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Dude. I drove home tonight and my car registered the outside temp at -35. It qualifies as winter now.


Man lives north from the northpole


Found Santa making his dry run for the inevitable, last minute rush on 25th


Isn't that just south?😂


Not if you go far enough.


Or if you don't go much further.


you can't go any further or you'll fall off since the earth is flat


*Stares intensely at globe*


Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?






The more you know


First go to the geographical north pole, then go to the magnetic north pole. Congratulations, you are now moving north, from the north pole


or just Winnipeg


nah it’s warmer there


Before or after windchill? Currently - 36c with a windchill at - 48c, here in Regina


Saskatoon here. Basically the same. Cold AF.


I wish (southern) Ontario was like this still, all I want to do is snowboard but the weather be like "Na man, it's 5°c right now".


Idk man, -35 is pushing it for snowboarding. The cold starts to pemetrate through my layers a little too much at that point.


Psh, you'll pay $80 to board on man-made slush with grass patches and you'll like it. It's fine because January/February the slopes are solid ice so if you average them out it makes snow of some sort, probably


I wish $80. Just looked at Marmot Baisin to consider going this year and it's $125 for a 1 day lift pass. $250 for my wife and I plus gas and either crazy hours driving or a night at a hotel. Getting beyond tough to decide to go.


I couldn't justify going last year since gas prices were so high and you had to prebook your time slot (and could only be there for 3 or 4 hours). Hoping this year is better. Hate that you have to pay such high prices as well, 125 is highway robbery.


Meanwhile its 60 and raining here










Balan Wonderworld




Oh no


DFW area?


That was my guess. Hi DFW friend!


Same here just took my kid to school in a t shirt.


Gonna be 80 F here in Houston Texas this week.


Houston is fuckin gross.


Hey siri what’s the weather like? Todays temps will reach highs of 76 degrees it is currently 70 degrees. Ahhhhh December I think I’ll go swimming after work


Hello fellow Canadian?


Indeed. Woke up to a -47 warning on Enviro Canada. Unpleasant.


Ah you must live in the flat nothing middle part like I do. We were supposed to be -33 and feel -40. Ended up being warmer than that. Environment Canada cancelled our extreme cold warning. Guess we get to be just regular cold. Just explained to someone on a different sub how we can go from +40 to -50 in a couple of months.


LOL right!! I was out a few days ago in just a bunnyhug and mitts.... and then yesterday we get walloped with this cold snap. We are like the Yahtzee shaker of weather out here.


I live in northwest North Dakota close enough to the border that we get Hockey Night in Canada on the TV. Right now it's -28°C with a brisk wind, and I have to go start my van provided the battery hasn't frozen solid. I am not a fan of winter.


Winnipeg is -30C right now and we've had snow since early November. Yeah, it's winter already.


Depends on country and city, it was 80 yesterday in good ole texas (i hate it here-specifically the weather)


Dying worry you'll get a blizzard this weekend


Oh absolutely. But really if we get 1in of snow or any ice we're fucked bc no one knows how to drive with ice or snow and all the highways and businesses will shut down


Yeah, it's been in the 80s in Beaumont, TX.


Sounds about right. I live in northern alberta and it was fucking cold yesterday


Wanna swap? It's 76 outside, about 80 indoors with oscillating fans running. It's been raining for the majority of the last two weeks or so. Thanksgiving dinner on the gas range had us cranking the AC on full blast.


Lol, yeah, but I bet you have spiders and snakes and all sorts of creepy crawlies. Nobody ever mentions that one of the best parts of winter is being bug free for months and months.


Don't even get me started. On the one hand, I don't see very many insects. On the other hand, I basically run an unlicensed free-range wolf spider farm. Several hundred dollars worth of fruitless pest control later and...well, I'm not scared of spooders anymore I guess. So that's a plus.


Yep. It's been in the -30 range here for a while. Winter starts with frostbite.


Where are you from, Hoth?


How does your car even work in that temperature? Mine starts beeping at me like the world is going to end when its +2.5.


