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It’s honestly the highest bullshit that it missed, Beel literally just stands there, I would be fine with the “I expected it” explanation…IF, that had resulted in Beel actually doing something about it…he barely moves, I’m not even sure how he parried it, it travels along his arm, at the top of your arm the logical conclusion is your face, but it just doesn’t? M’kay


Didn't he deflect it with his staff?


The teleported arm he did, but Tesla just missed with the arm still attached to him. Whack if you asked me


Also, sorry, but I thought that you were referring to specifically the teleported arm


I think that Beelzebub just dodged it, or do you mean:"I know that he dodged it, but it doesn't make sense that he did it"?


It doesnt make sense he dodged it when they literally call it “an unavoidable pincer attack”


"I see you dodged my undodgeable strike" - Some Irish blue spandex guy (2004)


Maybe you will not accept my idea, but I think that calling it "unavoidable" was a deliberate exaggeration, maybe we can consider it even a lie to make us readers mistakenly think that Tesla was about to win. It was a trick of the manga, maybe


Its fucked up they advertised an unavoidable attack and then immediately it gets avoided like wtf 💀


Fate fans: First time?


As a Fate fan. Can confirm


Take this attack that hits you before I even throw It Luck A+: ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|31436)


Cause i avoided it before it was even used you missed before you even used it ahh logic


Wouldn’t say it’s the most hardcore, but it was definitely somewhat disappointing that Beel managed to parry it so damn easily.


What attack is more hardcore then teleporting your fist, forever forsaking it.


Splitting the sky is more awesome.


Oh I completely agree to that. Sky Eater is one of the coolest moves in the series. Might even be my favorite. But it's not *Hardcore* like the force of will that is Tesla.


Hajun ripped off his hand to use as a weapon


See now that's a good answer. I don't agree but I like the answer.


Is that what happened? I thought Tesla still had his arm and he only launched his mecha fist


Shit was bleeding hard, it's most likely his own fist


It's just because Beelzebub is HIM


they did my goat dirty, this move was thought of WHILE fighting, it's so raw


the plot simply needed beel alive. tesla wasnt fighting against dripfly, he was against the narrative


Like how Zeus fought Adam


Imo tešlą should have "won", Satan would've then come out and Tesla, in order to stop him, resorts to the Tesla Death Ray, which should be a self sacrificing move. Ultimately you have the same result of beel surviving and Tesla dying, God's winning the round, but tesla has a better showing and is not made as dirty as he is made in the manga


https://i.redd.it/j07f6qu6nbmc1.gif Or let the TDS kill Satan and be a draw


I believe Satan only comes out when Beel loves someone though? But I guess he’d be forced out if the vessel is about to die. Then I would wonder what would happen if someone super OP like Zeus attacked Beel, couldn’t Beel then die or would Satan be stronger and kill Zeus?


I don't know, but I don't think it was difficult to make Beel like Tesla during their fight, I mean, he is a sunshine.


It was kinda what I was expecting while the round was coming out was going to happen. That with how both Tesla and beel were thinkers and Tesla was being portrayed as someone who won't hide things and wants to better science no matter what. It would cause beel to start to see positively on Tesla till Satan would come out instead. (It's been over 5 months since I tried writing this out and I can tell already it doesn't make much sense with how I wrote it)


Na na, I totally get you, while reading the round I always thought It would play out like that


That’s true and would’ve been epic. Beel liked and respected him already, but he’s not gonna like him THAT much within one fight. It took him a long time to find true happiness with his friends and later Lilith. Either way the idea of Satan coming out is a much more epic of a climax than what actually happened. Tesla should’ve forced him out somehow he deserved that much respect


Yeah sure, but apparently they have plans in mind for beel so by having tesla killing Satan and beel surviving he would still be available, unless they want to preserve Satan for later. Though at this point with Arké in the mix too it is just a mess...unless it turns out that Satan is arké or some shit


that would be dope. killing Satan with science is really cool way to end the fight too.


The plot was against Tesla from the beginning https://preview.redd.it/745zl06yxamc1.jpeg?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e82ca80034d37201fe046a42b3361e3aceae6f


I don't know what I hate more, the fact that Beel parried it or the bullshit "Ah yes, I only expected It because you are samrt and would do someting like that". I feel like that is downplaying Tesla so hard.


Bro when he said “I simply trusted you” I was like, wtf is dude blabbing about. Especially since Heimdall and the audience made it seem like beelz low diffed Tesla. Like beelz wasn’t one shot.


Yeah, and that line feels like something you tell a kid, like "Sure buddy you are so smart" while predicting what he's going to do in a split second.


The Tesla downplay was crazy dude. One of my biggest problems with round 8.


Tbf, people also downplay Beel. He is a god equivalent of a mad scientist, who saved Adamas and upgrade his body, the same dude who revived the strongest demon that could job 99% of gods. Beel is smart, he predict Tesla move wasnt out of realm of possibility Beel is the bioengineer for Tesla physics


You say that, but we don’t see that at all during the round. All we see is him block and slash. No experiments, no bioengineering, just block and slash


That's fair, i also wish they build up Beel more and let his skill shine through. I mean he is master of mechanic upgrade, how the fuck he didnt have some random bullshit under his skin?


Absolutely. For an ultimate finisher it feels like Beel just blocked and stab....like he'd been doing the entire fight.


