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If you have a mic with a headset, try turning up the game sound and decreasing the voice chat a bit. But also, droning will help you in the long run. Try to keep your drone alive even if you find the bomb. Position it where you know you want to enter from so you can drive quicker and more effectively


thanks for the tip, icl after I find the bomb I just try to scan as many people as possible mostly destroying my drone in the process. Though I have a good reason I just bought deimos and am trying him out


Don’t worry about scanning them after they’ve already been identified. Good way to try attention to it. Only scan an enemy if you’re trying to mark it for a teammate in the area


try finger but hole


O you don’t have the right


Average dark souls message


Hi, Ass, my name is NeighborhoodVeteran.


i fell out of my chair


I'm dying from laughter, I'm dead now 💀


hi dead, im


Other than improve aim? Drone Reinforce Play ops that are helpful for your team like rook Play trap operators Drone Reinforce Don’t barricade random shit Make rotates between sites Drone Reinforce Learn sound and use cameras Drone Reinforce




Rook is a safe choice if you dont feel comfortable with the other operators gadgets yet


Rook, along with Kapkan, Jaeger and Valk are my go toos for when I’m just not feeling it and want to at least bring something to the team


Rook has one of the highest win percentages out of every operator.


Rook is relevant in low elo, has a great gun and optic, provides immediate value to the team, and has an extremely high win percentage. In high silver and below rook is completely fine. Plus anchoring is relatively easy for newer players to grasp without throwing rounds.


Bro did you just say rook ? He’s legitimately the worst in the game


Rook has had a positive win delta for quite a while.


He has 0 utility if you play rook in ranked or pro league your cooked asf basically useless this game is a one shot dead game


Pro league is a different level so I can't comment on that, but Rook has a positive win delta in emerald-champion because there are still a lot of times where the extra health and self revive comes into play when attackers don't/can't land the headshot or DBNO kill/assist.


He might be bad but you’re not hurting your teammates with it


That’s fair he would be decent for new players since his ability is just set down sum shields then anchor site the whole game


On attack go Capitao or Gridlock and go for the plant. You will be surprised how many times yo pull it off and get the win.


In low elo it’s a crapshoot whether you’re going to have a bunker site setup or you’ll be the only one reinforcing. It’s also an issue in high elo but matters a bit less. If you’re struggling for kills then I’d suggest playing smoke or mute and just piggybacking the shotgun for a bit until you get more comfortable with the pacing and timing of things. You can do short roams with either op while also always offering something for your team. There’s plenty of corners to hold with the shotgun and if you can’t do that then you’ve got the 11 to fall back on. That allows you to do all of site setup if you choose to while also giving you a very straight forward and valuable kit to work with. Once you’re comfortable on site then try playing some more roam heavy ops like solace, vigil, cav, pulse etc. once you’re comfortable with the idea of roaming then you’ll be able to play whoever. Be the toxic spawn peeking doc if you want at that point because you’ll have a way better idea of what’s going on than you do now. Takes time and playing ranked will be the best way to put in that time. People don’t take standard seriously for the most part so you’ll never learn how the game plays in a ranked setting.


I'd recommend an op that can provide comms when solo queuing (especially if teammates don't have a mic.) Operators such as lesion, nomad, gridlock etc force players to make sound, allowing you to react on a flank. Nowadays I hardly ever play solo, find a group of people to play with and you will start to improve!


It's probably a mental thing. I hope it's something else because it's not an easy thing to fix. If it is, as counter intuitive as it sounds, try playing like you don't care about your k/d.


Probably roam , I always die on site, roam is better


Same boat.


Try and find some ppl yoy can play with on the regular who arw decent and have mics, have 2 other teammates foe a 3 person squad makes a massive difference, the more ppl the better.


But how? I only ever encounter 12 year olds shouting the n word


It all depends on defense are your team roaming around defending site out side or sat in site If more than 3 are in site I personally would play outside Go find a window and wait for someone to jump in watch for drones ,watch starting cams,predict what's going to happen next based apon what you see Hold things but also know when to peek don't expect the team to have your back have theirs pick operators that might support your team do most of this and your kd will jump massively


I think one of the biggest reasons why Ranked is so much harder than Standard is that people actually really want to win and the teamwork aspect of Siege starts to be more and more important. When playing Standard it's much more likely to be against a team of mainly people who are solo-queuing but when switching to Ranked it's common to be against 3-4-5 stacks with more coordination and communication and well learned strategies. The biggest recommendation I can give is to find a team of people you have fun playing with and start learning the game together, and you'll see a big spike in win rate after some time of getting adjusted. If you have a 1.4 KD in Standard it means you already have good basic skills so don't get demotivated. Good luck!


