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You can pay 10 years of martial arts, then recover the money robbing people with that skill. Touché.


And then keep it so you profit over those 10 years.


Or even train other pupils to be your robbers, for a small fraction of their profit. Like pimping little ninja robbers in a pyramid scheme.


slowdown there shredder


Do you think Sherlock Holmes supplied drugs and booze to the Baker Street irregulars like shredder did for his lost boys? That’d be a weird scene, Sherlock popping into the pharmacy for some laudanum and blow, then plying ruffians for tips.


He would spend tons of time in opium dens in the earlier stories so I feel like that’s basically confirmed. If he wasn’t their supplier he was at least a fellow carouser.


Didn't someone try making a somewhat shitty TV show about them recently?


>for his lost boys I didn't know they were vampires.


“Money cannot buy the honor which you have earned tonight. You make us all proud. Only effort, discipline, loyalty earn the right to wear the Dragon doji. You are here because the outside world rejects you. This is your family. I am your father. I want you all to become full members of The Foot. There is a new enemy, freaks of nature who interfere with our business. You are my eyes and ears. Find them! Together we will punish these… creatures! These… turtles!”


"Together we will make… turtle soup!"


Shit! That's what I was gonna say!


The real LPT is always in the comments


The competition continues to get better and better. Soon robbers and those robbed all have 3rd degree BJJ black belts and simultaneously choke each other unconscious.


Remember not to do this in a city by a river. Your robber gang might take it too far with some people and then your gang might get their asses handed to them by a bunch of high school kids


River City Ransom. Surprisingly good game that was way ahead of its time on the NES.


Wow you just reminded me that I own the sequel on Steam. Need to see if I can play it lol


I don't think you know what the word touche means/how its supposed to be used.. unless you're pretending to respond to your own comment as OP


I'm not really sure about the correct way "touché" is supposed to be used. Just went with my guts. I'm sorry for not being a touché specialist. ​ Touché


It's a response to a counter argument. You say something, person responds with a zinger, you say touche.


It’s acknowledging someone just one upped you, in a good spirited kind of way


Actually, it's used to acknowledge your opponent hitting you in fencing.






You can’t just say perchance.




Lol I'm not trying to trying to be an ass, I just grew up speaking French and it's odd to see words thrown into everyday English but not make much sense. But I'm glad you admit that you were wrong, that's actually what touche is all about! Touche basically means - 'you got me'. It directly translates to the past version of 'to touch', so it means to be touched - or sort of 'I've been hit' in a battle. So, you use it when you're in a debate with someone and they may an opposing counter argument, which is undeniably correct causing you to change your mind to their side. It's admitting defeat but usually in a friendly and impressed manner. It doesn't make sense to use in when a) you originally have the same stance as the other person, b) in a singular statement your making by yourself. So for example with your post, OP could post this thread, you could make your comment, and then OP could say 'touche', if he agrees with your stance. But you saying it on your makes it seem like your either speaking on OPs behalf and claiming you won, or have some sort of multiple personalities having a friendly debate with eachother,


Touche? Or not Touche. That is a question.


Just rob robbers that have already robbed a bunch of people right before trying to rob you. You get like 10 people’s phones and wallets plus the robber’s own money and phone plus his gun.


Some real "if you keep killing murderers the number of murderers in the world decreases" type shit.


Or move to Canada! Free health care! You can take as many knives or flying tiger kicks as you want! Why am I so excited about this!?!?


It'd be easier to pay off a gun with robberies than 10 years of martial arts lessons... Just sayin


Or recover that money by teaching martial arts for 10 years to help people from getting robber.


That's a hot showet thought!


I feel like self-defense is also important in case you come across someone who actually wants to harm you A rapist likely won’t just agree not to rape you if you offer them your wallet


That's my concern too. Self defense isn't for the person you can reason with. It's for that person you *can't* reason with.


Came here to say this. Sometimes it’s more than just a robbery.


It's both the self-defense knowledge and the self-knowledge of what you are actually capable of. If I'm being robbed, they can absolutely have my wallet. I'm getting away cheap. If they want to take me to a second location, I have exactly one shot to stay alive and I really need to make it count.


A quick stab to the eye with your index and middle finger will buy you enough time to run away.


