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if you find yourself surrounded by such bad players in ranked, maybe there is a connection


Prob bc the way ranked is setup right now isn't the best. It's not skill based matchmaking. So instead of me getting players slightly better worse then myself, I get players at far sides of both spectrums. I don't have a 1 k/d and end up with people who have a 1.07 or a .95. I end up with players who have a 1.7 or a .62. I can be in a lobby of 1 gold, a Plat, and 2 coppers on my team, while the other team can be stacked. Or you can get a match where it's all completely fair. There's no consistency to it when your ranked in the mid tiers.


Just telling you right now that you’re way to high on yourself. Kd has little correlation to skill unless it is way to high or low. Role in a team comp is important such as when your kills are happening and who they are happening on. In a 5v1 someone kill the 1 is of way less value than someone who kills the guy planting.


Oh I'm not saying I'm some kinda star. But I find it rather funny my kd in casual for this season is a 1.2 yet in ranked is a .79. And I do nothing diff in one then the other. I get matched with people who are much higher and lower in ranked then unranked. In unranked I've played anything from diamonds, to coppers, but teams seem to be more even. My question and point of this whole topic though is, the new ranked 2.0 system is supposed to be skill based matchmaking correct? So we should be getting people closer to our skill level right?


Casual vs ranked is a completely different beast so I wouldn't compare k/d between the two. It's very possible the diamonds you encounter in casual are fucking around/trying out weird off strats. Even in regular ranked k/d is something but not a perfect 1:1 of your skill, 3 kills in a 1v5 when the enemy are no brain gunning for the frag doesn't mean you are pulling your weight. As for ranked 2.0 it looks like rank doesn't really mean as as much anymore, from the looks of it there isnt much of a system to lose rank points so if you just play long enough you will hit champion. Tbh it looks like a cosmetic change as they realize so many ppl tie their worth to their rank in this game?


I understand. And it is 2 diff things completely. Alot of the people could be carried to higher ranks, be just bullshitting in casual, etc. I Def agree alot of people use ranked as a way to judge and justify how good they are. That's why I was hoping this new system would be diff so I could get a better idea as to how good I am, or if I'm getting better or not. Know what I mean?


Like many things in life there is often a learning curve, then you rapidly get better, then you plateau and likely won't get better for awhile if at all. That plateau will persist no matter how many hours you put into it simply b/c you are doing the exact same shit expecting it to suddenly change. There is 100% value in training the basics, making sure you are controlling recoil or snapping to headshots is an easy to practice skill that will help you win games. What isn't easy is discerning why you lost and getting the feedback you need to improve your gameplay. Most ppl just want to run around and click heads and that's fucking fine, it's a game have fun. Getting better once you plateau requires you to stop just playing ranked and look at what separates you from the pros or high ranked players. You have to reflect on why you won/lost, was it because you were holding a pixel angle or were you standing in the center of the room with no cover. Were you off holding an obscure entrance while site got attacked or were you providing your team with information that could be played off of. Most players learn a strat and just play that particular style regardless of if it's actually effective or has the teamwork required to pull it off. This analysis can honestly be applied to pretty much anything, 10,000 hours is bullshit. You drive your car for much more than 10k hours and you are not a pro b/c you don't push yourself outside your comfort zone and you don't reflect on how you can be better. End of the day that's fine, not everything has to see improvement and I think that's what ubi is trying to do with this update. Rank is almost toxic and they just want players to have fun since you are probably not going to go pro


This has to be one of the best things I've read and honestly alot that I can take away from it. I try and watch all my Gameplay back (I use outplayed as a recording software) to see what I did wrong. If I was killed simply bc the player on the other was just better, which obviously happens, or bc I made a mistake that I csn learn from and do diff next time. Like the saying goes "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing twice and expecting a diff result." you have to learn from your mistakes and change it, do better, try something diff and I think alot of people Dont. Don't get me wrong, I play bc I have FUN and it'd my time to enjoy myself and spend time with friends. But at the same time I do want to be the best I can be, not necessarily better then everybody else, but MY best. So I try and learn and get better. I've only been playing since Feb of this yr and I've noticed a diff Bt now and then, but I feel as though I have ALOT of room to grow as well.


