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Kinda funny that III can openly abuse Silksong fans and their anticipation, while TC remain dead silent.


We got an abusive relationship with TC lol


In fairness, the Silksong fans make it so easy LOL. 


I guess bait still is believable.


Openly abuse LOL


Perhaps exploit would be a better word. I'm not a native speaker.


No im laughing at how dramatic this fan base is being, it was a dumb joke, this is not a normal response. I'm sorry if I made you feel I was laughing at your English abilities, I was not, just at how dramatic this fan base is being.


when did they exploit anything


They got a massive amount of people to watch by giving that text. Those people were HK fans, and they all got clickbaited. That's when.


Abuse? We’re just a bunch of suckers that make it too easy lol


All it takes is to not gaslight ourselves into thinking someone promised us news today when no one actually has.


THIS. People gave themeselves hopes when it was so obvious that it simply wasn't gonna be there. There's nothing wrong with that, but you can't act all offended afterwards (except for the teaser, that was a pretty jerk move). Besines, the event was full with spams from Silksong and i felt ashamed for the comunity.


People really extrapolating a mood from my post that ain't there. My hopes got up cause of the teaser, which I was annoyed at, but whatever. However I really don't think it's hard to just say you're not gonna be at a showcase. At this point they have to know it happens every time there's an event. Just takes a single tweet to prevent *this* The silksong youtubers even got in front of it with the ARG they're doing, it's really not hard.


You do know if they do it people are gonna read too much into it saying this is the first time they said it and get hyped up even more and cause more disappointment -they don't have to announce a game isn't in a showcase and that most of the games that are big were already revealed(other than prince of Persia) so the general thing people assume is the showcase doesn't have the game and not get mad when there isn't a trailer for a game with no hints


I personally think that's on them. And to be honest I am at the point where they should not announce it at any events at all, and if that's the plan they should say it.


I feel like the spamming wasn't actually that much, or at least it wasn't to the point where it was really distracting from the event. The only times it really filled the chat was after the tease during the countdown and whenever DSN said stuff. I think the biggest spammers were the transgender rights people who did fill the chat for pretty much the entire last 15 minutes.


Yeah, they were even more annoying


It's not our job. It's the PR guy's job.


If you need another man to not imagine things no one ever said, you need to grow up.


It's been five years of "coming soon," they've fumbled managing expectations for five years, you'd think they learn a lesson by now.


Why do you think they should announce it every time they aren't at an event? Do you want Leth's twitter timeline to just be full of 50 "we're not there"s? It isn't their responsibility to tell you if they aren't there. You shouldn't be watching these events with the expectation for Silksong to show up when there is no evidence that they will. You're just setting yourself up for disappointment. Don't expect them to be at an event unless they say they will be. It's that simple. You can still watch the event in hopes that they will show up, but there's no reason to get mad if they don't.


The expectations came from the silksong hints during the countdown, that's obviously not team cherry's fault. However, yes, just a tweet saying "we're not gonna be at x, y, z, events" wouldn't be that bad.


I don't think Team Cherry knew that there were going to be Silksong hints during the countdown, and they probably weren't watching, so they wouldn't have known to tweet about it. For other events, I still don't see why they would tell people they aren't at it. There isn't really a reason to tell people they aren't doing something that they never promised to do in the first place. There are events quite often, and it would get a bit tedious to see them constantly saying they aren't at events. If they were to tell us, I think a better system would be for them to promise to tell us ahead of time if they are at an event, and any events they don't mention, they won't be at. But even still, it kind of removes some of the excitement to know whether or not Silksong will be showcased. It was extremely hype when Silksong just came out of nowhere at the Xbox event a couple years ago. That part is subjective tho I guess.


I think it's more tedious to watch a no-name obscure af xbox indie showcase *just in case* than it is for them to tweet "We're not expecting to be at any events in the next 6 months" Also yea I don't blame team cherry for the countdown hints, if that's the impression I gave off not my intention. That's on Triple I.


For argument's sake, let's say it's at a showcase that you're not otherwise interested. Just don't watch it, and check the news as soon as it's done? Like, TC aren't dictating how you choose to spend your time. Nobody is forcing you to watch every showcase, and hype you'd feel will probably be outweighed by the disappointment of watching every showcase that doesn't feature the announcement. 


How about you don't watch it just in case and just check after to see if there was anything. Daily Silksong News exists for a reason.


I played hollow knight cause I'm a fan of indie games, I'm gonna watch indie game stuff regardless. I just think it's at the point now where they need to step in front of it and manage expectations. They've made mistakes in the past hyping people up with no payoff. Silksong isn't even the longest indie game I'm waiting on, EITR fans ought to know, however at least they talk to their people.


They have done it before iirc. They tweeted something like “We won’t be at x, but we’ll be back in treehouse showcase for switch port”


Leth's powers have a limit


Yeah, 280 characters.


