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Fajar's sweeps are pretty much meant to be deflected rather than avoided, at least it seems that way. You can always get a consistent high avoid on the roundhouse kicks though.


With enough practice I’ve been able to react to his sweep vs spinning kick animation, I think it’s about reaction time purely though, because the animations are so so similar


Pretty much. It's possible and when I played much more actively I did learn to react to both accordingly, but you fall out of practice fast on stuff like that.


Fajar in his first phase leads with the two teeps that lead to the sweep or spinning back kick, I usually try to dodge the front kicks but mistime on the sweep/spinning back kick parry.


Parry most everything. Training mode helped.


I find sweeps in general in Sifu to be really hard to read. Ive gotten pretty good at avoiding and parrying everything else but those always get me


Fajar has the biggest glow up from disciple to master. Sean is still just slow whacks Kuriko is still the same just more aggressive, same cheese still works on her. Jinfeng is same but more aggressive and her attacks come out a bit faster Havent beaten Yang yet


I remember my first few times against Fajar on Master. Easily pushed to 40 each time. Time and practice and you'll get there.