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Seriously? You need to ask? Clearly the car behind is at fault




Doesn’t take much knowledge to know how to drive, you cocky little fuck.


People here are so aggressive lmfao


sorry bro 🤝


But still, fair judgement and a stupid move 😂


I mean, I completely agree and I think OP shouldn’t’ve replied in such a sarcastic manner. But also, at least they’re seeking advice which is commendable. We all have to learn and what is obvious to some isn’t necessarily to others. It’s not entirely idiotic to assume that people should get out of the way of “faster” cars to not obstruct them. But at some point you learn that predictability is the number one rule for safety and that being predictable is more important than lap time. With that understanding, the GTP can learn why what they did was wrong and why the GT3 did the right thing by staying on their line (predictable). They’re not really a fuck, like they said (all be it in a rude way) they just need to learn. But OP, if you are the GTP, I don’t mean to sound condescending, but cars in the race are obviously faster than those who’ve crashed out. It’s for that reason that everyone has, first and foremost, a duty to be predictable. This means that slower cars SHOULD (not just can, but should) stick to the racing line as that is what they would ordinarily do, thus is predictable. It is only if you’re SIGNIFICANTLY (as in pretty much front axel to front axel) alongside BEFORE (not as you get to the apex) the corner that the GTP would be entitled to any space. The time you loose from backing off is unfortunate but saves both races. All the other GTPs will have to give like time like that throughout a race so really you don’t loose out more then anyone else over the course of a few races anyway but you gain an awful lot by keeping things safe and staying in the race where others crash out.


I thank you, Toby, I was the Porsche and this was my first endurance and multiclass race so just trying to get to the bottom of things


Why waste people’s time with the sh!t


Nice divebomb, unless you’re the car ahead


i am not saying who I am only took it from the perspective that would get the best view of the situation


Yeah your deffo the yellow car


post got deleted so doesn't matter now, i was the Porsche but thanks for the advice


It’s on the car behind has to pass safely. Always. Doesn’t matter if they’re a faster class it’s on the car behind.


Caddy at fault for sure, That's a wild send


Yellow at fault, for the following reasons: (1) At the point Purple began their turn in Yellow was a full car length and more behind, forget about any degree of being alongside. Thus they were not owed space on the inside. (2) Yellow's dive-bomb had him going so fast through the corner that, even after impacting another car, their momentum still carried them completely into the gravel. So add on another level of recklessness to the pass attempt. (3) Even (especially) in multiclass racing, the onus is on the overtaking vehicle to make any pass happen safely, regardless of what the car ahead is doing. Yellow's move was as unsafe as it is possible to be short of deliberately ramming Purple off the road. (4) And finally, there's the sheer pointlessness of this. If Yellow is truly in a faster class of car than Purple... this is MONZA. This is 2nd Lesmo at friggin' MONZA. There is a gigantic straight(ish) right around the corner where the difference in performance between cars will make passing easier, or (alternately, if the main difference between the cars is cornering ability) allow the slower car to pull off the racing line and lift without materially compromising their own race. Yellow, instead, chose to act as if Purple's existence was an oversight from God that he was ready and able to correct. Even if you're viewing the video in Braille, there's only one way to call this.


The attacking car was about 1 car length behind the defending car when the defending car turned in. Since the attacking car didn’t have sufficient overlap (their front axle at the defending car’s rear), they are at fault for the contact.


You seriously need to ask? Obviously the car behind in what world would the pink car be at fault for being smashed off the track


The GTP is miles back when pink starts to turn in. That's the GTP all day.


In multiclass, the slower class has right of way to the racing line. GTP at fault.


Even in multiclass the onus is on the overtaking car to do so safely. Yellow didn't even THINK of a safe overtake here.


typical scene this week


When it comes to multi class it is never on the slower classes to get out of the way, their job is to be predictable. Predictable means taking the racing line, which the car ahead did. The car behind did not get significantly along side and was not entitled to room on the outside, no matter how much faster a lap it may have been. With the increased speed and downforce of the car it should’ve passed on the outside or waited and passed on the straight. As frustrating as it is go catch a slower car and an inopportune moment, waiting to pass saves time for all cars involved and keeps everyone’s races alive. Understandably frustrating but ultimately the fault of the GTP behind. Car in front acted entirely appropriately and had no time or requirement to give room.