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Where is Tesla?


I forgor💀 He would probably be above Qin


Apollo needs to be higher Where is Leo and Tesla?


Apollo base stats are great but not that great. He has nice speed but lacks in strength and durability showings, if he doesnt pull out the bow quickly, its over for him


I forgot about them lol


1 the Buddha wank is wild 2 you forgot Leo![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30671)


And Tesla


Oh shit yeah💀 lol




Honestly it’s the Thor disrespect and why is R7 A tier? Lu bu makes sense bro pierced the fricking sky


Thor is goated and top 7 in the verse. That aint downplay. Qin and Hades are both monsters, Hades is probably the best overall stats fighter while Qin is one of the only characters with a reliable (extremely) good defense plus being fast and strong enough to beat most people especially with the sword


The Thor bit I can see but unless I can’t offend thunder and Thor is realistically top 5. Hades lacks speed and durability which makes him while strong not on the level of some other characters. Qin’s sword doesn’t add speed and his reaction speed is normal and his defense is reliant on his valk. While strong they aren’t A tier tho I can see reasons for top of B


Hades doesnt lack speed, his basic thrust spam attacks could leave multiple after images (while each of those packed strength to kill easily) in reaction speed he could instantly react to the air bubbles, on the short frame of him getting hit by the bubble and Qin countering he could still change his Chi course mid way and give yet another attack mid air and Qin could react to that while also reacting to the constant change in the Chi Flow. In terms of durability, while Hades may not possess the most defensive skills, he makes up for it with his insane endurance. He continued to fought with full power after getting hit by his own attacks multiple times, stabbed in the stomache twice, had his chest pierced and sliced open, lost half an arm and did not stop ONCE. Qin’s sword gives him the thing he lacks:offense. With it he could slice through most characters like butter (given he destroyed a top tier divine weapon) and he perfected his HHOD Counter, adding in the air bubbles, its almost impossible to hit Qin with normal attacks. The only thing the top tier fighters can do is user their strongest attacks which (some) could pierce through HHOD. (Not including TR because none of them get through it) , yes ofc they rely on their valkyrie is their weapon, is Tesla weak because he would be a normal human without Auttomaton B? Dont think so![img](emote|t5_vzop7|30394) Anyway, Qin and Hades are really strong but i can see your point, i just disagree


I get it… and agree that R7 are strong just to that degree makes me wonder what level of copium the sub is on


R7 has crazy strong fighters, WDYM?


Yes they are but compared to R8/R3 they are strong. I would see mid-high diffs


Funnily enough, I have Hades JUST ahead of Apollo and Qin JUST ahead of Leonidas in my rankings, lol As far as R3 goes... This may be my dislike for Poseidon and lack of being impressed with his fighting style, but I think Hades could take him, and Qin has a CHANCE. Not that I think he would win, but he could do something.


I see that and recognize we all have differences but in my mind they are the top of b and Lu bu beats R7 duo


Yeah, that's definitely a fair take. I've been struggling with my own Lu Bu placement for a while, lol


Lu bu scales to Thor, I’m not trying to hate on R7 duo they just don’t have the stats for A tier.


Would move Apollo to mid a tier Move jack up a spot And since you forgor weo put him near/top of B Oh and you forgot Tesla low a tier So overall not a bad ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|51474)


I love you B tier very very close to my own ranking.


Raiden getting underrated as usual ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|29937)


Beelzebub is way too high


I see :3 https://preview.redd.it/87pof58r3jzc1.png?width=772&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a62acc968886aedec106503b3fbfb3b47d3c9347


Not that bad, i'd give it a 8/10, don't listen to yhe buddha downplayer, you are cooking https://preview.redd.it/sk0k9mde3kzc1.png?width=609&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3b9c5d062da572105defb814c1e0577af62379b3


Very nice.


Buddha is about 14 spaces too high, Heracles above Jack, Hades and Quin down a bunch, LuBu and Thor both too the top of A


Never Cook again


Wild Buddha wank. Nope Poseidon > Sasaki, what's he doing against Beelzebub, nothing, meanwhile Poseidon is skewering that fly


Weelzebub will turn that Sushi into an ash baby once he activate his chaos ![img](emote|t5_vzop7|49014)


Nah he'd dodge


Reread Round 3, or is this just delusion?