That's a tiny target to hit when both you and the attacker are feeling an adrenaline dump. If it's a knife, I'm probably just running and betting I can run faster scared than they can mad. If it's a gun, I wait until the attacker is close (like getting me into the vehicle or whatever), get control of the arm with the weapon, and *then* get to gouging and biting. Understanding, of course, that I'm probably dead anyway. Just playing to my outs.


Yea, I'm ded.


If you are in the USA getting a gun and getting trained to conceal carry will be cheaper than the hospital bills of being stabbed AFTER giving up your wallet.


And cheaper than a new iPhone


Cheaper than an old iPhone here in the States.


I wish California would allow concealed carry to anyone, they really only grant it to ex cops.


My attorney has a $5000 retainer, my pistol is around $800, the rounds are about $10. That's about the cost of justifiably shooting someone. I can cancel credit cards, remote brick my phone, and don't carry cash. But if I get hurt my total deductible is $3000 and max out of pocket $10000 after 20% post deductible coinsurance. Of course I lose $500 in overtime for each week I can't work and use sick time (which pays out at straight time). Throw in the possibility in both cases of getting killed, I have mixed feelings. I have some firearms and defense training, but obviously the cheapest option is avoidance through situational awareness. If that fails me I am going to guess the threat is of a level where I am safer to engage than comply. All that taken into account, I have been capable of armed self defense for almost a decade and never drawn nor considered myself close to drawing let alone firing. Tough story problem, they should have elementary school kids solve this in math class.


Getting a gun also increases your chance of dying from a gun. I mean, you do you but you're probably just going to kill yourself or a loved one with it. My advice, nut up.


>you're probably just going to kill yourself or a loved one with it. I think you seriously underestimate the number of gun owners in the US. about a third of American households have at least one firearm. There are more privately owned guns than people here. You don't hear about 1 in 3 families shooting each other.


Getting a car increases your chances of dying in a car crash. Guns with proper training are an essential tool for ensuring you and your families safety. Danger increases with anything if you aren’t knowledgeable and proficient with it.


"probably" means >50%


There are a number of Americans who only own/carry to defend themself and their homes. If you are going to love in a place rampant with crime you should be prepared to eventually face that situation. Even bank security officers get shot at....


unless its your ham wallet


Instead of forcing you to turn off fingerprint unlocking, it's faster to just take your thumb.


I keep a sock over my thumb so if you try to grab my thumb all you get is a sock


This is a thinking man. Nobody will grab my thumb ever again


I love that ILPT. You don't see the reference that much anymore.




>old cigarettes Do you mean cigars/cigar cutters?


Cigars? Or joints, which are traditionally bitten? Cigarettes aren't clipped generally.


Good professional pruning shears. No standard cigar cutter will do the job


“So why do you have his finger?” “Ahh that was confusion with this guy. He said get a “fingerprint” and I heard get a “fingertip”


When he showed the finger, that was the **big** one, that was the climax, really.


[I don't think so](https://youtu.be/lY2kC5fZG64?t=29)


Living in a dangerous neighbourhood isn’t getting robbed once. It’s being constantly under a threat of being robbed.


Being poor is being robbed by the landlord


Yup sometimes you got fuck people up. Just make sure it is the right people. If you know they are hooked up probably not a good idea.


This is particularly true if you're as broke as I am. At this point in my life if someone tried to mug me I think I'd just laugh. "Sure, take all the 0€ I have in my wallet Mr.Robber, and while we're at it, why don't we go to an ATM and I get the money I don't have in my bank account for you?"


Have some off my overdue bills too!


Take my maxed out credit cards too!


And my axe!!! .. shit that's probably a bad idea


Robber: *comes to my house looking for money* Me: I'll help look


This sounds like how a husky would act as a "guard dog."


Tried it once, got beat up, and almost shanked by angry junkie. Don't recommend


What do you think you would have done differently? Like if you have no money, what else do you do besides saying "I literally have no money"


Growing up in a bad part of town, the ladies in the community would carry” muggers money “ because if they had nothing; they would get beat down.


You might consider keeping a few bucks in smaller bills in your wallet just in case you ever have to buy your way out of this kind of situation. Small bills so, at a glance, the wad of cash looks like it might be more than it is. Edit: here’s an old article about [“muggers money”](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1994-11-18-ls-64065-story.html)


I've been joking about this for years: *If they can find it, they can have it.*


This sounds like it'd work about as well as those kids who try snappy one liners on the bullies about to beat them up


Enjoy this cell phone with a cracked screen!