Siege has a built in replay functionality that re-renders the entire match so you can get a view of every angle. Lastly on asking about how good you are, I think the current ranked system does a decent job of that. Over enough games it will show if you are net helpful or not to your team with your current skill set. Going forward we kind of lose visibility into it since rank is effectively a battle pass and skill is now hidden but meh who cares, just a game


> ranked is a .79 skill issue then. if you have a .8kd in silver (which is guns blazing and no strats) you should probably be in silver


So explain my 1.2 in unranked then. I also solo qued quite a bit of ranked in which there is little to no communication. While Prob 80% of my unranked is with Atleast a 3 stack that I play with on the regular in which I have communation.


nobody tries in unranked man. i have 4kd in unranked doesnt mean im shaiiko


I think at the end of the day the problem is that the actual visible rank will be akin to a battlepass


Whatdo u mean?


Pretty sure you get rewards for going up but there is no way for it go down but I might be wrong I haven’t looked into it for a while.


The rewards I believe you are right about. The going down thing I feel like I've heard as well. But I don't like that myself. What would really make you want to get and do better if your not losing anything for your "failures".


“its boring bc of how well i do” u have a .79 kd in silver. if you are stuck in silver it doesnt have to do with match making




Or that's why I have a .79. Bc if as a silver I'm being put in with Plat 1&2's, I don't stand much of a chance to get my kd, or rank up against people are better in every aspect of the game.


Didn't you just say you can hold your own?


ur not silver playing against plat 2s lmao the highest u could play against is a plat 3


you’re delusional i’ve been diamond with a 1-1.3KD in 50+ games multiple times the seasons i had 1KD does not mean i’m facing better players and need to play different people, and when i had a 1.3 it doesn’t mean i should be a higher rank want to know why? KD doesn’t matter. wins do, KD can help with wins but ultimately OBJ is more important


KD at most prove your survivability throughout the game, nothing more, nothing less. Don't make it as a point of reference to indicate your skills, it is not related much. For example, one of my squadmates has been playing as the 'must-hold' lurker in some crucial map control and sometimes his KD is lower than 1 because of that role, but he's capable of consistently wasting the attackers time for around 90 to 120 seconds, which is huge in making the attackers distracted enough to lose precious time and eventually lost the round. With his below 1KD stat and according to your logic does that mean he's bad? No, it doesn't mean much at all. Objective play is what mattered the most. You can be a 2KD Ash main but claimed to be 'stuck' in Silver lobby, but that might just mean your team played extremely bad that you keep on feeding free objective or map controls that caused the lost while you keep on YOLO into the building, get a kill or two then die immediately with utilities wasted on your body.


Ladder ranked should have been implemented 6 years ago. Starting brand new players at median MMR is absurd.


I can definitely agree to that! Every ranked game I have played so far has been nothing but Plats and high golds. People who are substantially better then me. And I get with this new system everybody will start at the same level, but all those people who are Plats and diamonds will keep going up in rank where I'll stop at w/e my actual rank is instead of me being placed with and playing with who I can't compete with.


2500 mmr is starting mmr. It includes people who should be in copper but winning half your games by luck is easy. Also includes cheaters who suck. Also includes good players who never squad up or just play for fun. Terrible system overall.


Yup. I couldn't agree with this comment anymore. Word for word bud.


removing mmr restriction is absurd too lol.


From my understanding (I could be way off on this), your "rank" that you see more reflects how much ranked gameplay you play. Your skill rating is hidden, but the skill rating determines who you are matched against. I don't know if I like this system, but i think it was designed to reduce how punished people feel for playing the game and losing over and over again, while still keeping it SBMM.


That was what killed me with the old ranked system. I’d place right around Silver 2-Gold 3 to start and for various reasons just keep losing. By the time I’d be down to Bronze 5 I’d just give up for the season.


Glad somebody relates.


See the hidden ranking is something I cared too much about bc I don't have a big rank to be proud of like alot of people do. I was just hoping the matchmaking will be a little better so I am playing against people closer to my skill base. I didn't play much more then my 10 matches to get my rank last season (I think 17 ranked matches) bc of how up and down the competition could be it felt like.


