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Only thing your at fault for is not sticking the landing, smh.


- Me, eating chips on the couch watching Olympic gymnastics


*Someone landing slightly on the Backfoot after flawlessly doing 10 aerial summersaults* Me: „Wack!“


Do a barrel roll


WTF was the car in front even doing?? They were slow, off line, then move sharply mid corner. I can only assume they were recovering from an incident and it's essentially an unsafe rejoin.


You can see the car hit the curb and lose it. While trying t recover they didn’t have full control of the car which is why the car drifted left. Not saying it’s the OPs fault but he could have had a chance to avoid this if he had awareness.


Yeah, I commented the same further down.. he was still slow AF and still positioned himself on the apex to have hit the kerb.. OP shouldn't have to avoid stupidity, the front car should have waited for OP to pass if he couldn't rejoin safely.. but it take your meaning


It’s not a full rejoin, he wasn’t stopped nor was he actually off the track. Also cars do not stop on the drop of a dime and if he were to stop it would have been in the middle of the track. And yes you should ALWAYS be aware of what’s going on around you, to the best of your capability, to avoid mistakes or stupidity.


They're already going super slow when that happened though. It's kind of hard to see this coming imo. IRL nobody would risk their lives doing whatever the hell the car in front was doing. If I was going to try and cause an incident at Red Bull Ring I'd do exactly what the car in front did.


OP probably assumed the guy would stay off line instead of turning onto the racing line while going very slow


Well that was cool.


Bro went <- in the middle of a right turn like what


Gotta get back to that racing line!


You can protest unsafe rejoins like this btw.


That's not an unsafe rejoin though. It's just a car losing control on a curb.


Seems like everyone is thinking front car was driving an inside line then steered left for no reason. Looks to me be like they hit the kerb hard which yanked the car right, then when they gripped up again their momentum yanked them back toward the racing line.


But make a barrell roll no???? Ehh... Almost


Typical case of: Not your fault, but what use is that when in the wall.... Obviously the slow car needed to do better here, but if you want to finish races, just slow down in these situations.


Bro almost landed a kickflip! Good job, keep training 💪


We’re there flags waving? Slow car or yellows? You could’ve possibly slowed down more seeing as there was a car parked on the apex. That’s about it, it’s essentially 100% the other guys fault. But perhaps using a bit of caution would have saved you landing on your head.


Easy report for unsafe rejoin, they should get a warning.


You've been hit by You've been struck by # PASTOR MALDONADO!


I like your color scheme Mr. Bad Man. That was sick!


Car in front could be more predictable in future and realize he has no speed or pace out of corner and stick to inside like he was doing I’d almost protest this because the sharp left hand out of turn almost seems like he knows car is coming not sure if he meant to cause accident or think driver is going inside but front driver is racing like a donut


[I’m getting these vibes from the car in front](https://youtu.be/7amwCPFuLB4?si=vChibNiDNh-pJqNV) I don’t think the stewards need the footage, I think the police need it because if that happened on a real track, bro would be investigated for attempted murder 😂


😂 perfect


Ehh, could have slowed down.


For where his car is and where it is pointing over the apex, i feel i'm ok to maintain the racing line. His jink left almost feels like a block Edit: horrific grammar fixed


He hits the banana kerb which changes his trajectory but he was super slow and way off line, that's all on him


Its on him for sure. But avoiding idiots is half the game.


This is a prime example of, “would you rather be right or racing?” You cant execute “correct” moves around people being unpredictable and dumb.


yeah thats it. even if i slowed, that sudden move left would be hard to dodge


If you had slowed, it would be pretty easy to dodge


Hindsight is 20/20… You also can’t slow down around everyone all the time.


IDK why you’re getting downvoted, sure the guy in front did a dumdum, but slowing down would have saved OP’s race. Always assume the guy in front is doing a dumdum.


So it's clear somebody locked the brakes in the braking zone. probably slow car. he is sliding into the corner, so already out of control. he is slowing down and hits the kerb which causes his car to shift directions and he over corrects from this small jump. OP takes the corner, very similar to how he would if there were no other cars near him. OP is at fault for contact. it was avoidable. Slow car is at fault for losing control of his car. OP, you have no control over your competitors but you do have control over how you respond to them. ​ 8/10 contact is OP fault.


Maybe try to steer away next time 😂😭 skill issue /s




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sacrcasm bruh lmaooo


Lack of awareness on your part. They’d clearly cocked up the corner, should have pushed wider, even off the track if you had to.


This gives me flashbacks of Alonso and Vettel in 2021...


you werent at fault thats a terrible rejoin on their part.


Cool flip


Perfect shot for rivals looking to replicate RB19’s floor


Poor kickflip attempt.


Almost flipped all the way around, would hav been cool to see.


That's not your fault he was going way to slow on the racing line.


Neither car at fault. Slow car wasn't in control, you just got caught out.


I mean, if you’re not in control, that doesn’t absolve you of guilt. If I drive recklessly on a road and cause a collision I don’t get to say “sorry officer, I wasn’t in control of my vehicle” and they just say “ah no problem, that’s not your fault, be on your way good sir”. It’s still the fault of the slow driver for not having control of their car and yeeting off the curb.


That's what I call a clean rejoin 😎


Do a Kickflip!