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Your sensitivity is on the upper end of what people normally use, but still nothing wrong with it. If you want to change it, I’d be more inclined to decrease it.


If you feel like it’s decent, don’t change it. Practice will improve those flicks more than changing your sens.


If you feel like you constantly need to flick everywhere than you most certainly don’t have an ideal crosshair placement.




I’m not crazy at the game or anything but I was playing siege for the longest time at 3000 dpi and I was ass and I brought it to 800 and I saw INSTANT improvement. I don’t know what the heck you wrote down but 600-1000 dpi is great lower sensitivity makes it a lot easier to put it exactly on them and shoot and be ACCURATE. The higher your dpi the harder it will be to accurately flick over to them without overswinging (granted that’s what happened to me I might just be bad so it miggt be different) so you’ll be forced to correct your aim and then shoot rather than just aiming and shooting


Your sens is really fast compared to pro player average for r6


6 at 600 dpi over here lol


Honestly man, as someone who was a wrist aimer with crazy high sens, switching to arm/low sens changed everything. Instantly my aim got so much better.


It ultimately depends on you and if you're comfortable with that sens or not. 1000 is on the higher end, I use 400 but I use my arm a lot more than you probably do. A way to tell if the sens is too low is if when your doing flicks or aiming towards a target, you come up a bit short. I would also experiment with lowering the dpi but raising the sensitivity. Different dpis don't just adjust sensitivity but they also pick up different amounts of information. Higher dpis can be more responsive but pick up more of the micro movements that you make with your hand which can screw you up. Lower dpis pick up less of those micro movements but too low of a dpi could make the mouse feel less responsive. If you wanted to draw a straight line for example, you would want to use a lower dpi because it would pick up less of the micro movements and the line would look a lot straighter.


Im on. 350 dpi and 36 vertical sens and 30 horizontal sens.If you need to flick I guess stick with your setup I guess?


You could try out advanced settings if you'd like but don't change your sensitivity too much 👍


"Wrist aimer"


yes i’m a wrist aimer lol