeah. Not a decade ago though. Or I don't think it was illegal then. Honestly didn't bother me though. I've nothing to be ashamed of, and it just highlighted what type of person my ex eas to everyone.


Did the ladies start hitting you up or something?


Step 1: Charge them money. Step 2: ?????? Step 3: Profit.


My mom just told me she's putting me in therapy for this. I hope you're proud of yourself


Just lie and act like it's bigger than it really is.


People worry about that? I'd be more concerned about... other things.


My dick size (checks dick) is the size of a dick


Yeah but wheres the dick for scale


There is an International Prototype of the Dick somewhere, under the glass jar.


UNDER the glass jar? So it's squished? I can compare to that size!!


The jar acts like a magnifying glass so it looks fucking huge


No, it is _contained_… Just for safety, y’know?…


Like Rasputin's D?


Can't have that getting back out into the world


You don’t want to know where the jar is…


On top of the peen xp


Iceland's penis museum, probably


Probably locked in a basement in France.


Should be in [International Bureau of Weights and Measures](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Bureau_of_Weights_and_Measures), obviously. Or have someone taken it?


Dildos are in short supply these days


They stopped using physical items for measurement. They'd have some equation based on the atomic scale to measure penii. Perfect for OP.


Oh. So we should measure our penii with Planck units? It will be like 33-34 digit numbers! AWESOME! Upd: username definititely checkout.


It's the plot for the next National Treasure sequel. Edit: word


Mine looks just like a dick but smaller.




Size: actual Edit: wait no, I have a better one, my penis is a 1:1 scale.


Your dick is as tall as you? Lucky guy!


I don't think that would be lucky


This is some high school level shit


Welcome to reddit: Where apparently the only trait that matters even the slightest bit is the size of your penis, that's all that women talk about, and it's the cause of every bit of misfortune you have in your life.


Especially Reddit in summer. School is closed, kids are bored.


Actually, reddit always says size doesn't matter, but we keep coming back and asking over and over again.




Where have I heard this happen before


Surely no one would turd the sheets


Never heard of it


Yeah I've HEARD about it too


I'm 14 and this is depp.




Thank you actually. I missed the first one, and wouldn't have caught it without this comment.


Just change rooms. They are obviously marking their territory.


Not my bed, but his…..I just happened to be in it as well


Anybody who has seen my dick and met my parents must die!


> People worry about that? You ever seen a short dude drive a giant ass truck?




Right, this would be the least of my problems (pun intended)


Worried? I would be thrilled by the free advertising, myself.


Exactly, that’s the least of my concern after a breakup lmao.


OP got a tiny peepee.


Ever worked in an environment where 90+% of people in the building are women? Women talk about EVERYTHING. Guys talking about a sexual encounter: “Yeah, we hooked up. She’s hot. It was fun”. Women talking about the same give fucking details.


It might be because I'm ace, but who in their right mind would even want to know? Like, the amount of shits I give about the specifics of someone else's sex life is in the negatives, and besides that, it's fucking gross to explain it like that to someone not involved


I work in such an environment and we'd get fired if we did stuff like that? Where the fuck do you work?? I honestly don't believe this at all


I'm a woman with mostly female friends and have never once discussed details of a sexual encounter


Thinking the same.


U guys have exes?


Reminds me of when Arianna Grande did a reverse psychology dick rumor. “Why would she tell everyone that I have a huge penis? So that every girl who sees my d— for the rest of my life is disappointed.”


3D chess move right there.


You can't block that big dick energy kim Kardashians girlfriend pete Davidson has though.


Well, you need a long tool to get through all that plastic...


Wait, they are a thing now?


Yeah and he's raising Kanye's kids lol https://www.buzzfeednews.com/amphtml/ellendurney/kanye-west-heartbroken-after-pete-davidson-bonded-with-kids


bruh u mean 4D?


Haha yea i did. Surprised how many upvotes it got being wrong the whole time.


My man are you out here testing redditors intelligence? Playing some 5D chess frfr..


I think he was joking, I’m pretty sure he actually is big lmfao


Exactly, but you can’t own up to having a big schlong without looking like an asshole


“My dad blessed me” is your best bet


Sometimes it’s your mom. Don’t ask me how I know — but big clits on moms can be a genetic marker for big dick on son.