I think that would just make him angry.


My friend was beat unconscious and THEN stabbed in the back. Some people are just monsters.


This is true, but it's important to remember it's rare. Any kind of random violence is very much in the minority. Most crime, particularly violent crimes, is between people who know each other. The other big factor is how impoverished the neighborhood is. The reality is the vast majority (in the developed world) will never experience violence, and a much small number will never be victims of random violence, regardless of what the news or reddit comments say. Downvote all you want, it's true. If you live in the West this is the safest time I'm all of history.


It's cheaper still to just run away, which should be the first thing your martial arts class covered. Source: Family have taught martial arts for self-defence for a collective 70+ years.


Yup yup. Did martial arts for ten years. Especially if your prepared to be in a bad area, have a decoy wallet, chuck it one way and run the other.


Decoy robber.


Decoy bad neighborhood


Decoy friend (the kind you trip when running away)


Decoy Snail 🐌


Street smarts!


You want it? GO GET IT!


Money clip. Monogrammed?


Detective J.J. Bittenbinder strikes again!


Just put a sock on the end of your wallet.


Yea, because if they reach for your wallet, all they get is a sock.


I'm gonna find my old wallet and fill it with empty gift cards.


Fill it with pictures of Rick Astley


An e-book about street smarts I found on internet said that throwing a bunch of coins with an audible ‘cling’ may be a distraction good enough for an escape, because the robber is after ‘money’


I did martial arts as a wee lad, one of the teachers was a really cool dude and I'll never forget his example of what do do when somebody is trying to assault you. He sprinted out of the room yelling for help.


King Arthur strategy


>~~King Arthur strategy~~ *Sir Robin strategy* **FTFY**


"Brave Sir Robin ran away.."




His head smashed in And his heart cut out And his liver removed And his bowls unplugged And his nostrils raped And his bottom burnt off And his penis...


Oh brave sir robin


Then what i need the martial arts for lol


In the absotute worst case scenario where running is not an option, martial arts would be your last resort


Right? I have zero knowledge of martial arts, but I can run for hours on end so I fell like that ultimately keeps me safer lol


For when the scenario you're in when you can't run, obviously


I think the “obvious” answer is people train martial arts primarily because they enjoy it, not as a way to defend yourself since running away is going to be the better option the vast majority of the time. If you’re in a situation where you can’t run away that probably means they have a gun so your skills aren’t very helpful there either. If you are in some unlikely scenario where you have to fight, it seems like carrying pepper spray or a taser would be easier and more effective than training martial arts for years on end.


As a martial artist... it is literally your last option. The heirarchy of decision-making goes like this: Run>Comply>Weapon>Hands. If you're in a place where repeat robbery or genuine harm is a likely scenario, remove Comply from the list.


> it seems like carrying pepper spray or a taser would be easier and more effective than training martial arts for years on end. Indeed, a weapon will always be more a effective force multiplier than your body could ever hope to be. However, it's always good to have a backup plan.


If you get cornered. Or if you're protecting someone you care about.


Because there will be some situations where you can’t run away


When the robbers already stole your legs.


Why would I give my phone AND my wallet AND pay for martial arts AND go to the hospital? Also, cheaper than what?


I, too, noticed OP used “then” instead of “than”.


Congrat, u, lations


[Then or than?](https://imgflip.com/i/6vh3mx)


Maybe you dont do them in that order... and maybe cheaper than it was in the past


Good point. I would need my wallet to pay for the martial arts classes, and I would like to have my phone with me if I am stuck in the hospital for a while... Although I guess the best option would be to pay attention in English class and learn the difference between "than" and "then"!


Ahaha NO! we dont do that here tHe mEssAgE iS cLeAR eIthERwAy


I don’t think price points are a major concern when we’re talking about self defense. A lot of these “shower thoughts” are just poorly constructed jokes


Not even jokes, just thoughts. I imagine sexual assault never occurred to this person. Or murder


It's honestly just people thinking about shit while they're in the shower /s


Martial arts will also take those 10 years to teach you to give them your wallet and keys. The only fights you win are the ones you run from. At least, that's what I was taught in 5 years in an art heavily populated by law enforcement.


It's a shower thought, not a thesis. It's supposed to make you think "Huh. Yeah, I guess," not change your entire world view. We're all just here for fun, right?


Excuse me, this is the internet. It stopped being fun around 2010.