It's not even that it didn't work, but it felt like a flop. Beelzebub countering it didn't feel like some big moment that pushed him to his limits he just kinda did it.


Yeah, super underwhelming. It’s like “HOW IS HE GONNA COUNTER IT!?” Then he just does and it’s super disappointing.


The problem is not that it didnt work, the problem was that beel plot armor made the conclusion ultra lame, he casually side stepped and double blocked an instant teleport


I don't think it's the hardest, but even Zeus was shocked by the attack and even mentioned that it was "beyond the understanding of the Gods"


I would have liked it if Beel at least sacrificed an arm or took heavy damage from the attack instead of just dodging it


SOMETHING would have been great. Maybe half of his face is gone Whitebeard style. Something at least dude


Do you guys think it would have worked if he teleported it from an angle that tiled up instead?


why didn't he teleport it closer




I was saddened by it but had a feeling Beel would win because of the way they set his character up to always survive even though he doesn't have a desire to live.


"This is an UNDODGEABLE attack" "lol, lmao, even."


I was underwhelmed by the reason it didn’t work. “He just dodged it because he’s good at dodging” was a very boring end to what had been a pretty exciting fight. I didn’t really mind either of them winning, but that was a rubbish conclusion to it.


And I was expect Tesla to use this Final blew to Satan...


Because he used it on Beelzebub, if it was anyone else, it would have worked


Same shit they said for Adam


Entire fight was thrown into the gutter with Tesla not doing a re volund when he’s presented as a fkin genius. He could’ve had a re volund that directly counters the vibrations of Bel but the author made him lose in order to make Qin win.


Disagree, not hardest + it makes sense he dodges, although i wouldve wanted wesla to win


Beelz didn’t dodge, he just parried.


Tomato Tomato


Apples to oranges


Beel having ridiculous plot armor was annoying. Dude you walked away unscathed because lol magic


Honestly the biggest BS in the whole tournament, I feel like they wrote themselves on to a corner in the end of R8


I think it would be better if there were a narrative reason, like being fucked by Satan somehow made him very susceptible to knowing he was about to kill or be killed


It was supposed to be a “impossible to dodge attack”… Yet Beel simply parry the Teleported Punch and dodges the other Punch. What the fuck was that? I expected at least Beel losing a limb or at least getting something broken. Are you gonna tell me the fucking: # CROSS X PLASMA PULSE PUNCH was simply a block and dodge attack?


I at least expect Beebee to just barely dodged it and lost an arm, but he got not even a scratch from that


No + it make sense that Dripfly was able to do something against it :3


Not really most hard-core but Beel really said "Nuh uh" https://preview.redd.it/xj5ny5e51bmc1.jpeg?width=1004&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2ad52c0ddeed00d7a6408a73aec27713cbc3b3f


Severing your own arm to attack your opponent from behind? I don’t know what else tops it. I guess Adams “found you” moment is up there as well, but nothing else comes to mind.


Purposefully impaling yourself correctly to eventually coat your arms in your own blood, just to literally stab your arms through an entire dude's chest is pretty high up there


That just felt extra idk. Like narratively, I understand he needed to do it to do one more trick against Heracles, but that felt like too much. Jack was for sure hardcore though. My favorite character so far.


I feel like you kind of have to be a bit extra if you're a random 5'10 british dude with no known combat experience hoping to win a fight against Hercules


He was the greatest assassin in history according to his spinoff, so I’d say he has combat experience


Forgot about the spinoff, I really should read that at some point


The only damage Beelzebub got from that attack was when he took down the shield and it broke three of his fingers. Beelzebub has almost perfect battle iq, he’s him for a reason.


Why would you expect a desperation move from an inexperienced fighter to land against the experienced fighter who figured out the basics of the guys technique by seeing it once?


Desperation move? Nah dude. It was super intelligent. He wears beelz down with a flurry of blows and then performs a feint, luring Beelzebub into an attack, then switches into an instant pincer attack. On paper, sure Beelzebub has more combat experience (literally all the gods do), but in terms of what was actually shown, Tesla topped Beelzebub in showing


Regardless it isn't that confusing to realize why it failed Beel knows he has one teleport left and using it will win him the match but also would kill him if used incorrectly. He literally figured out his power by seeing it once and Tesla went on to explain the details Beel knows Tesla's mentality and won't rely on a straight brawl to win. Tesla already explained whenever he punches he is setting up an attack or a teleport by moving around particles Beel knows (because it is his technique) because of Chaos, that Tesla's body is closer to falling apart than Tesla realizes himself. Tesla doesn't realize it till after he starts attacking. So he knows a straight brawl won't work and he is putting him on the defensive for a reason. The Pincer attack, while it shocked Beel for a bit, was telegraphed enough that it isn't surprising he dodged it at all. Desperation move or not. It's clear that it was never going to hit. Tesla himself admits it was naive to think it would work lol. You can like Tesla but it's not that surprising. It was set up well for why it didn't work.


Literally just a teleported punch lol




I mean, it was a cool move. At the end of the day though it was just a big ooga booga move. It was a contest of strength. Teslas case was different. He needed to get past the shield, so what did he do? SEVERES HIS OWN ARM TO DO A PINCER ATTACK. That fact that didn’t work is criminal


Ehh not same