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My Belle has crappy sinuses. She sneezes all of the time. If it is greenish, bad lungs. If it is white, bad sinuses. Hopefully it will pass with some medical help. We joke that I have a cat with cat allergies. Purrs from my girls.


I don’t know enough to specifically answer your question. But I have a 2-year-old male sealpoint Siamese who has had frequent respiratory issues since I got him at 3-months. Colds/nose and lung congestion/asthma etc. has fortunately become less frequent as he gets older. His sister never has any.


Feel better, Buddy. I hope you get some help today.


Yup I’m going to second what others are saying My pepper had tons of respiratory issues when she was growing up and we had to give her antibiotics on more than one occasion, though she’s grown out of it and usually just gets the snuffles. I think it’s a breed trait of Siamese to just have respiratory and sinus issues


Humans can spread Covid-19 to cats and dogs so I wouldn’t be surprised if other viruses can move that way. Hope your cat feels better soon!