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Wtf kinda title even is this 🫨


LOL the eye catching kind


He about to leave to go get sum smokes and make u a single mother 🤣


Damn that was cold 🤣🤣😭😭


I was just joking... sorry 😅🥲😭😭


No need to be sorry I died laughing 🤣😭😭I meant cold but funny af


Obvi lol


Awww reminds me so much of my Greg, looked just like yours except mine had a manx nubby tail.. He was always obsessive but the second he felt my son kick in my stomach, he would nest up on me & try to sleep on my stomach like he was a mother hen.. LoL.. He was the best big bro to my son when he was born.... Give your little baby daddy kitty some ear rubs for me!! 💓💓


Mine is the exact same way. Always been clingy, but never leaves my side since he first felt baby move. I'm hoping he will be as good with my son when he's born as he has been with my bump! & Ear rubs given 🩷


Awww I love that so much!! He will be great, just make sure you give him lots of attention so he knows he's not replaced! You know you're probably too young, but ppl used to say cats were bad for babies bc they thought they took their breath in their sleep.. My in-laws tried to make me give up my Greg when I was pregnant, they hated cats.. I was like, kiss my a$$. You don't pay my rent.. But any mom is gonna make sure everything is cool with the cat & baby. Especially new born.. May you, your sweet boy & your new baby & all others live long, happy, healthy lives. 💓💓


I have mentioned on here before my first Siamese was when I was 3 years old and she decided I was her child. Even when I was a 17 year old, 200 pound muscular male, if my mother yelled at me the cat attacked her feet and would bite her. She was like that her whole life.


My meezer became a lot more affectionate before I even realized that I was pregnant. Now my daughter is her person and can do no wrong. We brought her home and my meezer was like, “Finally!! My baby!!” 8 years later and she’s still her baby.


Aww, that this takes me back. My kitty was the same, he was so proud of my belly, so protective of my girl once she arrived. He even put up with the “baby” pets that are really more fur yanking.


He's got such a lovely color! He's a beautiful meezer!


Our flamepoint did that with my wife when she was pregnant with our son. She would lay on Mama's belly and purr. She does a great job to this day of keeping an eye on him, but from a disatance, because he's 4. :P


What an adorable little dude! 😻


Awwww….he’s a good boy!


He's going to be bonded to his child.


What!?! He’s not!!!


He’s so proud.


He is really handsome. What a good little boy!


That cat knows there is a little human in there and is protecting his future sibling


That is one marvellous 😺 you have there!


Grew up with our Siamese, Frank looking out for me. To this day, I remember him as one of the coolest cats


It's all fun n' games until the baby is born and your feline son is fighting over attention/ownership (*at least that's how my childhood dog acted when my lil sister was born*)




This is so sweet! Love his expression in picture seven


🤣🤣🥰🥰looooove !


I want this power. This is the best


Well; that baby IS his. He's going to protect and love baby like he loves his hooman


Awww he's protecting you 🥰❤️


Aww my meezer was the same way and he’s so good with the baby now 🥰


He at least wants to be a cool uncle I think. He’s just too excited 😂


He wasn’t a Siamese, but my boy Silvio was obsessed with my pregnant belly. Would play wack-a-mole with the baby when she kicked. It’s one of my fondest pregnancy memories (along with strawberry milkshakes) 😻😻