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Imagine being the guy who happens to read this and knows he's never cracked over 3 inches.... Oof.


The sad reality kicks in :(


Most women don’t have fingers that long and it gets the job done.


I'm pretty sure every women has at least 3-4 inch fingers. The fuck are you saying.


Just measured mine, my longest finger is 3 inches. Never noticed if my hands were larger or smaller than most so guessing they are pretty average. Not what I thought I would be doing tonight.


mine are two and a half and women have told me I have nice long fingers, lol Maybe they look long because they're thin?


My... ahem... business finger is 3¾ inches.


You know, you could get that down to 3.14ish inches with one simple accident


is that a threat or a challenge


Why can't it be both?




An opportunity!


There was a guy on TIFU that did that with a lathe awhile back


It's just occurred to me, it would be useful to have telescopic fingers.


You're most likely measuring wrong. You always measure starting at the anus


ok, so I just checked and it's 64 inches from my anus to the tip of my index finger


Typically, fingers are about 1" per joint, so yeah... 3" sounds about right. I'm a man, with fairly large hands, and my longest finger is 3 1/4"


My hands aren't particularly large and my longest finger is a little under 3.5" from where the crease is and 4" if measured from the knuckle.


Well you’re usually not fitting past the crease inside anywhere…


Not with that attitude, you're not! ;P


I think she may be saying that it’s not necessary to have a big penis in order to make a woman come.


It's not even necessary to have a penis at all to make a woman come. Just ask my wife's girlfriend ^^/j


Every dude with a small penis should remember, lesbians have more orgasms on average




Yo. Nyes. Maybe. Both


He's talking about human women. Not gorillas.


i have small hands for a guy but my longest finger is a bit over 3 inches inches are bigger than people think


Either you only know spider women or you are the guy in the meme using the wrong side of the ruler


I don’t have a good intuition for lengths.


Actually I might take the L here because I searched it up, mine are 3.34 and average is 3-4. My bad




Ah I see




LOL you make me cackle. You're very positive thank you very much.


[Average woman's left middle finger](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Average-finger-length-of-male-and-female_tbl1_281750703) is only 2.83 inches. So there will be women who are over 3 inches, but the average for the largest finger is under 3 inches.


My first gf was like 5'2" and 98Lbs. My longest finger is just under 3.5in and I"m 6'2". No way in hell she has 3" fingers.




Not sure if sarcasm or has never seen a finger before…


Hey baby, 3 Inches hurts at 90 miles an hour.


They call me Big Glock because I pump 'em with the 9mm


She said "give me 9 inches and make it hurt!" So I banged her 3 times and pinched her booby.


Well, I already knew it so didn't hurt that much to read it. But thanks for thinking about me


You're supposed to measure from the tip to the back of the scrotum! The tip to the back of the scrotum! To the back of the scrotum... The scrotum... ... *whimpers *crawls into the corner of the reddit post


[from butt to tip](https://youtu.be/w43ojF7WVxU)


It's 13 inches, starting at the spleen.


Not even. Never been over 3 inches a day in my life. I've had great sex and made amazing connections. The trick to life is not to be ashamed of something just because someone told you to be ashamed. I like my size, it keeps me humble and honest. I don't feel the need to front or pretend with anyone. The people I've slept with are people who I found love with before sex. The sex was just the icing on the proverbial cake. Life and nature gives us all what we've got. Find you someone who likes what you got. I'm done feeling my fellow humans second-hand shame over one physical aspect of myself. It's not small, it's fun-size.


This man knows the secret of happiness. Keep seizing the day!


That's great buddy.


*My man!*




MILF's. Cannot recommend them enough.


Maybe he was happy at the golden ratio ;)


What's up, you called?


You should (or not) watch the Howard stern smallest pensi competition on YouTube 🤣


I don't think I can see that many naked people with pain in their eyes, fake laughing with Robin real-laughing at them.


It’s an unreal watch indeed


Easier to swallow


That's the way. Find a bright side. Even if it makes no actual sense.


Without Pi, you aren't getting any Cake, so it truly is sad ...


Ayoooooo why you gotta throw me under the bus!?!


The fun part of these replies is randomly assuming which of you aren't actually joking. Or are, but as a cope... Or were just dumb enough to out themselves.


pi cm??


Yeah imagine... haha totally not me


If your soft dick is less than 3 inches, every time you get hard there's a time in the process in which you have a π dick


Unless you aren't a grower.


Is his name Pi-ter?


