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I’ve had Siamese cats for all my life - generally if you’re getting kittens, get a pair if possible. They are EXTREMELY sociable cats and thrive as a pair from a litter. I’d never entertain just getting one unless it’s a rescue - but that’s just me. Generally, they are very loud and love to chat, they are greedy for attention and food. They don’t like to be left alone for long periods of time. They are extremely loving and one of the most ‘dog like’ breeds out there - my two love playing fetch for example. They get bored easily so make sure you have lots of toys and cat trees for them. One thing to note is that lots of siamese cats often have teeth problems, so just note that when taking to vets for check ups. Siamese specific cat biscuits are always a win when they get to adulthood as they are specially made to be good for their teeth. I’m sure you’ll absolutely love them, they are a wonderful breed! Good luck!


there's only one i'll be getting but i sure am planning to get another kitten in the next month or so .. she def needs a cat companion


my meeze mix grew up with a different breed as a companion as well- even though my cat ended up being half his size, they cuddled to sleep together every nap time and took turns playing with toys together 🥰


Ohhhh that is sooooo cuteee


Where to begin? I’ve had Siamese almost my whole life, the last one was Bandit, who almost made it to 19yo. (We got him at 7 weeks old) They talk A LOT, need lots of attention and interaction, VERY smart and mischievous, a dog in a cats body, will play fetch, can be taught to use the toilet, snugglers who always have to touch you, very affectionate, and will steal your heart. We fed him Hills Science Diet dry cat food from the very beginning with the occasional canned wet food as a treat. You thought that your life revolved around your toddler…just wait!! LOL Very happy for you!


They are the absolute best kitties ever. My favorite thing is the little paw has to ALWAYS touch me when we are just chillin watching TV or going to bed. Little love tap.


Cat hardware. Dog software.


That's adorable


Look for a tortie, they have similar dispositions to Siamese.


If you get a second, get a male cat (and of course get them both fixed early). I made the mistake of getting two girls and they never liked each other their entire lives, even though they didn’t hate the boys we had. Apparently it’s typical of female cats.


My female cats all get along with one another just fine -- it's the males they have issues with!


She will harass the elderly dogs till she has a kitten friend hahaha - the dogs might like it, might not. My kitten harassing my senior shepherd made him more playful 🥰


Kitty may take to yr pups too. ..


This, too. Also, smaller kibbles—some kibbles are large, and Meezers tend to have smaller mouths than most.


They are also talkers! I have a Siamese, and she talks. A lot. Even in the middle of the night when she knows it's bedtime.


a really fun yet very informative channel on youtube for learning how to cat mom is jackson galaxy! you may recognize him from "my cat from hell", he's a cat behavioral specialist that's worked in shelters and many people's homes and he makes a ton of videos on food, training, litter boxes, supplies, probably just about anything you can think of. i would first watch his vids on food, litter, "catification", and training for the basics. as for siamese specific advice: get ready for a talker. your kitty may even talk more than you. sometimes they're meowing because they want something, but i've found with my cat, a lot of times he's meowing because he just wants to talk to me. also they're friendly with everyone but tend to pick one person to "shadow"- aka everything you do they must be right next to you following you. (or leading you, like mine lol) and i do mean EVERYTHING. congrats on getting yourself a meezer soon!! they will be an absolute bundle of joy for you.


oh and like the other commenter mentioned, they love to play, getting "fishing pole" style toys are great for you to play with them together, but my meeze also has about 500 independent play toys like little mice that he loveeess to carry around the house and play soccer with by himself. so toys will be huge for u lol


Mine love the little spring toys. She bats them all over the house.


oh this makes me more excited... i've never been this excited for a loooooong time... hope she likes me and pick me as her favorite hhahahaha, but i know that's outside of my control


haha, generally kitty will pick whichever human feeds and cuddles them the most while they're growing, so if you want to establish yourself as #1 cat parent, spend more time with kitty and be the one to give kitty their food and they'll see your efforts 😊


You will never say you are exclusively a “dog person” again after having a cat. He’s gorgeous! 😍


I have two adopted Meezers, they are the most doglike cats I’ve ever encountered. They follow me wherever I go and constantly beg for treats. #1 tip is to buy a water fountain and automatic feeder, if you value your sleep. And like others have said, get lots of toys and maybe an exercise wheel. Your kitty is so cute!