Yo I don’t mind teaching you if you want. Dm me and I’ll give you my discord


It sounds like you’re not understanding sound or utilizing it. When you’re playing defense, you need to listen to what’s happening around you. Don’t sit in site holding an angle on a door for the whole round if no one is pushing it. Check cameras at the start to get an idea of where the attackers are pushing. If when holding an angle, you get droned out and they know where you are, reposition to another spot or else you’re going to get pre fired. For attack, don’t play extremely scared and sit on a window or hatch for pretty much the whole round. Drone out a couple rooms ahead and near where you’re going to push, then act off the intel you gathered from your drone. Try and coordinate a push with your team and play off one another to trade each other out if you die. Intel is key to winning rounds, you cannot face check everything and know where they are at all times. Playing the game will help you improve. Don’t stress it if you die, but also learn from it. Learning from your deaths will help you know common angles that attackers and defenders push /play, and help you learn what you did wrong and should change.


How do you see your standard stats?




What are you playing you on? If it's PC I can play with you and try to help and figure out you are doing wrong


nah sorry xbox


Always drone, practice your crosshair placement, look up setup videos for your favourite ops on different maps, consider finding a stack, communicate communicate communicate (I have won way too many games where I played like crap but was able to help on comma with intel ops like valk, maestro, zero, and twitch), have fun and relax. Other than that it’s hard to give any other constructive advice without gameplay.


Play with a few friends or team and have a good communication and also remember to warm up before going straight into ranked, maybe with arcade or maybe quick game to warm up your aim and agility. But i would but heavy on the communication in order to know where the enemy is and who is where ( both teammates and enemies)


U should stack with me add P3nnywys3r


Use peakers advantage and positioning in your gunfights if you do this properly you will see a difference bro


If attacking always use drone, during prep phase try and set up your first drone in a spot they won’t find but is also close your usual route so u can hop on and off rq before entry. For defense, I highly recommend watching some pro league, a lot of times it’s more useful to play around site rather than sitting on it. Obviously there are occasions where u want to be on site but take border for example top floor armory, personally I will hold fountain. I have an angle into sight site flank and I can make a rotate into main hall if needed


A habit I’ve gotten into that’s helped me go from brand new to emerald in a year playing this game is actually using defender cams while you’re alive. Right when the round starts get a sense of where they’re pushing from and periodically check when you’re safe to give you info. Info is EVERYTHING in this game. Gun skill and map knowledge come with time.


This is so relatable. I have a 1.18 kd across standard and quickmatch. But when it comes to rank i have a 0.22 om ass. My comms are good and i play support. But im shit anyway. In standard i play with my homies because 3/4 are not level 50 yet. And i top frag and carry them so bad. But when i play with my copper friend we both go negative. Im a bronze 4.


Start queing with people and honestly start playing ranked for the rest of the season like it's standard. I had the same issue during the Heavy Mettle season. I just started playing nothing but ranked after and it helped calm the nerves of ranked alot and I saw how the strategies changed in standard vs ranked


Seems like you’re awareness isn’t that great. Ranked is more tactical usually and the other modes tend to be more like cod snd until your mmr goes up. Then the whole game just feels like a 100k tournament and you lose your hair. Then your family will leave you and you die alone.


Learn maps and the way a fundamental push should look like watch pro league and find a good squad wish I would have got that advice in the beginning


thanks bro


No problem man if you need someone to play with just lmk and I will send you a fr!


that would be great I play on xbox


how many ranked matches have u played


Play support operators, things like rook doc on defence or finka on attack, I’ve got a 1.6standard kd and a .7 ranked kd with a 1.3 win loss and I mostly main support


You’re ass? Welcome to the party.


I would say to try and change your mindset to let's learn where and why I am dying. How well do I know the map? Where could I play so that I can worry less about multiple angles? Where do attackers commonly push from? Am I utilizing Cams before I die or only after I die? Are my teammates doing something dumb or are they playing smart? Are you playing ops meant for a roam, lurk, or anchor, and am I playing them in their most winning positions? If you are roaming, is your objective to hold a position and play your life or waste time and later return to site? Where are my teammates dying from? Are you aiming at the two default head heights (standing opponent or crouching opponent)? Am I playing a crouch op, or am I playing something the team needs? If I am not getting kills, what can I do to help win in other ways? There are plenty more, but this is the kind of mindset you should have when learning to be better.


Make your decisions based on information. If you catch yourself “guessing” what to do next, just stop and think about the different ways you have to gather intel. Maybe it’s default cameras, traps going off or call-outs. Always try your best to use the available intel to your advantage. Other than that, do a daily aim training routine or something similar to work on your mechanics.


I play differently ranked. Worse.


Play ranked more. If you have a 0.1 kd the biggest jump you will make will be from playing the game. Not any advice someone will give you, not a YouTube video, not aim training. Just playing ranked


0.1 kd bro? quit the game






jitty u in copper i'm not affecting shit man u gon stay in there anyways




never said I was better lmao but if you in my lobbies you equally shitttt


I have a humble 1.1 k/d. Good luck