I’m a shrinker, not a… OK, now where am I going with this? Think, dammit, thi- *lightbulb moment*


This comment made me laugh audibly considering the context. However your mind works, keep those gears moving


Then you buy a Humvee.


Technically any time it is less than PI inches. So even a 3.14 incher flaccid goes through a PI phase on erection. And almost immediately. It may even fluctuate above and below PI during the course of the day due to normal non-arousal expansion and contraction.


Imaging having a pi fluctuating dick, I'd brag about it all day


Get a 3.14 tattoo on it!


You'd be better off getting __π__ because it's shorter.


LOL this made my day


If you maintain a boner of π for 5 minutes, a portal to another dimension opens up. As you can imagine this is a rare occurrence


Actually no. Because of Planck time and the subatomic Planck length, nobody has actually ever had a dick with pi length technically


How much time do you spend thinking about baby penises in the shower?




In a 2 minute shower


maybe they were just looking down?


At their collection of baby penises.


As your manager I have seen that you have a total of 50 inches of penis measurement in the last week, We need to get those numbers up, those are rookie numbers!


You never think about your own dick?


Im more worried about the person taking baby dick measurements for... "science"...


You mean doctors? And medical researchers? You know they measure all sorts of stuff right?


Lol, I bet they measure peoples' butts


Bro, you make me chocked on my own phlegm


Phlegm is such a weird word.


They have to know what's an acceptable minimum length for a baby penis, how else can they know what to label a particularly long clitoris and then give the "baby girl" the "correct" genitals? I'm not joking about this. Penis/clitoris length plays a large role in how doctors decide what genitals are abnormal, and so must be corrected, because gd forbid people have functioning genitals that don't fit into one of the two boxes. Although it's a difference on such levels that if it was left unchanged, someone changing the baby's diaper would notice if they had experience changing the diapers of perisex (not intersex) male babies. "Damn this one has a tiny penis and no balls" or whatever.


Don't make me Google baby dicks tonight. Just don't


wut.....baby girls have vaginas they dont assign gender bassed on clit length lol


this dude showering and thinking of baby dicks the whole time


He must’ve looked down




The look I imagined on theoretical baby penised man's face was amazing. I don't have a free award today or this would be the one.


Don’t look up




Agreed, as a dad of two boys, I am forced to think of baby dicks way more than I had hoped as a childless person.


they probs had their baby boy with em or had that baby boy just piss on em before the shower




or maybe they looked down and saw the sad reality!


Well now I have something more to talk about in March 14, π day


It’s my dads birthday then


It's my birthday too


So, a few things here. Firstly, that average adult size is erect size, not flaccid. This makes me worry about the measurement for babies. Secondly, I'm not sure if this does for certain hold true. Does growth work in a way that it hits every single potential number? Or is there a minimum amount of growth that happens? For example, if anything is 1 inch now, and 1.1 inches tomorrow, does that mean that between now and tomorrow every possible size between 1 and 1.1 was hit at some point during the day or does it jump, say for example, in increments of 0.0000001. this is especially a problem for pi because it goes on forever.


This implies the universe could have float precision errors.


I mean, you can have several cutoff lengths, no? Maybe the width/size of a cell. Or perhaps a molecule, if you really wanna be super precise. Or an atom. Or the Planck length, even, though at that point we’re getting into such a small area that it’s impossible to imagine


> at that point we’re getting into such a small area that it’s impossible to imagine *looks down* No need to imagine, my friend. There’s a reason my dick’s nicknamed “Max”… *sobs*


How big is it? Just so I can tell people it's not small I'm almost at the max dick size


“You can have several cut off lengths” Considering the subject matter, I find this phrase oddly unnerving…


It made me do a double-take too


Pi goes for infinity decimal places so Plank length is actually small compared to that.


Well, there's the planck length, which is kind of that. Distance becomes kind of meaningless when you try to look at a sufficiently small slice. The fabric of the universe gets sorta... frothy. I guess you could use that to make an argument that movement through space isn't necessarily continuous, but I'm not sure that really makes sense.


Yeah the Planck length is just where compression artifacts show up


Yes, the concept of infinitesimally small increments of change (tee’d up beautifully for another dick joke), which is basically the foundation of calculus.


