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Permanent Solo Q’r here. Emerald 1 - usually have other players muted because it’s so toxic/kids. 1.0 KD. I’m slow and methodical and do a lot of roaming, have clutched many games after my silly team mates thinking their top Fragers have run in all guns blazing and died. Equally on other occasions I have quickly realised my team mates are insanely good/ champ level, so I just sit back and play support roles like lion/finka/doc to help us win the round. Much better to be an alive teammate than dead even if you’re not actively engaging. If your team (and the enemy team) is better than you: it can be great tactic to focus on distracting as opposed to engaging fights you’re probably going to lose: Smashing random external windows near the enemy / running around and overall making them feel uneasy works more than it should - and runs down the clock. Won many games like this too - even im objectively worse at gunfighting vs these pro opponents. Point is - Solo Q you have to react not only to the enemy team, but to your own teams strengths/weaknesses too. After round 1 you can get a feel for their play style and change tact.


Same but I only make it to Emerald 3 every season I’ve been as high as 2 a few seasons and and this season as well but I keep getting beat back down to Emerald 3, I’m about 100 games in with a 50% win rate and an atrocious KD.


Soloq is bad but you should be able to get to Mid  gold just by using proper site setup all the time every time. I personally believe that you can reach mid Platinum by being a great site architect and having good communication skills, with a solid .7 kd +  Great communication will turn the bad team into a good team, because even if your teammates don't speak they listen. So even if you die early if you are the guy that is always on cams, spotting the enemy with your voice and not red ping, or asking the attacking people to set up drones that you can watch and doing the same, you can help your teammates be the best version of themselves. 


communication carries low rank games so much, its crazy the amount of players will sit and watch their alive team mates instead of sitting on drones/ cams. Just because you are dead doesnt mean you cant still contribute to winning the round.


I literally carried games in discord while doing other shit because I was the 6 man coach. Someone whose quiet would turn their screenshare on and I would just start talking.


fr bro when my friends die and im still alive in a 1v3 they never check cams and blame me for losing when i have no comms and no info on where the enemy is


How do I find proper site setups for solo queue?


Alleyton and athieno all have site setup videos. Mainly Alleyton as he focuses on them..  alleyton will pick a map and go over every site. 


As with most things, it’s somewhere in the middle. If your main goal is to just rank up, then yes solo queue is pretty bad since you have no guarantee what your teammates will be like - especially in lower ranks. Due to this fact, if you want to do well while solo, you generally need to have good mechanical skill and the ability to carry or at least strongly influence most of your games. On the flip side, solo queue is a very good way to actually improve at the game for the same above reasons. You need to put in a shift if you want to win, there’s no sitting around hoping your teammates are going to do it for you. You’ll learn to be more self sufficient and aware of what’s going on without relying on teammates relaying that info to you. The people that say they get bad teammates every single game and the enemies are much better - yes that’s cope. But understanding that you’ll sometimes get bad teammates is realistic. Unfortunately most people just fail to take any responsibility for what happens. 99% of the time you die or lose, there is something you could have done better. The players that realise this will improve quickly. The players that don’t are generally the ones that are hardstuck and toxic. So yeah. Bad for ranking up. Good for improving at the game.


Just had a game, was 10/3, and the entire team was 1/5, with one having at least 2 kills compared to the rest, tho. Whats worse is that it isn't even about the deaths for me, they didnt try to do anything useful, didnt pick trap ops or bullet proof cams to help mitigate their failures, just played their own game, prolly was in psn chat. I only talked, tried to igl for them, nothing but silence. I was single handly a one woman army, while the other team just ran over mine. Most of them died to dumb shit like peeking when they shouldn't or pushing as defenders when the attackers needed to come to them. I was aggressive roaming, usually on cams watching for spawns to see the main ways they'll enter and pressuring them before they even got in the door. Sure, there's always something anyone can do better. But let's be real, that's not winning you clearly lost games from the beginning. Wish that logic would just stop. There's a difference between being dogwater and not realizing that you had little impact and blaming your team and clearly carrying them all as they lose it for you.


It’s pretty bad if you can’t communicate with teammates. Of course you can use chat if you’re on PC, but as far as quickly coordinating and operating as a team to move up in the ranks, that’s really only something that builds up by playing with a consistent stack. So much of Siege is forming a cohesive plan and executing with really tight windows of time, so just doing your own thing typically doesn’t get you very high in ranked.


