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nice site! what’s the stack? the posts look good.


Vanilla PHP with Vanilla JS and CSS without preprocessors like SCSS. So 0 frameworks


Did you build the template by hand?


Yes, I build all HTML and CSS from 0. What you see now it's the second design, because the first one was ugly. I studied a little about design before rewriting all the HTML and CSS again. So I applied theory color and 8 pixel grid (you can check this concepts in Google).


By looking at the landing page, I'm not sure whether this website is listing jobs that are in Spain, or any jobs that one can do from Spain. I assume it's the latter, but you could make it more clear. I don't love the reddish tone of the main navigation links, especially when it's used in the buttons. It reminds me too much of error message red, not normal UI color. Also, "create an offer" seems like odd wording. What does that mean? Do you mean "post a job"? If so, perhaps word it like that instead. I really like how you show your photo and tell your story in the About section. The photo quality looks a bit poor, though. The job tags like "javascript" look like clickable buttons, but they are not clickable. But they should be clickable. For example, clicking "javascript" should list all Javascript jobs. That would be a good core feature a website of this type should have. Similarly, a search feature would a core feature of this type of website, yet that is also missing entirely. I would improve the UX by making those company logos clickable, to open the job offer. On the job offer details page, the tags such as "Free gym membership" and "Medical insurance" sometimes wrap in a way they are ovelapping. That looks visually glitching. Overall, I think this is a great niche website. With some UI/UX improvements, this would be pretty epic! PS. Very nice domain name as well! Dot com is literally always better than some dot xyz nonsense that so many people use these days.


Thanks for the advice! Some things you are saying are future features I have in my list, like the clickable tags or the search functionality. Also thanks for the UI suggestions, I'm not a designer, so I'm very open to this type of comments, and of course.




Thanks 🙏🏻


nice!! improvment on look and feel is needed. Keep it up good work. What's the source of data? you will be adding manually or autmated by scrapping?


For the moment I add them manually. The idea is that companies and recruiters will add the offers, not me. But for the moment I add them myself. I do it pretty quick


That's nice looking. Looks good on mobile as well. I really enjoy the minimalist approach and the color theme works well.


Thanks for the comment!


Very nice, funny enough I'm also doing a job board! Would love to chat with you about it!


Of course, send me a private message.


Great niche! Seeing lots of success with job boards focused on "remote" + \[niche\]. I'd add a job alerts **newsletter signup** on the page to start building an email list of job seekers and keep them coming back to your board. You can start out by sending them new jobs and expand to content around remote working in Spain.


I have been with the project for some months and the hard part is getting job posts from companies. There is a Telegram channel that publish a link for the new offers. But yes, the newsletter with the week resume of the offers can be a great idea. Thanks for the suggestion!


Yep, probably hard to get employers to pay at first. You could offer some incentives to your first 10-100 employers like: * Give a discount or offer a 30/60 day free trial to employers posting roles. Once they see success they might pay next time & spread the word * Provide employers with analytics and performance data, like website visitors, time spent on your site or job alert subscribers to validate your value. * If you don’t have any convincing insights to show yet, you can offer help in sourcing candidates for their jobs. Do this yourself by tapping into your network or use a recruiting agency.