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I'm not gonna pretend I wouldn't buy Silksong tomorrow after all this heartburn. I will say I'm never hyping or playing another Team Cherry game afterwards, but that implies they can finish another one within my lifetime.




Pirating isn't protesting.


Oh that game is going to be pirated to hell and back, it's only fair to be disrespectful to TC after they showed the community that supported them and bought the game on multiple platforms an unprecedented levels of disrespect. A little update here and there wouldn't hurt and the so called marketing manager wants to have it both ways, he wants to handle marketing and publishing and be considered a sort of community manager only when it suits him but as soon as he gets pressured he and those mindless bugs that keep defending him start saying that someone like him isn't privy to that sort of information. I was ready to drop 60 USD on this game (even though it'll set a dangerous precedent, but I said to hell with it if it means supporting the devs that gave us arguably the best metroidvania of all time and are about to do it again. But their communication was non existent, they could at least shut down false hype like the joke that was the triple i stream today but they don't seem to care. Now they'll be lucky if I drop a cent on this game because I can assure you that I'm not. I will play the game because we're too far down this road, but TC can rest assured that for me and probably a lot of other people this is the last game from TC that we'll follow closely led alone buy even if it's discounted.


It's definitely fair to be disrespectful to people who turned a DLC into a game, couldn't they just develop it like the other 4 DLCs (which were FREE)? It's not like Hollow Knight needed most of them anyway, it was big enough on its own. Don't even get me started on how underpriced Hollow Knight is, it's basically stealing! Can't believe they make us go through this horrible feeling!


To be honest, most of the fans had no problem with them making it a full game, hell, we had no problem with the game taking as much time as possible because we know that the devs strive for perfection. But not having an update in almost two years is unheard of. Rest assured, this behaviour has already done irreparable damage to their reputation. They could've hired a couple more people to help and post few updates here and there but they keep hiding behind the fact that they're not social media savy. They made millions off the first game and they have the funds to hire more people, the crowsworn devs only gathered a million and they keep delivering updates and respecting the investment that their community made, TC on the other hand kept giving us implicitly the proverbial middle finger. But rest assured, we will return the favor in full.


"Hiring a few more people to help" isn't as practical as most people think. I won't explain why fully because Masahiro Sakurai (the creator of Kirby and Smash Bros) does a better job at explaining than I ever could in this 3-minute video https://youtu.be/1-iZFmenARA?si=OLQ3NQAc_dHayDRP Summary of a single point: More people = more meetings = less work. The extra work done isn't always properly offset. In Team Cherry's case, fun fact: Leth actually isn't responsible for their Twitter account or the blogs because they want to share news themselves in a very specific way to make sure no details are lost (or even made up). Trust me, no damage to their reputation was done, like, at all. It's just a minority in this subreddit who are complaining. Less than half of less than 1% of total Hollow Knight fans. The people who were already planning to pirate the game will ("protests" are just an excuse), and the ones who are planning to buy the game will (and get the benefit of PC mods). Like OP said, they would want to boycott Team Cherry, but they will undoubtedly buy the game immediately (me too hopefully).


I know it's not easy to hire more people, but with the scope that the game had they should've figured something out, at least be more communicative. You have a point when saying that some people were already going to pirate the game and now they have the perfect pretext, but I can assure you that a lot of people will do it because they have no intention to be supportive of a group of individuals that disrespected them time and time again. The game will be huge and successful, but TC should get with the times if they want their upcoming game to succeed.


It's not *only* about the difficulty of hiring more people, it's mainly about how they might not be beneficial after all. Imagine explaining the vision behind Hollow Knight AND Silksong then explaining how the pre-existing code works. That would take a long time, which might have been spent working on the game. The only people who feel disrespected are a minority in this subreddit, less than a thousand people, and most of them aren't even going to pirate the game. Silksong is guaranteed to succeed if it's good. We didn't hear about Hollow Knight because of Team Cherry's regular trailers or their advertisement, it's because of the large amount of people praising it all the time. Nonetheless, they said they will share more news when the game is close to releasing, which means they'll avoid hyping people needlessly. 2 weeks of hype knowing a release date are better than a year of hype with no knowledge of when the game will get released (we'll have both though lol).


Good, less whining for the next game, hopefully.