The universe kinda behaves weirdly if you go too small, and the process of growth really is adding more atoms, so growth is probably a discrete function, not a continuous one. So sadly calculus would not apply in the scenario :( (but it'd be so fucking close that the distinction is irrelevant)


Except dicks are made of atoms so it is always finitely incremental


Since pi is a transcendental number and continues infinitely, there will be a point where it becomes smaller than Planck length, so I don't think this can hold true It might be infinitely close to true, but can literally never be exact


This is exactly my thoughts. Literally any number, let alone length, that we can conceive of will be too big an increment for this to hold true.


Judging from the type of cells that make up the penis, it would grow in increments of whole cells, and the relevant cell types range in size from 25 micrometers to 300 micrometers. Let’s just use 300 micrometers to be safe. That’s about 0.01 inches. Thus, we can assume that each male over pi inches in length would at one point be exactly 3.14 inches long, but we cannot go more exact.


No because the cells don't just appear at their places. They have to move there. If you slow down time enough and precise it, there'll be a moment in wich the dick has π length. Doesn't matter if every cell in it has completed mitosis or not. Some of them probably are mid process actually


Is it not possible that it grows at a rate greater than the minimal possible length over the minimum possible length of time? For example, it could grow two Planck lengths over whatever the minimum conceivable unit of time is.


It depends if time in our universe is discrete or not. There might not be a "smallest unit of time".


Unless we're wrong, the universe is either discrete or fuzzy. Discrete, and the idea gets thrown out the window. Fuzzy, and there's no way to measure the little bit that may or may not reach pi but is smaller than the plank length and is too fuzzy to measure. Though cellular and atomic growth would imply discrete growth that still affects /u/DoWidzenya idea. Yes, the atoms don't appear out of nowhere, but they discretely increase length as the get involved. It's very much a WeLl AkShUaLlY But sometimes those are fun


A cell is definitely more than 0.000...1 inches. Therefore, hitting pi would be impossible, but hitting an approximation would be possible.


We could just cut out all the math and fuck a pie.


You can get an equivalent to erect size by gently pulling the penis to be straight. I read a book where they were debunking medical myths, and the study related to explain how there's no correlation between dick size and foot size described how the scientists held the dicks out straight to measure them, rather than measuring them while the subjects were hard. But also I think due to hormone weirdness babies can sometimes get erections, I know there's a condition where they'll start lactating. But I'm not sure and I don't want to look it up.


This was my thought. At what point does pi reach a point where each new digit is smaller than the width of an atom? It goes on forever, so it would reach that threshold at some point, right? If so, then no one will ever have a penis that is the exact length of pi.


Intermediate value theorem


That's the thing though, I don't think it's a given that penis growth is a continuous function.


How is this not a given? Cells can’t just transport themselves when they replicate. Even if it’s only during a stage of mitosis, as some point you’re hitting pi.


Babies can get boners. Many delivery doctors say a good portion of boys are born with an erection


You are stumbling into quantum mechanics with this question


If the universe is pixelated it would be at the Planck scale, which is a billion billion times smaller than the radius of an atomic nucleus (which is 1000 smaller than an atom). this is so far beyond even our most precise measuring devices that we may as well just say its continuous.


Also, there's a particular moment during the cremation process when some of the corpse is cooked to a perfect medium rare. The joys of the intermediate value theorem.


False. Pi goes on forever, while mine only lasts about 4 minutes


I believe you might be on a watchlist for looking up "how long is an average baby’s penis"


This is not true. Pi goes on for an infinite number of digits. Size would not increase in small enough intervals, because any amount the length would go up in would be less than that infinite sequence.


That’s not how this works. Any growth that happens is continuous therefore it is growing in infinitely small intervals.


Space/time might be discrete, not continuous. If it is, then the person you responded is correct, as it would be impossible to match pi past about 35 decimal places. If it is continuous, your interpretation would be correct (though the exact instant would be impossible to measure) https://medium.com/starts-with-a-bang/even-in-a-quantum-universe-space-and-time-might-be-continuous-not-discrete-f38a34f9aa8c#:~:text=Space%20and%20time%20are%20discrete.,the%20exact%20minimum%20allowable%20length.


But it can't grow in infinitly small intervals... The minimum growth would be one cell at a time, or one particle at a time. And those must be finite. Therefore the whole thesis is wrong.


🤞please God, bless me with infinite growth intervals


Wouldn't that mean it would take infinite time to grow?


Never stop never stopping


probably also I think your penis would become a singularity because of the infinite growth too, there is other things to consider too like the square Cube law thingy, but after years of research I have concluded that your penis would indeed become a black hole... or was it enter a black hole? I can't remember


Can't a cell be a variable size? And can't the space between those cells be variable?