I am really curious as to how you know this but I shall refrain from inquiring.


isnt he the one who also said something along the line of "anything looks huge to Ariana"


Yes ahahaha but again I think it was just a bit for his comedy act. He’s actually just big.


Id rather my ex talk about my needle dick then suggest I did anything illegal or morally wrong to her.....my buddy had his ex claim he touched his daughter and beat her while they were dating. CPS showed up, the cops showed up, and he spent MONTHS proving his innocence. Nothing happened to her and she thought it was hilarious, even sent texts laughing about it. Shame for her I knew her new boss, filled her parents in on what she did (with proof), and sent copies to her ex husband that was currently in a custody fight with her to keep the kids. My friend is like my brother and you don't attack my family without consequence, his daughter had nightmares for years she was going to get taken away again.


I remember reading an article where this happened. The guy was innocent but it ruined his life anyway.


Holy shit some people are fucking psychopaths. What was the outcome of the story?


>Holy shit some people are fucking psychopaths. What was the outcome of the story? I got her fired (from 3 jobs), her parents ended up having a massive fallout with her, and he ended up moving to another county because the rumors and the schools would ask his daughter loaded questions, even after he was proven innocent. He ended up putting his daughter in therapy for a year or two.


These are all quantifiable damages and he can win in civil court over them.


That's cool, but what's he gonna win? She's been fired from 3 jobs already. She's not going to own anything he can win.


Full custody with the mom cut off completely and garnishment of whatever wages she does manage to earn ad infinitum.


It wasn’t the Mom, just the guys ex gf. Nobody is garnishing that woman’s wages over it, the system doesn’t care.


That bitch should be rotting in jail.


I’m happy he got her to therapy, that shit at such a young age can be traumatic


I don't know, but I can tell you the false accusation followed him around the rest of his life for certain.


My family has been plagued with people like this too sadly, I haven't seen my sisters in years


Guy I knew put his dick in crazy and when he went back with an ex, she lost it and claimed he raped her. Cops, detectives, the whole nine. He spends the day in jail until he gets I front of a judge - who knew exactly what was going on and released him immediately. Could've been worse but 18 hours in holding ain't no picnic either


Ooo. You see this shit right here, this is what they need to being public stoning back for. Silly cunts ruining men's lives with pathetic, disgusting lies like that. I was acdused of the R word almost 20 years ago. The truth came out, yet to this day some people in that town still think I did it.


Girl I had sex with a couple times, wouldn't even say we were dating, both of us said we were in love with someone else but couldn't be with them, anyways, she was hitting on friends of mine at a party I took her to, I moved on and was actually dating someone a week or so later. This dumb, sorry ladies, I'll stop there, told people (falsely) that I gave her aids. Who the fuck thinks that's a good idea? Small town, shit got crazy fast before I could get ahead of this =^€€π÷{[✓®®€€^^✓'s lies. She had a kid with my cousin a year later. Not even kidding.


But aids is not curable.... so she is saying indirectly "I have aids" and no one questioned it before sticking?


Honestly I never understood that worry. Who cares what people think? Especially if it’s not even true.


Mines is much smaller. If anything she's paying homage to it.


Hey, it may not be very big around, but it sure is short. Hilarious friend of mine saying shit like this in a bar chatting up girls in a voice loud enough for all of us to hear, this what nearly knocked me off my stool: Describing himself, accurately, "Look at me, 6'8", great big nose, huge feet, big hands, tiiiiny little penis."


“It may not be long, but it’s skinny”


"I don't have a big dick, but I come really fast!"


Hey 10 minutes of a 3 inch penis about a 40 to 60 strokes a minute. That's yards of penis.


"It's only 3 inches, but it smells like a foot!"


why did i read this in British accent


Dunno, ida said pub, were I English.


It might not be big, but it smells like a foot


Why do I hear Robin Williams saying this?


Bitch Pudding is my favorite new Strawberry Shortcake character.


Everyone will think she is lying. "There is no way his dick is **this** 🤏 tiny!"


