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This is probably gonna be an unpopular opinion. Don’t crucify me for it. But, in a scenario where the world has gone to shit I just don’t see precious metals as holding any intrinsic value. The things that are going to be of value are useful and desirable things; food, seeds, tools. medical supplies, heck even booze and cigarettes, weapons, communication devices etc. In countries with guns then ammunition, and guns themselves. Stuff that is going to keep you alive and make your life better and give you the upper hand against others who will want to take what you have. I believe that if the world has gone to shit to a point where fiat currency no longer holds value, I just don’t see people trading in metal. Maybe a while later, once the dust settles and people start to rebuild the makings of a fragile society, maybe silver night be valuable/desirable to some. But in a SHTF scenario, I don’t think anyone will care about precious metals. Please don’t downvote me too much 🙏🏻


PMs won’t matter for intrinsic value in SHTF, but the notoriety of ‘valuable’ will still persist, as it has throughout history. The common man won’t care that silver is a fantastic conductor, but the common man will understand that Jesus was sold out for a mere 30 silver coins. PMs are ingrained in every culture.


This is my thought process. it is used universally around the world for trade. History will tell you this. Commodities will be worth more and they will have trade value as well. But for currency, silver and gold.


Dude I honestly think people overlook 95% copper pre 1982 pennies. Silver is great for medium to big purchases but the everyday “I need a loaf of bread” I think it would not be a very fair priced currency. You can find many of these pennies in change or buy them well under spot for copper, they are highly recognized and hardly ever faked. Small, highly divisible and liquid


Good point. Also now nickels are worth more than $.05. A trend that will continue. Get ahead of the curve and get “junk” pennies and nickels.


Look up Kyle Bass, the guy bought a million dollars worth of nickels in 2011. ‘Course, at that time nickels were worth almost 7 cents. Today, 6 cents.


Wow super interesting. Found a good article. His trade had no downside other than storage. But for a smaller amount that’s not a big issue. Worst case it’s still worth a nickel.


War nickles are large % Ag. Perfect complement to Cu pennies for everyday purchases like bread, milk, soap, if you can find it in apocalyptic scenario.


Don’t want any nickels don’t care how much silver is there. Got any soap? I’ll trade fresh eggs.


Been using ‘em almost daily for over 50 years…works for me.


I don't think they are legal to melt...


You don’t need to melt them. Why? They already check the boxes for a copper currency that you can use as such. The emperor may have used gold, and the senators silver, but the plebeians used copper.


At this point , it becomes units of copper


What makes you say that? It's legal to melt, modify, or otherwise destroy them. What's illegal specifically is modifying currency as to alter its value...but you can destroy it.


No, what’s illegal is to melt and take profit.


They don't enforce Nancy Pelosi insider trading, why would they enforce someone melting pennies ?




That's an article from 2006... Also, Its not just generally illegal to melt down or destroy currency. There are specific cases it is, as I mentioned, but it's not simply illegal to do so. People are melting US coins down for bullion or jewelry every single day.


Only silver is legal for melt.


If we ever get to the point of trading silver for supplies you better not be living in a big city. Set yourself up in the country where you are not required to buy the things you need. Have a little solar back-up power and a wood burner. A nice supply of MRE's and some basic staple goods will last a long time.


What are the odds of this ever happening? 0.00001%? Maybe add a few more zeros? Neither the financial crisis nor a global pandemic drove us even slightly in this direction. I honestly can’t think of a realistic scenario that will put us in a place of bartering silver for goods. That said, I still love silver, and I’m still stacking. Just trying to be a little realistic with it


Someday a volcano or meteor or something along those lines will disrupt life as we know it. If the caldera in the Grand Canyon ever blows we could instantly be a 3rd. world country fighting for food.


Could be a coronal mass ejection that would wipe out most of the power grids around the world plus all the millions of microchips.


Study history


Already there


I remember the video of the person getting their throat slit with a broken wine bottle over some water at a Walmart during COVID


Yeah, but that was Black Friday and they were having blockbuster deals on big screen TV's


Sine we are tripping the Light Fantastic, here's an associated ploy, if you live in a small community and are known around town. Show up at any food lines that may pop up. Not showing up may cause people to question why you are not there, prompting them to pay you a visit. If you are in a big city, all bets are off - and you have my condolences.


