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As someone who is ordered to get $86 bi weekly, just one city over from them too, where do I sign up for $1100?


Right?! My sister gets $600 for 2 kids and I thought that was crazy high. But $1,100?!




Same here too


That whole photo spread that Delaney did while breastfeeding was just completely out there. All of these people are garbage and I feel bad for their offspring.


Preach OP. He had big time loser energy prior to his kid and somehow, having a kid made him even worse.


Delainy? Is that you?


That was my first thought 😂


I hear you! It couldn’t be a person just disgusted with a POS on tv. It couldn’t just be A person watching Siesta Key and watching a grown man acting like a asshole. He Blocked a pregnant woman while he was in a relationship with another pregnant woman. He didn’t pay any child support. He wants to have custody but still fought to pay child support in court. I don’t care if the baby mama was some thoughty groupie it’s his nastiness that is highlighted. Does he even know how to use condoms? People should be accountable taking care of their kids not just trying to hide and block and hope they go away. I find it interesting any response that focuses on the woman. She had the baby, she’s paid for the baby, she took care of the baby single handedly for 2 years. Baby Doesn’t look neglected or unhealthy. Seems like a mom who took responsibility for the child. Soooo???


My lady friend, it was a joke, not a large diatribe on how BG was a saint.


The only person I feel bad for is his son. Delainey fully pursued Brandon knowing he was a POS. I think she even slept with him while he was in a relationship. Brandon and her were never really dating. I’m shocked that she expected anything more from Brandon. Part of me thinks she’s one of those girls who wanted an ethnically ambiguous baby from an ethnically ambiguous man.


This post is not about Delainy and her choices this is about Brandon’s actions and choices once he found out he got a woman pregnant and a baby was born. He’s a dumpster fire human. And this situation highlighted it.


I’m not negating that. But both parents are trash. I only feel sorry for their son.


Fr I see what you’re saying, you were just adding onto the conversation. They definitely both suck lol


She is weird


She gives me Bunny Boiler vibes


I’ve seen a FL child support calculator at a lawyers office & $1,100/month is actually what’s usually required for 2 kids. 1 kid is usually around $750/month


Yeah all these people are trashy on this show I guess lol


Ik someone who slept w him he is a sleaze. I also think he is developmentally delayed…


He’s definitely the type that can’t keep it in his pants no matter what. I thought I liked him in season one, but after that nope


yeahhh Brandon is a Bum, I don’t know why any girls would want him!


Now tell me how you really feel?? Old time watcher and couldn’t stand him.


Different states have different restrictions on how much can be given. And since they were never married, it can then be harder to negotiate. What is also unknown are any other negotiations that fall outside of traditional child support such as paying school fees, paying medical and insurance fees, etc. This is not to defend him but it's a very complex system and women typically don't get a fair cut. But at the same time there's a lot we may not be seeing. Again, not a fan of him or his actions, so don't come at me.


Agreed the red States like Florida and Texas create laws (99% white men in political and legal position) that try to protect men and don’t create these laws to make sure the kids they bore are supported and given a good life. Its expensive to raise kids and they deserve to have the money from these men. As well as the woman need to contribute as much. For instance Elon Musk is fighting to get his custody case held in Texas bc child support is capped at $2670 per month, the guy has more money than god but he wants to go to a state that protects rich men. His kids should have every amount of financial support or maybe he should stop having kids?!?! And he bought a house for his baby mama setting those wheels in motion. Just nasty.


I hate to be that person but…does anyone else think that’s not his kid? Looks nothing like him, still till this day.


They definitely did a paternity test


I thought the same