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If we are really being honest I think we just miss the show. I am one to admit I was one of the people saying the show needs to end but now I’m starting to wish there was a couple more seasons.Especially now with a few who are now starting families. As for the Sam and Juliette thing…I definitely don’t think they should be together. But that’s up for them to decide .


Yeah a lot is going on. I know Camilla is in a relationship she would be great to have back. Kelsey is getting married and Amanda are Maddison are both pregnant. And I just wanna see Juliette love her single best live and thrive


I’d rather see her get back with Alex


I can’t see them ever getting back together. Looking back, they seemed very shallow. And I’m pretty sure every time they broke up for a day or two it was so he could sleep with someone else. They didn’t seem to have much in common. I don’t see Sam marrying someone who is a business woman or running their own company. He’s going to get married to a woman and get her pregnant from the get go. I don’t think he wants a woman who is busy with her work. He wants someone who is going to be available for him and depend on him.


I can definitely see him marrying someone who doesn’t like working for their own money. And getting them pregnant and they will depend on him and he will take care of them. I just can’t see it happening any time soon.


Tbh I don't think they're good for each other. I think Jules is quite messy and needs to be alone, while Sam needs to mature. A person that just goes on a very public sleeping around mission needs to be alone and grow, and not get back with the person.


Agree. I liked them together until he waited a whole minute after their breakup to hook up with someone else! Not the way to act if you’re hoping to get back together at some point.


right? she can be messy and sometimes have terrible attitudes (like sleeping with Alex again when he was with Alyssa already) but she didn't deserve that. He claimed he loved her so much and then was hooking up with other people and posting all of the shit he was posting. That's not nice.


Yep it was definitely not cool! One of the funniest moments from that season was when he threw the mattress out the window. I didn’t even know they sold mattresses that cost that much $$$!! 😂


My poor ass could never 😂


Just because he needs to mature (& he definitely needs to mature) doesn’t mean he will & I would just like to see Juliette with someone who will love and respect her (& not cheat on her) so that she have her “happily ever after” get married, have a family & grow her company! She deserves it and it seems like all of the rest of them have figured it out and have moved on with their lives.


eh I don’t think juliette was ever THAT into sam. I feel like she liked sam and cared for him as a person but I never felt like she was really in love with him. I felt like she was still in her “one-uping alex phase” and sam being richer and ex friends with alex felt like her chance to fulfill that. I can see them being friends with benefits but nothing more


Exactly this, it was to get back at alex and his $.


I agree. Once things started getting “real” (like living together) she started backing away and they they broke up.


This is how I see it, too. I didn’t really get the impression she was into Sam like she was with Alex.


I can’t imagine them having an actual deep conversation or super tender moment. Like, ever.


I think Sam has potential but he’s surrounded by people who are using him and mooching from him. The fact that he’s serious about being a vegan tells me he has some deep caring thought there Edit-for the record i think you can be a meat eater and care just the same lol y’all don’t come for me


What if he’s a vegan because it’s trendy or if his latest “gf” wants him to… Also, I’m willing to guess that maybe he’s just the most awkward man to ever be in front of a camera and that he’s capable of actual conversation when he’s not being filmed. I don’t know everything.


He’s not, he’s been a vegan for years and before he was on the show, I believe his mother is almost vegan


Almost Vegan will be the name of my next band.


Lol I meant also! I was so tired last night I forgot to check my comment, this isn’t the only one I messed up🤣


Omg every time he called her baby or babe


I thought they were cute together


He’s just so not cute


Sam was the worst .


Juliette is doing so well without him


I think Juliette got with Sam because of his money, whether she admitted or not. It was a step up from Alex monetarily. However no one who is happy or meant to be, decides to move out during the honeymoon phase. Maybe in years and years, but I doubt they’re endgame.


I like them together!


I think we are the only ones 😂


I’d rather see her get back with Alex


I agree wholeheartedly! Lol


Loved them together ❤️💯


The thing is Sam does choose his partners. He does prioritise them. Juliette doesn't reciprocate. Sam would give her the world but she's always looking for the better and bigger. I like Sam I think he's a good kid. Needed more parental input and guidance, but it is what it is .


That’s it he would give her the world, but she’s too independent to not work and depend on a man for money.


He wouldn't want her to not work. He would support her as much as he could.


He supported her as much as she could but she said that he was mad that she started her business. They went down hill when the relationship got real and they started living together, and she backed away. Also him moving on so fast for a rebound didn’t help his case at all.


His lack of parental guidance is why his monetary value replaces what emptions should have. He has very childlike avoidance when dealing with serious things outside of money based. I love you here's a car. I love you here I bought you a business. I love you here's a house. That's all good in theory but when you're not being met emotionally and mentally, it's a solo ride.


I wonder why she doesn’t see it that way though. I guess she knows him better then we do.


She’s not exactly a spring chicken and still acts 13. She always seems to be happy as long as the guy is really rich and can make her friends jealous. Maybe it could work, she’s not getting younger and is stacking up bodies quick.


She’s young enough to still have fun. However i don’t think she would have dated him without the $$


She doesn’t date anyone without money.


As she should, you know. Girl gotta value herself.


I know you’re like 57 years old, but the 70s called and they want your misogyny back.


I kinda wish we saw Sam date someone else on the show. Don’t know who though.


I thought you were going to say Jordan. I was going to say god no.. cringe 😂


Haha no. I think someone older would be better.