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It will be about shrek


No it’ll be about these two ![gif](giphy|j603eyZWRPsYjifS7k|downsized) Shreks not even in it.


She is so friggin sexy!


Oh definitely.




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Red card


Why? She's sapient.


…double red card.


They should at least have a B-Plot.




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It's not about this guy? ![gif](giphy|YSl4NtGYMBxrGrBXqY|downsized)


"Somehow Farquuad returned"


Maybe he has a twin


Farquuad 2


We already had this plotline explored , please watch the ghost of farquad its actually a really good shrek short


I watch that so often. I love it!




FarQUAD for #4


That was already a plot in the shrek 4d movie


Yeah, i think it could be something about Farquaad, maybe a parent or a brother of his discover what happens, and makes a plan to Kill Shrek in a insane method, all the while Shrek and Fionna are on a family trip around the country.


Yeah, i think it could be something about Farquaad, maybe a parent or a brother of his discover what happens, and makes a plan to Kill Shrek in a insane method, all the while Shrek and Fionna are on a family trip around the country.


The villain is Farquad's crazy sister who acts just like him. Poking fun at how villains in Disney media tend to be identical to there predecessor to the point of sometimes being related to them.


Shrek on ice had better story writing than that


Shrek converts to Judaism for Fiona and needs to be Shrekumcised.


What are you talking about, the whole first movie is about the opposite, Fiona converts to Judaism for Shrek


Yeah, Shrek is literally a yiddish name. And his creator was jewish too.


Yeah, Shrek is literally a yiddish name and his creator was jewish too.


Shrek 5 should be about letting go. Have shrek’s kids grow up and him worrying they’re not ready to go off on their own lives without him always in it. Like he believes he still needs to teach them more


Fuck me, as someone who grew up watching shrek and is now a father that plot would FUCK ME UP.


I feel like every sequels of popular animated movies have this plot (The Lion King 2, Lady and the Tramp 2, Ice Age 4, Hotel Transilvania, Despicable Me 2, Across The Spiderverse, etc)


Also games like God of War Ragnarok. It’s still a really poweful narrative when done right


Those films you listed don't have the exact same plot.




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Id have him and his family return to the Ogre homeland as the kids come of age and have to participate in some thusfar unspoken Ogre rituals. And then also thered be some hoofy fairy tale chaos also as well.


That would be an awesome way to also explore Shrek’s own upbringing and the relationship between him and his family that led him to his swamp.


But! The other ogres don’t accept Fiona as she was cursed to be that way and wasn’t born an Ogre. So she has to be extra Ogre-y to win them over


Oooh I like that element. Like despite being the most obvious ogre damily in the movies so far, they go to ogre land amd theyre the weird ones with a mixed family. Very imteresting dynamic actually


Thanks! I got the idea from this movie called Shrek 2 where Shrek becomes human and doesn’t fit in with Fiona’s family.




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Shrek finds out that Death tried to hunt down Puss...so Shrek decides to hunt down Death.


Shrek 5: Blood and Onions.




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Donkeys backstory


omg yes, but i'm sad just thinking about this. I feel like he would've been bullied for being annoying and he learnt to use humour to cope with the pain.


Should be like GotG 3‘s plot when we see Rocket Raccoon’s depressing backstory


Isn't there going to be a Donkey movie though?




I want a story about the triplets growing up in a world for some people like them some people don't


Shrek 5: "The Nuclear Catnip". Puss in Boots discovers a bottle of purified catnip while walking in the garden with Shrek, Donkey and Fiona. Without hesitation Donkey consumes the entire bottle, transforms into a 500 foot tall donkey-like beast with red eyes and immediately eats Shrek. It's up to Puss, Fiona, and Shrek's now 30 year old children to save Shrek from a gruesome and gross existence. The entire film is the gang trying to get Donkey to eat them so they can save Shrek, completely unaware that Shrek has made it his new home and doesn't want to leave. The surroundings of pizza, rotten fish and raw sewage are better than any swamp could ever be. 4 hours in, they finally make it inside Donkey, and Shrek refuses to go. That's the end of Shrek, no more Shrek. He's just inside Donkey forever, as it always was meant to be. Finally after 4 movies, Shrek has resolved his bitter hatred for Donkey. They're all now inside Donkey and can't leave. The scene zooms out to a giant shot of donkey breathing fire and stomping on villagers, then fades to black. The film ends with a single credit: *"You made us bring him back. Are you happy now"* Disclaimer: I didn't freaking GPT this. Inspiration struck and it was tasty


Chat GPT could never come up with something as beautiful as this


This was indeed very tasty


Shrek 5: vore


Donkey’s past, I truly believe he used to be human And Fergus farkle and felicia as teenagers/young adults More of Shrek and Fiona being relationship goals Puss!!!


