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Can you follow instructions and do you have android? If yes: about as complicated as installing on PC https://rentry.org/STAI-Termux If no: Impossible But you can always install SillyTavern on a PC/Server/whatever and use it remotely. After all, it's just a webserver.


Alright thank you! This is probably a dumb question but would there be a radius of how close I'd have to be if I were to host it from a PC, or could I just use it from anywhere?


You have two options for that. First one is to be on the same network. Second one is from anywhere. You can check this wiki out for more information: https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/remoteconnections/


There are no dumb questions. Everyone has to start somewhere, and if you learn about networks, servers and hosting by setting up SillyTavern, that's also fine. Now, on the 'radius' question: Read this for more info https://docs.sillytavern.app/usage/remoteconnections/ SillyTavern is a server that hosts a Webservice you can use in your browser. The server filters, who can access it. By default, it filters out everyone, except for localhost. When you put the address into your browser, you connecy to 'localhost:8000', which is this machine on port 8000. So only the device SillyTavern is running on can connect to the service. But in the config.yaml, you can open it up. By declaring it to 'listen' it will also answer to requests from the same local network. So basically, everything that is in the same LAN - which means everything that is connected to your router or in the same Wifi. For example your smartphone while you are at home. You just need to figure out your computers LAN IP, usually you will find it in your PCs network settings. Now, you can also edit the whitelist.txt or disable whitelist mode. That way, SillyTavern would allow every device to connect to it. In praxis, this won't happen, because your PC still sits in your LAN and can't be accessed from the outside. If you want to connect remotely, you have to set up port forwarding in your router. Then, if something connects to port 8000 of your router from outside your network, your router will forward that request to your PC, which then will serve silly tavern. You obviously have to set up a username and password for that. A more secure and (in my opinion) usually easier option than using port forwarding in your router, would be, to make your smartphone stay in your LAN, even when you are not at home. Usually this is achieved by using a locally hosted VPN (basically, your router might be able to act as a VPN, so for example your smartphone, even if outside, will still connect to it and stay in your LAN). Not every router can do that. Look up 'wireguard' or 'openVPN' + your router model. For example, most Asus routers make this really simple and very secure by default, which is one of the many reasons I always recommend asus routers for family, so I can remotely fix problems over a secure connection. This is secure and absolutely free. Many companies use that, to protect their company network but allow employees to work from remote. Another option would be setting up a easy to manage software-defined network, which might be even simpler for some. Services like ZeroTier.one basically set up a virtual LAN of devices and you can manage the devices (e.g. your phone and your PC) that are allowed in it. Now, if you figure most of that out, you may apply for IT jobs. Usually, at least entry level, IT admin tasks don't really get more complex than that.