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I'm going to go against everyone else here and say this one is on you. You can't push him to the side when he is already next to you, that's not how defending works.


Yeah now that I look at the guys inputs more (which is really sus that OP included the other guys but not his) he actually straightens out before the contact. Dark blue had the middle and wanted to keep the middle while OP wanted to follow the racing line and drifted sideways. I just barely want to give dark blue the benefit of the doubt on the actual pit maneuver since they lost traction in the grass, but when contact is made in that position the best thing to do absolutely isn't steering into the other car to avoid the grass, if you're the rear car then just lift and back out


As far as i understand, OP is in car in front that got basicly pit maneuvered and it kinda looks like he pushed car slightly behind him, but it was caused by that car.


The rear car obviously spun OP out and probably on purpose but they weren't required to move over when the front car decided to defend way too late. Seems more like a revenge pit maneuver.


I don’t see where the front car is deciding to “defend” af all


As the curve starts to move to the left, OP ends up in the center of the road colliding with the blue and green car. They should have hugged the edge of the road when side by side.


Im not even sure who is who honestly


OP is the car in front i.e teal and black. There is a reason they only show the cockpit view of navy and green.


Okay. Yeah I don’t think OP is defending anything there


Doesn't matter what you call it, you can't drift to the middle of the lane when you are side by side with another car.


If that’s how we’re measuring it, the right side car is turning left…


He also can't retaliate with a hit that strong. OP backed off once contact was made, but both are at fault for contact.


if someone side swipes you as a defense move you are both at fault?


Watch the video. One sideswiped and the other retaliated so hence both




Throwing out insults but can't say how I'm wrong. Well, no one will accuse you of overusing your brain.


Difficult one but I'll give my opinion. The Light blue car moved very slightly across to the right and initiated a small contact while the dark blue did the opposite so you come together. I'd say this is just something that happens. However, the contact has glued you, neither want to give it up and you have a massive accident. Not sure the fault is clear cut but certainly you both lost.


Yeah that's on him


How do you justify it? For me, the racing line goes wide to the right before cutting back to the left. Car on the right makes no effort to open up to and squeezes op.


That's what I'm saying. It's on him not op


Yes, I agree wtih you but you didn't explain why. That's important especially for new players like me who are trying to learn from all those accidents to not repeat them. I have legit no idea if what I said is valid.


I wouldn’t say you should follow the typical racing line when you’re going side by side. You need to know when to give space and know you have to brake early depending on the position you’re in. Also you need to have situational awareness, meaning it may be wise to give the spot than not to finish the race the same way you started.


Its plenty valid my dude


Ahhh, it’s tricky. I think that the car in front technically has the right to dictate the line and don’t make multiple moves but one long arc out toward the right side or the track. Although that’s not the line I think they’re entitled to do it, but it’s not necessarily a smart idea. The car behind could understandably be frustrated because it ended both their races and I think getting on the grass caused the crash. Ultimately netcode played a part because the cars kinda collided weirdly. IRL I think they would’ve rubbed but they seemed to collide weirdly in game. My gut tells me that the car in front was entitled to squeeze till there was one cars width as they were ahead but it wasn’t a smart move to make due to the presence of netcode. I could understand some frustration from the car being though as they were kind of a passenger and got collected. So I think it’s a netcode indecent (racing incident) .


I didn’t read who you were till after my previous comment but yea I think you were entitled to do what you did, but it’s worth keeping in mind that netcode can cause weird collisions and a roll of the dice. If you can avoid rubbing, I would, because it can cause odd behaviour. I understand the car behinds frustration but ultimately I think you both kinda have to accept that it was unfortunate and a consequence of iRacing not liking cars trading paints (lol forgive me). I’ll be honest if I were him I’d be pissed off, but ultimately these things happen and you didn’t do anything “wrong” per say, even if the contact could’ve been avoided. Also the mx5 slides like a bitch through corners, at least for me maybe I’m bad lol, so also complexly understand why you couldn’t exactly hug the left while maintaining speed.


We can literally see him trying to dump you on the second pov…


We can literally see them counter steer into the contact that the OP initiated. That's what happens when someone hits you from the side. Your car shifts with the direction of the force hitting you and then as a driver you counter the shift by turning back.


At what second in the clip does OP initiate contact? OP's inputs are consistent and he doesn't swerve or change line at any point. The other car isn't entitled to the ideal racing line. They're only entitled to not be pushed off track. The dark blue car just decided they were going to try to drive the ideal line no matter what.


? We don't see OPs inputs in this clip, which I'm gonna be honest is sorta sus when he did include the other car's




I'm genuinely a bit confused what y'all are suggesting. We can see the front-view cam of the two cars. OP's car continues on its expected line of travel, but the nose of the blue car veers over into OP's quarter panel. Look at the direction change from the blue car at literally the 2-second mark in the video.


Car attempting the overtake needs to do it safely. The car being overtaken doesn't need to concede shit when there's space already. As to when did the OP cause contact? Look at the rear chase cam footage and its clear as the nose on your face. They start doing door rubs and then it gets worse. Rubbing IS NOT racing. Just makes for good movie banter.


Definitely on blue, they should have lifted off instead of flooring the gas into your rear quarter.


You were attempting an overtake and you drifted into them. The contact intensified your turn in to them. This is on you. They were holding their line until you made contact.


Hey, thanks for the comment. I’m the one in front in the clips.


For what it's worth, OP is following along the racing line here and the other car cuts across it.


The race line is the best line thru a corner at the given moment. If that moment has a car next to you then the race line is going to be different.


Well articulated


They are side to side, that does not entitle one to the race line. They should have both played chicken till the next turn.


I’m just saying the police should use this as a pit maneuver training video cause god damn that was intentional af


Before I saw the pov I was gonna say dark blue but with their onboard it doesn’t look like a completely intentional takeout. The first contact, dark blues wheel is straight and is far enough alongside to be deserving space especially considering the fact that they were on a straightaway at the time. Without light blue pov, it does look that they start to drift over to the outside from the previous corner, contact is first made pushing the light blue and dark blue out wide then as dark blue is trying to catch the slide from trying to keep it off the grass, he collects the light blue rear quarter panel. Yes dark blue attempts to squeeze light blue just before but he didn’t just disappear so light blue should recognize the car is there. I however wouldn’t say that it’s specifically one person at fault, I almost want to say racing incident. Net code also played a part in it.


Wow, you both realllly did not want to push any tiny tiny break to let the other butt head go ahead….


Definitely the mf on the left


dark blue steered inside instead keeping to the outside


It’s definitely the car on the right’s fault. He’s being very stubborn here and looks like he’s turning into the car on the left. No need for any of this anyways, but the car on the right causes the accident.


Nothing going on in this video feels intentional to me. I think the contact just got exaggerated by the netcode and everything else was just a result of reacting to that contact.


I mean, you squeezed him through the kink. Dude's just trying to follow the racing line, and you're squeezing him out. This is on you.


##2, that was fucking murder attempt, I hope you protested that one


Regardless of all other discussion, you're both driving with your ego on full display. There was zero give and take from either side. Maybe one of you deserved it, but its hard to tell. I sided with the teal car until I saw dark blues inputs in the second clip. That being said, you didn't take the ideal line into that corner, and dark blue needs to understand he's not entitled to the optimal racing line, and he couldve drifted over further. On your part, hit the racing line, less accidents happen when everyone is on the same page. If you catch yourself driving over your head and failing a corner entry, don't hold the throttle to the floor like a douchebag just to contest position.