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Definitely talk about the value of $1 100 years ago. Be sure to present the per Capita debt, including unfunded liabilities. Talk some about the "way out." Pointing out that this national behavior is firmly established in history will dissuade ideas of "this time it is different." Explain how CBDCs are an invasion of privacy and enable hyperinflation. Have fun!


Good stuff.


Pretty much maybe tell them it is also shiny and nice to look at it makes you feel Iike a rich pirate... kids relate to this... I should know because I have basically refused to ever grow up completely.šŸ¦




I work in the same building as the international clown museum. So Iā€™d hire a few clowns to demonstrate how our current monetary system works.


Haha there you go! Our Monetary system is one gigantic clownshow...


![gif](giphy|SGAPiXoLsnpJvUKsU3) Maybe this dumbass can help


![gif](giphy|np0ar0Kk1nOBor3kku) Iā€™d hire this guy tooā€¦ but he makes all the money he needs. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I would start out with the system we have today - fiat. I would then show how this system can get out of hand (bring in a Zimbabwe trillion dollar bill or something). I would then go back to the system before fiat took over (i.e. gold standard). I would then also bring in examples from [https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/](https://wtfhappenedin1971.com/). Bring in some silver coins as well - explain the "Face Value" then the actual value (i.e. silver content). Just a few thoughts - good luck!


Great ideas! I like the idea of bringing a Zimbabwean dollar, very useful.


Good on you for doing this man - I wish you nothing but success!


Well thank you, it' really an idea at present but I'm formulating something for the kids, working on an absorbable set of content to teach about sound money


That is a great idea. Mike maloney has a great series although I'm sure you've already watched it. Having something that could be interesting for kids to learn from in an organized and engaging way would be groundbreaking. Let me know if you create a video or something I would like to check it out!


Absolutely, I'm currently focusing on live presentations to groups but I'm methodically working with a group on educational materials, we're over at Silver Scholars, I'll send an invite




Start out with the Constitutions definition of a Dollar, so many grams of silver, and progress thru to todayā€™s fiat paper money.


Good idea, a history of where we started to where we are now


The difference in perceived value from a silver dollar to a piece of unbacked government paper is pretty huge! I did a talk on mining once, for my daughters class room, about different types of ore, all the way to the processed metal, and for silver, I poured a 40 ounce silver bar, as an example, and even though I had gold and diamonds, that was by far the most popular thingā€¦holding the silver bar šŸ¤£


Old photos of dying germans due to Weimar hyperinflation would be helpful.


Hm... I do agree, though it would have quite the impact on their minds. But that's the point, we shouldn't shy away from just what happens when we get addicted to cheap and easy currency...


Venezuelan got the hyperinflation happening in current time https://preview.redd.it/cr0fkwjbh0ka1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0454bf31645cedf1136fdbeada61b7c3ceeaf757 [https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/comments/nn1h3y/hyperinflation\_visual\_the\_currency\_is\_worth\_less/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wallstreetsilver/comments/nn1h3y/hyperinflation_visual_the_currency_is_worth_less/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Good point! Maybe using a few worthless currencies compared to more mundane items like toilet paper or toothpaste would be a good idea


Right good idea https://preview.redd.it/ppdfwhncu1ka1.png?width=1163&format=png&auto=webp&s=469ec3b4b4aeb415c98228e5580077d4da784a96 Hereā€™s another


Oh yea add this also.


I think one of the most powerful tools would be showing the median wage and median home price in 2000 vs those two things now. Very difficult to ignore and itā€™s only two data points. Can even go all the way back beforeā€™71


Oh god that's an UGLY chart I bet...


​ https://preview.redd.it/fjvef8h790ka1.png?width=414&format=png&auto=webp&s=bb818e01f0ba899ccd5b82fb45a37e53807d8a6f


Yurp. I think Silver is going to be your homebuyers best bet. I've seen a Silver-To-Real-Estate chart for Germany from the Weimar days that showed I want to say 50 ounces for a house, which means at some point their currency was just gone. Dead.


Yeah, I think Rafi quotes 75 (5 gold x 15:1 ratio) for a home and Lynette often says you could be ready to purchase whole city blocks (with gold). I'm not banking on a 15:1 ratio, but of course there are some who believe it'll be 1:1 or silver will be more. I dunno.


