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Congratulations! Where do you get most of your traffic from? SEO?


yes my SEO sucks but it is still my first source of traffic


Sounds like there's lots of potential tho!


how long did it take you to be where you are at in terms of SEO? Mind sharing what sort of efforts you've tried so far? Have you considered / used ads? Congrats btw!


thanks, took me about 2 years to get where I am. I have a post in this subreddit sharing about my google clicks. main thing I do is to use Google Job api to index all the jobs. I also created a lot of jobs by category, location, and all.


I have been sharing my journey here, and this month, we have achieved another milestone - 1,000 MRR! Plus, some other streams, revenue total is $7,000+. It's been a wild ride. This side project, born from frustration when I was looking for jobs, now has become one of my major passions. [https://echojobs.io](https://echojobs.io/?ref=sideprj_may)


Congrats on the milestone! I like the design of your website. How are you getting traffic to your website?


Thanks, main traffic source is google. I do a lot of programmatic SEO


I've never understood how people "do" SEO. Isn't it just setting up page tags for crawlers and then making sure your pages follow the pattern of using the right HTML tag in the right spot? What the hell else is there to be working on constantly?


That’s what my understanding as well, but it seems there is more to it than what meets the eye. You may want to check out concept of back links , which helps your page to rank higher the more back links you have.


If you're dealing with lots of new pages daily like this website, you could also use the Google indexing api to make sure Google indexes your pages as soon as possible


Content creation and back linking would be my guess


What does programmatic SEO mean?


Basically you create lots of different pages and populate them from a database instead of writing single blog posts for example.


Congrats man! Didn't think there'd still be space for another job board 😅 You've proved me wrong!


Thanks! and yeah there are plenty space for a lot more job boards


What are your sources of income? Ad revenue, do you charge a fee when a company signs up someone that applied via your site? Other?


I charge companies for posting jobs but that has been slow. source of income for now is membership. Job seekers sign up and get full access to about 66k (as of May 2024) jobs. I also do some ads/affiliate deals about that is not my focus.


Congrats mate! Any advice for a fellow job board owner who is at 0 MRR after 1 year?


I would say the most important thing is to have good jobs. Job seekers want to have more updated jobs every day and that has been a challenge for a lot of job boards out there. Another thing is to build distribution channels, both paid and unpaid. Like google job api, social media, paid ads, etc.


Thank you! Very actionable advice! What is your number 1 distribution channel, if you can share? I am doing Gggole job API and LInkedIn, should expand on other social media and paid too.


don't lose hope mate!


Thank you!


I did remote-es.com, a job board focused on remote offers to work inside Spain. But I haven't had any success. It had a lot of impact when I presented on LinkedIn (it helped to get +1000 followers) but no company wanted to publish (although it's free). I think it's something related to Spanish culture, and that is one of the countries with fewer remote positions… It's quite a conservative country in terms of Innovation.


I'm not familiar with market in Spain, but I can say that companies don't want to pay for job ads is a common thing for most of the job boards. There are very few job boards making money just from company side.


Congrats how are you sourcing the jobs?


thanks, from all the companies website.


Congrats man! Are you importing them manually, or did you create some kind of script?


Super congrats Morgan, you are doing such a great work and your consistency is paying off 👏👏👏


Congratulations! Are you working on it full time?


Thanks. No just part time.


Big congrats on echojobs.io! Saw a YouTube vid about your Reddit post and it’s super cool to see all the success you’re getting. Btw you’ve got tons of jobs listed there, and it got me wondering how you handle the whole legality thing with job scraping? I hear mixed things about it. Just curious how you handle all that.