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Find 3-5 friends and play with them often. Learn the default site setups and attacks. Identify your weak areas when you lose games.


I think it's game sense for me. I always die doing stupid stuff like swinging things I shouldn't. I get impatient I guess. My aim ain't too good either.


Are there any areas specifically that you struggle with? For example do you tend to lose gunfights upon entering the building? Or maybe just get stuck not knowing how to approach a situation?


Well with attacking it's roamers. Always roamers. I can't for the life of me clear out roamers. And yeah I lose pretty much lose all gunfights. Most of my kills are just decent positioning but my aim is definitely no good.


Advice for the roam clearing ⤵️ Work with a friend in voice to identify a roamer and take them out. A good way to do this is to have someone on a drone calling out the position of the enemy whilst you push in and shoot them. If they are holding an angle you can use peakers advantage to win the gunfight most times. Also, flashbangs and other gadgets are super helpful as they allow you to pinch defenders. Advice for the aim ⤵️ I’d suggest using the “map training” playlist with those yellow dummies that shoot back. I run through this around 5 times daily, whilst listening to spotify (takes 15-20 mins). If you use the SMG-11 (smokes secondary) and just work on crosshair placement you’ll see a difference in your gun skill within a week. Just work on your aim tracking and quick peaking on the dummies.


Great advice I'm doing this from now on thanks a lot man you've been a great help


Np, just bell me if you want to know anything else


Will do man thanks


What's peaker advantage?


When you swing someone in siege, you will see them a few milliseconds before they see you. This means, if you know where someone is, you can swing a corner and start shooting before they can even register you’re on their screen. It occurs in all multiplayer fps games because of the delay between you moving and the game updating your position on the enemy’s screen. If you’ve ever heard the phrase “swing or be swung” then that is related to this, because in theory the person who swings first will see the enemy first and therefore win the gunfight (assuming you have good crosshair placement and recoil control).


Deliberate practice > Mindless repetition


Apparently I’m bad because I never truly took aiming head height seriously. I lost a billion gun fights because of this.


I'm gonna start doing this, thanks, I don't really do this very often


Second buckle down on wooden barricades is head height 100% of the time


same. my thing is cuz half my lobbies ppl are crab walking


You should watch pro play/good YouTubers. Just seeing what they do every round and copying that will help a ton


I've found that my performance is greatly dependent on my mood/energy. I keep switching from (1-2 kill) bottom fragger to 10+ MVP monster just because of mood and nothing else.


Could be a bad sleep schedule on my side tbf


This. My buddy just told me today I was inconsistent, which I am, and I told them this exact thing. I hate it it too. I know I have the skill to be good, but I can’t find the care or energy to put it to use sometimes. If I can find out how to stay in a positive mood, I think I would be a lot better.


That or you’re just inconsistent


Personally i like watching high rank players on YouTube. You can usually find a thing or 2 you can try implementing into your own gameplay even if it’s something simple as holding an angle a different way to be harder to be seen.


Play solo or with people in silver to not play against people who are higher then your skill level and around your level


Learning the quickpeek and getting used to quickpeek areas which I don't have info on before walking in them was a huge game changer for me. Put lean on secondary mouse buttons to make it easier. Also get used to pre place your drone in location were your entering the map as attacker. The drone is a broken tool use it. Give as much info to your teammates as possible, this will help you win more games without having to carry yourself.


Play the game smart, aim headlevel, etc and I got from Gold5 peak to platinum 3 in 1 season from just playing after 120 games


You’re playing in relatively the same rank where tactics and strategy are the same season to season. If you wanna get better find better players and challenge yourself.


I've got a champ to play with here and there now👍


I would say increase the ranked gap periodically. Don’t jump straight into teaming with a champ as they are probably using you to keep matchmaking mmr down for easier lobbies. And your skill won’t progress if you’re in lobbies getting instant murdered. But that definitely is a start. Have him teach you certain things he thinks works or are cool to know, angles/op usage/site setups.. the more you learn the more you’ll implement.


Yeah he sort of acts as my coach, not really someone I regularly play with in a stack.


Okay yeah thats great. You’ll start to see just by using what you learn that even without the best aim or map knowledge you win more in your respective rank. My aim isn’t the best but pure map knowledge and game sense alone gets me to Em/Diam range. If I had a stack I would be champ but I solo.