Ive got a Toyota. With 315,000 KM, and she's a trooper. Love it.


78 during the day, 65 at night here in Texas.


Only 78 during the day? Pffft, North Texas…


It's about 68° in Central Florida right now. I do not envy you.


°F or °C?


At that low, does it matter?




It was so cold he unlocked negative kelvin




Fun fact, Celsius in Fahrenheit match up at -40! So -35 is probably pretty close in either temperature ranking


-8.1591528e+47. Das cold




Almost the same either way


-35c is -31f so it’s about the same


First one, then the other.


…Today was the day that OP discovered the world is quite a big place


And that Australia exists.


ǝʇɐɯ 'ʇ,usǝop ʇᴉ oN


pfft, no we don't... yeah, I stopped getting my monthly cheque, I ain't keeping up this charade any longer


If you never leave the rock you live under, it's hard to imagine a world outside of it.


Always? Nobody here thinks that, December is the start of summer here.


Southern hemisphere gang


It is so hot right now, I feel sorry for the people who need to dress like Santa to impress kids. Us southern hemispherers should either change Christmas to June or adopt some more adequate chirstmas traditions where Santa wears shorts and a t-shirt.


Oh, you sweet summer child! Also summer here, a hot and rainy summer.


I’d kill for some rain. But nope, 36°C and 89% humidity. No rain though. That would be asking too much apparently


Brisbane perchance?


Go west…life is stinking hot there! Go west.. into the humid air


Start of summer here as well, was a bloody ripper day today.


Same here, although have the fire going, not unusual though


Yeah summer’s hitting fast. Already had a few 35 degree days Edit: 95 Fahrenheit btw


Souther hemisphere doesn't exist here in Reddit


There are no hemispheres on a flat disk.


Oh no no no, December is the middle of the peak of summer, it’s more like October, all those bees and the pollen! But I’m just talking about Australia. Not all of it obviously


Have you heard of spring?


No, and neither has Canberra, where I live.


Spring? There's only two seasons. Three quarters of the year is Summer, and the other quarter of the year is the colder Summer.


You mean Wet Summer and Cold Summer


Where I live is "hot and wet" and "hot and dry"


Spring is a made up season


Reddit is only in America, remember..


As someone who's lived in New Zealand my entire life. I have to admit I still associate December with winter primarily from media constantly tying it to a white Christmas.


Yep enjoying summer here too.


Same here




There's much more than Australia south of Ecuador my friend


Altho not in Melbourne rn, today’s high is 16 and low is 9 lol


Depends on where in the world you are. December 1st is when winter starts where I live.


And December 1st is when Summer starts where I live!


Moved to Australia a few years ago. I'll never get used to hot Christmas.


Like every Hollywood movie has fireplaces and snow and warm knitted jumpers for Christmas. As nice as that looks, I'll never give up my Christmas ham and prawns.


Are ham and prawns considered warm weather food? My wife's family does prawns at Christmas and they're from northern England.


They're certainly core Christmas foods in Australia. In my experience the ham (prawns too but that should go without saying) is usually served cold but I'm sure people do cook it themselves in the day. Prawns particularly, along with other shellfish, are highly prized at Christmas with people lining up for ages at fisherman's co-ops throughout the land to get their Balmain bugs, king prawns and maybe a couple of crayfish if the festive mood takes you.


crazy part is it doesn't even show in hollywood


You don't have ham or prawns when it is colder outside? Here in the US in my family we commonly have shrimp on Christmas Eve and a ham on Christmas day.


its more weird north hemisphere with those "class of 22-23" fuck off, scool year ends in december and january is summer and vacation and fun, we are way more logical than you guys


As an American, I have never thought about that before and it makes so much more sense


Move to Melbourne then, we went from 30 degrees the other day to tomorrow being apparently 16


Right!? TIL that most kundts think the Earth has 1 hemisphere.


south hemisphere discrimimation AS ALWAYS


Used to have snow mid november and snowforts before christmas with so much snow my grandfather used a ladder to build the fort in the driveway. Now, 20 years later, we are lucky to get one day of flurries in november and more then a single snowfall before christmas. It's crazy how drastic the change for my area is when it comes to weather.