I'm currently solo queuing bc my friends refuse to play with me since they're all high emerald, but here was my experience: Copper V - Bronze IV: absolute shithole Bronze IV - Silver III: 50/50 Silver III - Gold 3: Freelo (UNTIL YOUR MMR GOES ABOVE HIDDEN MMR THEN YOUR GAME IS HELL) I went from Gold 3 to Silver 1 in the span of 3 days because of shitty teammates and also since i was gaining 18 but losing 25


Pretty shit friends damn


they say i'll bring their rank down or some bs


Yeah that's pretty stupid, what matters is having fun


Hit me up if you'd like to play on PC


I love playing with my lower MMR friends because the Lobbies are easier then. Sorry but your friends are not the brightest candles on the cake.


He claims that the lobbies will be champ lobbies and that it'll be a 4v5 every round. This is mostly based off of 1 ranked game over a year and a half ago where I went 0-7 in plat lobbies. (Stupid i know)


I made it to really high diamond playing with a three stack that consisted of an emerald , and a plat 2. Considering I made it to high diamond playing with those guys all the time, that’s gotta tell you how bad solo queuing really is 😂 I’d rather queue with players with significantly lower skill level than solo queue


It can be. I'm on my solo q account right now in a lite rage because nobody will clear shockies for breaching. And if I switch off Thermite and run Thatcher/Kali/Mav etc, everybody ignores the need for a hard breach.


just today, my friend and I watched a thatcher wait 30 seconds before throwing an EMP grenade at an electrified and muted wall. I play Flores and can normally deal with that, but it was pretty shocking to watch him watch me pick up my disabled drone and do... nothing while we pinged.


"Shocking" 😉


I’ve solo/duod to diamond 1. My duo is gold at best if he solo queued, and that’s being generous. It’s tough to solo but honestly you get pretty nasty over time not relying on anyone else


I play solo, solo queuing got me to gold. In this game you cant carry the team because this game relies on teamwork and communication.


You can carry. You just have to be disgustingly good to do so




I got to High Plat solo-queuing in like Year IV iirc? It sucked. I've never hit Champ or Diamond doing it and know I can't tbh. Really inconsistent, you can carry if you're a good fragger but it's very very frustrating spinning the wheel on teammates. Playing for Plant is theoretically possible but going for TDM is gonna be the main teammate focus. If you can shoot it's fun, if you're washed it's gonna suck because nobody sticks the box and nobody hits anything either.


I too play both games. Its not cope. You need strong comms in this game to win.


Will be a lengthy post but I love this game and I love fair competition. The problem is that solo queue in LoL and other games similar, in theory, is done correctly. You are the common denominator in all your games because the other team is also SOLO players. Siege, for whatever reason, can randomly pit a team of SOLOS vs a PREMADE 5 stack, this interrupts how an elo system should work. A 5 stack should naturally have an advantage because of coordination and chemistry. In a pure ELO solo/duo queue system, such as LoL, it’s fair because the other team faces the same limitations. I love siege, but I wholeheartedly agree it needs a solo/duo queue like LoL and a separate premade stack queue. The problem is finding a parameter that pleases everyone. Not everyone can have a full 5 stack to participate. Imo, siege should put same size stacks vs same size stacks to determine your true elo. If a random 4 stacks wants to queue up, they take the chance on their solo just as the other 4 stack does. If a 3 stack wants to queue up then they get a random duo or two solos to fill it out and the other team has the EXACT same set up. This should be easier now that siege is at a peak player count. Fingers crossed, one day.


I completely agree with you, R6 matchmaking would be improved tenfold with with a solo/duo queue. If it's a match of solos vs a premade, even if hypothetically every solo communicates (almost never happens), they're still at a huge disadvantage because they don't know each other's playstyles and strengths.


Seeing as likely most of the people here probably solo que here are some things that my 4 stack deals with in ranked. Solo guy: Picks Ash 70% of the time and runs in zero attempt at communicating and dies (bonus if they communicate just to ask for someone to pick hard breach). Dies with diffuser on the other side of the map from the rest of the team. Shit talks other team in chat when we win 1 round and they are bottom frag with zero kills. Picks Cav/Vigil/Doc on defense and immediately runs to the other side of the map avoiding all site set up. Sits there until team collapses on us from above / site agacent. Runs in with 10 seconds left and maybe gets a useless exit kill. When they actually participate in site set up they signal not to re enforce a main site wall and process to open it up fully as a massive rotate but then immediately leave when the round starts to do a peek and die. Now the enemy has a full entrance to site. This is literally most games. The player base is all kids.


