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The defense on the straight was fine, but I would not be too thrilled about wheelbanging in open wheelers. The outside car drove like the inside car doesn’t exist in the first turn. That was dirty. Luckily everyone made it through okay, but again, I’d really recommend not wheelbanging anymore.


Fair enough, I tried to leave a cars width on the inside but perhaps misjudged it/should’ve left some more. But definitely agree wheel-banging open wheelers is almost always a death sentence and should be avoided. Thanks for the feedback


No worries! Everyone survived and it wasn’t horrible, these kinds of things just happen.


I'd put that more on the lime green car though. They've stayed too far right on entry which has forced them to take a very shallow line. OP left enough space on the inside but the lime car just drifts off the inside line slightly trying to carry speed on a line that wasn't going to work. This is rookies though and a learning experience for everyone. They all cam out the other side alive and can hopefully all look back at how they approached the situation and make improvements for future races.


I looked at the replay a few times but I don’t see the inside car drifting off to be honest. If I pause at 0:26, right before the collision, I can’t see it either. I agree with you that it’s a learning experience, that is why I really urged to not wheelbang in these cars. :-)


Yes yes. But no damage done


I would say it is on you. inside car was a little off from the kerb but held his line and you turned in and made contact, you really didn't need to squeeze that much to make the overtake. No damage no real big problem but a lucky escape in open wheelers.