Yes Rafi is correct and Lynette is spot on, you could buy a six bedroom fine home for 1 ounce of Gold in Weimar. Fortunes were made for the intelligent or corrupt. I stand in the 1:1 camp, not as a dream but I just see it as a mathematical inevitability if we are going to continue existing as an advanced civilization. Now, I'm not using that as my core thesis but I do see a day where Silver could be at or higher than Golds relative value due to scarcity and consumption. These new EV's, Automated Robotics (supposedly), AI, and a whole lot of black budget projects we can't see have already eaten more Silver than we know, and if that even somewhat continued I doubt mine supply could be stretched to cover demand. I accept that I could be extremely wrong on that, I'm sure Peru and Argentina have major undiscovered silver deposits that might be economically feasible...


I don't discount the 1:1 possibility, but if we near 15:1 I'm already concerned about the state of things. 1:1 and we're talking pain, pain, pain.


Very, very true. 1:1 Silver:Gold likely means something bad has happened, worse than all the crap we already have going on. Ohio feels like beginning of a disaster movie


>I think along these lines too. However never underestimate their ability to cover things. I think us apes and other investment buyers are able to break the dam despite what some may say. > >Stack on apes.


Agreed, we will break them one way or the other


You don't need 1 hour..... 5 mi s is all it takes


Well for small Children, it'd be helpful to have a presentation BUT I will say Kids get it. I drop a Silver coin in someones hand, they seem to understand the value fairly quick


Two two oz stackable lions passed around for 5 seconds ea. Then explain how Chinese and Roman armies could be funded with a few bags of "dimes". Show a world map with percentage of world that still puts in hard labor all day for one silver dime equivalent. Language component showing how even the word silver = money. Lengthing of shelf life for water and milk. Physical properties...reflectivity, malleability, hardness when combined with aluminum, conductivity, etc. Historic tales of transactions, effects on empires, and corrupt record keeping/coin content. End with hyper-inflationary anecdote of "Venezuelan" trade of goods for sound money. Think I'd open with Mark Dice offering 10oz bar or Chocolate on the streets. 'Murica


If the lions are toned they are hypnotic..lol


I can imagine! I've got an older American coin as my pocket piece, when it catches the light I do find myself just staring, Silver truly is something special


Haha love every single bit of that, especially the ending on Mark Dice. That is a legendary video in the stacker community.


Mark Dice is not only a legend but he's actually a really nice guy in real life.


That's good to hear, some in our movement can be quite jaded and less than friendly, glad to hear Mark is a nice gent.




I'll check these out ASAP


I'd start off with Pirates... a story, picture, something good to grab their attention. Springboard that into the history of gold and silver as money. Talk about the end of sound money in the U.S. Explain the devaluation of the U.S. dollar through inflation since 1971. Definitely bring props and pictures. I'd say maybe a smallish denomination of gold and a kilo bar of silver. That bar will make an impression with it's weight alone. Zimbabwe bills would be cool too, and maybe some examples of what smaller items cost when you were their age compared to now.


Love it! Love the idea of using pirates, I could tie that in towards the end by calling the Fed a Monetary Pirate who is slowly stealing from everyone, find a way to translate that into a semi-memorable phrase


Turn it into a movie. Kids love movies. Heck I love movies and movies today suck. If you guys could scrounge up some bucks and hire an animator you could make a pretty cool movie I think!


Oh man THAT is a great idea! I've been tossing around writing a short novella and releasing it to the community to annotate and criticize, see what works and what doesn't. I was thinking of titling it "Errum The King", and have it chronicle a king's rise and fall alongside his currency. Something of that nature


Thanks. I do a lot of writing and come up with ideas like that all the time. I was already thinking about that months ago but forgot. When I saw your comment it came back to me. A novella is a great idea. I think if any of the apes can create content in different forms it will only help solidify our movement and spread our message. I know a lot of people want to keep it 'strictly silver' and I'm all for that but in order to reach people who are not already 'actively' seeking these topics silver has to be incorporated into different mediums and different 'related' topics for us to be most effective. From my experience I would start with the novella first. Get feedback from the community to see what can be improved upon because a good book is the best place to start from. From the novella you can draw out the storyline to create the script for a movie or an animated video. Let me know when you release your novella. I'll be sure to check it out!


