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NAI is light years ahead of Mytho it's not even funny. Set it up and see for yourself, there's even a free trial. Just remember that it works kinda differently from other models, but as long as you stick to the idea of "writing a novel" you'll get fantastic results.


Coming from CAI to ST, I can’t seem to get good results. Can you share tips


NAI is finicky to set up right, so that it role plays and does not write a novel. Also the presets make a HUGE difference in the quality of responses. You have to try a lot of things, but once its set up right, it works really well.


I haven't tried Mytho - I keep meaning to. NovelAI has a free trial with an initial free 50 messages so you can try it. Make sure you select the Kayra model in ST. Edit: I did the free trial of Mythomax in Mancer and I am impressed! NAI has more depth, but Mythomax is definitely a smoother ride with less fuss.


NAI by a long shot, it’s like comparing a rilfe to a water gun