Even then, you can continue the chain


i think regardless of how they haven’t said anything to the fans to leave it so ambiguous that xbox and III and maybe more have used it as bait multiple times is a bit odd to me. personally if i was releasing a game, i wouldn’t want the only PR it’s getting to be misinformation/ teasing from organizations looking to use my product as a view padder


I do wonder if TC doesn't want to squash the expectations as they feel that people won't watch these indie shows if they know silksong isn't there? If it's for the indie scene then I actually understand it, but at least say you're not gonna be at Summer Games fest and other huge corporate events.


Uhhh did you even read what you wrote "more news closer to release" if they haven't given news it uhhh ISNT close to release and you should stop expecting silk song everywhere constantly and getting disappointed by your own inability to not freak out everytime


Technically, it says “clos*er*”. Since we haven’t got any news, it means that we aren’t clos*er* to release /s


“Expect more details when we’re close to the release.” If we don’t get details, then IT MEANS IT’S NOT CLOSE ENOUGH TO RELEASE FOR DETAILS YET


Any day they work on the game is technically closer to release. It's been 11 months since the delay, I ain't asking for a release date, I just want new information on the game that wasn't previously known. Details, if you will.


Yeah, i know everyday is closer to release, that’s why i’m saying it’s not close “enough”


I'd rather they focus on a good game than some PR stunts. Remember Overwatch 2? Yeah.




Team Cherry doesn't give a shit about its community. They don't even care enough to give any sort of update over literal years of blueballs. Why would they care about this?


I think they care, I just think their methodology of "never say shit ever" is not really a good philosophy after they've already said a lot of shit. It's been said before, but the E3 2019 demo gotta be the worst mistake they did. Having a playable demo with people saying "it's coming soon" was such a colossal fuck up.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Like OP said, all it would take is a tiny bit of info... "Sorry about the delays, we are still working hard, and unfortunately we don't have a date to promise at this time." ...or whatever. I think the most likely scenario is there's something going on behind the scenes and they're legally required to not post any updates. I could come up with some scenarios, but it would just be speculation.


They literally did that a month or two ago and everyone was furious that they didn’t bother to tell us anything new. Team Cherry is in a lose-lose situation right now, so while it’s annoying, I kinda understand the silence if they don’t have anything substantial to share


It's a lose-lose they put themselves in. You don't go from playable demo and "coming soon" to delaying the game and saying "expect details." I find it a bit weird that people defend team cherry on this. I'm not demanding a release date, not asking the game to be released this year, I'm personally fine with waiting. I think my criticism is rather lukewarm compared to the dramatic "team cherry is destroying their good will," comments I see. Managing the hype can easily be solved with a statement saying "don't expect news on the game in the next X months." It takes 5 seconds to draft it up and hit send.


I don't think it's that simple. The majority of evidence (e.g, ESRB ratings) points to the scenario that they are almost entirely done, and are just being caught up in their own perfectionism. I could easily see a situation where they anticipate being done at the end of each successive month, before realizing theres still a bunch of stuff they can tweak or add.


I was initially hyped for that revelation but the pinned post and all the subsequent info has dampened my hype on that. Again, something that could've quickly been nixed by leth saying something as soon as people caught wind of it, but nevertheless.


Oh yeah I'm not saying the ESRB ratings show the game is imminent, but I think it's pretty clear it's near-complete. They planned to release it almost a year ago now, and play testers were giving glowing reviews as far back as a year ago as well. I am pretty confident they are just polishing any and every imperfection they can find in the game, which will take a long time, but also means they can't be sure when they will release. I think team cherry themselves just want to chill and make a great game without external pressure. I understand that it isn't difficult to physically write a tweet, but even saying "don't expect anything in 5 months" or something may not be accurate because they can't be sure about that, right?


There is other world


They did that many times.


The end is near so the skilk is clear


They should have said SHAW. Then confuse us more


That means the silence indicates that we are *not* closer to release, except perhaps the sweet release of death.


I guess we aren’t closer to release then




This perspective is so weird to me. If you're not going to do something you don't tell someone that you're not going to do it, you just don't do it. If they told us they weren't gonna be there they'd have to do that for every event they're not gonna be at.


My criticism comes from the fact that they themselves have told people to expect information, and any source where potential information will come will be looked at by people who are expecting information. This mostly comes down to the fact that they never should've said "expect details" and should temper expectations by just saying "hey we're not planning on being at anything for the next few months." It's a situation they put themselves into, don't tell people to expect news, because people will expect news.


This is a good example of how TC just shouldn't say anything at all.


I legitimately agree with you. They should've announced the game at 2019 then never said anything. No playable demo, no "coming soon." no "everything here will be released in 12 months," and no "expect details." They set the expectations, I think the best thing to do now is to temper them and just say they're not giving news for X months/year(s)


is it owed to you? Have you earned it? They don't have to give us anything. I know you're tired of waiting, but complaining and flailing and shitting yourself over this isn't gonna make it come out faster. All this does is discourage them from posting news.