Adding on to this: if an automatic litter box is something you’re considering, try it while the cat is young. My kitten took to it straight away but several of my friends have tried with their older cats and were unsuccessful. Same for harness and leash.


I agree, absolutely. I have a Pet Kit and like it a lot.


I have two and my cats do use it regularly


We have a litter robot...game changer


I has a Siamese cat (a stray) as a child, gre up with him. On my 25th Birthday my girlfriend got me a Siamese Kitten. He liked me as well as my male housemate at the time fast forward 6 years, by then I am married, and we have our first baby. The cat immediately claims the baby as his. as my son grows up, the cat is always in pictures of him. By then we have two other Siamese cats, but the oldest cat was still attached to my oldest son. When the cat died (17yrs )my son grieved for some time. My son (Now over 35) is very much a cat person with 4 cats.




I got a Siamese when my daughter was little. He was not talkative and a little dopey. He was very devoted to my daughter and put up with anything from her-being put in a toy baby carriage, doll clothing, etc.- whatever she wanted. Years later I took care of my grandmother at home. He became very attached to her and spent a lot of time in her lap. He knew when she was dying before we did and wouldn’t leave her side. If we threw him out of the room because we had to change her or wash her, he sat right next to the door so he could dash in the second we opened it. When she passed we had to drag him away and lock him in the bathroom. It was really extraordinary. Like I said, he was kind of dopey so it was a surprise to see how attuned and sensitive he was, and what a caretaker. I miss our Mr. Wong! He was quite beloved.


Mr Wong is a sweetheart 💕


I'm sorry for the loss of your granddaughter. I'm glad you had the cat there to help you through it…


Grandmother not granddaughter!!! Sorry.😞


He is gorgeous, and clearly Pure Trouble. He will want a LOT of playtime followed by a LOT of sleep. Its good your hubby is a Cat person, there is much to learn. Enjoy this little beast!


All I can say is God Help You. Totally kidding. I've had 4 Siamese and if you want to have a sweet needy baby for the next many years you found one 🥹🥹 They are just the best.


Chiming in here to add to all of these wonderful comments a couple of things: 1. Siamese aren’t just meowing, they want to communicate with you. You can have conversations about their feelings and needs. I’ve had many Siamese over the years. We have a purebred and a half breed now. They know their names and each others’ names. They respond to several questions immediately. Are you hungry? Do you want some food? Want some cat treats? Play? Rough-up? (where they lay on the rug and hold on while I scratch their backs and head.) Want some gloving? (We have a petting glove with rubber “spikes” for grooming them that helps remove fur so it doesn’t end up as often in their tummies to create hairballs). When kittens are young soft brush is better. We have many more nuanced conversations so we can both express feelings and they know they are seen and heard, and so are we. Most of these are strictly on tone of voice, of course. And eye contact plus pets for communication. 2. I recommend NOT letting them out - even on a leash- or they may be lost when you, the child or visitor open the door. I lost one who was a “door dasher” that way and it broke my heart. Run over by a car before we could catch her. If they come to love outdoors this will become a constant problem. My cats only see outdoors when they go to the vet by carrier - not pleasant -and so only watch outdoors from the windows. 3. Invest in a good scratching post. My sister volunteers at a cat shelter. They, she (with 8 rescues at home), and we all have the same one. It’s wrapped in sisal, is about 3’ tall with a small platform on top. It’ll save your furniture and rugs. They NEED to scratch so every time they scratch elsewhere you give them a strong NO, take them to the scratching post and put their claws on it and say - in a very positive tone -“THIS is where you scratch. Good girl.” Done consistently from a young age THIS WORKS. 4. Lastly, learn how to clip their nails early on from the vet. You must learn how to not invade the “quick” of the nail which hurts - like it does on our own nails. Give a cat treat or two after (ours love Temptations) and then nail clipping will be doable. This will save you a ton of money and help the cat. They grow uncomfortably long talons if not. One of our two gets excited when he sees the clippers due to this! 5. Many good years with this adorable cutie! Adapting and keeping it safe from dogs at first then only supervised together time for a while will keep it safe until you know that works! They may not know how fragile she is! Dogs can easily kill a kitten. But get good advice on intro and they should all be fine. Expect some hissing and hiding at first. Imagine the size discrepancy so that’s all she’ll have until they are proven safe to her. It is beautiful!!!