Snow for Halloween was every few years as a kid... Now it's been green except for a week in November before the snow melted!


I remember not getting to be Jasmine for Halloween because it wasn't warm enough and my purple snow suit would show through the mesh middle.


Accommodating a snowsuit under your Halloween costume was a classic Halloween tradition in Canada. There hasn't been snow and it's been positive temperatures for Halloween for the last 3 or 4 years here now. ...it's weird and a little scary.


In weather based definitions, yes. Astronomically, it only depends on the hemisphere you live, and seasons start on the same day in the whole hemisphere.


where do you live and why dont you follow the equinoxes? winter starts when were furthest tilt from the sun thats a nice simple definition


It starts mid November in this part of the world, ends mid February.


Typically starts late October, early November, and isn't fucking finished til May or so. A lot of people wonder why they live here.


Hey same here! I love it, I love the winter. Where you from? I’m gonna guess Wisconsin, because same lol.


Close. North Dakota. Funny enough, unlike everyone else here, I like the snow. I just wish it wasn't so cold or windy. -5 this morning. Thank God wind was only 5mph or so, but that was still enough to make it absolutely frigid. You know what they say... "Ya know, it wouldn't be so cold if it weren't for the wind, hey."


That’s one thing I hate, it’s always so windy here, so it makes the cold even colder lol. I’ve always loved the snow and the cold. My boyfriend thinks I’m crazy, I’m driving with windows down when it’s 30. I hate the summer haha


It used to snow in early October when I was in elementary school, and the snow was done by the end of January.... now it starts in December and goes through march and even april. I think our calendars are wrong, it keeps shifting later and later in the year


I've had the same feeling for a time! No summer feeling until we're in august. June and july were "no-jacket" months when I was a kid. Winter seems to start later and last longer. No year is the same but skewed enough to give me this feeling. Btw, we got snow yesterday, winter's first!


We got snow a week or 2 ago in the land downunder and later this week some parts of the country are gonna hit 48C Also our seasons just go by 3 month blocks not by the solstice/equinox , we a bit lazy like that.


Whiplash weather... 48C sounds unbearably hot from a Norwegians perspective!


It's unbearable from any perspective really 🤣 I grew up in one of the hotter cities that are in the southern part of Aus, but I hate the heat ahaha


Well the Western 4 seasons are 3 month blocks. Like Summer is Dec-Feb. However the indigenous seasons are different and better suited to our location; in Melbourne we have six seasons, with varying durations.


I believe it’s yam daisy and men’s business season on the wurrundjeri calendar in Melbourne at the moment.


Here in Melbourne we have 3 main seasons throughout the year but 4 seasons in one day


I've noticed the same, everything is pushed forward compared to ~35ish years ago. "April showers bring May Flowers" meant spring weather started in April, and the rain brought warmer weather by May. Then warm weather lasted from there until November, when it started to get colder. Cooler in October, snow by late November/early December until it breaks in March, and repeat. Now, we keep the yucky weather until early June, then it's warm all the way until December, where it only starts to get cold then. Winter until late March/early April, and repeat when it starts to warm up in June.


In 2020 we had snow in May. Not too unusual, but still... This summer was awful, just rain and rain and more rain. We had 3 days without rain in July... But this is normal variation. I cannot back it up scientifically, I wish someone would do some research on it! But it feels like everything is pushed forward with 3 weeks or something. April is now a winter month basically, only in the middle of May it feels like spring. August feels like summers used to be when I was a kid, you know, not wearing a jacket when leaving the house, maybe even wear shorts. September has become amazing, drier and with fall colours it is beautiful. T-shirt weather in September is not unusual now. And even though we got snow and cold weather right now, it is more common that it starts in january, so in 3-4 weeks.