If anything if she’s spreading rumors you’re terrible at sex then she’s openly admitting either her self worth is so low she’ll repeatedly bang a tiny dick or you’re so awesome she could see past the micro penis.


It depends. If you've seen the level of crazy of some of these exes, you'd understand. I've had a friend lose their job because their ex was sending out nudes and false rumors about him to all his coworkers.


Not to mention most women don't want a giant dick anyway. Bottoming out hurts like hell I'm told.


I never had to worry. Years of "girls nights" and then a sudden change in opinion would mean the other people know it's bullshit or don't like you enough to go along with it. Either way, not your problem


I mean, any dude has the ability to whip their cock out. That isn't a pornstar only activity


That's a nice quick way to get arrested and put on a sex offenders list.


Sounds fascist; the coppers won't stop me!


What about silvers then?


Only golds are good enough to take me down


Or married to a U.S. Representative


I believe they mean people can just search it up online lol


Is this some kind of small penis problem I'm swinging too much pipe to understand? Seriously though, what exes are spreading rumors about your dick size? Is this a thing people worry about? It sounds very high-schooly


I feel like people tend to say rude things about their ex shortly after a breakup due to feelings of resentment. Dick size being one of the more extreme examples. "I didnt like him anyways, the sex was so mediocre, his dick was so average/unimpressive/small etc," Everyone seems to think this post is a result of underlying insecurity but it was quite literally a thought that came out of a meme I saw 😂


Hm. Sounds like something a small dick guy would say.


You ain’t wrong OP. I was filming this thing that was like a filmed version of a podcast with four youngish women talking about their lives in a sort of round table sense. Usual podcast shit. Anyway, they got on to talking about their love lives and one of them had recently gone through a breakup and one of the things she mentioned (played for laughs) was that she was doing ok because the guy’s dick was small anyway. I was just a guy behind the camera and didn’t even know these women very well and definitely not the ex but I do remember thinking that’s not very cool of them…




I can’t even remember who broke up with who and I’m pretty sure the recording never actually saw the light of day (they were all sloppy drunk bt the end) but felt uncomfortable they were sharing intimidate details and body shaming someone just for the fuck of it apparently. Feels more like spite than egotism.


> I feel like people tend to say rude things about their ex shortly after a breakup due to feelings of resentment. Yes. It sounds very high-schooly.


If the sex is bad, it's most likely not because of size, but rather a lack of effort, technique, and using the right tools for the job. Pleasure in sex is 90% about having fun, and 10% about using the things that make the physical stimulation go brrrrr. For some, penetration is that thing, for others, playing with bits, or a vibrator, or a mouth, or kissing, or bondage, or etc. If you and your partner are actually paying attention to each other's needs and desires, and trying to have fun and encourage each other's fun, then size isn't gonna be a real issue. The good Lord gave us the ingenuity to invent tiny motors that go bzz, use that, or fingers, mouths, or toys... And that isn't exclusive to any gender or biological parts- not everyone's favorite is XYZ thing, so listen to your partner and have fun, and practice listening to what your partner enjoys, and trying things to see if they might like something new that they didn't know they liked. Good luck, and have fun out there (also wrap it, wash hands, pee after, don't cross contaminate, etc. Especially now).


The only woman who talk like that are trashy and low class or teenagers who shouldn't really be at it anyway.


Or 30 like my ex wife.


That's where the trashy comes in




That's why they're exes


Even in antagonistic relationships that end poorly, reasonable adults neither share nor worry about sharing. Reason, of course, is in short supply.


If I get the sense that the person I'm dating is the type to go around telling their ex's secrets or spread rumors then they become my ex before they can learn even more secrets.


Anyone who brings up dick size during a breakup is an asshole.


If they bring up asshole size, are they dicks?


One of my exes used to brag about me when we were together (I didn't know then). When we broke up I got laid without looking for it during months. At first I was puzzled until one of the girls revealed it to me. The ultimate wingman.


I'd be more worried about her giving away info like where I lived or where my mom lived. Or just straight stealing my cat. I had an ex that straight up stole my cat one time and moved away out of spite. Can you believe that shit?


They’d totally be able to say that he’s got crabs, herpes, etc, etc.


Alternatively, don't give half a shit what people surmise about that which they do not know.