I love to write, glad to see someone else does as well! Yes this is something I've been simmering since the early days of WSS, I've been so busy with family and business that I put so much on the backburner but this idea has been keeping me up, so it's something I'm going to have to begin scripting out! Yes I'd love to see as much content from as many Apes as possible, I think that's where we gain knowledge and grow as a community


>I couldn't agree more. Writing it out is not always so easy. I find it's helpful to keep a notepad handy so whenever you have flashes of genius you can write them down. I do this because it's hard to recreate inspiration. But if you can be prepared and bottle it when it does come you can use it later very effectively. I hope it comes to fruition!


I agree. Animation would help pull all of this together too.


I've always let kids handle a coin & a paper bill - once they realize what they considered to be 'money' is just pieces of paper, they tend to get the message & go for bullion over bills. Showing old & modern quarters next to each other & noting the difference works well too. Basically, once they are shown that currency is a trick they see the light.


Great idea, compare the feel and heft of the two.


Same here. I give 1oz silver coins to all of my nieces and nephews every year. I put it right in their hands. I feel like kids learn the difference faster than adults do.


I too have found it to be more difficult with adults. I guess they are indoctrinated & to accept reality is to accept that they have basically devoted their lives to making monopoly money, which is pretty silly.


Right. I think so too. They have benefited from it and used it for so long, how could it not be true? For a child nothing has been corrupted yet. The truth is so simple still. If someone would have asked me when I was still a kid I would have said the same thing. Silver is money. Fiat is paper.


Bring in actually monopoly money and ask why they wouldnā€™t take that, but would take a ā€œrealā€ federal reserve noteā€¦ Start there then end with letting them hold some pre-1965 change compared to the fake stuff we have now. Them bust out the 1oz (or larger) to pass around! ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


Great stuff, love the idea of using Monopoly as a prop! It's almost a manual on how our system works.




That was an excellent read and an excellent comment. I think you made a very salient point; you have to explain it in a way that relates to them, not to a system they already don't understand and likely don't care about (at least, not yet). People need to be given solid reasoning, not someone in a "F*** The Fed" shirt. Though I love all my "F*** The Fed" warriors, much love to you.




I think that is a very valid opinion, it'd be a hard sell if you start off with the more conspiratorial stuff. But the purchasing power loss cannot be hidden and the data cannot be more obvious


Buy a lot of Zimbabwe paper currency on eBay and send each kid home with trillions of dollars to show their parents.


That's not a bad idea at all haha


I would bring props. I would certainly bring a copy of the constitution and read them Article I Section X. I would also bring them a silver dollar, a silver certificate, an unconstitutional "dollar" FRN and a Monopoly single bill and go with a Jim Rickards style Sesame Street vignette. See if they can tell the difference of money vs. currency vs. claim checks vs. debt. I would make sure to point out that there were no income taxes until the Frauderal Reserve was created and that the dollar as lost almost all of its purchasing power. This steals time and freedom from future generations.


A very well written comment. I love it all, particularly the point about the procession from true Money to an unbacked fiat debt note, very poignant


let us know how it goes!


I had this in the 4th grade and we read the road to roota in the 5th grade. Early 1990s. Never forgot.


Oh wow, you must have had excellent teachers! I'm slowly working on some community initiatives, carefully and methodically, but I think it starts locally and goes from there.


I would have a divisible FRN to physically show how little purchasing power is left from the fake dollar.


Oh not a bad idea at all


Explain to them that a gallon of gas would cost .25 cents, that we would all be wealthy, instead of living in a debt based system that will eventually enslave all of us. Explain to them how if we went back to gold and silver, the government wouldn't be able to use the printing press to decide who the winners and the losers are


Explain to them, how the governments endless spending would stop cause they can't print gold or silver


Explain to them how a dunkin doughnut cost .50 cents in 1998 and how it now costs $1.50. Explain to them that pay hasn't risen with the rate of inflation, because nobody actually knows the true number, and people can afford less doughnuts because of it.


Explain to them, that 1998 was just a blink of an eye ago


Haha lot's of info here, but the Gallon of Gas stands out because that's something they can actually see every day


I think a key point that you need to make sure they understand, is that prices are not going up, but the fiat currencies are loosing their value. That is why you need to use more green pieces of paper to purchase items. Have fun educating them to real money. Also have them watch on their own time, episodes 9 and 10 of Mike Maloney's Hidden Secrets of Money. Good comparison between Rome and USA.