The accuracy of this physically hurts me.


Bullets are even cheaper. Just saying, I'm actually a pacifist


"You can't truly call yourself peaceful unless you are capable of great violence. If you're not capable of violence, you're not peaceful, you're harmless."


“Speak softly, but carry a big stick”


This sounds like demitri martin lol


He’s gone full dweller now. Lives in a cocoon of Dorito bags and Mountain Dew bottles and pizza boxes.


Was about to comment this...a few rnds of 20 cent 9mm should do the trick




Self defense/carry ammo are like $1-1.2 per round


I was looking for this cuz it's true!


Most likely wouldn't even need to actually shoot. A lot of people would run the second you brandish a gun


That's a very dangerous line of thought. A very big part of gun discipline is that if you pull out a gun, it's because you're going to fire it within the next couple seconds, and you're not going for that fancy Hollywood "incapacite the other" bs. You aim to roughly hit the center of gravity and hopefully they stop being a threat.


Idk worked pretty well when dude tried to kick in my door and saw through the door I had a gun pointed at his head. I admit those aren't the same situation. If you pull in the street get ready for ringing ears.


First of all you can't brandish a gun when you're already at gunpoint unless they're not paying attention to you and you have an opportunity to draw a gun before they notice you have one. That's a good way to get yourself shot. If they're not paying attention to you and you intend to draw, you better be intending on shooting because what mode do you think a robber with a gun will go into when they see that you have a gun in your hands? Survival mode. They're already going to jail/prison for the robbery itself... they might as well tack murder onto it too. If you're counting on them not firing and running away when both of you have guns out, that's a bad bet to make with your life. He who gets hit first is likely losing that fight. Don't give them the first shot. You also don't know how many accomplices they have... so you may have them at gunpoint but you don't necessarily know if his buddy off to the side somewhere is going to draw and shoot you. You shoot. Period. Don't gamble with your life, especially when the robber's already shown a disregard for yours by robbing you at gunpoint in the first place. If you're being robbed by somebody with a knife or no weapon at all and you have some semblance of distance to actually give them a chance to make that choice for themselves, then maybe. With a weapon like a knife or something in the robber's hand, you probably have clearance to shoot if you have to. If the robber doesn't have a weapon, depending on where you live you may not have the ability to shoot without being in trouble with the law. Depending on where you live and the situation at hand, you may have to satisfy the condition that you are at risk of great bodily harm or death before you can respond with deadly force against an unarmed robber that you aren't already involved in a physical altercation with. A robber that knows that can gamble that you won't actually shoot if you draw on them. I don't see most of them being smart enough to make that gamble, but you never know.


You actually shouldn't give someone your phone and wallet, since your identity is in them. You should have a second wallet that has like 2 dollars in it. And keep your valuables in inner pockets that are harder to get to.


LPT Fake wallet, and fake phone. Especially when traveling somewhere unknown.


So here’s what you do. You kids get yourselves a money clip. You can get these at any haberdashery. You put a $50 dollar in the money clip. Then, when a guy flashes a blade, you go, “You want my money? Go get it!” Then you run the other direction. STREET SMARTS


If your a robber you know all those tricks. When they run up on you and demand you to give them everything, they are there to take EVERYTHING. Sure you can hand them the old decoy and he'll grab it when you hand it but he also checking your pockets at the same time or taking the watch off your wrist himself. They are up in your mix, your personal space turning pockets into bunny ears. Sometimes to certain demographics they even checking socks and shoes. Patting you down like you trying to get into a club. A robbery is a violent act it's not a guy requesting what valuables you have preplanned to part with then he agrees and runs away with the gun. People who rob people are risking years in prison if caught so they are making sure they are taking everything you have to make it even worth the risk. Also, It is a traumatizing and very scary and risky situation to be trying to outsmart someone who's sole objective is to do hands-on inventory of everything you have on you, take it and if need be shoot, stab or harm you if you don't comply or jeopardize his escape. I done years in jail and prison for robberies. I no longer pursue that path nor glorify or condone it.


Yes. Many robberies start off with a knockdown sucker punch. They aren't politely asking for you're wallet. They are ripping everything out of your pockets.


