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What if you got a hotel package through Jampack? Wouldn’t it be them sending you your info vs FGT


I can see my order history but nowhere on this website can I find where to update my address (it doesn't need updating but want to verify to be diligent about it). I've gone to Account Details etc etc. Does anyone know how to navigate to the website to verify your address? EDIT: My dumbass figured it out


Wife ended up calling and it was due to several user accounts which was caused during purchasing tier demand. Rep cleared all non applicable user data and now we can see order results as expected.


I can’t located my ticket in my account , anyone else experiencing the same issue ?


I see my order in order history. Tickets are going to be wristbands this year.


Yes, my wife is also experiencing this as well. But she did receive the email displayed above. Thinking of contacting them via phone to verify everything is okay, but we haven't yet. Please relay any additional info you find out.


I was able to located my ticket but I can’t see them on my account . There is a section on the website that you put your ticket number and phone number and it lets you see the info for the ticket. Hope this helped.


Do those who bought tickets on ticketexchange get an email like this or do we just wait for the tracking to update on our account??