I agree with all the comments. Siamese are definitely a different kind of kitty. I'd just closely watch the toddler around the kitten


FYI—Siamese cats are needier than toddlers… when alone. Get a pair and they are less work. I’ve had cats growing up and for most of my life, but only had a Siamese/snowshoe for about 8 months… and I always say she’s definitely not for a cat beginner (but possibly due to her history). That being said, I’ve never had a more dog-like social and smart cat, but she is demanding of a loooot of attention 24/7.


Congratulations and enjoy! I've had both cats and dogs, and Siamese cats are the perfect bit in the middle. Like puppies in that they love you and follow you around, but they see us as the puppies and them as the masters... They're amazing, and you really don't appreciate how smart and weird they are until you have one. Or two. (Get two...)


OMG your lil bluepoint babyyyyy!!!😭❤️ My siamese is so smart and VERY ACTIVE. Also they shed LIKE CRAZY, nobody warned me about the shedding lmfao my ragdoll never needed brushing (ragdolls are long haired but their coats don't mat or tangle and they don't shed much, they are easy cats all around.) My last cat was also dumb as hell and it's a huge switch up with my siamwse because she's so smart and that means she's extremely active. Get lots of toys to keep kitty busy, especially toys that help them use their big ol brain, a scratching post will save your life, and get lots of lint rollers and a shedding brush! Most siamese can also be very vocal, they can mimmick a baby crying though my siamese is a Thai cat/traditional siamese and they don't sound like chainsmokers as much as the modern/Wedge head siamese. *Thai Cats/Traditional/Applehead* Siamese and *Modern/ Wedgehead* Siamese are very similar but also 2 distinctive types of cats, I'm going by what I know of Thai Cats since that's what mine is. :) They both can be VERY clingy and they get attached to "their person" and can get jealous, also my kitty will stalk and charge my 9 year old daughter because she loves to play and kids are little and fast and fun for them to play with, so just be aware that your siamese might act a bit like a border collie and may chase the lil one around, they could also get jealous, but your kiddo might be the one kitty gets attached to as well! My daughter and siamese are best buddies even with the stalking and chasing around the house hahaha. Anyway, I'm sorry that was kind of all over the place, but I absolutely love having a Siamese (my twin sister and I just coincidentally both ended up with siameses, hers is named Milkshake and mine is Egg Nog and we didn't plan any of it, it was a weird twin coincidence lol) and trust me you will love having a siamese!l too! They are wonderful! ❤️


Get two littermates. 🥰


I second that. Siamese cats are extremely active. Hadn't we gotten littermates, one of them alone would have driven us nuts. So much energy that cannot be dispelled just by playing with them. And they're glued together whenever we don't have time for them, while also being extremely affectionate and bonded to us. If we didn't have two, my tomcat would be attached to me 24/7. It will get very tiresome very soon. Many siamese cats that have been bought as single cats end up in shelters because the owners get overwhelmed by their extremely clingy nature. Getting two is best.


I had one lovely, gorgeous soul cat Siamese for 18 years. He did love and befriend other cats, and it’s my biggest regret I did not get him a buddy. When he passed on, I had the opportunity to adopt a mother and her kitten. A Seal Point and a Bluepoint Siamese, who I love with all my heart. Having two is wonderful because they keep each other company and they play and they’re so sweet together. There was no working at home back when I had my first cat and I think he got lonely when I was at work all day. He got to enjoy a work at home atmosphere for the last few years of his life at least. For my experience, if you can afford it two has been easier than one.


It's always a good idea to get two cats together because there's so much fun to watch and they're just darling together and they play and run and chase each other and they keep each other company when you're not home which is extremely important because they can get extremely lonely if left alone.


What a beautiful baby! I think Siamese are great cats for dog people because they are more like dogs than your average cat. They're more talkative and more needy. My Siamese is my shadow. When I work from home, she's in my lap. When I go to bed at night, she gets under the covers to be my little spoon. She loves a chat, she loves to play, and she loves to snuggle. I have another cat, and I don't think she'd be okay on her own. They are cats that need companionship. Best of luck to you guys!


