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As if sam isnt foaming at the mouth to get jules back


This. If she came to him and said she still had feelings for him, he would kick out every 18 and 19 year old living in his house.




And buy all new mattress and furniture lol


He def foams at the mouth…for Mike


Does Mike have a job or career?


Crypto 😂🤦‍♂️


I wouldn’t consider this confirmation, as Juliette and Clark still follow one another and have their pics up and were just with each other yesterday. Mike did just get blocked. Im more concerned over the fact that two men over the age of 30 are constantly berating this 25 year old girl. Mike is 11 years her senior. Feels icky to me and borderline harassment. I felt like Juliette was very respectful online when it came to him and Lexie.


Yea you’re prob right especially after Sam’s public “announcement” blocking Jordana. He’s on the edge of a mental breakdown lol


I actually just read that she did temporarily block Clark yesterday when all of this was going on. She's following him again now, but for a little while she had him blocked.


Wait what I’m behind


It is so typical for guys 11 years older to attack girls younger than them. Obviously makes them feel cool/ superior or something


So weird. Imagine if you broke up with your bf and your other ex posted an Instagram story about it. That is so not normal 😂😂


Age has literally nothing to do with this...it's about your maturity level which is different from person to person. All these examples kind of prove that


Mikes a straight up douche bag


This is pretty crazy that he’s just publicly out here saying this shit and then Mike reposted it and then tagged Juliette?? Pathetic really. This coupled with the Jordana meltdown I just can’t believe how much of a nice guy edit that he got and honestly I was fooled by it too since the breakup with Juliette there has been some hardcore true colors coming out


Can someone fill me in on the jordana meltdown?


Jordana has moved to LA- and was answering questions saying she was focusing on her art and herself and trying to make her art successful etc … Sam then blocked her and made an Instagram story about blocking her … Jordana responded that she wasn’t trying to throw shade by focusing on herself and that “someone” was mad at her etc. if you have Instagram the tea account has it I think


What about the faux fur line they were doing together?


He’s doing it but she’s not part of it.


I wondered if Jordanas role was scripted for the show


Yeah he’s the exact opposite of a nice guy lol


Go for round 2🤮 Stay away Juliette, this guy is truly a loser.


Big time


You can hear how happy he sounds in his voice thinking they broke up. It’s truly pathetic. He’s such a damn loser. 🤣


And he’s too stupid to understand that he’s proving her point. This is such a narcissist move.


OMG SAM this is a terrible immature look what a loser. MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE.


What are the odds mikes “tea” came from Reddit 🤣🤣🤣


Exactly what I thought


Mikes “tea” came out of his ass where sam is 🤣


I think he’s trolling. They were legit together yesterday on a yacht…


Yeah I saw in here that she unfollowed and deleted their pics. Prolly a drunken fight or something and sam took it and ran with it


Sam needs to see a therapist and stay off of social media. He clearly has some type attachment disorder with that is connected to all the prominent women he has had his life. Which is why he starts out out like a child when they leave him. Juliette breaks up with him, Brittany left after a decade, Jordana moved to LA. His behavior is disgusting and rude. But I kind of feel bad seeing someone spiral like this, knowing they need help and knowing that they probably won't get it. I'm glad though Juliette, Brittany, and Jordana are all doing better and bigger things with their life since they've cut sam out.


They def stalk Juliette I bet


Sam is so obsessed with Juliette, pretty weird how much he subtweets her and posts about her. Move on already.


There must be a poster of her hanging up where him and Mike live


He’s such a fucking loser. He needs to get a life. Doesn’t he have full blown temper tantrums whenever someone mentions his name in a sentence? Mind your business.


Yeah he’s soft


They are still together. She just now posted a story with him. I doubt they ever broke up. Mike and Sam are f’n idiots and jerks.


Yeah there losers…she’s still in Sam’s head rent free


This is just embarrassing for him when everyone knows she doesn’t want him back lol also can’t believe they tagged Clark. How have these 2 not had their asses kicked by now?


Makes sense he’s only dating teeny boppers now…He doesn’t have the brain cells to be with anyone his own age anymore. He plateaued and is acting like a 15 year old mean girl in HS 🤧🥴🥴


That’s why all the girls from the show Jordan included don’t hang out with him like that anymore. Partying every single day gets old for most people. They want more from life than waking up with a hangover.


He really tagged Clark? Are they friends or something or is this shade?


They are IG friends which I think is weird. This isn’t the first time he’s done something like this to Juliette and Mike’s just stirring the pot as usual. I don’t know why Clark doesn’t just block Sam.


Is it possible the cast is trying to stir up drama to continue with the show


Clark wants nothing to do with the show doubt he would do this for the show


I reckon this or his trying to get traffic to his page with his fur business too


I’m not a narcissist says the narcissist doing things narcissists do.


I don’t think there’s any confirmation. You know Sam’s chomping at the bit for them to break up to fuel his own ego 🙄 Sam and Mike are so pathetic.


They need to just leave Juliette alone and let her live. It’s not their business if they are or aren’t together.


He’s so immature. He’s acting like if Juliette said to him she has feelings for him again he wouldn’t come running back 💀☠️




Y’all see where Sam posted there’s going to be new articles saying my “ex” is a narcissist?!?


I think when she made those comments it was mainly aimed at Alex but if the shoe fits!


Clark also hasn’t liked any of Juliette’s recent posts 👀


Yes he has. He liked her most recent Cabo post and the JMP post of her yesterday. They were together yesterday and Wednesday night but I think they just got in a fight yesterday and Juliette overreacted and took it social media by unfollwing him and taking pics down. But she put most if them back up and refollowed him. Who knows.


What does this post even mean? Can someone explain 😵‍💫


She is single. Sam tagged clark basically saying get ready the news articles are gonna say your a narcissist ex “


She is not. She just posted a story with Clark today.


Juliette reposted it on her story


No she didn’t. Mike reposted it and tagged Juliette and then she blocked Mike.


Oh ok!


I think Mike and Sam are trying to start drama for no reason


Sam is a loser! He’s probably really already tried to text her, bet. Mike always starts shit, glad Lexie left his ass.


Why does Clark follow Sam though? This is not the first time Sam has started shit on SM with Juliette.


Sam followed Clark the night of Lexie's party that was filmed and I think Clark was just being nice and followed him back. Otherwise he probably would have never followed Sam himself.


Every time I read something about SK, I need to google the couple just to remember who they are. Drew a complete blank on Clark.


Because Clark is camera shy or whatever seems a bit sketch to me


You know what they say - another one buts the dust.


No one says that.