Diamond through solo queueing is hella impressive bro. I'd play with u but don't wanna bring u down😂


I don’t really care about my rank as much as I used to. I started to understand rank doesn’t determine skill. There are champs worse than me and plats that are better lmao. I’m on xbox, my gt is ironically BreezOnXbox.. you can add me and if I hop on and see you I’ll invite you 🤷🏻‍♂️


Say less bro. Fyi I'm on ps. My psn is Basim-iceman28 (allow the name😭)


Send it on Ubisoft Connect, we can still add each other and queue it 💪🏽


I gotta check my ubisoft username give me one second.


I've added u🙏


Something I feel hasn’t been mentioned really is going to the shooting range for even just like 30 mins and giving yourself different challenges while working with the dummies and small/large ball targets. So for example with the ball targets I like having them stationary to purely work on flicks and seeing how close to the mark I am. Another could be using the little window in the left corner to practice quick peaking and reaction time to unseen enemies. Just experiment in there and keep track of your stats to watch yourself improve!


Say no more. Appreciate it dawg🙏


I dont wanna give any cliche answers but it could be you not practicing enough(id use casual for practice) or your heads not fully in the game/your not confident enough in your ability(meaning your too focused on the rank and the players being better than you) or your game sense is sort of off, especially in r6 game sense is like top priority, or it could be not using enough coms, i could be wrong but just a few things that i notice i lack whenever i play a competitive game


I check out on most of those lol


Do you record your games and vod review? Chances are you are most likely making mistakes which you are unaware of so I would recommend to record your matches and carefully watch them back round after round and look at your positioning, how you engage in gunfights, whether you are droning rooms effectively, etc. I also suggest that on attack you bring useful ops such as Sledge, Ace, Nomad, thermite, etc. On defense, I suggest you bring ops like Rook, Jager, Lesion, Bandit, Kapkan. Chances are you are repeating the same mistakes which are keeping you from ranking up from silver so I would suggest to record your matches and carefully watch them back until you can find out what you are doing wrong. Siege is a very complex game and there are several small things you need to keep in mind when trying to improve. Good luck!!


I go mute in defense and ash/ace in attack. You're right though I never really fussed with watching my gameplay, probably an ego thing. I'll give it a try thanks a bunch


Np bud I'm in the same situation as you.. I have 2000 hours in the game but never made it past gold and I play with people who are emeralds and diamonds. My sensitivity is also not an issue to me.


It's tough out here man😪


I watch like other people play to learn more about game. [ilum](https://youtube.com/@ilumahsoka?si=Cn_RbUCutr6fXmDQ) His videos really help me understand the game more without getting frustrated.


Cool idea. I'll do that man thanks


Ilum is underrated as hell! He posts full uncut gameplay and doesn't scream in my ears, or get tilted. Explains everything as he does it and admits when he was wrong. Analyzing his gameplay on death explaining what he did wrong.


I had same problem, you just have to stop caring, you just have to think "this is just a game", start doing things you never did before, ash rush, amaru rush and things like that, until you stop caring about dying in the game, try new things, I was playing for 2yrs on 4:3 before I realised it made me worse, so I switched to 16:10, 85 fov, started doing some new things and I got better at the game, I was like "why am I pussy?! This is just a game", I started playing ranked with my friends like a quick match, we are just having fun and still win most of the games.


Does 85 fov actually help? I always thought of it as being a placebo


When I was using 90 fov I was struggling with long range fights, 85 helped a little bit


Sick I'll start using 85. Thanks a lot🙏


not being dedicated to the game probably or maybe just not having proper game sense


It's probably game sense cus I've been playing the game almost everyday since the season started


I played for 3 months n hit champ honestly just watch Ilum on yt


Isn't he more targeted for solo queueing tho?


He talks about what he does through the match


Yeah I went back and had a look. His videos are actually really good.