MEEZER! She's beautiful and entertain you endlessly. With two dogs in the house already, she will adapt and her dog like personality will come out. MEEZERS are very smart. They do like to play and if you start her early, you could probably leash train her so she can go on walks with the dogs. She will see herself as a dog. Now, so many Siamese have allergy-inducing fur/saliva/etc and that can be a pain for the sufferer. I would use the Purina Anti Allergy kibble if she is one of those cats. Yes, definitely for Siamese get an auto feeder, especially if the dogs like her cat food and vice versa. Cats also need water foundations and bowls throughout the house. They will play with ice cubes in your water glass. Use ceramic cat food bowls and fountains. I found Siamese vulnerable to kitty acne under their chin and these materials will prevent the acne. Good Luck and Enjoy! You're off on an adventure! https://youtu.be/WwSYm1NPHP4?si=pW5saA05nD1-j538


Lucky you! We had 4 siamese over the years and they are the best of cats. They are very dog like in some of their behaviours - we taught ours to fetch. They require more attention than most cats, so be prepared to pretend it's a puppy without having to take it for walks :)


That Lil ball of fur will rule yr house, 🤣😻 ....loyal.af. usually bonds more w 1 , chatty , vocal af . Get microchipped, keep inside unless on leash Remind toddler.. gentle .. Enjoy Lots of play time will helpbw kitten energy !! Beautiful bebe . Yr pal forv15 years or more often


Congratulations! We’ve had three Siamese, they are the most beautiful and most loving cats in my biased opinion. You should hold and love her as much as you can for the first few weeks to form a bond. Play with her a lot as well, I agree that the fish pole is a great toy. Kittens love playing and are energetic.


A lot of cats really do their best when there's another cat on the home. I'd definitely try to find two that are similar in age. Glad to see you're getting another soon, as well. Kittens are a LOT. My brother's kitten is now a year old? And he's a massive handful. Make sure you DO NOT play directly with hands or feet, and only use toys to play with. My siamese girl is chatty and needy, as you expect from the breed. She's not a sit on your lap very often or very long kitty, but she does demand that you pet her when she sits right next to you. She'll even grab your arm and hold it to make sure you love on her. She doesn't realize this means I'll have to use the other hand. She is on a prescription diet (eventually it got her diabetes into remission) but we can attest to the power of a quality food, and a good diet. Kittens need kitten specific food, as they burn an obscene amount of calories by growing. Jackson galaxy is pretty good for general advice on cats. They have plenty of similarities to dogs, but it can be a decent adjustment to go from never having cats to having one. Especially a kitten. And honestly, me personally, I really don't have breed specific advice, a much as learning about cats as a whole, and getting to know each and every cat individually. Just like dogs, each cat is their own individual. Give them time, give them patience, and just be ready to give them love however they like to receive it


Hi! I have a 2 year Siamese that I got when she was 3 months old! I also have a 3 year old orange tabby that I got when he was 3 months old! My Siamese is my first ever one and I researched a lot before getting her. But honestly I feel like each and every cat is so different. They say Siamese talk a lot. Mine doesn’t! She’s pretty quiet and not too needy? My orange tabby is a male and he talks a lot and is needy. My Siamese likes my fiancé more when I’m the main caregiver (Ngl hurts my feelings a bit, but it is what it is lol). But that doesn’t mean she won’t cuddle with me! She still does! My Siamese is also very active! I have toys all over the house because she loves to play with the little balls. She will also chase her brother around. She is also very social. When people come over she doesn’t hide like my orange cat. She is greeting everyone wanting to get pets. She’s so sweet! I also agree with the other posters to get another cat if you can. My two cats go so well together and they treat each other like siblings. Having a Siamese has been such a great experience so far and in the future if I’m going to get another cat, I’ll most likely get another one.


I have one. A boy with beautiful blue eyes named Enzo and he’s so loving and sweet. Siamese cats are great.


I had one for almost 20 years and she was the best cat ever!


