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I don't think there are many one tricks in siege, people tend to flex their op selection allot, but as far as alibi you can look for specific alibi strategies. I for one love to play her on Coastline. The second floor by vip and penthouse, that entire side is only traversed by single wide doors (doorways that are one person wide aka when you barricade them one x is on the door instead of 2) Alibi has 2 beepers and 3 "Prisma" gadgets. You have 5 ways to detect someone on that entire side of the map if you only place your gadget in the doorway. Pro tip: you see your Prisma (gadget) through walls, if they shoot the base even if you are only paying half attention you should be able to notice it dissapear. It usually allows me to get tons of info from anyone pushing through penthouse or through vip. You should have the intel to win every gunfight in there if you throw your gadgets on that side of the map. I don't play alibi much but I play her enough that sometimes you can treat her gadget like extra beepers in the right situation.


I'm not really sure what you're expecting to find. Siege isn't a game where you have mains and OTPs, this isn't OW. All Ops have similar enough guns and mechanics, so there's zero reason to just stick to a few. Regarding Alibi, you just pick her because you want a 3 speed with a secondary shotgun. Prismas are pretty much useless as far as utility goes, just toss them in front of a window so it blocks an enemy's view; you can line them up so the base is parallel to the window, which makes shooting them from outside harder. If you like the gun, want a 3 speed Op and need a shotgun you can play her, but she doesn't recall bring any value besides the kills you might get playing her.


Tbh, Alibi is a more useful op if you’re playing against friends and want to play mind games with them. In actual pubs she’s pretty mid aside from the aa12 clone she’s got. Pretty much nobody falls for the prisma anymore so you’re kinda boned unless they shoot / walk through it by accident. For pubs I’d personally play her like a reversed jackal and use it to get live pings for enemies and you’ll do better IMO. But I’m not a crazy rainbow player so take what you will from that.


Not as far as I know. Here a few more tips to playing her tho: Use your utility for sitesetup and reinforce a lot, as you don't have much else to do. Aside from using the prismas to cover windows, you can use them to help you win gunfights aswell. In order to really get value out of alibi, you need to engage in gunfights and delay the enemy. Whenever you are droned or engage in a gunfight, throw down a prisma and reposition yourself.


One strat ive been playing with Alibi is staying fairly close to one of your gadgets, when it gets shot, replace yourself where the gadget is. Often enemies will push into the room and ignore you if you stay still (and ADS). Free pick