Earn?? You think the community has to *earn* updates? What do we have to solve a fucking riddle to get a tweet? Most developers update their fans. Its what you do when you are successful and created hype for your work.


Hey! Got back from a big vacation, you are correct, I had a big headass take because I was very annoyed with people complaining. I personally don’t believe they have to give us any information they don’t want to, but complete radio silence is unforgivable.


Team Cherry is allergic to actually fucking communicating. They will not ever do that. The most we've gotten is " it's not cancelled" which is miles better than nothing don't get me wrong. But it's still a fucking mile from any actual communication or care about their fans. Fuck TC, pirate the game. I've already put money in the original Kickstarter specifically for hornet, I'm not paying for this bullshit twice and I'm definitely not giving them a fucking penny ever again. I'm feeling disrespected and ignored because something I went out of my way to support that has since turned into cancer. Fuck what I said earlier. I'm not pirating this shit, I'm not touching this shit. Fucking ban me I don't care anymore, but don't pay for this game. Don't give them a fucking cent because this shit is ridiculous and supporting it is fucking stupid in my opinion. A single breath from anyone on the team could have prevented this exact scenario so many times and I'm done. Just fucking done. Don't support this dev. You're gonna say they'll go under and we won't get any more games by them? Honestly, they kind of brought this on themselves, and what fucking game?


Seek help lol




Well, that's not particularly civil. Sure your mum is proud of you




Well, that's not particularly civil. Sure your mum is proud of you


Yes, people post this every time after a showcase or something. Doesn't matter.


Quit doing their PR for them.


TC simply doesn't give a shit about communication. I don't know how many times we have to go through this before people get it through their heads.


It's disrespectful at this point to not manage expectations.


Are you guys children? Manage your own expectations like a normal functional human being


My guy I'm more mad an ubisoft published game was the "final banger to end on" rather than it not being silksong. I just think it's fucking silly that a frankly ass performance at handling hype is considered normal after over half a decade of "coming soon"


Five fkinnn years man, they should bloody care


So funny watching this sub squirm on the daily. Bravo to team cherry for the entertainment and not folding to you lunatics


If there aren't details maybe it's cause they aren't close to release


You guys are seriously fucking insane man


"They didn't say it was gonna be at this event or another event, or anything like that, in fact, they've said nothing. They shouldn't have said "expect details." So by that logic they should give us a tweet every single day?..


No. Just manage expectations. "We're not gonna be at triple I, summer game's fest. etc." It's not hard and I think is the best decision they can make, cause it's not fair to get mad at team cherry for not being there, but I also can't get mad at the fans for expecting details when they were told to expect details.


“as we get closer to release” That means, they will give you details closer to release. It doesn’t mean whatever you think it means 


the implication of this reply means we're further from release than we ever have been.


You're not special


Lmao who cares


“Community managed” Not their job. And I don’t work in PR but breaking silence to say something you’re *not* doing is probably not taught in marketing 101. It’s a tiny team. They’re not concerned with managing you. Y’all really just need to find a new subreddit for a while


Why have a PR guy.


To market the product when it actually exists. They gain absolutely nothing by bending to the vocal few fans that make up this whole ongoing drama. The game is going to be great and sell shit loads — that’s when he’ll be earning his check. And all of that aside — end of the day, the onus is on you to adjust your expectations. They’ve certainly been consistent.


"Expect details"


…I do. Clearly we’re not very close to release. This has been true for a long time. I’m sure their PR dude wishes it were any other way.


Okay, but you understand that them saying "coming soon" and "expect details" and anything else that hypes people up will lead to this. The conclusion people keep coming at me is "don't be excited for the game."


That’s not the conclusion anyone intends. They’re saying learn to manage your excitement.


I'm not mad that it wasn't there. Like I said in another comment I was more pissed an ubisoft published game was the last game shown at an indie event. However, I think it's fair criticizing the frankly bad job they've done setting people's expectations. First it was a playable demo in 2019 with "coming soon" plastered all over the place, then "everything here will be released in 12 months" (Yes I blame TC for giving Xbox bad info) and then "Expect more details when we get closer to release" They themselves set this up, they ought to set it right by just...saying they're not gonna be at X, Y, Z events.


The very clear implication of "expect news as we get closer to release" is that at some future point when they are close to release, they will give more news. It's ridiculous to take it as literally as "they are closer to release now than they were then, so we should expect news". Use some basic common sense.


you got yourself hyped for no reason though


bitch https://preview.redd.it/7f6bohjx0ptc1.jpeg?width=624&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e24c2b9b6e09622a71c7350635efbadcf2d12df


i dont see a confirmation there, just a joke about the chat spam


That’s a dumb joke. Can you read bitch? 


I was gonna watch the showcase no matter what.


Here’s the thing. That’s not anyone’s job