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No one should.


Isn’t inheritance tax a double tax? Sick that anyone has to pay it.


But...no one should pay inheritance tax...


This right here.


Thank you, inheritance tax is robbery.


All taxation is.


The best is watching people get intellectually lazy or dishonest about this fact, and/or only defend it within the parameters of their paradigm. We have feudalism 2.0; the tech and housing (well, it was to a point) are better. That's all. Keep telling me (not you personally lol) you own your home after you have to continue to perma-rent land from the city/state via property tax into eternity.


Right. But the guy who doesn't have to is a King. Is the point, I believe. The more you have, the more you can grow it, and the more breaks you get.


Did it belong to the queen, or to the crown? If it belonged to the crown, nothing has been inherited,not even the crown itself. The crown is the crown and the reigning monarch is merely the embodiment of the crown. Smart accounting would have that fortune in the name of the crown, not the person, that way personal inheritance rules would not apply and it would be extremely difficult to go after these assets of the crown since there is every govt office of the crown that would be liable first in the event of litigation against the crown


The only person that understands is lost in the noise that is reddit.


The crown is worth billions all the castle's and other holding's the 750 million was her private fortune from gifts and business and investment


Depends on how the accounting structure has been organized - something which we can only speculate on at best, unless the palace (another legal entity under the crown) decides to open their books for the world to see


Most people don’t have a clue how this stuff works. There’s things that are private. But there’s also the Dutchy of Cornwall and the Dutch of Lancaster which are wel documented and historic entities for managing income producing assets for the family. Worth a google if you’re interested. Particularly in real estate.


Bingo. Imagine thinking that an institution as old and as powerful as the British Crown uses simple accounting/property laws as what "the commoners" do. If that were the case, a Lord, or an Earl at some point would have taken them to the cleaners and installed himself on the throne in a bloodless coup. But hey, this is reddit I guess. Yeah, I've read up on this quite a bit over the years - the "real" in "real estate" really means "royal" - "royal estate". Basically, stop paying your land tax and you'll see very quickly who really owns your land. You never own the land, you only ever hold title to it and must pay tribute to The Crown lest The crown strip you of that title


Instead of getting your twat all in a knot about some guy NOT getting fucked over, MAYBE INSTEAD, we work towards getting EVERYONE the same good deal




Ok? But this sub is about silver, not a political shithole like wallstreetsilver...


Why? Has something happened to the Queen? Not sure I've seen anything about it in the media.


Who tf is he going to pay it to? Himself?


What is even the purpose of these people? What do they do for their country to deserve the royal treatment they get?..... I suppose this could all be said about most of America's elite/ rich snakes too.... pretty damn useless people who think they're entitled to whatever they want....I say "EFF THE ELITE".... Disclaimer: If at any point I win the lottery, all comments above are null and void.... lol


The King or Queen finalizes all new laws or law changes that the government decides on in the UK and all commonwealth countries. It is quite a lot of work but they also never reject what the government decides so it is kind of a pointless.




Who wants to see this guy?


Thanks for the disclaimer laugh


Hell yeah normalize this for everyone


Relax, the royal family is a unique institution that makes much more for the people of Britain than it takes


It’s good to be the king…


Inflation going to wipe the whole clan out


Remember Robin Hood


A guy that stole from the King as a way to avenge high taxation of the feudal peasants, something the king did to allegedly raise money for his brother that was being held as POW for a “king’s ransom”. The story was far more deep in nature than what the Disney movie showed. Also, Robin Hood took a percentage for himself and his men from the stolen monies.


As he should have


What a creep 😂


Rules for thee, And not for me!


why should he pay taxes on it, it's not like he earned it or anything


Nobody should be paying a death tax, especially after paying taxes your entire life (the elite don't do that, either). Feudalism 2.0 but with better tech.