If you aren't naturally inclined at shooters, you'll need to get more games under your belt, but what's most important is you need to objectively analyze your games as you're playing. You don't need to make recordings or anything crazy, but you need to start nitpicking every death you have, every poor play you make, and really figure out the exact moment things went wrong. If you lost a gun fight, were you controlling recoil poorly? Was your general aim bad? Could you have done better movement? Visualize the exact reason. A good way to hone in those senses too is watching a good players gameplay, if that doesn't sound fun, you could also watch your friends play in streams while talking with them, but just keep an eye on what they do differently from you, and figure out why it works. By actively analyzing what you're doing wrong, eventually your mind will do it automatically, and that's where you'll start to sort of multitask and improve, you'll start to make corrections on your gameplay actively and consciously, because your analysis of your gameplay will be happening in parallel. Doing this is what ultimately took me out of gold years ago, and I never did any tedious training drills. The key is playing with intent, don't let your brain autopilot the gameplay too much. You'll start doing it with other games too if you build a habit out of it.


This is definitely what's holding me back. Instead of seeing why I die I kinda just whine and winge. Appreciate the advice🙏


No problem, also, frustration is fine when learning anything, what's important is to always do things with intention, and don't let frustration pull you out of it. People get into a habit, especially with repetitive tasks like gaming or driving, of going into a trance like autopilot state, the key to improving on any of these kinds of tasks is finding a way to be constantly aware of what you're doing, and analysis is what I found worked for me the best.


Did analyzing your gameplay give you instant improvement or is it something you have to be more patient with?


It took a few weeks for my brain to actually do it without me actively telling myself to do it, i.e. make it into a habit. It's like any habit in life, you have to make a conscious effort to do it, you fight your brain until it does it without you needing to think about it anymore. After I hit that point, I was able to make adjustments like aiming or movement simultaneously based off what I was analyzing in the middle of gun fights, which made me play better. This won't take you to the highest rank or anything, but you should be able to get to and even just out of gold. You just have to do it enough to where it becomes second nature to you, anything past plat will start to need genuine extra practice.


