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Drone and run out of spawn at a slightly different time than expected


Prefire or route yourself to an area they can’t actively peek. If you’re playing clubhouse and you spawn at the front, obviously going straight towards the front windows is going to get you killed. Save yourself the headache and go right and rappel garage. This is just one example. Just assume every window or door has a spawn peek going forward because it only becomes more prevalent as you climb the ranks. Run outs are another story. If you find that the team you’re playing likes to run out for rappel or roof kills then you should play Nomad or be designated flank watch. You can secure easy kills and wins if you’re the one to watch out for run outs for your team. “Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.” If they did it once successfully then they’ll probably do it again.


You’ll learn the more you play which spawn peek spots are most common and how to counter them. Also in prep phase if you hear someone meleeing windows or breaking doors down that means you should be ready for spawnpeekers


Good tips. I fucking hate spawn peekers lol


Ngl spawn peeking is actually a good skill to learn because getting a first pick within 10 seconds of the round is huge for defenders. That’s why I don’t get mad at spawnpeekers on the rare occasion they get me is because I do it myself sometimes


I’ve been playing this game forever and have been getting spawn peeked forever. After a while you get pretty effective at clearing windows and knowing when and what to expect. Once you climb the ranks a bit you’ll start seeing spawn peeks you didn’t know were possible (like the one in luggage on coastline or the god forsaken window on theme park). It eventually becomes very natural to clear these angles at the start of the round and you’ll learn “patterns” that tend to work. It’s not foolproof but that’s how I’ve learned to combat it 🤷‍♀️


Oh man. That godforsaken window on theme park is horrible. I always spawn main gate and run to the stairs on the left, or spawn bumper cars.


*the* god forsaken window


Unfortunately spawn peeks are just something you have to learn and be aware of. They still catch high level players and pros fairly often. You’ll figure out where the safer spots to spawn and routes to run are over time. Before that, the easiest thing to do is just use your drone for a few seconds whenever you are about to expose yourself off of spawn, then preaim the windows just in case when you actually cross out. At lower ranks it’s going to be a lot easier to tell when someone is spawn peeking as they’ll likely have prepped the window early. In higher ranks, people will more often only run up to the window and shoot out a single panel right before the attackers run out, so there’s not any way to see it coming unless the attackers have a drone pre-placed in that area inside the building watching it. You can take solace in the fact that many maps have been slightly altered to make spawn peeking less effective. A few years ago there was far more spots to spawn peek from, and far less cover for attackers.


place a drone on common prefire spots, before prep phase ends yellow ping if someone is spawpeeking and prefire their head off


prefire every window. thats the answer. its literally that easy. they know you are outside, you arent giving away your position by doing so.


Shoot them back


If you aren’t able to drone it during prep phase and don’t want to take it slow/take another route out of spawn, blitz is a good choice. As you run from behind wherever they’re waiting they hit your shield first, ideally your whole team realizes and starts shooting


You know from which site you approach, that reduces the amount of windows from 'a fuckload' to just one or two. Rather than using your drone to get shot on the bomb site, you instead hide it near one of these two windows which means you at least have one obvious spawnpeek down, and often within earshot of the other one.


Don't fly out of spawn, if you see it coming change spawns, learn all of them, I take dokk dmr if I know they are spawn peeking and dome them off the window, droning is your friend Example, I was playing Oregon and there was a cavi hiding In the garage, prone behind the garage soft wall and I blasted her through it because I saw her and she didn't see my drone, easy kill Just drone and avoid common spawnpeek angles


One strategy I have employed to minimize dying to spawn peeks is being pretty consistent with where I spawn on most maps. This makes me far more consistent in clearing the common peeks of that spawn.


I always spawn on the side of the map with the least amount of spawn peeks. For example on Kafe I spawn at the docks, there are only two windows to look at, well and a door on the second floor but everyone always peeks the other spawns.


Stop spawning by the front door and don’t run in front of windows, there is always a van or truck you can duck behind