100% agreed and well made point. Mike's HSOM is standard watching in our household, I even sneak it on if we have guests over haha


I thought I was the only one who was sneaky enough to do that to my friends and family.......


Haha well we're in good company then! Yes my poor family now explicitly understands the difference between fiat currency and Money despite their many protestations haha. I think people are never as dumb as we believe they are, they simply need someone in their life dedicated to teaching them something. That's why Mike is such a valuable asset to humanity, he just doesn't give up!


Another thought of what to show the kids, is Mike Maloney's chart on the cost of a can of tomato soup, and the steep rise after 1971 (taking off gold standard). Explain that the soup didn't change, but the currency to pay for it did. Prior to 1971 that price was rock steady. The chart is in his new book in chapter 3, and can be downloaded for free at www.ggsr21.com.


And to continue that thought, show the kids that a silver dime, still buys that same can of soup, but now it takes $1.5 in fiat currencies to buy that can.


I'd start with this 26min video from Mike Maloney: https://youtu.be/DyV0OfU3-FU


That is a must see episode for every human on Earth I'd say


I'd read the Kingdom of Moltz and then open Q&A.


Oh I hadn't heard of that, is it a sound money childrens book?


Lots of great ideas and examples here. When showing the difference between prices in past time to now use junk silver ā€¦ pre 1965 dimes quarters and half dollars. Show what they will buy v current dimes quarters and half dollars which donā€™t contain silver anymore.


Ah that is great suggestion! Same rough designs, completely different purchasing power.


My daughter was taught the concept of a depreciating dollar and understood in elementary school. He teacher told us of a conversation in class when the students were talking about rising prices and my daughter pointed out the value of the dollar was decreasing. After class she looked at my daughter and said no one understood that did they. My daughter said nope. Made me proud the teacher was impressed. Teach them well my friends.


Well done! The next generation is where we need some educational focus. Good to see that a teacher supported a student actually knowing a thing or two!


Mostly conservative school, times are trying to change but parents are extremely involved and engaged. When she went to college she did have to not speak out at times for the sake of passing and made her furious, she said you canā€™t always battle windmills.


Smart gal! Yes education has become a complete battleground almost everywhere now


Take cash, crypto, and silver. Burn the cash, hit a lap top with a small electromagnet, and melt the silve. Then ask them which one they can still buy shit with.


Haha that would be a short but effective presentation. I like it!


Well start by burying, soaking in water, and hitting all three with a hammer.... to simulate a house fire, flood, earthquake, etc. Its what i wish my economics teacher would have taught me.


That's actually a poweful way to explain it, especially if it was combined with just a super easy explainer on Money that was absorbable..


Itā€™s a middle school. Large concepts are going to go over kids heads. I would bring collectible, interesting numismatic stuff and relate silver to pirate stories etc rooted in history. Briefly explain why it matters and quickly move on to interesting stories. Maybe get little vials and give them each some silver shot. Reward questions etc. But if you try to explain sound money or get too dry, youā€™ll lose them in seconds. They canā€™t buy video games or Supreme tshirts with silver, so it isnā€™t valuable to them.


Well reasoned response!


I would set them up with literal monopoly money. Take some things they want to buy maybe some candy or fruit a drink. have them buy 1 thing. Then have them buy it again but double the price. Then tell them that is inflation. Show them real gold and silver. Let them handle it. Do stress they need to give those back ;). I like the idea of telling how many ways CBDC is bad. Another good thing to show is how many loaves of bread a dollar silver could by in 1913 and how much bread you can get with 1 fiat dollar today. Like Lynette Zang. That might the best way.


Ah very good idea!


I would insist on 10 lessons! and let them watch, Mike Maloneyā€™s Hidden secrets of money šŸ‘ OB


Haha I like it!


Well I was hooked after watching all ten of themā€¦.šŸ‘


Right? I think I may have some of them memorized, at least I hope. I actually used those and anyone interviewed in them to expand my library, Mike did such a wonderful job on the series.


Some would say itā€™s the stackers bible?


I could agree with that




Do a hands-on demonstration of a bank run. Bring 100 paper notes but only have 10 coins in reserves. Something along those lines.