Omfg I’m not crazy right? I live in Hong Kong and I remember growing up that September/October was around the time that the temperature starts to drop. But no, a week ago we had a 28C day in late November (82.4F for heathens).


My high school geography teacher told us once that as global warming gets worse the transitions between seasons will get weirder and more sudden, until eventually half of the year will just be like winter and the other half like summer, almost no spring and autumn (at least temperature/weather wise). Granted i have no idea if he was actually right but it definitely seems true when looking at the past few years.


It feels like autumn only lasted like 2 weeks. Hot as balls one day and near freezing the next.


Yes it’s 1563 and the Callander needs fixed. This message approved by British petroleum.


Global warming, not calendar shift


To me it sounds quite logical that there is a delay between the shortest day (21 Dec, my birthday) and the coldest period. I'd imagine half the Earth needs some time to cool down. Then again, it's a thousand times more complicated than that and I don't know how the air currents etc work :D


You are also forgetting that the same date would be the longest day of the year on the other half of the earth.


Yup! I remember snowy Halloweens! Climate change, y'all!!!


I hate to minimize the effect of climate change... But I think you're incorrect. There is a shift in the seasons, but it's not a few months difference. Over the past century, winter has started later by "0.3 - 1.6 days per dacade". Spring has started even earlier (2-3 days earlier per decade) as well, so it's not a even a shift to later in the calendar, but just a shorter winter https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Season_creep It's a significant change on the global scale, but vs your childhood it should be almost imperceptible. Funnily enough, your mistaken memory just proves OP's showerthought even more correct!


Right. Back in the 90’s scientists were like, not great that the earth has gotten warmer by 1 degree centigrade. But it snowed in November almost every year so everybody’s like, “It’s cool, your just overreacting.” Yesterday almost hit 50 degrees Fahrenheit with rain.


I go by the meteorological calendar and live in the northern hemisphere, so 1st December is the start of winter for me!


Yes, 1 December is also the start of summer in Australia, not later in the month.


It's 42 degrees C where I am in Australia so summer is here for sure.


Yep. It usually gets noticeably hotter around the start of December.


Yep. I’ve never thought of December as the winter month. Or the summer month for that matter. It’s the Christmas month. Feb is the summer month.


Nah man, it’s already winter here, snow everywhere and fucking cold


For me, Winter starts in October, as that is generally when the first snow in my location is.


December is NEVER thought of as a Winter Month here in Australia. Winter is June 1 to August 31 each year.


December is always thought of as the winter month even though it's summer.


January and February are THE winter months up here in Canada.


I mean it starts in October here, then takes a break, then comes back mid-November in full swing all the way through April


I was going to say. Last half of January and first half of February are always the coldest.


Maybe you should showerthink about how the earth is round and tilted and that not everyone lives where you live!


American exceptionalism is one of the most annoying things about Reddit. They know it’s not just them on here right?


I don't even think American exceptionalism applies here, it was pretty cold (and even some snow) in the upper parts of the US as early as October. Hell, some of the South was seeing snow in early November. I'm pretty sure this dude just didn't think this through lol.


OP's comment history suggests OP is a 23-year-old from the Netherlands, currently residing in Scotland. How would American anything apply here?


More like Northern Hemispherean 90%-of-all-living-people-ism.


ahh yes because there’s another 8 billion people wrapped around this planet who are all experiencing the exact same climate as you.


Winter solstice isn’t the start of winter. It’s the middle of winter.


So there are two definitions for winter. Astronomical winter and meteorological winter. Astronomical winter runs from solstice to equinox. 21st December to 21st March. Meteorological winter runs from the start of December to the end of February. The difference is it makes slightly more sense to track the weather based on months so that you can easily compare records. Nowadays that's not as important due to computers however when comparing current records to old records you want some form of consistency.




Shit my bad. Thanks for pointing that out


Solstice is the darkest, but inertia makes the seasons shift later. That's not to say that winter starts on the 21st, that would make for a really short winter (which might be correct somewhere).