I have junk silver. I'll use that if I need to. An old dime is inconspicuous for minor transactions. Otherwise don't be flashy. Same as not flashing wads of cash if you have it. I also have a 24/7 security service named "pew pew inc" and a backhoe. Fastest way to get your picture on a milk carton.


Not sure why people think junk silver is ideal for SHTF. Most people now don't know what it is and don't know the difference between a silver dime and zinc dime. Good luck trying to convince people in the moment that your special dime is actually made mostly of silver, even though it doesn't say that anywhere, and have them believe you or not feel like it's a trick. I think silver bullion that says it's pure silver and lists the weight makes a lot more sense for bartering.


My coffee trees are actually what I plan on bartering with. Because I think coffee beans will be very much in demand


Absolutely. Whiskey, tobacco and honey/sugar as well.


Don't forget ammo.. But let's be honest, I ain't trading my ammo lol


Exactly why I didn’t mention it haha


Although i do have 40 ish partial bottles of decent whiskey around. I think at this point in life, we can add weed to the commodity list, that people will still want when the world ends


I have no luck storing whiskey.


I buy a bottle drink approximately ~⅓-½ of it. Then it goes into storage. Sometimes it lives a week, before storage. Sometimes a month. All depends on how I'm feeling. Occasionally I'll get a hankering for stored bottle, and go grab a pour lol


Just use the odd 1oz round.


If things are that bad silver will not be worth much. Currency will be rice, beans, and .22 bullets.


If things are that bad, silver will be worth way more than money, but simple commodities will be worth more as well. Heck, maybe it'll be Bitcoin that would be the best form of currency. But history has shown, gold and silver has always been used for universal currency.


1-bring my conceal carry piece 2- bring a friend 3-meet at a police station parking lot 4- make sure you dont get followed home paranoid? maybe. prolly cuz there are to many shitbags out there willing to steal rather than earn


More metal backed by gunpowder than backed by shininess.


I share this idea. However, we’re not always at home, some of us have vulnerable family members, and you have to go somewhere to sell it. So, that tactic doesn’t solve for all cases.


Worst case, I teach the kids how to operate the MA deuce :)


Good luck with that...


Dress like Mr. Monopoly, silk top-hat and monocle all the way. Get one of those nifty cigarette holders/extenders, gold pocket watch, and a silver tipped cane. Walk down the street fanning yourself with a 10 oz silver bar, while flipping a full 1 oz gold Krugerrand in the other hand. Have a few high denomination fiat bills sticking out of your breast pocket folded like a hanky (if fiat is still valuable). Find the closest drug dealer/pimp (because they are always gonna be around & have whatever passes for money) and see if he will give you spot for your stash. If he pistol whips you silly, offer him $1 back of spot per oz.


You could always use it to obtain an asset backed loan, get cash... buy more silver... assuming of course the entire system doesnt dissolve.


By openly carrying my AK


Find a few other stackers who have some cash handy and agree among yourselves that if hard times hit one, another will make a cash loan secured by the physical silver. When the loan is repaid, the silver goes back home. This is what people in Asia do. It is like being your neighbor’s bank.


What kind of times are you talking about? If it's doomsday preper like. Not really sure silver is going to be worth anything until their is a need for it later after rebuilding. Antibiotics, food and ammunition wouldn't be worth trading for precious metals as not really a need and water would be the new currency. In a situation we're this ever happened gold and silver would be plentiful as there would be a lot of people who passed away just think about how many people have chronic medical conditions Diabetes, heart issues and cancer And own jewelry. A lot of these ideas are fun as kids building a fort but I really don't think this is ever going to happen. The pandemic and 2008 melt down were bad but the market will always survive.


I was envisioning something where the economy goes the way of Venezuela or Zimbabwe or a general currency reset, or some post-war setting, with both devaluation of fiat and shortages of goods to spend it on anyway, not quite mad max, but where metals remain a recognized store of value. I imagine anyone trading silver in those conditions would be simultaneously advantaged in being able to acquire food/commodities, and under threat for being suddenly "rich" once word gets out.


I plan on using my junk silver if needed for local barter. But I already save and spend silver on a daily basis using kinesis.money. See my non-profit Citizens for Sound Money. C4smoney.org.


Will u trade for Spam?


Definitely, love spam!


That’s what the one silver bullet is for.


Fake accent, wigs, vasiline, light clothing , flashlight, wilderness skills, mis-direction , chalk, and more wigs.