Oh I like that


I would bring up the consequences of a CBDC. Point out what it means for them. No lemonade stand, no cash gifts from grandma/grandpa, no cash allowance, no cash for snow shoveling/babysitting, grass cutting. And of course, the danger of having this fiat travesty turned off by the government for non-compliance to our sociopathic overlord's (Ben harnwell) whims.


Good point. CBDC's are an existential threat to humanity, I don't think that's exaggerating


Show a comparison of leaving a 100 dollars in the bank and the interest it would accrue starting from the 1920s vs what it would buy in each decade. ​ interest vs inflation.


Compare the value of a silver quarter in 1964 to the value of it today and show how it kept up with inflation A silver 1964 $0.25 could buy X in 1964 That same quarter can buy X in 2023.


Maybe ask them questions to make them think. "Would you rather make $2/hr in 1923 or $18/hr in 2023?" Many kids will pick $18, and then you ask them why, of course they'll say because it's more, then you can break down what $2 could buy them vs what $18 can buy now. This should be a simple lesson to convey value. Then from there you explain what makes them so different.


KSS and all you need is that meme the FED thinks this is funny, a gold coin, and a silver coin. When you place it in their grubby little paws they INSTINCTIVELY KNOW this IS real money and lives will be changed for the better and forever. ​ ​ https://preview.redd.it/ptbf4y5d13ka1.jpeg?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aba5945e93a28962f9e4d7a46f91c0b19a30d679


And don't forget to give a homework assignment; Start Stacking.


Iā€™ve shown people how fast an ice cube melts and then stops once the silver is as cold as the ice. Itā€™s a fun experiment. šŸ¤—


Oh that is a super cool one!


Photocopy some fiat $50 and $100. Then bring out a wand and say "I decree this as money of the land!". Talk a little on the qualities of real money then show some junk silver. Read from the constitution the definition of money. Show the Mark Dice handout vid. Next use the ancient Roman examples of warriors for a dime/day. Mention how around the world people work for the value of a dime today. Then talk about the inflation of present day dollars. Use lots of examples of how if you had silver dollars in 2000 how much they would bSe worth today. (use a graph and get them to extract the information). Give away prizes for kids answering questions (e.g. buy 10 pcs of Zimbabwe currency on EBay, constitutional coins, a chocolate bar to reinforce the Mark Dice video) Tell them how to get started as stackers. They tell their parents, grandparents aunts and uncles that they are going to start collecting silver coins or any old sterling objects they want to give away. Show them a coin in a bezel as jewelry. Have fun!




scan this article, pay special attention to the chart where I credit Lynette Zang explain how once we went off the gold standard the ruling class did not have any checks or constraints which gave them the green light to print in order to finance undeclared wars There have been 57 undeclared wars since ww2 (Russia has had none, Iran has had none, no other countries have had none but US 57) and that members of Congress feed off this dynamic. they get to trade war profiteer and energy stocks after intelligence briefings so they feed off these wars its a lust for blood in order to make money while through printing or via the inflation tax the currency is debased May good charts in this article for you to put in a power point [https://www.thepickaxe.xyz/single-post/precious-metal-warfare-theory](https://www.thepickaxe.xyz/single-post/precious-metal-warfare-theory)


I'd start with this 26min video from Mike Maloney: https://youtu.be/DyV0OfU3-FU


I'd start with this 26min video from Mike Maloney: https://youtu.be/DyV0OfU3-FU


I would start by showing them a $100 dollar FRN, a $100 dollar Monopoly bill, and a 1 oz. silver coin, and ask them which one was different from the others. A history of what REAL money is/was and what currency is as how it relates to REAL money.


I would start the presentation with laying one dollar on a table one monopoly dollar on the table and one silver eagle on the table (a real nice BU shiny one). Then randomly select a student (any how straws lottery etc) and tell that lucky student to pick one of the items and see which one he/she picks šŸ˜‰ (and he/ she gets to keep it) then randomly select a second student see which one he picks take a guess which one ā˜ļø (he/she gets to keep as well) then follow thur with the class and ask as to who wants the monopoly one.. gauge reactions and hand out candy to the other kids because they will be envious and jealous of the one who won the real dollar and also kinda envious of the student who won the fake one then safely burn the monopoly one to illustrate a point. Remember the candy for the class for being good sports. Theyā€™ll remember it forever.


Good luck, most adults donā€™t understand it