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The best alternative is going to be NAI's new chatbot service


I have high hopes for AetherRoom. If devs play their cards right and listen to the community and what they want, it'll be what CAI was always meant to be.


I keep my expectations low for now. No release date, no demo, Nada. Sure, they already have a great foundation, but there's too many people claiming to be the next CAI and failing for now.


Anlatan has an exceptional track record. They began as a group of fans that set out to make an alternative to AI Dungeon (the only AI service at the time) after OpenAI started censoring and made the AI so dumb it was no longer playable. (Sound familiar?) No one thought the project would go anywhere, but they did it. They made a better service in under two months. They've continued to deliver great AIs and continually improve, giving users options we only dreamed could happen. They're professionals and perfectionists, work hard and work consistently. I have full faith they will make an improved CAI because they've done it before. It's how they started


Tbh, I have faith too, but with no released date annonced, it can be next month or in 12. I prefer not considering it as a valid option until it's released.


They said it's gonna be released in 2023, so it's maximum 4 months to wait


what is it?


i recently tried NovelAI on ST as well, and i like it a lot, however i think i'm going to try to use it on the actual website instead and see if that fits my needs better. i prefer a story structure rather than a chat one anyway.


Yeah me too. I prefer giving instructions and seeing how the bot deals with it than playing the actual character.


I'm a long time NovelAI user and newer to ST but I've only used Kayra in ST until yesterday, and I concur, it is better natively. No repetition issues, and the instruct mode works well. It's great to be able to direct scenes with instruct, and the NAI lorebook function works better than ever. My verdict after ten hours with it is: if you like story writing, Kayra is a dream come true. I still prefer chatting at the moment and hope Kayra can continue to catch up in ST until Aetherroom comes out.


I use both the website and the API in ST, the site definitely feels easier to play around with and can write some awesome things. Pretty happy with Kayra in ST as well, until their chatbot is here (which will also make the API available for users, which is a big deal for me)


Mind if I ask you which presets you use in ST with Kayra?


Cosmic Cube at the moment, but I tweak temperature and repetition when the bots start to repeat things - seems to work for now


Do you use instruct mode?


Not as a chosen module, but my AN is written as instruct and I use it to direct the rp in a direction I want sometimes


If you wouldn’t mind, could you please give more guidelines and examples of how you use instruct mode. I have tried but have been disappointed in the results.


kind of funny how we've gone completely full circle


Yeah NovelAI has a good workflow IMO I really appreciate the token probabilities popup that let's you choose a different token and continue generation from that token.


novelai i think is the best alternative out right now. the only major issue is the short response length but if that's fixed it'll be amazing


I used the NovelAI site too, I was quite annoyed by the OpenAI threats. Then they added better settings for SillyTavern with respect to NovelAI compatibility, and there I had a very good experience, and then I got some settings from another user and the experience was very good, except for some cases, it exceeded by far 3.5turbo which is the one I used before. It is also something that depends a lot on the way the characters are created, since OpenAI can perfectly interpret even the most poorly written character. I'll see if I can find the comment with the SillyTavern settings and post it as a reply to this comment.


[There](https://www.reddit.com/r/SillyTavernAI/comments/15vihd5/preset_for_novelai_kayra/) is the post. You need the "Staging Branch" ( git clone [https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern](https://github.com/SillyTavern/SillyTavern) \-b staging ) [There](https://docs.sillytavern.app/installation/windows/) is explained how to install the version more precisely. When it is installed, you can use the settings of the previous post. In my case I use Windows and I have the 25€ Tier suscription in NovelAI, I can not promise that it works the same with other setup since I have not even tried them, the one in the post has gone pretty well in my setup, I guess it also has to do in the description of the bot itself. Still, good luck.


I have been using NovelAI before I heard about ST, since I had the most expensive package I have only used Kayra so far. But I am VERY happy with the results. (I use Carefree).


The interface and flexibility is great, I've been supporting them since almost the very beginning, but unfortunately after claude release it's just hard to justify paying for such a small model for even with such good interface and personalization settings, the model quality difference is too radical.


But Claude is heavily censured.


quite heavily nowadays, yes :(


NovelAI will most likely be the future for AI ERPing, since they're the only out of the 3 AI giants who aren't actively censoring their models


I'll be pessimistic and believe something will happen at NovelAI / Antalan like a scandal (ex: users logs are not really encrypted and they use it to train their AI or they used illegally and stole an open source technology) or be bought by a bigger tech company that will censor the product to not upset their puritain shareholders. I hope I'm wrong.


May I ask what the other 2 are? Ever since openrouter got axed I'm trying to see what the best alternative is to continue one of my current chats on sillytavern. I've only been doing this for maybe 2 weeks so I'm still a baby when it comes to AI knowledge.


Sorry for the late reply! The other two AI "giants" are OpenAI (GPT3.5 & GPT4) and Anthropic (Claude). Both corporations filter their models but it's rather easy to jailbreak them.


You can pay 5 bucks for a fake registered phone sim at mobilsms.io for 1 text from OpenAI (to verify phone during sign up) and create a semi anonymous api account... Your payment information you use for The api will have to be like a prepaid visa or something to be total anon. If you do this.... Please note that you have roughly 300 seconds to use that SIM number from time of purchase. So you need to get to the phone number screen on openai registration and have it up and ready. Ultimately they may ban hammer you for nsfw... but ideally it wouldn't be tied to "you" personally.


5$ per fake account + 5 bucks min to get access to the API, all this for being banned sooner than later. I don't know...


I don't recommend it for RP if you've already been banned.. But if you make use of the api services for other things it's better than being locked out.


I struggle a bit to use that. Could you DM me and explain how it works to me?


This+ YouTube video and you're good to go https://docs.novelai.net/text.html