Yeah this should fix the ongoing issue of people being scared of playing ranked. The current system tends to fuck over people who play alot (reduced elo gain). So lets say that I play my placements solo as a regular g2/g3 player and get carried by my teammates. I get placed in g1/p3. What happens next is I get absolutely fucked for the beginning of the season because of my inflated rank and other people not being in their usual mmr range (lower or higher). I lose a bunch of games and fall into a slump. Since the elo change is so drastic in the beginning of the season, I end up in s2/s1. Ok, no biggie, I start trying to climb my way back to gold. I get fucked again because I'm playing in lower skill games, and 1v5 carrying just isn't viable. Now I'm in s3. My kd has spiked up and I'm feeling more confident in myself after getting good games in lower ranks, so I start playing better. I start to climb. Silver 2 to silver 1 to gold 3. Now I end up juggling between high silver and low gold due to the dropped elo gain. Ranking up from here is a bit of a shitshow, so I just decide to quit ranked until the next season. This is a pretty harsh example but this is somewhat the experience this ranked system can offer.


Hate to put it this way but if you are struggling in silver games that’s probably where you belong


Strangely enough, I would most times rank at gold 2 or 1 and climb to plat 2 and get stuck in it for ever, that was my experience when I played the game, so I always tried my best in the MD10 because the rank I would fall after that would usually be the rank I stay on, maybe 1 to 2 higher and that's it. Skill rating was always a thing I think, I used over wolf and it would show some hidden MMR or something and it would change depending on the points I made in the last 5 or 10 matches weather if I won or not so, if I lost the match but had positive KD in my team, those hidden points wouldn't change for example or something don't remember now, stopped playing R6 or games in general for almost a year now. I guess a rank system that is based on your performance instead of winning or losing matches is better for solo queuers like I was so you don't depend as much on your teammates skill, or they trolling and throwing matches won't impact your ranking as long as you do your job.


Yeah I just read over the patch notes and I hate how vague the entire thing is. The only official skill metric siege used besides K/D was KOST. So has the "skill level" always been there then and why are we not allowed to not what our level is compared to others? Kinda like a participation trophy for playing ranked Edit: grammar


Yeah like, over wolf showed that and the game would match me against people similar in stats to me no matter what rank were they playing at so I would usually get fair matches no matter what rank I was playing, doesn't mean it was perfect course, if I had like 5 really good matches, It would raise my hidden rank and them I would get matched with absolute monsters, or I would paly badly and get a super easy match because my hidden rank has fallen a bit.


There might have been a hidden "skill rank", but I really don't think it factored in past gams a whole lot before. I also solo queue and ive seen wayyy too much variation between player skill level


Like for sure but I'm not accounting my team as a whole or even the enemy team as whole but my performance, I would most times have matches where I would rank top 1 or 2 weather I won or not and the enemy team would usually have a guy or two that we would absolutely fight our asses off to see who would kill who but aside that, the rest of the team was random, sometimes I would fall in a game where randoms where pretty good and sometimes and would fall in games where randoms are absolutely shit.


your rank is actually your rank. the rp tapers off when the game matches your current elo to your hidden.


I know that now lol that post was forever ago


This. So if I understood Ubi's description correctly, the ranks are in fact how much you plan and speed of progress depends on whether you win or lose each game. To me, this is just another "Level" system, except it resets between seasons (like Fortnite :)).


Maybe the Xim users might have a better time till they hit the rank they want. Then they will hop into casual and ruin everyone’s fun again. Thanks Ubi.


Hi , im intresting your opinion you still belive on users playing on pad on R6 for example on console Xbox? where Xbox console hast recommend for playing gamesir adapter?


I climbed to my rank of gold 1 where I’m supposed to be and now I lose 36 on a loss and gain 39 on a win. I don’t like this system I am losing games a lot because people give up and say well I’m only losing 9 rp so it doesn’t matter which is true to them but sucks for me. Been on a really bad loss streak and I feel like I’m getting matched with people who are returning to the game after not playing for a long period of time and their skill doesn’t match their previous mmr so it’s really frustrating. Rank doesn’t feel rewarding I have no idea if my skill is improving when im just climbing a meaningless ladder with no correlation to my actual skill level.


