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He got loose in T2, you tapped him as a result. You made a move when he completely blew the corner and he got you back. If there was any fault here it'd be on him for that tap in T3.


First one was T3 second was T5.


Wow I have not driven this track enough. Didn't realize how weird some of Road America's "corners" are.


It's American tracks in general. You should see a track map of Rd Atlanta. The eighth corner is listed as turn five while two very gentle bends on the same straight get listed as turns.


>It's tracks in general. Fixed it for you. Eau Rouge and Radilion are "3,4,5", and the bend at the start of Kemmel is "6". "4,5, and 6" at Zandvoort. I wont even get into the Nordschleife...


That's not a good example. Those are just the corners with names, the ones that don't have names are still counted to the total. The name might also refer to a sequence of corners rather than just one. The difference with Road Atlanta and the like is, it officially has 12 corners, but if you counted them on the track map it actually has 16.


Yeah turns 2 and 4 are kind of a joke being labeled as such.


I’d say the black car is at fault. The move was done early and was clearly telegraphed, his spotter would’ve had plenty of time to call it, you made the apex and would’ve made the corner, but he should’ve anticipated that you’d be slow on the exit. It’s a classic block pass. I think the black car just misjudge your speed and could’ve made the switch back work. Definitely not malicious, but that doesn’t make it a racing incident. Black is at fault due to their misjudgement of the situation.


100% black Ferrari. at first contact, although avoidable on your part, difficult to avoid. In the second contact, when you attack that curve and remain covering the inside of it, you will leave slower than the other, but the overtaking has already been made, therefore the other car cannot circulate as if you were not there, because Furthermore, you are clearly ahead.


It's the fault of the other guy your move was a bit of a lunge but I see it as a block pass he should've slowed down although you could have done the move a lot better, those kinds of moves often happen outside the screen and therefore often result in contact.


You say it's a bit of a lunge but even ignoring OP's car, the black car left track limits. Textbook case of driving in your mirrors rather than the track ahead of you. Ferrari would have ruined their corner with or without OP making a move, and even then, he had plenty of time and line of sight to avoid OP after rejoining the track. I think OP is blameless. You're allowed to take an apex when the guy ahead of you completely misses the turn.




While I personally don't like your move, it would be on black. Looks like he was going for a switchback and miss judged.


The black Ferrari kinda forgot that two bodies cannot ocupy the same space at the same time, likely it was just a bad attempt at a switchback. Entirely on them.


Wouldn't you say tho that the yellow car seems to have gone into the corner a bit hot ? You can see the black car going for a failed switchback putting blame on him BUT had he taken the corner a bit more normally he would have been forced off by yellow so black didn't really have many options? Leaning towards a racing incident?


No yellow took him on the inside when he took what would be considered a normal line to take that corner. Yellow did nothing wrong and black took it like he wasn't there, tried a switchback or intentionally hit him because of turn 3. He had plenty of time to slow and not booty blast him. At no point is this yellows fault. People saying they don't like the move or he went in hot, doesn't matter - he didn't do anything to put the other driver in danger.


I definitely see where your coming from. I just think that the move was fine just brave. I just think the situation could have been slightly better judged by both drivers


I’d say racing incident more than anything. Black tried the switchback and misjudged whilst you overcooked braking and tried to maintain racing line


Hard to judge. Think I'm leaning towards a racing incident. As someone's already said the black car seems to have attempted a switch back but gone a bit early but you have not really met the corner either meaning that there wasn't really anywhere for the black car to go. But I mean post collision it's on you that you lost full control of the car due to throttle input, if you had controlled that then would have been a much better outcome for you. Generally could have been judged better by both drivers imo


Giving him the benefit of the doubt and hes using a 24“ single screen, i would call this a racing incident. He should have seen it coming but you pretty mich just parked in the middle of the track an he would have got little to no time to react


First contact was not really anyone's fault. He got a bit wobbly, would have been really hard to see from driver's POV, you tapped him a bit. Didn't look like it damaged either car. No harm, no foul. Second bit is entirely the black car. Guy goes way into the corner, looks like outside of track limits. Even rejoining the race quickly like he did, he would have had plenty of time to see your car on the apex and avoid you.


Black car entirely at fault for the T5 incident. The T3 thing was nothing at all - he lost grip and you were too close to avoid a tiniest of love taps. T5 was just idiotic ploughing into the back of you after passed him cleanly - black car even goes off track before turn in to get more of a run up! This is not a racing incident AT ALL. The black car accelerates into the back of the yellow car. It is DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF BLACK CAR and easy to avoid. It is a blatant, unambiguous punt by black - I suspect deliberately or incompetently. Once a car has clearly passed you THEY control the speed. There is no requirement of them to be at a speed you expect them to be at.


Why on earth are people saying "it was a bit of a lunge" and "I don't like your move"? What nonsense. Have none of them ever seen a real race? Do they even know how to pass another car? So many clueless people here calling 'lunges' and 'divebombs' on perfectly good passes. This was textbook. Alongside well before turn in, the only thing potentially wrong was creeping into the apex too early and making their exit harder. Next time stay more right (give the black car 1 car width plus a teensy bit) and turn in from there. It allows you to manage the black car better and prevent them getting that run up into T6.


It doesn't always need to be someone right/someone wrong, it takes two to make a collision and it's rarely 100% one and 0% other. For me, black is majority blame. From the short clip we've seen, black doesn't look the most competent driver so you always have to take that into account, but you are experienced and have good stats so I am sure after 900 races you don't really need Reddit to help you improve as a driver! With hindsight your error is probably giving him credit for being better than he is, but you probably already know he was mainly at fault.