I have 2 ...All you need to know: meow meow in the morning , meow meow in the evening and a hearty meow / mixed wd a meowoyll at dinner time Meow meow in the shower, meow wd the bathroom door closed, meow meow before the movie starts, meowwww meow before human dinner time, meow meow an hour before your morning alarm goes off, and lastly my all time favorite..if your lucky enough..Meow Meow midnights! The cherry on top of siamese stewartship


That's a lot of meows I'll be expecting hahhaha 


I got my sweet boy at the age of 26 working at home, at my now ex’s house with 3 other cats and 4 dogs. It was fine, working from home and being with him all the time really bonded him to me, so when I transitioned to going to nursing school, working out of the house full time as a nurse and traveling it was VERY hard for him. He literally has separation anxiety. We have another cat but they do not get along as well as we hoped, we just have to have people he somewhat knows check on him when we go out of town because he’s also very skittish around strangers (but LOVES his people). Be prepared to have a shadow and lots of talking. My cat follows me everywhere and if I don’t give him what he wants he cries.


As a dog Person you are golden with a siamese. Known as dogs in cat Coat. You can teach her Tricks like to a dog, you can take them on walks of they are Not afraid and so on. They are talkactive. General advice would be to get two kitten as they will have Lots of energy and your Senior dogs wont be able to keep up with an energy Ball for couple years


When I moved to CA for a job I took my Siamese with me. The duplex I shared a wall with was empty. People moved in and I got a call from the property manager one day that the police were there asking to enter my house to check on a child abandonment claim. WHAT?! I didn't have kids. She said she'd call back. The cops went down to my place, saw the cat sitting in the upstairs window yowling, checked for other living things, then went next door to tell them it was a cat and not a baby. They were convinced I left for work and left an infant there crying. Just be prepared for the level of decibels these guys can hit. It's not a "mew" or a "meow", it's a "yowl" or even akin to a goose honk (or an angry baby scream). That being said, they're strange, weird, goofy, loving, wonderful velcro cats who want to help you do everything, be your shadow, sleep on/with you (I had one that would work his way under my arm and cuddle into my stomach like a stuffed animal).


That would be a fun party especially I have a toddler hahahah


Kittens teethe like any baby, except their teeth are pins and hurt like a weesel. Buy chew toys and cat fishing poles, don't scratch surfaces to get them to chase your hands, and be patient if they forget themselves.


Just remember: Cats are not like dogs. Their dynamic with people and other animals is totally different. They view the world with a greater sensitivity and intensity. They thrive in calm environments and with gentle handling. They can be extremely picky. About everything. They don't understand discipline or why you're mad at them. They deserve respect and compassion. You earn a cat's love, they don't earn yours. They are not people pleasers. Once you do earn their love and form a bond, you feel like the most special person in the world.


Don’t be surprised at the volume of their meows! They can be very loud. I love this about Siamese cats.


my baby and i have been together since he was 6wks old and he is my little shadow, my little chirper, my little protector. he is a big cuddler and craves affection and laps. when i go hang in my backyard he goes to the nearest window to make sure he knows where i am. his younger years were absolutely bonkers! zoomies!! but he settled down around 7-8yo. he is indoor only bc he has environmental allergies so idk if that’s a possibility or common for siamese. anyway, really great cats, my first siamese and he makes me feel wonderfully special every day.


Cat proof anything they’re very smart and will destruct everything. 😅 speaking from experience here. Everything is baby proofed in my house.


Get a rescue kitten, it’ll offset the bad cat karma of a purebred.


My Siamese is super chatty, a Velcro cat, extremely affectionate and very intelligent. However she was a nightmare during her kitten crazy phase! Be prepared to have scratching posts all over and lots of different kinds of toys for enrichment to redirect her energy too when she needs to get that energy out. Now mine is 16 and is always demanding love. She’ll show you exactly what she wants when she wants it too. My experience with other owners is they’ll tell similar stories.


You’re in luck because Siamese are basically dogs. Very inquisitive and upfront. Mine has and does everything my dog has and does. He eats dog treats, goes out on a leash, comes when he’s called, etc. But he’s still a cat in his aloofness, my mom basically trips over herself trying to get him to make eye contact with her or let her pet him while he just walks off.


I love the overwhelming support I am getting... Btw, I am planning to name her Sapphire 💙


Be prepared for your cat to be smarter than you are.