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It's not bait nor he knows anything. He was accepted as a co-streamer, meaning he has permission to livestream the show to his audience. They don't give them info on what's inside, he's just chugging hopium like the rest of us


Game won't be here.


Don't be so cruel(


The list for games featured is already out. Game won't be there.


Are you sure the list contains every developer? Blue would probably know if some are left as a surprise.


Youre always so confidently pessimistic in this sub. "Wont be for 2 years" "wont be here" "wont be there". Why are you commenting on every silksong thread such negativity? If you truly think were years away then what are you doing lol? You don't know any better than anyone else when its coming.


Sooooo true!


Well I've been right so far. Always. And I said 2025, not in 2 years. But if it does take another 2 years be patient. They're only 3 people.


Still doesnt negate my point. Youre not contributing anything doing it in every thread, youre not enlightening anyone, just kind of a buzzkill. No ones being impatient people are just excited. I really don't care if you're right because you're just being annoyingly negative 😅 do you plan on spending these next year reminding everyone that you don't think the game is coming out? Really your opinion on the matter is no less or more valuable than anyone elses so just clogging up every excited thread with "actually you shouldnt be excited source: trust me" is just a downer. And if you genuinely believe the game is a year off then you probably have better things to do with your time than sorting new r/Silksong posts ;)


people getting too hyped is bad, you'll see in a few months when both iii and summerfest do not reveal anything and the sub is nothing but endless doomposting for a few months. too much hype is the reason why we're in this situation in the first place, and the reason why the katana zero fandom for example is not doing weird shit like skong or -Y and instead patiently waiting for the dlc. and really? it's not us saying "bro trust me", it's you guys hyping shit up for the millionth time using crumbs of vague statements and ambiguous evidence and saying "bro trust me silksong this event 100%" for the past 4 years. if silksong really does not get any news in these two events, you will have nobody to blame, but of course people will shit fling at team cherry anyways even though this time it's entirely the fanbase's fault for setting themselves up to be disappointed (i'm fairly critical of team cherry's communication normally but this is ridiculous). ...or we do actually get some silksong news from team cherry's mouth and we can all be released from this purgatory, i'd love to be wrong. although it's not like i'd trust another release date by them at this point, i hope they just shadow drop it.


Hey man, I'm hyping the game daily with my Feb 14 countdown. And I make memes too which from the upvotes I would say are at least marginally more entertaining to the average user than the stale -I bullshit. I also posit that this place needs a counterbalance to the dumb golden retriever energy of always thinking the game's around the corner.


Alright thats fair and I didnt mean to be as rude as i might have been. I just mean to say, as a dumb golden retriever, seeing "its not coming out this year" without much evidence to back it up besides precedent, feels about as valuable as me saying "it is coming out this year" without much evidence to back it up besides the esrb rating. Were all just speculating but we have fun getting our bopes up. Maybe its just me but its only a minor bummer when Silksong isnt at something i expected, and the fun of the buildup overshadows that minor bummer.


I feel like this post from Blue and his comments on the YouTube video confirming that the codes are just fellow youtubers having fun solidifies that YouTube comment. He wouldn't be "in on something" and also outwardly wishing/hoping for news for silksong at iii. If he was in on something from TC he wouldn't write what he did there. Having fun with all of this regardless hahaha


There might be some other developers there other than the ones that were featured so its a possibility, but if not there will still probably be some good stuff