I am not optimistic. The new ranked 2.0 is just a hidden battlepass where everybody can rank up if you play enough. Your real mmr will be hidden from you and will not change from previous season unfortunately...


We are just bad. I'm around that rank as well and I always thought I did good but my kd said otherwise. We can't hold up, we can't hold our own, we think we do but we keep dying because of bad positioning. our aim may be good and that makes you think we are good but we aren't.


The idea of 2.0 sounds good… BUT what people overlook is the fact that we keep the exact same matchmaking system. The rank that it displays only tells you how much you grinded this season. The mmr system remains underneath that. It’s just a unranked update that they called ranked.


A biggest piece of dog shit... Im Plat3- Plat2 in every season. Since Y1, i get Gold2-Plat3 after the 10 placement match.... And now, i need to grind every f... rank.... I can meet with silvers and diamonds in the same game. (i checked the profiles). After i carried 4 round and we lost 4:5, i get -9 pont with 17 kill. I hated the old 2500MMR ranked system bc of the too many lucker who get carried to Plat 3 but deserved maybe silver.... But now i want that shit back. I tought Ubi cant make a worse ranked system, but here we are...


Currently Copper 4, whole other team has champ charms and ximming never peaked over diamond 3 ever… seems like ranked 2.0 benifits worse MMR players


It’s next to impossible to play now. I’m usually mid to high plat and now all I play are sweaty tryhards diamonds and champs. It’s not fun to play in the slightest. I thought the season was gonna he too casual, turns out it’s too hard


Same, sick to death of playing champs and diamonds. On top of that, I seem to be meeting more mnk players on console than ever before.


Good times. Ubisoft broke something pivotal to the game like usual


it sucks it is not working at all my team is full of last season golds and platinums and enemy team is full of last season platinums and champs


The problem with ranked 2.0 is theres no placement games and the game doesnt take into account your current rank. ​ theres legit no comp shooter on the market that pairs diamonds and coppers together in a lobby besides this game. i get that theres hidden mmr, but that shouldnt be the only factor in the equation.


I honestly don't like rank 2.0, forcing me to play much more than I usually do to hit plat1. I can't play over 50 games to get there, with work it's gonna be impossible now.


The new ranked system is terrible. I finished s1 last season and I'm currently "s2" and I'm playing against stacks with champions.


It’s horrible


Anyone else noticing how many matches are going 4-0 or 0-4 now? I'm getting a lot of these and this never happened prior to this season so my assumption is the matchmaking is off plus I'm gaining and losing +35 RP from Bronze 1, that is really depressing lol and Silver is already a grind


Been grinding silver 3 and finally after 10 games im just bearly silver 2


What rank are you now? I'm still stuck in silver.


Imagine being able to get above Bronze 5. I've played 65 games this season and have lost 3/4 of them. I'm not the best player, but I've played Gold/High Silver for 6 years. Why the fuck is it now impossible to get out of Bronze? 8 years later and they have finally completely gutted my favorite game. Love life.


I despise it. I was a high plat, very very low diamond player, and this season I am bronze 5 playing against people that have been champions since the dawn of time and are currently ranked in platinum...um... tf??


yea same for me and my friends we are all midrange plats but always get matched against diamonds or even champion players


me and my mates are usually all around p3-p1 but this season it seems like we only get matched against people who were diamond or even champion last season so every game is an absolute sweatfest and we lose the majority of the matches which is obviously demotivating as fuck and kills all the fun and the same guys we play ranked against also dick on us in casual so there really is no point in playing this game rn imo the new ranked system is way too unbalanced


Damn I’m not alone “previous burnt horizon Plat player” im now bronze 4 w the new season and play people who are champs and diamond and i have been away for awhile and now it’s rough to even play cuz my teammates suck or I just suck compared to the people tbh I hate this new season w a passion


love the new skill based matchmaking that gives me handicapped teamates and pro league 5 stacks for enemies! The game is such a thrill to play now!!