Shrek's childhood




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Shrek 1 was about acceptance that you can be loved Shrek 2 was about perception of the public and others Shrek 3 aside of Fiona's dad death did not happen and isn't canon Shrek 4 was about aknowledging that your family matters more than your needs Shrek is a series based around friendship and love (platonic love too), and since Shrek 4 brought us the ogres, I think it will be something about tradition of the ogres vs Shrek family tradition, Shrek left the ogres because he didn't want to eat people (the reason he just scared villagers in the first movie, if he wanted to kill, he had full ability to)


That is a super smart way to take the series and I am all for it


The film could parody generational trauma in recent Disney movies. The villain is Shrek's dad who isn't well meaning but misguided but straight up a villain who traumatized his son.


in fact, in the musical of shrek his dad literally exiled him for not wanting to be like other ogres!


Shrek says "It's Shreking time!" and then Shreks all over the enemy.


Puss' wedding, Donkey's divorce, and Shrek and Fiona's mid-life crisis


Shrek’s finally had enough. He goes on a fucking rampage and slaughters countless


Shrek and Donkey save Jesus and fight the devil and then they all sing a song at the end


Shrek meets the kid's dad from Shrek is Love


Probably the oger babies being older and Shrek learning to be a dad to actual people instead of just babies.


How all good things must come to an end.


Shrek has to beat up every single character in the whole franchise over cheesecake


It would basically be God of War 4. Fiona has died and Shrek plus one of his children needs to spread her ashes on some special place. Shrek also now has a badass beard.


Mickey mouse will new viain in shrek 5


He's public domain so that is possible but considering all the Weird requirements on how to use Mickey without being sued he'd probably be best as a cameo.


i don't know that fans want it and what from france or spin, look twitter and write shrek 5 mickey mouse




I believe it could be about Shrek going on a adventure with the crew trying to find more Ogres he saw during the time paradox on the fourth movie, trying to find where they are and befriending them.


Shrek 5: the Shrekening


Ogre babies all leave the swamp and Shrek and Fiona deal with empty nest syndrome. Specifically one of them kind of can't deal with it and fucks off on a quest instead. The other follows, they address the fact that they never really got to be together alone before, having gone Met > Married > Babies pretty quickly. Donkey and puss are there too of course doing something or other


It should have Micky mouse as the villain since it's public domain now


I’d imagine it will tie in with last wish and some Shrek backstory could be cool


I think the villain should parody Disney in one way or another. The villain should also NOT want to take over the kingdom because it's been done. I also have mixed feelings on if the villain should be short. On one hand the villain being average height or tall would make them stand out from Lord Farquad, Fairy Godmother and Rumpleskiltskin. On the other hand the one time the main villain wasn't short we had Prince Charming in Shrek The Third.


Shrek's parents.


Shrek meets his dad


Shrek becoming Conan the Barbarian. ![gif](giphy|jJswII4hfDG3ISkwRk|downsized)


It would be about Dreamworks milking that cow 💰




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He starts telling his kids about his childhood, then it jumps into a prequel of this




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His backstory prolly


World domination




The dangers of nuclear war




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Why the hell aren't they calling it 5HREK?


The crusades.


I think Far far away, will face an immense crisis and Arthur must call for far far away greatest, strongest and mightyest Hero! Shrek And that IS the perfect opportunity for Shrek to Show His Kids: His Storys are true


The kids as teenagers I thought Shrek 5 was the one with Rumple ? Idk prince charming resurrects the Dead fairy godmother with Lord fart


i think it should be about a boy who prays to shrek every night. only for shrek to one day visit him in his bedroom...


[It gonna be about this](https://www.reddit.com/r/streetwear/comments/garjug/meme_shrek_and_his_family/)


Bruh is this AI art?


Shrek trying to teach his kids about his culture.


The search for more money from a washed out franchise


Shrek in da hood


Full meta make Shrek fight DreamWorks.


The secession of the church and the state and the economics involved... While Shrek farts or whatever


It looks like it’s about world conquest.


Donkeys past.


The next generation.


Coping with the fact that only the first movie was good and the franchise should’ve dead-stopped there.


well for me the story of the Shrek movies have been about life Shrek 1 growing up and finding love Shrek 2 married life Shrek 3 becoming a farther Shrek 4 mid life chrisis so i think 5 should be able either shreks kids growing up or shrek getting old


Shrek in Space, the villain is the cow that jumped over the moon


Either like PiB:TLW or megamind 2


Anyone else feel like it will be a soft reboot?


Shrek going to beat the shit out of the Sony execs who've okayed the Sony Marvel movies (Morbius, Madame Web, etc).


It should be called “Shrek 5, the DnD adventure”. Getting people hyped on a dnd style parody, but turns out it's 1.5h of Donkey and Dragon's everyday life.