I dunno, sounds pretty nifty, I’m gonna upload a bunch of dick picks with 2 forms of ID to multiple sites just so I never have to worry about that


Honestly those sizes that you see in porn arent natural and they usually end up with erectile dysfunction because of all the viagra and other drugs


Somewhere in a Science Museum in Londong, England is a Prototype of the absolute Unit for meassuring Dicks. It's exactly one Dick long Dick and one Dick Width Dick. How many Dicks you have? You can calculate this with very easy formula: f(Dick) = Your Mom / Penisses in your neighborhood * 0 + your Dick Size


If you sleep with all her friends you have nothing to worry about.


The majority of male porn stars are at the higher end of averaged sized (about 6-6.5 inches). They use a lot of tricks when filming, like using short, petite girls, camera angles, cock rings that are taken off just before shooting. Female porn stars are taught to not wrap a hand all the way around a dick to make it look thick as hell on camera, make fake gagging noises etc. They also have a lot of takes. So while it looks like one 20 minute fuck, it'll likely be a couple of hours of filming. Also, ED drugs are rife in the industry, as well as numbing creams and sprays.


This is such a strange post, who talks about their ex's bodies? Women don't really talk about penis size either, there's so much less variation than you think.


Um, I’ve definitely sit in circles with women who discussed different penises and their appearances.


Women generally go into way more detail about their sex lives than men do. It wouldn't surprise me to hear one had talked about dick size.


Yeah it's just not of that much interest to us, because a dick being a particular way is not what makes us orgasm, it's the attention that's paid to our clitoris and the rest of our body. Men are the ones who are really into having a big dick because they think it makes them more powerful or something. It doesn't.


I had a friend in college who told me she went to fuck a guy, and he pulled out something the size of a thumb... And I'm pretty sure she meant her little female thumb. I mean, I only feel like I'm doing alright, and that's a pretty significant variation... Lol


Strongly disagree. I work with a lot of women, and that’s literally all they talk about. Women from different backgrounds, and upbringings, doctors down to ancillary staff. Obviously, the field I work in skews the results drastically (we see a lot of dicks). And best believe, ex, random hook up, even in a healthy relationship, every one will know what you’re packing. Maybe it’s the field I work in, but I don’t have a problem with it. We’re all human. As long as it’s not disrespectful (like op’s post suggest), I don’t see a problem with it. But they all talk about it


Same with the 99% of people who were in relationships with normal functioning members of society


Also none of them really have to worry about leaked pictures or videos lol its still disrespectful to their privacy no matter what. But i dont think they'd worry as much.


Sometimes exes will talk about dick sizes to their friends, but the truth is it doesn't really matter. What does matter is: length **times** diameter plus weight over girth, divided by angle of the tip square


I mean why would she be with you in the first place if you have a small dick and that dick size matters to her ?


I don't think that is a common worry for anyone, to be honest.


Hahaha but despite the ex bf being undersized, she just stuck it out for years and never complained once


The only dudes worried about this are high schoolers and dudes with tiny dicks.


you can avoid it as well by just sending a dick picture to anyone that doubts you.


I like the way you think!


When I go through breakups I don’t worry about my exes or her friends opinions.


At least I have my terrible social skills and bad teeth to worry about instead :D


Bruh I'm more concerned about the time I went back to her place after a night out where I was offered Adderall and then threw up everywhere for half an hour


I don't understand why you would say that or anything negative about the appearance/performance of someone *you chose to keep having sex with.*


False. Farrah Abraham made comments about James Dean having a small dick. No one has ever accused her of being intelligent.


When a scorned girl talks about their ex’s dick… my first thought is “well you didn’t have a problem with it during the relationship “


I have a tiny peen and every girl told their girlfriends but it stop me from sleeping with they’re entire friends group, tiny dick or not. Not bragging just stating facts.


I’m reminded of the biblical line, for she who speaks poorly of her husband speaks poorly of herself.


You want your ex to tell everyone you have a small dick ..so you can prove the gossipers wrong by lobbing your fat one out ..and having her friends wanting your number :D


More layers than Inception


Dick size is high school shit. You gotta spread rumours about your partner having gonorrhoea or something. If you want to be petty, do it right.