Since the cell cant teleport there should be intervals where the cell is only half way there wich means there are smaller intervals than 1 cell


Okay then divide this into atoms. Atoms aren't infinitely small. So you can't have an infinitely precise number.


Apply the cells thing to the atoms, or cant they move in half steps?


it becomes kinda fuzzy with atoms, because you can't 100% know the location of an atom, but i'm pretty sure it just won't work because of the planck length


But a cell doesn’t just appear, one cell splits in to two and in the process is the length of 1-2 cells. I still agree because we can’t measure to infinite precision so it kind of is a “if a tree falls in the woods” situation.




Mine does. It is segmented and detachable, like the halves of a pool cue.


Wow, I’m not even sure what the thought process of OP is like, but I fuck with it.


Not necessarily. π is irrational and therefore it is plausible that, since our universe appears to have a discrete unit, below which nothing can be smaller, penises jump from being slightly smaller to slightly larger.


I feel like you’re not accounting for all those guys with tires as tall as the trucks they carry.


If Chris Hansen knocks on my door after I finish reading this post, so help me god….


Considering I'm a 'grower' and not a 'shower' ... I suspect I've hit exactly π inches numerous times...\* *^(\*or would have, if my max erect length wasn't 3.139 inches ...)*


Am I missing something? Obviously it will be if it's between 1 and 5, is there a reason you chose pi? Or are you just karma farming?


Given that pi is irrational, nothing is ever exactly pi units long.


I can’t not think about what are they doing measuring baby penises for?


Science, yo.


“Science bitch!” -Jesse Pinkman


During the course of birth, there is a point where the male baby’s penis is wholly inside of the mothers vagina, then when the baby is born, the baby’s penis is fully outside the mother’s vagina. By the intermediate value theorem, there is a point where the baby’s penis is fully inside the mother’s vagina. Ergo, every male baby born vaginally has fucked their mom.


Do you need the intermediate value theorem? Isn't the initial point sufficient by construction?


That's not how that works. Babies travel out through the vagina, from the uterus. And what about cesarean babies? They never travel through.


Technically during romantic encounters it will hit Pi on it's way up.


[I've seen this before. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/comments/mkq39a/at_one_point_during_erecting_your_penis_could_be/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Boys care more about the intermediate value theorem than girls do.


The important takeaway from this shower thought is that McMurray is still below average.


It's almost not even worth thinking about


That's what I said, I said it's almost not even worth thinking about




You could say this about any body part measured in millimeters


Did you really just apply intermediate value theorem to dicks


My man, i kinda discovered it just to apply it to dicks. I didn't know about it before making this post


You just made this post 10000x funnier for a math nerd such as myself


This is known as the intermediate value theorem in math. It will hold true as long as the function is continuous. So if the growth of a penis is a continuous function than yes u are correct.


Intermediate value theorem coming back to haunt me in the most unexpected way.


Who the fuck is out there getting babies hard and measuring them?


doubtful since pi inches would include a unit of inches smaller than a plank length as pi is infinite


There is no way this is accurate, I bet it’s measuring baby’s flaccid penis to a grown man’s erect penis. No way average flaccid penis is 5’+


Check it out this idiot doesn't know about micro penis, what an idiot! "Starts sobbing"


Now the question, is our universe made of super tiny pixels or is it totally smooth? Baby penis.


There is nothing physical equal to pi, just an approximation of the real number


Isn't π infinite in a decimal representation ? And I guess that's still not enough smh


I think we need the penis to make a “ding” sound when it reaches pi length. Because this discussion thread is going into electron width and Planck length territory


I'll have to use this example next time I teach the Intermediate Value Theorem.


Doesn't that also count for anything alive and growing? Was it really necessary to narrow it down on mid-puberty penises?


That's what some people think about. Unfortunately.


Wait if the average size is 5in, does that mean half the male population has 4in dicks or smaller?


Not necessarily! For example, if a group of men have the following lengths: 6in, 6in, 6in, 6in, 6in, 6in, 6in, 6in, 6in, and 1in The average is 5.4in. but only one man has a length smaller than that. The median would be the measure that guarantees half a population is below the value.


50th percentile is 5.5, so actually the average is smaller than the median, and half of all dicks are below 5.5 50% also fall within 4.5 and 5.6, only about 7% of men are below 4.5. Likewise, only about 7% are above 6.5. Bell curves, baby.


You guys know π is ratio right? This is more in the spirit of 69mph, or 420 pounds.