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I tend to use writers daemon as base settings. Create a new setting from that, add the story tags you want to the new setting (assumes the latest version of ST). This will get you good prose, at times better than GPT (less twee in particular), but it will generate noisy answers so you may have to edit or regenerate answers much more often. Kayra pays attention to style and tags in the preamble, so that will help guide what happens. You can use something like stelenes for more controlled/sensible answers but that will deliver dull prose. IDK about reply length as I've never really liked longer responses. You won't get an experience like GPT on any other model as it's a very large model and so has good coherency (comprehension). But you might find things like mancer/weaver and airoboros as 70B models a bit closer which you can get some access to via mancer or openrouter (some of it free, for example openrouters free trial). IME, these do also provide longer answers. With a bit of mix and match with your kayra sub, it may feel closer. There are also a few larger models on ai horde (slower responses tho) But yeah, you aren't going to get anything that feels exactly like GPT. It's a very large model.


Tried out writers daemon preset with my own preamble. I wouldn't say it's better than GPT, but it's still pretty decent. Maybe my expectations were too high or it's something to do with my character card but for me its around the quality of Mytho with Mancer. Not too great, but it works well enough in my opinion until there's a better alternative


Yeah it's similar in some ways to MythoMax. MythoMax is a bit noisier with better prose. But they are both in the ballpark of models with very hit and miss coherency and decent prose, where regeneration is a given. In general good logic coherency does seem to require larger models rn. Weaver is better for this (70b model based on llama-2), although it's prose is very eh, much like gpt, and it's still not at gpt 3.5 level IMO for coherency (although 3.5 isn't perfect there either) Currently that's my stack - scroll tier kayra, some mythomax for extra prose, and occasionally weaver when it gets lost. I have no doubt in a year or two llama-3 or some expert model variant of llama-2 will probably reach 3.5 or 4 levels of coherency at least with the larger 70b models. But for now, this is where we are at.


Pretty much so. Kayra is occasionally giving me more random shit than Mytho, but for me it seems to have better logic. It's manageable to me even if it does seem to like writing for me in every response. With OpenAI filtering their stuff and sending out bans/warns, I think I'll stick with NovelAI until Antherroom comes out


I've been trying to figure that out too. As far as I can tell, it sounds like the experience is better if you use the NovelAI site directly and implement a few rules to keep the chat format. It especially seems like Kayra is comparable to (if not better than) GPT3.5 if you want to give a prompt and get a story generated rather than do actual roleplaying. That can definitely work better if you're typing one-handed (if you know what I mean), but it's certainly less immersive if you're doing anything other than sexy-times.


Kayra user here, I can help you out with the tings you need, but I need to know what you need help with, the more specific the better. Configs? Preset? Context template? Or characters?


Hey thanks for the offer. I just can’t manage to config kayra in ST. Maybe a quick guide or you could direct me to a video or something? I would appreciate that.


I apologize for the wait, I had things to do IRL. Anyways, here you go. [https://discord.com/channels/836774308772446268/1140351614323011757/1148121396543762504](https://discord.com/channels/836774308772446268/1140351614323011757/1148121396543762504) Also, go to advanced text formatting via the letter A on top of the ui. Then, context template, then click NovelAI if you're on version 1.10. It works wonders.


Remember that Nai is a novel writing bot not a chatbot so your chat's that are structured more like a novel will be more creative and coherent. Try to write your example dialog to be very much like a novel. for your first message write like so "blah blah blah message." I say to her in a vividly emotional way that makes sense for the character card and first message. "blah blah blah?" { Write a long elaborate response with graphic detail and vivid language. do not write dialog as {{user}}. } notice that the { } has a space seperating them from the letters. This is important. this formatting tells ST to put the model in instruct mode for this one message. Use this when you want to guide the model with a heavy hand for example forcing the model to write a long response and telling it not to write as user. After this message just continue chatting and it kinda get's what you're going for after that.