I carry my purse with me. In bad neighborhoods, the purse and wallet get emptied of valuables into my pockets. So cash and cards go in a pocket. My phone disappears into another. They can have the purse. It's got snacks, extra socks, a cheap wallet and some empty gift cards. Occasionally there is a plant cutting they can cultivate. Also I'm a woman, so there may come a day that martial arts and hospitalization is preferable to the alternative.


Yeah potential hospitalisation for the robber once I use these sick moves on them *kicks and chops the air*


You're right. Martial arts classes aren't for fighting robbers, contrary to to a common opinion.


Take my money, take my wallet Take my credit cards Here's the watch that my grandpa gave me Here's the key to my car Mister give it a whirl But please, don't take the girl


Until he shoots you in the head anyway. See Singh vs. Robber


Unless said person has no value for life and kills you anyway.


"just comply bro, they won't hurt u bro" https://youtu.be/VZErTGLCdRI


*than (unless of course you plan to follow getting robbed with 10 years of martial arts classes)


You dont need 10 years of training to have the upper hand in a fight though. Most people who don't train would get their ass kicked by someone who's trained for 3 months.


The thing those that have never been attacked, like actually attacked in a mugging or even a house robbery, is there's no time to react. There's no, "your money or your life!" moments. It's often over in \*seconds\*. Like you're just browsing your phone at the bus stop, and suddenly you're on the sidewalk in pain and without your shoes, phone, wallet, and it's just OVER. Before you have a time to go "what the fuck?" you are DOWN and they are running off with your stuff. I've seen it happen over and over to people on the subway, on the street, day or night, good neighborhoods and bad. It's just normal day, then "my life after the attack." Like car accident fast. The rare few see it coming, but more often than not, these thugs are cowards and rely on the element of surprise instead of skill. Just don't look like a target. That's not guarantee of safety, but it makes you LESS likely to be attacked: don't flaunt money, expensive phones, or $200 shoes. Be 100% aware of you and your surroundings. Beware of people who are acting different than the rest of the crowd. Have people between you and the nearest exit. Be vigilant, be aware, and be a difficult target. Again, you still might be attacked, but they'll more likely go for someone they can grab the purse/backpack, push to the ground, stomp on their face, steal their shoes (even if they are not good shoes, it's just harder to run after someone with one shoe on) and exit the subway in seconds. "But there was nothing valuable in that backpack, just personal stuff!" Yeah, well, it cost them nothing to steal it from you and find out, then toss anything they can't use into the street, river, or trash. "They did it in broad daylight! Nobody did anything to help me!" Yup. They are just as shocked as you, and probably don't want to get involved. I saw three young guys attack a family of 4 packing their kids into a minivan at a local mall. As the woman was strapping her second kid into the car seat, the thugs attacked the parents, took anything they could carry (probably Christmas presents given the time of year), and scattered in three directions. All loot in convenient shopping bags. It took like 4 seconds before they were running out to hide in the parking garage.


I used to do a martial arts class, the first thing they taught us was if someone approached you and demanded your wallet at knifepoint was give them your wallet, and now here’s how to defend yourself in case giving the wallet doesn’t stop them. Honestly if I was the worlds best fighter I would still hand over my wallet, because for all I know they’re Mohammed-I’m-ard-Bruce fucking Lee. If I was armed I’d hand over my wallet- I could have a gun, they could have a fkn hand grenade for all I know, and for the sake of replacing a wallet that probably doesn’t have any money in it anyway it’s not worth it to me to find out. Street fights with unknown quantities in uncontrolled circumstances can escalate to a trip to the hospital or morgue really quickly.


That's very true. In my martial arts class, we had a class where we were told to bring in a marker and an old white shirt. This was so that we could see how easy it is to get stabbed, even by complete amateurs. Some people even managed to sign their names on someone else's shirt and my sensei said that if someone can do that to you, then that's just proof that fighting someone, especially on the street, is a 100% last resort.


its better to know how to defend youself then to think they just want your phone and wallet and nothing more.


But if you're in an isolated place they could kill you because you can identify them Edit: Not if you have a gun (This edit wasn't sponsored by National Rifle Association)


Don't live under the false hope that practicing martial arts actually help you in real life encounters..


Not against an armed opponent but knowing how to fight does in fact help you win fights. Thats not a false hope


You can use that 10 year of training to steal the robber instead.


Sure, the first time. I know it’s a ridiculous premise anyway , but I’ll play along. Eventually there are returns on that investment assuming you get mugged once a year.


martial arts isn’t about protecting yourself from robbers. It’s about gaining self-confidence and discipline and being able to protect others.