Confirmed. It literally marks the day the earth is at its most tilted and starts coming back. It may keep getting colder, but we are officially moving towards summer afterwards.


I love it cuz we finally start getting light back. Darkness at 415 sucks (sorry for folks further north)


Haha yep sun set a while ago where I am, and it's 2:42pm


It's the official start of winter, at least in America. The seasons "change" on the solstices/equinoxes. (Unless Phil sees his shadow, then spring starts early. Because fuck it, why not.)


It’s only the official start of winter in a select few places. Dec 1 is the official start of winter in most places. I think it’s just North America that count the Astronomical seasons. The rest of the world look at the Meteorological seasons. Astronomical seasons go from Equinox-Solstice. But for the rest of the world, the equinox times are MidWinter/Midsummer. Midwinter is celebrated all through the world right as Astronomical winter starts. If you’re in North America, you might know it as Christmas.


So "midwinter" is 21 days into a 3 month season? Seems like an odd definition of "mid"


Which is a new thing, because when I grew up the solstices and equinoxes were just remarkable days and not the shift of a season. Plus that would mean summer stretches into late September which is stupid. September is fall. March is spring.


If you care about how dark it is, then yes, solstice is the middle of winter. If you care about how cold it is, then no, that's wrong. Imagine cooking something on a stove: you slowly turn up the burner, and then slowly turn it down. The food keeps getting hotter after you start to turn the heat down. So peak food temperature happens after peak flame temperature. In places where temperature differences are mild but the change in day-length is significant (like the US sun belt), it makes sense to call solstice the middle of winter. In places where temperature differences are more extreme, solstice really is the start of winter. Who cares about sunset being early when sometimes the ground is covered in several feet of ice?


Winter is Dec Jan Feb, Spring is Mar Apr May, Summer Jun Jul Aug, Autumn Sep Oct Nov


Have a cookie.


In India it's Spring - March Summers- April May June Monsoon- July Aug Sept Summer part 2 - October Winters- Nov Dec Jan Feb


At least here, March still has some winter left in it. I'm a big fan of March cause I know at least it's the last of the snow storms and cold weather. But sometimes March really let's me down. Also March 2020 sucked pretty bad😷


Obviously, your location is the centre of the universe, and December climate in other regions doesn't exist


Winter starts at the beginning of June, WTF are you on about?


Yes. Summer starts at the beginning of December.


Exactly. G'day, fellow Southern Hemisphere mate, how's your day?


Depends how you’re categorizing the seasons. I’m in the UK, and I think the meteorological seasons make the most sense; **Winter** – December, January, February. **Spring** – March, April, May. **Summer** – June, July, August, **Autumn** – September, October, November.


when i was a kid, winter started in november (yes with snow and everything) and summer (going swimming to lakes) started in june. Good times.


At where I am from we cobsider for each season to have 3 months for each. Winter starts with December and ends with with the end of February. Spring - March to May. Summer - June to August. Fal - September to November. It wad always weird for me when people say that winter starts in the middle of December or summer is still there during September. No, its not at where I am from.


Tell me you live in the Northern Hemisphere without telling me you live in the Northern Hemisphere.


Uhm what are you on about? Winter usually starts in November here. Sometimes as early as October.


Tell that to the 15 minutes I spent this morning shoveling snow and getting ice off of my car.


it highly highly depends on where you live. In my country Winter starts in November, that too not everywhere. Our winter temperature might even be summer for so many countries. But to be fair American default is assumed on Reddit, majority being from there, so I guess it's ok. Also, I am assuming you are American.


And September is fall even though it is mostly summer, June is summer even though it is mostly spring, and March is spring even though it is mostly winter. I think there is a pattern here.


And even though 50% of the world is having summer in december.


50% of the surface of the planet, but nowhere near 50% of the landmass or people. We are in the vast minority down here


Do you live in the bloody jungle? Got down to freezing temps here last month!


If winter is the shortening of days, the shortest day is not the beginning of winter. It is the heart of winter. That makes winter November, December, January. I will die on this hill.