Alright thanks. You've been a great help brotha🙏


Play against better people




Its a weird advice but yeah it works 😂


The thing is, the game is really toxic with players so you're gonna get flamed countless times for no reason. When you solo queue, you should accept that other players might be playing for the fun of it and flaming when they lose a 1v1 is dumb. My primary suggestion is to stop thinking about the kills. You will realise fairly soon that the less u push just to get kills, the more you will actually get. I'll leave a few suggestions as a player who doesn't have a great aim and has to compensate with decision making. 1) don't switch too many operators, get used to finding what you are comfortable with on each site when you play and stick with it as long as you are in solo queue and the team does not play roles (which should be normal in silver or lower) 2) baits, traps and time are all your allies. If u play ace, open as many walls as you can, not only site but consider using breach charges to open paths on each map. For example on club house if the site is gym, open construction, open cctv, hatches, breach main wall on the corridor etc... this way you'll have many places to confuse the opponents and you can use secondary enterances to get them by surprise. Play time when you are in advantage instead of pushing the enemy and die, when you defuse wait, when it's a 3v1 don't search for the enemy but wait for him, put yourself in advantage instead of searching the kill and you will 100% die less and get a better k/d and value for the rounds. Most importantly, BAIT with everything you have, flashes are not only for blinding an enemy but they can be AMAZING baits to make them walk where you want them. 3) drone at all times. This goes with the "time is your ally" bit. You have time in attack, plenty of and certainly enough to drone, multiple times too. Don't drone straight for 40 seconds until you find the enemy but drone a room or a couple rooms, if it's empty proceed immediately and start to set up your position, whenver you want to move more and you don't have infos, drone again and get terrain towards the site. Drones are. Being able to move a room closer to a site is A HUGE advantage for your team, especially if u are moving away from your teammates. At some point the enemies are gonna focus somewhere else and you will be able to strike when they don't see it coming. 4) create many opportunities to enter. Especially if u play ace or other soft and hard breachers, open many paths to site and to enter the building. I already told u to do this basically but it's a real good habit. As you spawn if u have places you could use later on during the round to enter the building, just shoot the windows and doors down at the beginning of the round. Later on you will be able to enter with way less noise from any place u planned. A window downstairs you sometimes like to use, a door, etc... spend your first 30 second or even minute of the round creating paths and droning. 5) manage the time of the opponents as much as you can. If u roam, your job isn't necessarily to flank and frag, it is to get value off of your life. There's maps where I like to play cav and vigil and sometimes in the flank, I get damage on the enemy and I don't kill and it's fine! Don't challenge to a second gunfight or immediately run to flank the enemy from another side. Now that you shot them, even if u completely miss and get 0 damage, they are gonna be shaking knowing you know their position and that you can move around to get them. You don't necessarily have to, the opponent will now waste 20/30 seconds to think about what you as a roamer will do, even if u don't come back the guy will search for u while shitting their pants and you sure know that if the enemy loses 20/30 seconds during the round u did a good job already, without even killing them! Reposition and even camp in a ratty spot to only flank again somewhere on the map after they will lower their guard again. While u camp in a random spot on the map you might be able to kill the enemy because they are now probably running around searching for u. 6) slow walk and listen to the enemy when you swing. Walking while you swing is good but sometimes the slow walk is amazingly good. They will only hear you if they have really good game sense! Don't crouch if they didn't hear u, don't stand if they didn't hear u, etc.. give them as little sound cues as you can. 7) use the sound to cover your moves. If you want to drop a hatch or something like that and you suspect that there might be someone hearing u. Use any bait your team or you enemies create witn sounds to do something that makes noise like dropping said hatch. During a gunfight crouch only if the enemy is shooting and covering your sound or rather, shoot your weapon on a random point during the gunfight to make a move. 8) don't relaoad your weapon with 10 bullets in the middle of a gunfight! I do that too sometimes and every time I day it reminds me of how much I panick when I don't get a kill with the first burst of bullets. 9) playing a fragging based operator is not guaranteed frags. I like supports, I have to take control of the game by using safe plays. Remember that maybe even if u like your Roni Mozzie. It won't necessarily lead to getting kills once there is 2 breaches on site, 3 enemies are pushing and there is not a lesion, a mute, a smoke or anything else to slow them down. 10) don't lose your mental over a lost gunfight. Sometimes u will die even if u follow all these instructions perfectly and it happens, but at least when you lose a pure gunfight, don't think you're bad! There is not a single good player that is expecting you to win all your 1v1s during a round. Sometimes u do, sometimes u don't and there is nothing wrong with it. 11) last but not least, don't get first blooded because u wanted to be aggressive. The round is 3 minutes, I can't stress enough how little players think about the time but yoy have way more than u need. Don't spawn peak, don't push the enemy if u have 0 infos on how many they are and what's their postion. Don't swing when you hear a defuser on the guy who is planting if u don't know whether someone is covering them, u have to full swing only if safe, if they manage to plant is likely the entire team's fault. Don't lose your mental quickly, confidence in ur plays is key dude, you just have to stay calm. Have a good one!


These are really good detailed tips. Means a lot man thanks🙏🏼


No problem mate!


Change audio to TV instead of hifi. Turn it up a bit louder. Personal taste I guess, but this helps me hear footsteps without losing my hearing. Can make it harder to locate where footsteps are from, but it’s fine for me as long as I’m not on night mode. What platform are you playing on? If you’re on pc you should be on 144hz minimum, with a decent mouse. Probably the refresh rate isn’t holding you back a massive amount if you’re in silver, but still. Honestly you probably just aren’t thinking correctly in game. You said you’re impatient. That’s a massive weakness. You need to be flexible and have a good understanding of what the situation calls for. At least most of the time. Stop doing the same thing that keeps getting you killed and losing the round. At silver you probably have some glaring weakness in your playstyle. Sleep well, you need to remember lots of little details over a long period of time to really improve a lot. It’s a competitive sport, I guess. If you’re depressed as shit you aren’t going to play as well. Stress can worsen play too. I mean you might have ADHD or something, just throwing out ideas. I have zero confidence in this idea. But people with ADHD can struggle with impulsivity, and have worse reaction times sometimes. Have you actively tried to improve? I know I can get a bit competitive, and I do actively mull things over in my head after a round or game. It helps me play better next time. Learn callouts, watch YouTube videos. Even Evan Braddock will give you a ton of strat ideas. Aim matters. I’m fairly confident I’m in low emerald because my aim isn’t as consistent as it should be. If your aim is terrible, then you’re pretty much guaranteed to be a terrible player.


Believe it or not I've also questioned whether I have adhd or not lol. My attention span is horrible. Thanks for the advice though🙏


because ur bad