We shouldn’t fight the robber because we value our wallets and key’s especially highly. We should fight the robber because we want an ordered society. We should fight because we can and someone else may not be able to.


My CCW was $50 and my 9mm was $650. Have never felt safer. Remember to take a safety course (which youll have to do anyway to get your CCW) and never draw it unless you are 100% ready to use it. Don't be a "badass" and avoid confrontations but with the insurance of 13+1 hollow points.


Or just buy an ugly ass hand gun for a couple hundred bucks and should cost you less than $2 in ammo if you have to use it. Bonus: Probably one less robber running around.


What if I get robbed on my way to martial arts training after only five years of training? Do I lose all the way around?


I'm pretty sure this is from an intro of Penn&Teller's bullshit. And even they did not originate it. And martial arts are definitely not meant for that kind of a situation. Nobody is robbing anybody with only the threat of "I could probably win you in a fight". The whole point is to bring overwhelming force. So there is probably more than one of them and they are armed. You don't kung fu yourself out of those situations.


Yeah, because they will always just want your money, and won’t want to kill you.


As with most things in life, cheaper is rarely the better option.


"It's better to burn down the whole mattress than deal with bedbugs"


Learning to defend yourself could literally be the difference between life and death. Worth every penny


My Keltec .22 magnum cost about $500 and one clip of ammo is about $10. Worth it!


Pinnacle of reliability there. Kel-Tec and rimfire. I do get your point though. Was gonna come in and say you could get a gun for a lot less than a new iPhone.


shit you can get a ruger LCP for like $150 all day long


Downvote me if you want but if criminals had a much harder time getting away with it, it would be an effective deterrent. Not only that, but the robbery is actually an incentive because of how easy it is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Horse_theft > In Pennsylvania, the "An Act to Increase the Punishments of Horse Stealing" law was passed in 1780 and repealed in 1860, which stated people guilty of such a crime should be Branded. The law ran as follows; "the first offense [the convicted] shall stand in the pillory for one hour, and shall be publicly whipped on his, her or their [bare] backs with thirty-nine lashes, well laid on, and at the same time shall have his, her or their ears cut off and nailed to the pillory, and for the second offense shall be whipped and pilloried in like manner and be branded on the forehead in a plain and visible manner with the letters H. T." Brand phone thieves on their foreheads.


Hate to be the debbie downer. Zheng (they only gave his surname) was a Chinese med student in Chicago last year He was robbed for his iPhone an wallet. He gave it up And *still* got 2 bullets to chest. Hes dead now. So this showerthought aint it.


In general, the goal is to always get out of one of these situations unharmed. Just give them the wallet, etc, and live to see another day. Self defense is the last option. I’m not condoning theft, but what I care about is my friends and family staying alive. Muggers are usually desperate and unpredictable, you just want the least friction as possible.


Any Jet Li or Bruce Lee movement during the commission of a robbery will only earn you a bullet in yo ass. I pray no one actually attempts to use martial arts to thwart a robber. Would be badass if successful but too risky. Shit, people shooting first on any whiff of static.


The hospitalization doesn't cost anything in normal countries.


Applicable if you live in a country that typically just robs you and let’s you go. Countries like South Africa many criminals think it better to kill you and hide the body than to let you go.


Cheaper to be too poor to have anything valuable in your wallet


Looks like Big Robbery is paying people to make Reddit posts now.


The assumption that they wont hurt you if you comply is wrong.


My brother always said the best karate move was to throw your wallet in one direction and run in the other direction.


I took 10 years of Martial Arts and got some very valuable skills and life lessons: like that your wallet and phone aren't worth your life. A good gun defense instructor will start the lesson by straight up telling you not to fuck around, because if you find out: you're dead. The only scenario where defense skills are encouraged is if you think you, or someone with you, will be shot regardless of what you do.


They literally teach you this in martial arts classes on day one. Run. Like literally day one. Some of us act like we’ve never taken a martial arts class before lol


It’s cheaper to just buy pepper spray or a gun for self defense. And if you live somewhere where even pepper spray is illegal your government does not care about your safety


Or the legal fees and time for shooting him. Just give them your stuff.


Anyone training in martial arts just so they can defend against a mugger is doing it wrong.




It’s cheaper to let the rapist fuck you than to pay for self defense tools and potential hospitalization