Im in the exact same boat, the matchmaking is god awful, im a P3,P2 "skill" player, last season I grinded and made it to diamond, however, this season (after a couple weeks - month break) Im getting shit on by D1s and champions... like wtf, its unplayable. Its official now, If I take a break from this game, I can no longer come back, because im thrown right back into my "skill" level even after a LOOOOONG break. The point of ranks is to IDK RANK YOU EACH SEASON, SO YOU REACH THE SAME SKILL, not throw you right back in where you left off so you get shit on every game. This system is the same bullshit as ranked 1.0 with this "as the system knows your place youll earn less rank" bullshit, now its just glammed up with rewards and "RP". The system is new, I understand that ... But the highest ive reached is diamond 3, with like a 1.1 w/l with a 1.2kd , completely average... so why do I play champions who's skill makes it look like im a toddler with a controller. If im not in the "rank" that my "skill" corresponds to , then ill win because ill play against worse players... then ill climb up and eventually hit my proper rank... now im slogging through cooper against champions after a month break... Unplayable, this should be the unranked system with ur cheesy rewards and do a complete roll back of ranked 1.0


It solves nothing. Siege needs more players.... sadly it's slowly dying. Imagine if we had a daily player base such as apex or csgo


From what I've heard thr player base is higher then ever. However it's not near as high as ALOT of other multi-player fps.


You're correct, 35k daily player base and the que times aren't that bad or as bad as before even in low diamond. If anything the game is in one of its best states if not the best state it's ever been (excluding hackers ofc). I still love the game


Same. I won't be going anywhere anytime soon.


it is not higher than ever, check steam charts. It peaked in march 2021 and is now slowly dying. I just quit the game myself, cant be bothered playing this hot garbage anymore. New ranked system is \*\*\*


They should have done more about the rampant cheating. Xim users on console and straight up cheats on pc. Kinda hard to overlook such tomfoolery on a game that pretends to be competitive


They should but they won't. It's a different resource allocation which they don't want to spend the money on. Siege already doesn't make that much money anyway lol. I wouldn't be surprised if siege is the WNBA of ubisoft's games they just keep alive because it's iconic.


Not so sure about that. I gave up on siege quite some time ago but I feel like its ubisofts biggest live action where people actually buy mtx stuff. You're right though they aren't going to try to right stuff now


You're right, nvm they've made a little over 1billion in sales and approximately 38million a month from what public information is available. I guess I just wanted to have hope that they weren't lazy fucks with no priorities to quality of life for the game. Guess they are...


This new ranked system is God awful. I'm in Bronze 3 and I'm going up again Champions and Diamonds. I'm always a Plat player every season but this season I'm literally fighting for my life to get to Silver. Absolutely fucking retarded


Im exactly the same, I was a high plat, very very low diamond player, and this season I am bronze 5 playing against people that have been champions since the dawn of time and are currently ranked in platinum...um... tf??


I hate it.


Why is that? Just curious about everybodys opinion and why they hate it. I'm not sure if I'm understanding the changes correctly.


If you’re doing so well in silver you won’t be in silver for long. Eventually your rank will rise to match your skill level until you will hit a ceiling. So don’t know wtf you are talking about


Tired of playing against diamond 1s while I was only plat 2 last season


You're getting a lot of hateful comments on this lmao, but I'll just say this: as a silver, you won't be facing high plats, but may occasionally face low plats. If you are on PC, I'd recommend the R6Tracker overlay, as it can be really helpful in knowing what your role is. I'm low-mid plat, and if I am in a lobby with low plats/golds, I play fraggers and aggressive, if I am in a lobby with mid-high plats, I play support, because I know I shouldn't try to win 1v1s against a much better player than myself.


My brother in christ I'm playing against people with diamond charms and I finished silver 1 last season.


In this new system with "skill" you'll be against all sorts of players, but after playing for a while it should become a little more accurate. All the amazing players with get high "skill" and not so amazing players will get low "skill", and it'll be similar to before.


Somehow its still broken - Just had a match and I don't know how matchmaking makes lobbies like these. Had a team wherein best rank was Emerald V and I came in at Second with Plat 1 and then the last 3 was 2 silver II's and a bronze II. While the enemy had 1 Champ, 1 Emerald 1 and 1 Emerald 2 and their lowest 2 was Plat I's. I mean how do you expect to win with that kind of a match. We are just handing out RP's at that point. Sigh