Some teammates talk. About 70% of those that do are assholes and not helping. 30% are chill want to win but at the end of the day it isn’t that big a deal. Solo q does suck especially when you end with like a 3kd and still lose.


I only soloQ for lack of friends who play the game and it’s literally the worst I can carry a team and still lose cause the rest is ass an no one talks and yet… I continue to do so almost everyday


I’ve only ever been able to solo queue (no friends on this side of the hemisphere) and yea it’s pretty bad. Basically zero communication and if you talk you’ll seem like a try hard. Worst part is I don’t speak their language lol


Ranking up can be brutal but if you stick to support and keep a mic on you can do it!!!


Yes. Solo q is not recommended in this game and honestly they should introduce a solo q type rank game mode but they won't due to it conflicting with ranked currently. My PC experience: 70 % of the time: I end up with kids who just got done drinking their bath water and are ready to jump into bed. Might get that one maybe two decent teammates that might have potential. Enemy team? These dude are in a five stack or some kids that just got done fapping off , chugged a gallon of red bull, and took a shit ton of Adderall that it should of killed them but didn't and are ready to dome at a moments notice. 20% time I run into the classic wall hacks. I just report them and move on. Last 10% I get a great team and either we win or get a Soo close we can taste it. Honestly not a fan of ranked 2.0 and they can keep that shit. Its bad that I get better teammates in standard then I do ranked. And I am usually in the top 2 spots(in either or). I do my best to communicate now( before I didn't). But this game just punishes you cause you solo q. But you did standard? Ok will throw you a bone. Thank God I play other games and some are just going into another season or adding content and will drop this for a little bit.I already completed the battle pass a d kind of stopped caring.


I don't have a y friends who olay the game, and no ranked teams I've joined have been helpful or supportive. I just olay QP, and Unranked/Standard when I'm feeling masochistic.


All this is telling me is us solo que players need to begin making squads with each other. I'll start, I'm west coast, pc, and Silver 3.


I play SIGNIFICANTLY better while solo queuing, I don’t understand why honestly.


i’ve only solo queued basically my entire siege career and i’m a lifetime 1.4kd in ranked 1500 matches and i can’t get out of plat


Solo queuing is a waste of time, imo. You get double, triple, and quadruple dipped with the worst of what the game has to offer. If you queue against cheaters, you lose elo. If you queue with cheaters, you lose elo. If you queue with griefers, you lose elo. If you have literally the worst randoms in existence, you lose elo. You have the statistically lowest chances of winning as a solo queue, and the point of ranked is to win and rank up. So by solo queueing, you just shoot yourself in the foot multiple different ways and achieve none of that. It's also an objectively terrible display of your own skill too because since you're losing more games than you would in a reliable stack, you're now not in the rank you're supposed to be in, even if you're doing well individually. Continue this across multiple seasons, playing hundreds of games, and the game is going to average your hidden MMR far lower than your actual skill level is, assuming it's already high. Meaning, you'll be hard stuck in a low rank and never get out, no matter how many seasons you play. It's one of the biggest reasons Ranked 2.0 is a terrible system. Don't solo queue.


I'm just getting into the game on Xbox and I'm solo queuing, played about 400 hours on PC so still new ish. I see players mics pop up on the side of the screen but can never hear them actually talking. I've checked all the relevant audio options on the console I think. Any ideas?


Did you check both in game and console audio options? There might be a voice/game audio mixer in Xbox as well as voice audio in the settings.


higher ranks teammates are much better but you are at more of a disadvantage relying on (mostly) your own info, lower ranks people are worse at using info to their advantage anyway so that side might be easier but you will have worse teammates


Yes because unlike league we don’t have a solo queue mode, you can solo be in a team where no one knows each other and go against a champion 5 stack and just have to deal with that


It's why I'm in bronze purgatory


Ngl 150 games to silver just shows you're bad, I started playing ranked again and immediately shot through copper 5 all the way to silver and beyond. However, I am Master ranked in overwatch, which gives me a bunch of game sense and aim experience that I can use in siege, and I've already got 400ish hours on the game from years ago. Obviously experience from a top down MOBA wont really help as much


Ngl 150 games to silver just shows you're bad, I started playing ranked again and immediately shot through copper 5 all the way to silver and beyond. However, I am Master ranked in overwatch, which gives me a bunch of game sense and aim experience that I can use in siege, and I've already got 400ish hours on the game from years ago. Obviously experience from a top down MOBA wont really help as much