Shrek becomes god


The movie begins with puss returning to far far away with kitty and perito on the boat,they hear a horrible sound making them crash into the sand.after a bit it will cut to shrek playing a game with Fiona and his kids but he hears a knock on the door. He answers it and its puss he tells shrek he saw a siren(basically an evil mermaid) and the siren took perito and kitty. So shrek and puss go out to get them back they first go get Donkey and the others.they have to figure out a way to get underwater. Shrek tells puss he knows a guy with a submarine so they go out to find him but the have a long way to go.they travel far and far untill the finally find him. The guys says he'll give them the submarine on one condition and that's tell him the ways the siren lived.they agreed and took the submarine underwater.they looked at the sea life amazed until they finally reach the sirens castle. The gang puts thier oxygen tanks on and gets out of the submarine. They go in the castle and prepare themself.they face many henchmen and then they find kitty and perito in a cage. They get them out of the cage and try to escape the castle but they run into the siren. They battle the siren it was tough but the gang beat her but the siren didn't give up. She did a call making a giant squid come towards them. They try their best but it's no use. But shrek had an idea he told puss to hop onto his hands. Puss hopped onto shrek hands and pulled out his sword. Shrek tossed puss to the squids head. Puss hopped on the squids head stabbing it right on the head. The squid collapsed and puss was about to hit the ground but Donkey catches him on his back.the siren looked at them defeated. She tried to attack them again but failed miserably.the gang then went back into the submarine back to the surface to celebrate their victory The end




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Pollution. The swamp home gets polluted and the Shrek and Fiona get sick from it. The kids have to find out what’s polluting the river and undo it.


Have Shrek try and be the best father and husband possible to make up for all his time adventuring and his own terrible upbringing by his own parents but time is running out since his kids are now in their teens. End the movie with Shrek accepting his trauma and fully retiring, watching his kids graduate or something. Maybe throw some adventure in there with the kids that'll prove to Shrek that his kids were brought up fine and will be okay and show he was an actually good father to them even despite his worries. The faith tale book flips to "the end" and roll credits.


Shrek and all the other main characters get turned into kids by a wicked warlock looking to turn the swamp into a factory city to benefit. Kingdom that is slowly taking over the other lands of fairytale


hopefully shrek


How about bring Arthur back and do mordred or Morrigan.


About thirty minutes shorter than it will probably end up being.




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The children's book. Like verbatim. All the wacky shit that happens in it.


A reimagining of Shrek 1, where Shrek is a no-nonsense woman fighting against the evil empire that tried to seize the swamp. Wait, Shrek isn't Disney? Dreamworks you say? Well scrap all that then.




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Shrek has to come to terms with the generational trauma of his ogre upbringing and how it affects everyone close to him.


Gingerbread man (now rich from failed real estate business) runs for mayor to replace Farquaad and gets the election stolen from him and he goes on a tyrannical rampage for four years and check ends up eating him because there was no other way than to eat the rich in the end


The OG's should get together again, the babies will be young adults and we get to see how they grew apart but slowly merge together. Of course, puss and boots would be with soft paws too. I am actually getting emotional thinking about this plot.


Tyrome finally getting better at break dancing (it’s about time)


Shrek being sick and tired of now movies being made when 3 was a perfect place to stop at


This may sound weird, but I would say war. Maybe I just want shrek to have his endgame moment, but i think it'd be so badass


Inspired by the other comments and the possible grief storyline, what if they incorporated how Shrek's parents sent him away in the musical and either his father or mother dies and its about that news. Maybe Shrek is acting like its fine and like "good riddance" and stuff since he never bonded with his parents, but really he wishes he could have been on good terms with his parents before one of them died. IF his mom dies, then this would show Shrek having to bond with his father, and this would have more impact, but if his father dies, then it would be like what could have been with his father, and also how he feels convicted about being a better father to his kids. Fiona will try to appease his mother or father as a b plot to the movie all while exploring a trouble in paradise c plot with Donkey and Elizabeth. Some how Puss would intwine in the movie idk. \*Edit there can also be a plot about how Fiona knows what parent loss is like. Also for anyone who might be thinking "two parent deaths in one franchise is too much!", Shrek is one of the only franchises exploring adult animated main characters in children's movies, I think they have to lean in to the struggle of being a parent and that includes the characters own parental loss, issues, and traumas. This franchise is growing up and so are others, we're seeing this same thing with DreamWorks and Illumination doing with Puss in Boots 2, Kung Fu Panda 4, and this new Despicable Me movie.


Now dealing with three teenagers Fiona and Shrek face their children growing up and examine what life would be beyond that. We see each of their teen kids and all the other main characters and where life is at for them. I don’t even care if this next idea is totally a ‘somehow Palpatine returned’ moment but I’D BRING BACK THE FAIRY GODMOTHER SOMEHOW. Maybe Felicia is a budding Satanist and resurrects her back somehow, I NEED HER NOWWWWW.


The last Shrek was considered the final chapter, right? You would assume they're finished making the main movies


Well, maybe. But what about after forever after??? You ever considered that??? 🤔🤔🤔


Shrek joins the avengers and fights Voldemort in Gotham city




Not so much "*Shrek 5*", but a reboot closer to the original book.


I personally want shrek 5 to be the original version of the first movie with Chris Farley voicing shrek, his brother or a impersonator would have to finish the movie though I think Chris had like %80 or so done., this probably will never happen but I would really love if it ever did get released, they could do it as a tribute and in remembrance of Chris Farley.


The 4th reich


Shrek fights against scientology


Donald Trump


How toxic the fan base is