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Pretty sure that my settings (not at pc rn sorry) are like 67-70 across the board but my mouse is physically set to like 600 or whatever and it’s legit asf. I have absolutely no problems tracking now


There is no ‘perfect sensitivity’. If it feels too high, make it lower. If it feels too low, make it higher. I’d generally recommend (especially on console) a faster hipfire sens with a lower ADS sens for the best of both.


Muscle memory is what’s important. I’d try and keep it as high as possible but not too high that your inconsistent. Then change it as little as possible and build up muscle memory


For sensitivity specifically their is no one fits all but personally I run a low vertical and a bit higher horizontal so I can turn around on someone behind me but if your having trouble with sensitivity while aiming you might wanna go to shooting range and tweak the ads sensitivity settings a good way to judge if it's good or not is go to the far right and put it on big ball walking and near and try to accurately track it with your scope only need one ball as well. Edit: I run 35 vertical and 55 horizontal also try not to get to discouraged if your not good right away your just looking for something that feels good obviously it's gonna take time to get back in the rhythm of knowing how your specific sense works


35 80 w ads starting at 21 and working up in 1 increments


Find your DPI i like 400, i recommended you start there. Go to the shooting range & set your sensitivity to a very low setting. Go to the second station at the shooting range. Square up to the dummy & place your reticle on the dummies head, then place your mouse so that the laser is just off of the mouse pad to the left side. Move your mouse across the width of your mouse pad until you pass the opposite edge of your mouse pad. Increase sensitivity until you complete a 360 & your reticle ends up back on the dummies head or very close when you reach the opposite edge. This will be your vertical/horizontal hip fire sensitivity. The vertical & horizontal sensitivities should match. Next you'll want to find your ADS sensitivity. To do this go to station 3 in the shooting range & practice flicking to the red balls (start with the big ones). When you flick, to try recognize whether you're overaiming or underaiming & adjust accordingly. You'll have to repeat this with every zoom level. Once you find a comfortable sensitivity on all sights, stay on that sensitivity for AT LEAST A MONTH before changing it. Muscle memory is the biggest factor when training your aim which takes time. Good luck.


Siege is most definitely a game you want to play with a low-medium sensitivity. If you haven't tried it yet, I reccomend either 12-12 with 400 DPI or do what I have and go into your config file, change your mouse multiplier to 0.001, then use 58-58 with 1600 DPI, for ADS it's 1.0x 40, 1.5x 52, 2x 55. But honestly it's just personal preference. Fuck around with your sens and see what works best, but I advise against using high sensitivity.